Time-domain terahertz spectroscopy based arc generated at 1 GHz repetition rate by illuminating a large-area on asynchronous optical sampling with THz emitter [9] with approximately 600 mW of average pump power femtosecond semiconductor disk laser from the Ti:Sa laser. The THz radiation is collected and focused by two pairs of parabolic mirrors (M I to M4) onto a (110) ZnTe electro­ R. Gebs, P. Klopp, G. Klatt, T. Dekorsy, U. Griebner and optic detection crystal. The probe pulse train from the SDL (9 mW A. Bartels average power) is used to sample the THz transient via the Pockels effect in the ZnTe crystal and is detected using a photoreceiver (PD3) with 125 MHz bandwidth. The photoreceiver output is digitised using A terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) system using an a 100 MS/s, 14-bit digitiser board (A/D) that is triggered by a optically pumped semiconductor disk laser and high-speed asyn­ chronous optical sampling is reported. The combination of these tech­ 10 kHz TIL level signal from the laser stabilisation electronics [7]. niques holds considerable promise towards a compact and low-cost The data acquisition of a single THz trace requires 1/al n 100 ILS' implementation of THz-TDS. The spectrometer offers a 333 ps time Several thousands of single traces are averaged to increase SNR. The delay window scanned at 10kHz and delivers more than 1.2 THz spec­ 3 GHz repetition rate of the probe laser limits the usable time-delay tral coverage at a data acquisition time of one minute. As a proof-of­ window to 1/lsDL ::: 333 ps. Only one out of three consecutive pulses principle experiment, a 0.8 THz resonance of a frequency-selective from the probe laser contributes to the signal, while contributions surface structure was measured. from the other two pulses are negligible as long as the THz transient has essentially decayed within the first 333 ps, which is the case in Introduction: Tcrahertz timc-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) is a well our experiment. As a test, we determine a known transmission resonance established technique to determine material properties in the range of a frequency-selective surface (FSS) structure [11, 12], which is between 100 GHz and 10 THz with applications in pharmaceutical inserted in the focused region of the THz beam. product inspection [I], label-free readout of DNA sensors [2], gas spec­ troscopy and sensing [3]. Current systems are based on modelocked bulk or fibre lasers which are relatively expensive and voluminous and may pose a considerable barrier preventing the introduction of THz­ TDS into emerging applications outside of scientific laboratories. Modelocked semiconductor disk lasers (SDLs, sometimes called verti­ cal external cavity surface emitting lasers or VECSELs) are promising candidates for an all-semiconductor alternative source of femtosecond pulses with compact dimensions and low cost [4, 5]. Such lasers have recently been used in a conventional THz-TDS setup with a mechanical delay stage for time-delay scanning [6]. In addition to the size and cost Fig. 1 THz time-domain spectrometer sel!lp including repetition rate offset stabilisation for high-speed ASOPS advantages of femtosecond SDLs, their typically high repetition rates (IsDl. 2: I GHz) are attractive for high-speed asynchronous optical Solid lines correspond to optical paths, dashed lines to electronic connections BS: optical beam splitter; PDl, PD2, PD3: amplified photodiodes; Ml to M4: sampling (ASOPS). High-speed ASOPS is a recently developed tech­ parabolic mirrors; FSS: frequency-selective surface structure; PBS: polarising nique permitting rapid THz-TDS measurements without a mechanical beam splitter; AID: analogue-to-digital converter delay stage [7]. A THz-TDS system using high-speed ASOPS has been demonstrated at 2 kHz scan rate with 7 THz spectral coverage bme delay. ps and with a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of better than 40 dB in I s of 3 456789 data acquisition time [8]. Two modelocked Ti:sapphire (Ti:Sa) lasers were employed, one as a pump laser to generate pulsed THz radiation 2 in a photoconductive emitter [9], the other to probe the THz radiation after interaction with a sample in the spectrometer. In a standard high­ specd ASOPS system the two lasers have repetition rates 1Nl ::: In2 In I GHz and an actively stabilised repetition rate offset AJn = 1nl fR2 of a few kilohertz [7]. The repetition ratc offset causes the time delay between pairs of pump and probe pulses to be ramped between zero and I/In at the scan frequency !scan = IJ.ln. The time-delay incre­ ,; ment from pulse pair to pulse pair is given by IJ.ln/lk and represents .; the theoretical lowest time resolution limit. In this Letter, we report a d -2 E high-speed ASOPS THz-TDS system employing a modelocked SDL, '" which replaces one Ti:Sa laser and serves as the probe laser. Our ~ experiment is a first step combining the new technologies in an effort -3 towards a high-speed, highly compact and cost-efficient THz-TDS tool. o 50 100 150 200 250 300 Experimental sel!lp: Fig. I shows the setup of our THz time-domain bme delay. ps spectrometer. The Ti:Sa laser is Kerr-Iens modelocked and emits 40 fs pulses at a repetition rate of In·Sa "" I GHz, has a centre wavelength Fig. 2 Detected THz time-domain transient of 825 nm and maximum average output power of 900 mW [7]. The Upper inset: Zoom into first 10 ps ofTHz transients without (solid line)jwith diode-pumped SDL is similar to the lasers prcscnted in [4, 5]. The (dotted line) FSS structure Lower inset: Fast Fourier transfonns of THz transients shown in upper inset 50 mm-long 'V' -shaped cavity contains an output coupler (0.75% trans­ mission), an InGaAs/ AIGaAs chip as the gain medium, and a semicon­ ductor saturable absorber mirror as the passive modelocker [10]. In the Experimental data: In Fig. 2, the detected THz pulse transient without SDL, 370 fs pulses are generated at a repetition rate of ISDL ::: 3 GHz the FSS structure in the setup is shown up to 330 ps time delay. The data with a centre wavelength of 1048 nm and an average output power of acquisition time was one minute. The upper inset of Fig. 2 shows the 12 m W. To stabilise the repetition rate offset, a small part of both zoom into the first lOps of two THz transients. One transient was lasers (::: 3 m W) is split off and focused on high bandwidth photodiodes recorded without, the other with. transmission through the FSS structure (PDI and PD2) to detect the laser repetition rates (see Fig. I). While the in the focused region of the THz setup (see Fig. 2, solid line/dotted SDL is free-running, the Ti:Sa repetition rate is feedback loop controlled line). The observed THz pulse duration is approximately 600-700 fs by a piezo-driven mirror. The repetition rate offset lock is performed in both cases. Comparing the transients, the FSS influence can be using the third harmonic of the Ti:Sa repetition rate and the first har­ observed as amplitude attenuation and phase shift. The lower inset of monic of the SDL. The offset locking electronics have been described in Fig. 2 shows the corresponding fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) of the [7]. The repetition rate offset is chosen to be IJ.ln == In:sa -lsDT./3 == transients. In the dotted FFT curve an absorption line at 0.8 THz can 10kHz, which is also the scan rate. The time-delay increment is given be observed, which is in agreement with the previously measured reson­ by IJ.ln/l}iSa = 10 fs. THz radiation pulses with about 300 fs duration ance of the FSS structure. In both FFT curves a water absorption line at 1.2 THz is resolved and demonstrates that the usable spectral coverage References extends to somewhat above this value. The THz emitter supports a spec­ Tonouchi, M.: 'Cutting-edge terahertz technology', Nature Photonics, tral coverage of ~ 7 THz. Present limitations are the pulse duration of 2007, I, (2), pp. 97-105 the SOL (370 fs here; sub-200 fs pulses were demonstrated in [4]) as 2 Nagel, M., Richter, F., Haring-Bolivar, P., and Kurz, H.: 'A well as its timing jitter resulting from a mechanical design very sensitive funetionalizcd THz sensor for marker-frec DNA analysis', Phys. Med. to acoustic perturbations. The SNR is currently at 56, mainly due to the BioI., 2003, 48, (22), pp. 3625-3636 low available probe power for electro-optic detection. Efforts to increase 3 Van Exter, M., Fattinger, Ch., and Grisehkowsky, D.: 'Terahertz time­ the output power of the SOL using a tapered diode amplifier are under domain speetroscopy of water vapor', Opt. Lell., 1989, 14, (20), way [4] which will also enable use of mode locked SDLs for both pp. 1128-1130 4 Klopp, P., Griebner, U., Zom, M., Klchr, A., Licro, A., Wcycrs, M., and pumping and probing. Longer averaging times, which can increase Erbert, G.: 'Mode-locked InGaAs-AIGaAs disk laser generating sub- SNR, are currently prevented by a slow, thermally caused drift of the 200-fs pulses, pulse picking and amplification by a tapered diodc SOL repetition rate. A repetition rate of ~ 3 GHz also for the pump amplifier', Opt. Express, 2009,17, (13), pp. 10820-10834 laser will improve SNR, too; at present we use only every third probe 5 Klopp, P., Saas, F., Zom, M., Weyers, M., and Griebner, U.: '290-fs pulse. pulses from a semiconductor disk laser', Opt. Express, 2008, 16, (8), pp.
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