VETERANSVETERANS FORFOR PEACEPEACE Organized locally. Recognized internationally. 2013 VFP Convention, August 7—11 SUMMER 2013 Madison, Wisconsin POWER TO THE PEACEFUL Doug Rawlings The 28th annual convention is forthcoming e-mail blasts for further poets share their work. Light refresh- shaping up to be an exciting power- developments. ments will be served. packed few days of local, regional, TENTATIVE PROGRAM Late Wednesday: we begin our and national speakers willing to en- convention documentary film series. gage you in a dialogue about how we Tuesday , August 6th Even before the convention offi- Whenever possible, major players in in Veterans For Peace can affect our the making of the films will be present. communities in our quest to abolish cially begins, VFP's Madison chapter has invited our Executive Director, Keep your eye on the website for fur- war. Mike Reid, and our Board President, ther details. We chose Madison because of its Patrick McCann, to address the Hiro- deserving reputation as a city of activ- Thursday, August 8th ists who know how to take a stand for shima and Nagasaki Lanterns for 9am—4 pm: Registration. Please justice. We chose the unionized Con- Peace event in nearby Tenney Park. register and pick up your registration course Hotel in downtown Madison You won't want to miss this if you're in the area. packet. as soon as you can Conven- because it served as a major gather- tion T-shirts will be available at the ta- ing point for Wisconsin's working peo- ble. ple as they battled against Governor Wednesday, August 7th Walker's anti-labor power grab. We All day: VFP's national board of 9:30am: Opening Plenary. The chose the theme of Power to the directors meet . Open to all mem- Madison VFP chapter hosts will be in Peaceful because it reflects VFP's bers. full force to welcome you to the con- commitment to nonviolent direct activ- Registration opens mid- vention. Speakers will include Mike ism. We chose the array of speakers afternoon. Wiggins from the Bad River tribe, ac- and entertainers because they have companied by tribal drummers to kick Evening:: informal reception at off the convention; Madison Mayor proven their commitment to the the hotel hosted by Mike Reid and peaceful transformation of our world. Paul Soglin who will present the key to Patrick McCann. Light refreshments the city to VFP; David Newby, founder And now we ask you to join us in ear- available. ly August as "Mad-town" opens its of U.S. Labor Against the War, will doors to Veterans For Peace. Night:: the vibrant local speak about the connection of the la- Here is a working blueprint for bookstore A Room of One’s Own will bor movement and the anti-war move- your convention. Although all of the host VFP's annual convention poetry ment; and Mike Reid and Patrick speakers and entertainers listed be- reading. VFP poets and local peace McCann will provide us with VFP's vi- low have committed to coming to Madison, we are still tying up loose IN THIS ISSUE: ends and juggling timeframes. All ac- tivities listed below will take place in President & ED Reports ..3 Vietnam Peace Tour………..6 the Concourse Hotel unless indicated otherwise. Once you have made your National Office News .......4 Chapter Reports …….…......8 decision to join us, you should keep an eye on our national website and St. Pat’s Peace Parade ….5 Poetry ……………….….….18 sion for the future. More speakers to be announced later. So You Say You Want a Resolution Noon: brown bag documentary film series begins. Film TBA. Bob Krzewinski 1:00pm: Five workshop options. Creating VFP Policy Though Resolutions 3:00pm: Five workshop options. One part of democracy in Veter- protocols make sure, among other Evening: Activists Speaking Out ans For Peace is the ability of a things, that resolutions don’t repeat event, beginning with Nick Turse's member to submit resolutions on already-approved resolutions, ad- discussion of his recent book Kill Eve- VFP policy and have them enacted dress funding of projects, and clarify rything That Moves about atrocities in into the official positions of the or- who does any work required of a res- Vietnam that demonstrates how in- ganization. The process is pretty olution. depth research can contribute to our simple where every spring/summer a For 2013, proposed resolutions work against militarism and war. period is open to submit resolutions should be submitted to the Chair of Warning: this will be a graphic and with a deadline of 30 days prior to the Resolutions Committee, Bob hard-hitting presentation. Also, John the annual national convention. At Krzewinski by email at wolver- Peck and John Kinsman, leaders of the convention resolutions are dis- [email protected] or mail your pro- the Family Farm Defenders move- cussed with possible recommenda- posal to Bob Krzewinski, 706 Dwight ment who are actively involved in or- tions, then sent out to the member- Street, Ypsilanti, MI 48198. The dead- ganizing farmers and other citizens ship for a binding vote. line is July 7, 2013. against the "corporatization" of our It should be noted, however, that For more information, including food sources. Interspersed through- a fair amount of work is required by resolution protocols and a listing of out the evening will be the songs of those submitting a petition, namely resolutions currently in effect, visit Ryan Harvey, a young activist musi- following a set of resolution protocols vfpnationalconvention.org and click cian from the Baltimore who carries a established over the years by the on the “Resolutions & By-Laws” link. strong anti-war message with him. VFP Resolutions Committee. These Local peace activists will be present- ing their work at various tables around the ballroom. an opportunity for you to provide treasurer's report, the Executive Direc- Late Thursday: Film TBA. feedback. Copies of the plan will be tor's report, discussion of proposed available at the registration table. resolutions and by-law amendments. Friday, August 9th: 3:00pm: plenary. Environmen- Later afternoon: Peace Parade 9:00am Five workshop options. tal activist Diane Wilson recounts through the streets of Madison - invit- 10:30am : 5 workshop options. her strategies and successes; ing Madison's Raging Gran- peace activist Kathy Kelly on her nies, the Forward Marching Band, and Noon: brown bag documentary many, many journeys into war the Solidarity Sing along troupe to film series continues. zones to bring a message of peace lead us down State Street. 1:00pm: VFP Board hosts a dis- and reconciliation; and Vietnam vet- Night: Buses to take us to the cussion of VFP's newly minted Strate- eran, lifetime peace activist and au- University of Wisconsin – Union South gic Plan. This plan has been in the thor, Brian Willson's words of wis- to hear more inspiring speeches, mu- works for over a year, as board mem- dom about organizing against the sic and poetry. Presenters include bers have crafted a working docu- planet-destroying forces of Ameri- Brian Willson, perhaps Ron Kovics, ment to guide VFP actions throughout can imperialism. spoken word artist Misty Rowan from each year. The Board welcomes you Friday evening: VFP Banquet. Minneapolis, folksingers Jim Walkten- to this forum that will include a ra- One of the keynote speakers this donk and Jason Moon. Jason is a tionale for the plan, a discussion of evening will be the indefatigable Wisconsin VFP member who has specific visions within the plan, and Kathy Kelly. She will be joined at the worked extensively with homeless podium by Matt Rothschild, editor veterans, and NEWSLETTER STAFF of The Progressive magazine, radio Jim is a nationally known Vietnam show host and author of You Have veteran singer-songwriter. To bring Chuck Rossi, Editor No Rights: Stories of America in an the evening to a close, we'll move Contributing Editors: Age of Repression . Some good back the tables and hit the dance John Grant, music will round out the evening. floor. Madison folks guarantee us that Will Shapiro Late Friday: film TBA. the band will appeal to all ages. Editor-At-Large: Late Saturday: last of documen- W.D. Ehrhart Saturday, August 10th: tary film series. Film TBA. 9:00am: Annual business meeting, beginning with a recogni- Sunday, August 11th: NEXT NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: tion of our fallen, led by Minnesota We conclude the convention with a VFP Chapter 27's 11-piece chime morning tribute to Lincoln Grahlfs, one SEPTEMBER 22, 2013 ringers. The meeting includes the of VFP's most well-loved members, 2 President’s Report Patrick McCann There’s a lot of work going in VFP (‘Planned Giving” and a Major Donor We've travelled to New York City and as we enter spring 2013! VFP mem- Drive) - to add to current options of Ukiah (Northern Californial) together, bers are organizing against drones, being a regular sustainers and/or life and to Boston, Philly, and Raleigh building the June 1st Bradley Man- -time member. separately. We expect to be in New ning rally at Fort Meade (MD), pro- The VFP convention takes place York City, Kansas City, Atlanta, Indi- testing the Bush Library in Dallas, August 7-11 in Madison (WI).We anapolis, Madison, and Southern attending numerous “Bring the War hope you can attend! VFP chapters California by summer's end. We wish $$ Home” rallies. and trying to find a greatly aided last year’s Miami con- to attend chapter meetings to hear way to show our deep love and re- vention by buying ads for the con- your activities and ideas, share spect for Tomas Young and others vention handbook .
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