Eastern Illinois University The Keep December 2005 12-9-2005 Daily Eastern News: December 09, 2005 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2005_dec Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: December 09, 2005" (2005). December. 7. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2005_dec/7 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 2005 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in December by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. "TeO the truth and don't be afraid." SPORTS + Men's basketball takes OYC opener into OT: page 1 2 FRIDAY DECEMBER 9 2005 ltVLUAIE~ /SSU£71 thedailyeattemnews.com Eastern Illinois University, Charleston J•v C aAatEc/THE CWLY EASTERN N~ A croup of students plaJ'Id In an lmpromptl " Snow Bewt" came Ia the South Qaad Thursday afteraoon. AI estimated five iwcbes of now fell Thunday. First week of December Cold forces search brings unexpected snow for winter entertainment BY LAURA GRIFfiTH was 22 degrees ac 7 p.m. and continued to Eric McGee, a freshman computer informa­ ASSOOATf NEWS EDITOR decline as the nighr wcnr on. STAFF RFPO RffR tion systems major, saki his first priority is to The average temperarure during the past gear up for the cold weather. A weddong low in temperatures for the firsl week was 18 degrees, 17 degrees colder than the Wuuer leaves Eastern srudentS searching for He said dressing properly for him includes week in December ended Thursday with an normal temperarure chis time of the year, said ways to gee prepared for the cold and new ways Tunberland boots and a good Carham coar. estimated five inches of snowfall that caught local climatologist Dalias Price. to keep busy and entertained. "None of that Wal-Man sruff." he said. many off" guard. With winter's early onset during the past few According to wcather.com, the remperarure SEE SNOW PAGF 7A days, srudents need to Start thinking. SE~ WINTER PAC!: 7A l s Rogers pushing for additions Michael Domani' s opens, to expand community senrice replaces E.L. Kracker's BY Awe H ARRIS Desired improvements BY AMY SIMPSON was rurned over to new owners, Michael Boksa STAFf RlPOKTER NfWSEnllOR and Michael Corray. 'Y Employ on-campus office "There's not an inch ofthis building that has­ Eastern Illinois University's community T Design Web site to hand out "Match-up'' Charlescon's newest resrnucant, Michad n't been touched." Mayborne said. projects service program is one way !he university Domaru's, opened Wednesday. Joshua The restaurant serves moscly lralian food bur tries to help keep Charleston cleaner and T Increase communication with the Illinois Maybome, manager of the oew restaurant, said has a menu that includes appetiz.ers, soups, sal­ Compact Center friendlier. he was especially pleased with business during the ads, sandwiches, pastas and steaks. Beverages Cole Rogers, Srudent Senate swdent reJ.a.. 'Y Consider monthly newsletters on first days after opening, since the restaurant did include soft drinks, co£fees and wines. Encree community service tions committee chair who heads rhe program, not use formal advertising, just word of mouth. item prices range fiom $6.95 each for a half­ is oying to take Eastern's community service ro The res[auranr, which is at the fOrmer loca­ pound hamburger, pork tenderloin or mearball the next levd. cion ofE.L Kracker's, was scheduled to open club sandwich, all served with a side, to $23.95 "We are crying ro push for having an aaual, organization mar hdps community service pro­ earlier bur ran inro difficulties with devdop­ for a regular filet rut of beef rendaloin. physical on-campus office. n Rogers said. Rogers grams grow at schools all around the stare. It ment. E.L. Kracker's closed in late July. Michad Domani's is open from 11 a.m. to 9 said he believes having an on-campus office could hdp Rogers and his committee members "There were consrrucrion barriers," p.m. Sunday through Wednesday, and would make it easier for swdents to volunroer receive an on-campus office. Mayborne said. "We just wanted ro do it right." Thursday through Sarurday it is open fiom 11 and the committee to stay organiud.. Maybocne also said the building itself is "fair­ a.m. to 10 p.m. The restAlurant serves walk-in The lllinois CompaCt Center is a Statewide SH ADDITIONS PACf CJA ly old" and underwent a full renovation after it cusromers, bur reservations are wdcomed. FIVE-DAY OUTLOOK FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 22 32 34 36 37 14 2& 27 25 27 Mostly sunny Partly cloudy Flurries Cloudy Partly cloudy FRIDAY, D£C£MBER 9. 2005 CAMPUS BRIEFS TODAY'S EVENTS EASTERN NEWS Toy drive All day I New and The Daily Easrern Nf>ws Is producf'd by the unwrapped toys will be students of £a5tem Illinois Univef'Sity. Get served by an EIU 'celebrity' It is published dally Monday through Friday, accepted at more than 1n Charleston, Ill., during fall and spring fn honor of finals week. several of who live on campus upon presentation 'Happy Holidays,"' Gamer said 40 campus locations. semesters and twice weekly during the Eastern's big shots on campus will give of their Panther Cards and will not The open house will exhibit hands­ These toys are going to summCM' term except during school vacations or examinaltons. Subscnption pnce: $50 per a little something back to rhe students. deduct a meal &om their plan. on ornamcnr making. Local and the underprivileged semester, $30 lor summer, $95 all year Panther Dining will p~t its first regional artists will sdl their arc to children of Coles County The DEN os a member of The A$socoated Press, "Food for Thougb.c Free Fmals Feasts" Tarble hosts holiday activities make pexsonal and unique-kind gifu. and surrounding areas. which is entitled to exclusive use of all articles appeanng on this paper. on Sunday. Reservation Only Dining Visirors who attend the T.·uble Arrs The Tarble Arr Ccnrer's staff will be ar the Tower Dining Cencer will serve Center's open house on Sunday will in attendance to answer any questions EIU "lewbooks STAFF UST steak and eggs from 5-11 p.m. partake in free holiday acrivicies, live about the anwork and this month's All day I EIU viewbooks IEDrrott N ~ • •• ••• • •••• A.- 5aoun Students who choose ro dine ar Taylor ente.nainmcm and shopping. quilt exposition. let students share . ... DENeicctgmall.com Dining Center will have cdebrity Entertainment will fc-.tture live hol­ "We have done this in the past, bur experiences with friends MAHAQNG IIIROII • •••••••• 5.utAH WitrrNIY servers, including President Lou ...... .. ...... DENmanagingCPgmall.com iday piano music played by long-time in terms of a Sunday afternoon open and family during the NI!Ws IIJitOII •••••••••••••• ANrr s.-so.. Henckcn and vice presidems Blair community members Suellyn \r.u-ncr house, this is the fim one in a few holidays. DENnewsdeskogmail.com Lord, Jeff Cooley and Jill Nilsen, and Hden KrehbieL years," Moria: said. Office of Admissions AiloaATE - ED1J011 ••••• LAw. GlaRnt among others, who will dish up bot "Standard Chrisonas carols will be The event is free-of~harge and DENnew<deskOgmall.c:otn OriMOH I'AGE EIKTOil •• , • .8llwi O'MAu.EY dogs, chili and make-your-own banana feamred as wdl as popular favorites refreshments will be served from 2-4 Housing contracts . ••• DENopmionsogrnail.com • splits. The meals will be free ro srudents such as 'White Christmas' and p.m. All day I Early bird AcrmnES Blfi"OII •••••••• • ••• MAn Poo contracting for Residence . D(NactavitiesCgmall.com Halls and Greek Court ~liON EIKTOil •••••• KAYIA caow . DENadmonistratoontollmall.com ALlnLE TOASTY ends Dec. 16. CnY IIJitOII •• • • ••••••••• ~ lAatiN Dining and Housing DENcltydesk~gmail.lom services CAMI'UI Blfi"OII •••••• • • )lstlc;4 C4HrAUW • • . DENumpw.Ogmail.com Sruoen GO¥. IIJitOII ••••• -~ Mooa; flu shots DEN<tudentgovG>gm.lll.com 8 a.m. ll·ree flu shots are PttoiO ED1T011 ••••••••••••• &lie Ha.~ now available for all ............ DENphotodt>slcetgmall.com Alsoa.ut I'IIC1IO liiJfTOit •••• CA.- ttou.. students. Appointments . ...... ...... DENphotodeskOgmaii.CI)rn available by calling s.o.rr. mnoa ......••... MAllo 5.utrANA 581-2727 . • . • • . DENsponsdeskG>gmall.com Health Service Medical Assoa4TE wo.n 111n011 •• , • MAn DNIIIU •.••.••..••••. DENsport$dcsk41lgmail.com Clinic VD~Q; IIJitOII •••••••••••••• DA~ 1Mu ........... .. .. DFNvetgeGgm<>ol.com AlsoaATE VBGE EDn011 •• , •• llou.Y ~ POLICE BLOnER . • • . • • • . DENve<g~gmaol .com ONuNI Blfi"OII ••••••••••• • •• MA.n Wll.u • lan G. Millene, 18, of . ••• DENonhn~'<f<>[email protected] Villa Park, was arrested at AlsoaATE ON!.-. Blfi"OII ••• )a.:A Paai.o 2:20a.m. on Dec. 3 at . ..•.. DENonlinedeskOgmail.com Thomas Hall for aggravat­ ~-- ••••••• 5.utAH c:o.... l'lloMcmoNI -.ca ...... DAYJD IIAM.EY ed assault, disorderly NA"AOIIW.~ ••••• IICru:r ~ conduct and illegal con­ 8uiiNal MAHAQilt •••••••• lknY Mlu.orr sumption of alcohol by a AD- MANAoGE11 •••••••• TONY McAa.o Giwlu4TE AIIIITANJ ••••• HouY HIINIOIIN minor. Ello'oa.u.-•.....•..•. JoE c.o.a Cllarteston Fire Departllttnt Cpt. Todd Foster holds the MHed bowl and plate ~at oollfained tH bumt pizza roDs, . .. • . ..d)jgOeou.f'du which oa... d a , ..11 fd'e at tile Pi lappa Alpha frate111ily house in lrHk Court Thursday aftemoon. • Brandon Boyer, 19, of ~ .................. )oll'l .,..,._ Highland, was arrested at .........••.. .... ......d)mriOeiu.edu 4 r-~ .. •···•••• TOM._,.. 2:29a.m. on Dec. at COLLEGE & UNIVERSin NEWS Seventh Street and Johnson Avenue for driv­ Illinois makes dubious DUI list ing under the influence. • John Hinton, 21, of BY lAURA TEECAltOEN between the ages of 21 and 24 With 639 fatalities lase year, illinois Mokena, was arrested at PLACE AN AD r>AilY ECYPTli\N ISOl'THrRN ILLINOIS U.l accounted for more than 16,000 of ranks eighrh on the list, and the fatal­ 4:45 a.m.
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