NEW ACQUISITIONS - SEPTEMBER 2021 BOOKS GENERAL FICTION Call No. Author Title F ABBOTT, M Abbott, Megan E., 1971- The turnout : a novel F ADAMS, S Adams, Sara Nisha The reading list : a novel F ADLAKHA, S Adlakha, Sarah She wouldn't change a thing F AHMED, N Ahmed, Nawaaz Radiant fugitives : a novel F AIRGOOD, E Airgood, Ellen Tin camp road F ALDERSON, K Alderson, Kaia Sisters in arms : a novel of the daring black women who served during World War II F ALDERTON, D Alderton, Dolly Ghosts : a novel F ALEXANDER, J Alexander, Jennet I kissed a girl F ALLAIN, S Allain, Suzanne Miss Lattimore's letter F ARMSTRONG, A Armstrong, Addison The light of Luna Park F ASHENBURG, K Ashenburg, Katherine Her turn : a novel F ASWANI, A Aswānī, ʻAlāʼ, 1957- The republic of false truths F AWAD, M Awad, Mona All's well F BAILEY, A Bailey, Anna, 1995- Where the truth lies : a novel F BAKER, C Baker, Chandler The husbands F BARTZ, A Bartz, Andrea We were never here : a novel F BILLINGHAM, M Billingham, Mark Rabbit hole F BLAKEMORE, A Blakemore, A. K., 1991- The Manningtree witches : a novel F BROWN, A Brown, Amy Belding Emily's house F BROWN, S Brown, Sandra, 1948- Blind tiger F BURKE, J Burke, James Lee, 1936- Another kind of Eden F BUSJEET, V Busjeet, Vinod Silent winds, dry seas : a novel F BUSSI, M Bussi, Michel The double mother F CHIN, Y Chin, YZ Edge case F CHIZMAR, R Chizmar, Richard T. Chasing the boogeyman : a novel F CHOI, Y Choi, Yoon Skinship : stories F COES, B Coes, Ben The island F COLLINS, M Collins, Megan, 1984- The family plot : a novel F CONFINO, S Confino, Sara Goodman For the love of friends : a novel F COOK, R Cook, Robin, 1940- Viral F CORTEZ, J Cortez, Jaime Gordo : stories F COULTER, C Coulter, Catherine Vortex : an FBI thriller F DAVIDSON, A Davidson, Ash Damnation spring : a novel F DAWSON, M Dawson, Maddie The magic of found objects : a novel F DE ROBERTIS, C De Robertis, Carolina The president and the frog F DOUGLAS, C Douglas, Claire Then she vanishes : a novel F EDWARDS, L Edwards, Louis, 1962- Ramadan Ramsey : a novel F ELLIOT, L Elliott, Lexie How to kill your best friend F FAYE, L Faye, Lyndsay The king of infinite space F FEITO, V Feito, Virginia Mrs. March : a novel F FERGUSON, S Ferguson, Sarah, Duchess of Her heart for a compass : a novel York, 1959- F FIELDING, J Fielding, Joy Cul-de-sac : a novel F FRASER, A Fraser, Anthea. The ties that bind F GARZA, A Garza, Amber, 1977- Where I left her F GROSSMAN, D Grossman, David More than I love my life F GUHA, P Guha, Puja Sirens of memory : a novel F HARDING, R Harding, Robyn The perfect family F HARMS, K Harms, Kelly The seven day switch : a novel F HARRIS, N Harris, Nathan The sweetness of water F HARRISON, N Harrison, Nicola, 1979- The show girl F HAWKER, O Hawker, Olivia Rise of light : a novel F HEALEY, J Healey, Jane, 1986- The Ophelia girls F HELLER, P Heller, Peter, 1959- The guide : a novel F HOWARD, C Howard, Catherine Ryan 56 days F ISAKA, K Isaka, Kōtarō, 1971- Bullet train : a novel F JARFARI, S Jafari, Sara The mismatch : a novel F JEFFERS, H Jeffers, Honorée Fanonne, 1967- The love songs of W.E.B. Du Bois : a novel F JENG, S Jeng, Sarah Zachrich The other me F JONES, S Jones, Sandie The guilt trip F JONES, S Jones, Stephen Graham, 1972- My heart is a chainsaw F KHOURY, A Khoury, Angel Ellis, 1954- Between tides : a novel F KING, S King, Stephen, 1947- Billy Summers : a novel F KLEEMAN, A Kleeman, Alexandra Something new under the sun : a novel F LANGE, T Lange, Tracey We are the Brennans F LARKIN, A Larkin, Allie The people we keep F LAURENSTON, S Laurenston, Shelly Breaking badger F LEFTERI, C Lefteri, Christy, 1980- Songbirds : a novel F LEWIS, P Lewis, Preston Rio Bonito F LUCHETTE, C Luchette, Claire, 1991- Agatha of Little Neon F MARCOTT, L Marcott, Lindsay Mrs. Rochester's ghost : a thriller F MCCONAGHY, C McConaghy, Charlotte Once there were wolves F MCKINLAY, J McKinlay, Jenn Wait for it F MCPHERSON, C McPherson, Catriona, 1965- A gingerbread house F MCQUEEN, L McQueen, LaTanya When the reckoning comes : a novel F MOORE, T Moore, Taylor Down range : a novel F MORENO- GARCIA, S Moreno-Garcia, Silvia Velvet was the night F MOYES, J Moyes, Jojo, 1969- Night music F MURPHY, J Murphy, Julie, 1985- If the shoe fits F MURRAY, S Murray, Sabina The human zoo F NGAMIJE, R Ngamije, Rémy The eternal audience of one F OATES, J Oates, Joyce Carol, 1938- Breathe : a novel F O'NEAL, B O'Neal, Barbara, 1959- Write my name across the sky : a novel F PARIS, B Paris, B. A. The therapist F PARK, S Park, Suzanne So we meet again : a novel F PARKER, L Parker, Lucy Battle royal : a novel F PASTAN, R Pastan, Rachel In the field : a novel F PATTERSON, J Patterson, James, 1947- The noise F PEARCE, A Pearce, A. J. (Amanda-Jane) Yours cheerfully : a novel F PRESTON, D Preston, Douglas J. Bloodless F ROBERTS, B Roberts, Bethan, 1973- My policeman F ROUF, K Rouf, Ketty. No touching F SANTLOFER, J Santlofer, Jonathan, 1946- The last Mona Lisa : a novel F SAYRAFIEZADEH, S Sayrafiezadeh, Saïd American estrangement : stories F SCHAFFERT, T Schaffert, Timothy The perfume thief F SLIMANI, L Slimani, Leïla, 1981- In the country of others F SO, A So, Anthony Veasna, 1992-2020 Afterparties : stories F SPURR, E Spurr, Emily A million things F STAGE, Z Stage, Zoje Getaway F STEEL, D Steel, Danielle Complications : a novel F STEVENS, C Stevens, Chevy Dark roads F STEWART, G Stewart, George R., 1895-1980 Storm F TALICK, C Talick, Carrie Beware the mermaids : a novel F VASQUEZ, J Vásquez, Juan Gabriel, 1973- Songs for the flames : stories F WARREN, M Warren, Mark, 1947- Indigo heaven F WILLETT, M Willett, Marcia The garden house F WILLIAMS, S Williams, Shanora The perfect ruin F WOODS, S Woods, Stuart Class act MYSTERIES Call No. Author Title M F ALLEN, M Allen, Meri The rocky road to ruin M F ANDREWS, D Andrews, Donna Murder most fowl M F ARNALDUR INDRIDASON Arnaldur Indriðason, 1961- The darkness knows M F BLAKE, E Blake, Elizabeth Death & sensibility M F BOND, V Bond, Veronica Death in Castle Dark M F BRUNS, C Bruns, Catherine It cannoli be murder M F BURDETTE, L Burdette, Lucy A scone of contention M F BYRON, E Byron, Ellen Cajun kiss of death M F CARL, J Carl, JoAnna The chocolate raccoon rigmarole M F CASTILLO, L Castillo, Linda Fallen M F CLAUDEL, P Claudel, Philippe, 1962- Dog Island M F DAY, M Day, Maddie No grater crime M F DENNISON, H Dennison, Hannah Danger at the cove : a mystery M F DUNNETT, K Dunnett, Kaitlyn Murder, she edited M F ELLIS, M Ellis, Mary, 1951- 100 Proof murder M F FLORIO, G Florio, Gwen, 1955- The truth of it all : a novel M F HECHTMAN, B Hechtman, Betty, 1947- One for the hooks : a crochet mystery M F HIRAHARA, N Hirahara, Naomi, 1962- Clark and Division M F JOHNSTON, P Johnston, Paul, 1957- A deeper shade of blue M F KEOWN, A Keown, Audrey Dust to dust : an Ivy Nichols mystery M F KIES, T Kies, Thomas Shadow Hill M F KRUEGER, W Krueger, William Kent Lightning strike : a novel M F LUNNEY, T Lunney, Tessa Autumn leaves, 1922 M F MALDONADO, I Maldonado, Isabella A different dawn M F MAXWELL, A Maxwell, Alyssa Murder at Wakehurst M F MILLER, M Miller, Michele W. Gone by morning : a novel M F MULLER, M Muller, Marcia Ice and stone M F O'CONNOR, C O'Connor, Carlene Murder in Connemara M F PARKS, A Parks, Alan The April dead M F PENNY, L Penny, Louise The madness of crowds M F ROSE, K Rose, Karen, 1964- Say goodbye M F SCHAFFHAUSEN, J Schaffhausen, Joanna Gone for good M F SILVIS, R Silvis, Randall, 1950- When all light fails M F SLAUGHTER, K Slaughter, Karin, 1971- False witness M F TRINCHIERI, C Trinchieri, Camilla The bitter taste of murder M F TROW, M Trow, M. J. The knight's tale M F WALKER, M Walker, Martin, 1947 January The coldest case : a Bruno, Chief of Police novel M F YRSA SIGURDARDOTTIR Yrsa23- Sigurðardóttir. Gallows Rock SCIENCE FICTION & FANTASY Call No. Author Title S F BELL, M Bell, Matt, 1980- Appleseed : a novel S F BOVA, B Bova, Ben, 1932- Neptune S F CHO, Z Cho, Zen Spirits abroad : stories S F DEWES, J Dewes, J. S. The exiled fleet S F HAMILTON, L Hamilton, Laurell K. A terrible fall of angels S F HEARNE, K Hearne, Kevin Paper & blood S F HEWITT, D Hewitt, Deborah The rookery S F KADREY, R Kadrey, Richard King Bullet S F KLUGER, J Kluger, Jeffrey Holdout : a novel S F MADSON, D Madson, Devin We cry for blood S F MALAN, V Malan, Violette The Godstone : a novel S F PALMER, S Palmer, Suzanne The scavenger door S F PENELOPE, L Penelope, L., 1978- Requiem of silence S F PERCY, B Percy, Benjamin The ninth metal S F ROCHA, K Rocha, Kit The devil you know S F SALVATORE, R Salvatore, R. A., 1959- Starlight enclave : a novel S F SWORD Sword stone table : old legends, new voices S F TCHAIKOVSKY, A Tchaikovsky, Adrian, 1972- Shards of earth YOUNG ADULT FICTION Call No.
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