" ’ T ’- • / .1 ■ V :V. •V' ’-•■ i P A G E TWENTY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1961 Average Daily Net Preee Run For tbe Week Aided . The Weather church, ihie meeting has been ar­ public Institutions throughout the pupils and their parents are invit­ September 15, M63 Forecast of.D. 8. WeatKer Bureau About Church Receives ranged to organize a womenis so­ Gideons O fficial world. ' . filing PTC Opens ed to toiir the building And meet ciety in the church. Mrk. Barbara Gideons Internationtd is an asso­ teachers.' MANCHESTER Cloudy, milder, occasional rabi Charter Members Ransom, the minister'a Wife, wilt Speaks at Zion ciation of Christian business and Programs Monday Parents will receive PTO book'- 13,616 ' tonight ending Sunday morning, T m Zlpser Club will bold an preside. , ' professional men who distribute lets and memberships Will be tak­ ^ Member of the Audit Important meeting Sunday at 3 fair Sunday afternoon, liow tonight Sunday, Oct. 14 Any interested women are in­ A repreaetltativ* 'of Gideons In­ Bibles and New Testaments in 60 en. • ^ Bureau df Circulation b.m. m w directora will meet at countries. ' The tiling Junior High School in 40s. High Sunday fai upper OOs. 5:30./ vited tfo attend the meeting. The ternational will give a talk after PTG will open Its program for Refreshments wil be served in Manche$ter-~‘A City of VUlago Charm Charter melnbers of the new reception will be open to the public. the 10 a.m. service Sunday at Zion The talk will be 10 minutes long, the year with an open house Mon­ the cafeteria. Mrs. Charles Carl­ Presbyterian Church of Manches­ Evangelical Lutheran Church on according"'to the Rev. Paul G. day from 7:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the son and Mrs. Donald Palmer will , til# Rev. Lawrence F. Almond,, Prokopy, pastor. LUMBER VOL. LXXXI, NO. ■ V - the placing of Ribles in hotels and be in charge of refreshments. 300 tTWELVE PAGES— TV SECTION) p u to r of South Methodist Church, ter will be received into the church school. Seventh and eighth grade MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1962 (OlBMlfled Ai^TertUinf on Psf« 10) PRICE FIVE^CENTS will be in charge of the Manches­ oh Reformation Sunday, Oct. 28, at Mrs. Grasso Cites INCORPORATED ter Mlniaterial Association's radio 10:45 a.m. The charter member­ Main Street broadcasts over station WINF ship petition will, be closed after Stale Grant Gains Sunday at 7:35 p.m. and daiiy next the moniing service on Oct. 14. Million Musical iiiouse week at 7:30. A special series of sermon.s will FREE PARKING be preached by the Rev. James state grants as an aid to towns rear of store ... S c h lrra State News Anderson-Shea Auxiliary, 'VFW, Leslie Ransom, organising pastor, were discussed by Secretary of before the reception. The aeries, state Ella T. Gras.so at a meet­ I l O U S E . ^. H A L E AROMATIC will hold a card party tonight at ing of the Tolland County Dem­ 8 Mt'3-4123 S o'clock at the post home. “Psychology for Living,” will be­ Lin^Boln Arts Cetiter Roundup gin this Sunday with the sermon. ocratic Association last night at CEDAR 6 Orbits now Miss JBleanOr Riker, daughter of '■‘Di.<icovering a Truth to Live By.” the Community Hall. MrS. Graaso Other messages in the .series are cited a rise of 200 per cent in Rep. and Mrs. A. Lawrence Riker state grants to towns under the of Highland-Park, will leave Sun­ "Align YourrLife with the Super- CLOSET Opens^oors €^v. Dempsey # • .natiiral," "Ridding Y o u r .s e 1 f of Democratic administration. The day for wreehmen orientation week . grants are made for education, D elayed a t Rollins College, Winter Park,''’ Guilt, and Hostiiity,” "The Dis­ OPEN road maintenance, redevelopment To I Push Aid > Fla. She is a graduate of Dana cipline of Life,” "Planning Your LINING Associations to Strengthen You" and health and welfare, Mrs. NEW YORK (AP)— commlzsloned by the PhU Hall School In Wellesley, Mass. Gras.so said. CAPE CANAVERAL, Pla. ' harmonic. ForN.H.R.R. • ------ and “Happiness Through Commit- the biggest cultural invest­ teed Living," About 75 people attended the (A P)— A, sticky valve in Wal­ \TOe Phllha^onic will give a entina s The Christoforo Colombo Socie­ THE ter M. Schirra’a “Sigma 7” ments in the nation’s history eebtmd cohem Wedneaday night, ty's, banquet committee will meet " The pastor also announces that meeting, including Senator Ed- pays its first dividend Sun­ DARIEN (AP)—Gov. John the first meeting for Presbyterian wai-d Cormier and Attilio Fra- C O VEST, spacecraft has caused a delay includtog music by Richard tonight at 8 o'clock at the Italian sinelli, commi.ssioner of consumer day. Straus^ Haydn, Vivaldi and Stra­ N. Dempsey said today the American Club to plan the 54th women will be held Tuesday at 8 until at least Oct. 3 and prob- vinsky. p.m. in Fellowship Hall of the protection. RELAXED lnnn.n.. S-. uio LiincoinLincoln ucnterCenter rorfor methe Perform-Fenorm- state will continue to “exer­ annual banquet, scheduled for YO UNG M A N * ing Arts opens the doors to Phil. Monday ^ e Boston Symphony, cise every measure of leader­ Sunday, Oct. 14. at the Garden orbit the earth six-times. harmonic Hall, the new home of its new n^lc director Erich ■ Grove. The entire society will Leinsdorf and pianist John Brown­ ship and imagination and Legalists, LOOK... The proposed flight hit a snag the New York Philharmonic and hold a special meeting Sunday at C O VEST! Friday when preflight checkouts the city's first new orchestral con­ ing will give the premiere of power at our command” to 3 p.m. at the club. Peter Urba- Square Foot disclosed a problem with a selec­ cert hall in 71 years. Samuel Barber'e /'First Piano help the New Haven Railroad netti is chairman of the banquet Announcing that Concerto.” easy going tor valve In the cap.sule's auto­ For New York, the inaugural keep operating.. committee. matic control system. Rather than The next night EugenVOrmandy Ex-Rebels concert by the Philharmonic un­ and the Philadelphia Oroheatra In remarks prepared f6r a cam­ Austin A. Chambers, Real Estate BlhAer, take a chance on the valve, the paign appearance here, Dempsey The Manchester Rod and Guit wools with a der conductor Leonard Bernstein will present the premiere of. Wal­ is now afFiiiated with the ’ Kational Aeronautics and Space will be a gala event. High society said it was "Connecticut initiative" Club will hold a quarterly meeting Administration called off the flight ter Piston's “Lincoln Center Bysti- that spurred the other states Monday at 8 p.m. at the clubhouse lot of fasihion in full dress wlU help make it so. val Overture,” and U.N. Am The Ellsworth Mitten Realty Agency most unUl at least Oct. 8. It had been But it will be only the first of served by the railroad to join In For Guido in Coventry. Disappearing scheduled for Sept. 28. sador Adlai E. Stevenson wil sense! a week's series of concerts and narrate Copland's "A Lincoln Por­ 'Cooperative action to aid the finan­ Space agency officials said the cially distressed New Haven. By SAM Sl^MMERUN Advertisement— WE WILL GIVE masculine exact cause of the difficulty was recitals marking the debut of the trait.” STAIRS $15.4 million musical house. - Thursday's concert by the Cleve­ As a result, he said, the "most BUENOS AIRES (AP)- Dotty Gibson Perrett School of Personalized service when buying or * selling . Real (and not known. They said only that immediate and urgent crisis” fac­ coordinated a valve was sticking and that the As the first completed structure land Orchestra under George Szell Loyalties of Argentina’s feud­ Dance opens Sat. Sept. 22, Orange at Lincoln Center, the high- ing the' railroad has been met. Estate. spacecraft would have to be re­ will offer the New York premiere "Wherehs only a year ago, the Hall, 72 East Center St. MI fashionable!) columned, giass-walled Philhar­ of Alvin Etier's “Corfeerto In One ing military factions turned 8-1957. I We take care of all details from start to closing. by moved from the Atlas for study. early coIlap.se of the line was ^ in g Other project prople reported monic Hall is a symbol of much Movement.” topsy-turvy overnight. Rebels We will gladly show all properties listed at no obligation. look of all. more than just another concert predicted,” the Governor said, "to­ ^ Rosecrest that removal of the spacecraft On Saturday, the Metropolitan day we see It operating with great­ who had been fighting Presi­ We will help make all arrangements for first and second would mean a delay until at least hall. To those who had the dream Opera orchestra and chorus, under dent Jose Maria Guido’s gov­ see our of a cultural and educational com­ ly Improved services, and the pros­ \ A / C CA N mortgages. in Oct. 8. They noted that the trouble Swiss conductor Ernest Anserihet, pects for its ultimate rehabilita­ ernment sent a tank (iolumn Member of M.L.S. would have to be isolated and cor­ munity, Philharmonic Hall Is the will give the American premiere V V C MAKE collection first evidence of the reality. tion grow steadily brighter." into battle in Buenos Aires at For honest and fair dealings and the “Best in Real worsted wool rected. Then the capsule would of Manuel de , Fall's dramatic Noting that Connecticut was the Tour Shoe* Ix>nger or Wider have to be elevated once again to The new home of America's old­ cantata,' "Atlantida.” ^awn today to keep him in Estate.” of est orchestra will have seats up­ first state to provide the railroad Laiggage and Handbags 1 and or Ion.
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