I • The Weather Serving the Stat. .:~/.=\ ~~ j ·FaIr alHI warmer tHa, University of Iowa r aad tolllrhl. Hlrh today, /~~~~~j. 15 to 11. LoW, t2 to 41 • Campul and •\. ~-w '~ lDel'fJUiD( cleudlneu aD' ~~ '- ." tj~f Iowa City owan ,\~: ., ".... \~ ceDtlDUeti mUd Su",• • .a,... ,,-, AP Leased Wir., Wirephoto - Five Centl Iowa City, Iowa, Saturdoy, April 9, 1955 c:~~ ----~--~--------------------~~~ -----------~~------------------------~------------~~----~~-- e e e , IS U II or favorable Report Spring-Ah, 'Tis a Joyous Time of the Year for a Yo ung Fisherman But ~aae~ From Trip to P&G · Won't Cite A I:cport of a trip taken by L3 Any 'Examples Iowa CHians and Gov. Leo A. rates Iowa City hIghly as a pros- 800gh to Cincinnati, Ohio, Wed- pective site, but has not made a WASHINGTON (Il') - Presi­ nesday and Thursday as guests decision on locating here. dent Eisenhower feels that some o! the Procter and Gamble com- technical military secrets have pany indicated that the firm Th\1 report was made by Harry been "made available to the en­ * * * B. DunLap Jr., wilo saip the I!ro u~ found the Cincinnati plant it emy" by publication In this country, his press secretary said II s of lOllred exceptionally clean and Friday. with every indication of favor- Dela I able employc-manager relation- Secretary James C. Hagerty said the Prcsldent Is dLsturbed by the situation. P& G Plant s~~lap said he was "shocked" Hagerty refuud to cite speci­ at petitions em.:ulated Thursdo' fic examples on the around that among University of Iowa facul- it might be of further help to ty memUcrs which opposed the an cnemy. Revea Ie d proposed plant "on the basis of ' Rapo..e T. A.-ileae The 14 men from SUI, Iowa Icurrently available information." Hagerty described Eisenhow­ City and the state who visited Wa~er, Air Pollution . er's feelings on the subject in Procter & Gilmble's headquar- The petitions expresscd con· response to a request for com­ ters in Cincinnati brought back cern over the possibility 0 ment on a publlshed report tblll specific details of the proposed "water and air pollution frorr the President "is deeply con­ plant Friday the plant and olher possible as· cerned. OVer what he 'regard$ as The report was given at a pects which would make IOYle an excessive flow of military in­ Chamber of Commerce cofIee City a less desirable place in formation from this country to session Friday morning. which to live and work." the Soviet Union." Those who took the trip said Dunlap said the only odon The article, by Waller Keer In P&G officials said the company noted by the group at the Cln­ thc New YOlk Herald-Tribune, wanted a plant simHar to a drug einnati plant were those of pep­ (D.Ur , ...... Plio'., b, I\rl. I .......") said the President beHeves that LARRY OMANN, 10.5 MuaeaUne road, asillden. at luntor hl,h !lChool, takes a bl, bite out of an Ice TJ:IE ICE CREAl\l III suddenly lor.. otlen 88 his rod bends and &be plant bull~ in Cincinnati In 1947. permint used in toothpaste while Soviet techpicians may be oream sundae 15 be walts for a nsh to bite Frtday atternooa. LarrJ was flsb.I.'" wUh a friend Bill Une swl.s whlrrln .. out. LaITY JwnlJll to hili feet &0 siart the baUle aware of mjlny developments In To Bertn Work In May flavoring and perfume used in Zaehmeyer, Z3%V:! S. Dubuqlle, near &be Hy.raultes la.boratory. Larr, I, probably wonderll1lr It the with his unseen oPpOnent. His balt-the a,e-old friend of the It was reported that the first shampoo. this country, they otten are un­ fish are ever rolnt &0 re~ to his Une as several nearb, fi&hermen are dolor aU rt,ht. fisherman-an BnI'Je-worm. work on the proposed plant There were no indications of able to influence thcir political wouid start nex't month with op- smoke, he added. leaders. erations to begin in about a year. Hcncc. ~he reasoning gocs, the SUI President Virgil M. Han­ Fair, Warm information may lle dormant In The proposed plant would )C cher, who accompanied the grour :An Easter · some technical report until built on one floor, approximately to Cincinnati, made 'no . direc' MacArthur's. .; 600x300 fee t. The pIlmt bullt in brougtlt to the a tlention 01 Rus­ comment on the petitions circu· For Easter sian poll\ical leaders ,bY . being 1947 in Cincinnati is a four-story lated among some faculty mem· Chat f,om building. published, commented upon, and ibers, View To Be · Weekend " dl scussctl by radio ,nd television The decision on where to lo­ Issues Statement Dad to Son reporters In this country. cale the plant has not yet 'been He issued a statergent Frida) Eastcr this ycal will bc greeL­ Ooaneetl_ With Wilson? made. which said in part: "I, personal­ By GEORGE W. CORNELL ed by truc spring wel:\ther in Hagerty le(usCd repeatedly to One official said that the com­ ly, and as a University of Iowa Released NEW YORK (IP)-.A Ghristian Iowa City. say whether lhl!re was any con­ pany wants to acquire about 75 The forecast Is to r high tem­ nection between Eisenhower'S acres on which to build the plant. official, have al ways viewed witI' WASHINGTON (IP) - Infor­ dad's Easter chat with his son: some concern the possibility of a U you ever understand the big peratures in the 70's today and vlows and the rigid new infor­ It has been reported that 63 acres large industry coming to low? mation bearinll on the hot ques­ riddle, son, you'll .00 a better Sunday. Fair skies arc predicted mation control directives sot up of land have been pur<:hased on C.lty because jt would. change the Lion whether Gen. Dougias Mac­ man for it. {Ol' both days. on March .30 bl...,:Sccretary of Lowell- •.MlU;eaUne road, -lIbout unique character of our com· Arthur wa nted Russia in the Pa­ Not many IPcople really -do. The cnUtc nation enjoyed Defcnse Charles E. ",ilson. three-fourths of a mlle southeaSt sunny ski es and light winds Fri­ munity." cHic war in 1945 will be l'Jlade They talk about it a lot, and get The White House secretary ot the city. However, no an­ He concluded by saying, "After taInt glimmers. But usually they day. Jowa was no exception. said hc wanted to stress that his nouncement hall ,been made by public, the defense depart{Tlent visiting with the company's man­ bog down in words. Th e Hawkeye state tempera­ rcmarks about how the Presi­ Procter & Gamble that this land agerial group In Cincinnati and said Friday. Words somcti.mes aren't ,much tures Jumped (rom sub-freezing dent (eIt wc:rc "not intended as bas becn ,bougHt by the company. becomIng acquainted with thel! Whether t~ material from good. They mean dlMerent things lows In the morning to the 60's a reprimand to any Individual Parkin, Facilities and 70's. Warm southwesterlY general policics J feel that Proc­ the Pentagon tiles will seUle the to dillerent people. And tM or dcpartment." The official said that the com­ worid's so full of words, the old winds accompanied the rJse 'in ter and Gamble's coming to IOW2 contloversy Is not known. A dc­ 'mttue Matter' 'Pany wants at least 75 acres for City would be a distinct asset to phrases wear thin. the mercury. Hc said the Wilson directives adequate parking facilities and the community." fen s e department stalement The temReraturc In Iowa City were "cntitely a 'defense depart­ recreational areas for company Robert G. Stevenson, chairman merely said the material will be That's why it's so hard to gel jumped from a chilly 29 in the ment matter," which he was not employes, Including company of the Chamber of Commerce in­ "relevant." inside the riddle. You <:an't ana'ke morning to a I>i.gh of 68 in thc going to discuss. He added: basebail fields. afternoon. dustrial development committee. C. Herschel Schooley, depart­ it out 'by Just leading about it, "I think I could say this: The A company representative said sa id the firm has been checkinp or reciting sentences, or breaking The Iowa high was recorded at President nevcl' has believed In the plant would employ about and double checking Iowa Citv ment information chief, said he it down into equations and tor­ Sioux City, whero the mercury censorship of legitimate neW3. 170 persons, about 35 being com­ for many weeks. could not sei a definite date for mulas. You have to dig for it un. hit 71 degrees. At his pleBS conference and in pany-trained men. The remain­ Ddalled FI(ures •he reLease ot the Information. til it hurts. Thc Lows this morning were his executive order on sccurlty der 'Would be ptovided by Iowa forecastcd to be above the [reez­ "Their executives by this time In a statement, the department Down at the church and Sun­ matters he has expressed that City and about one-halt ot these day school, they're .goin~ to 'be ing marks. They were to range belief and hils transiated it into have the most detailcd figurcs on said it is "expeditiously" looking would be women. our school facilities, housing, or­ teillng !tbout it this weekend. [rom 42 to 46 degrees, aclion. Gleem toothpaste, Shasta, Prell ganizations and utilities. They over documents, In view of re­ They always do at Eastertime.
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