VERDE lANDSCAWNiS CO. nson's 1977 City Directory For Ser*ngVerie*aHejf The Northland POR8YBARS *»LargeS*lBCtW>*t Materials HCSTHFF Toureejfer" ORIGINAL MEX,CAN CUI: RRIZONR in a style that wilt be pleasing to you Ttip Largest Nursery Slock ENJOY YOUR FAVGRlTfc COCK TOPSOtL In Northern Arizona F*OM OUR CANTINA & The Verde Valley * All TYPES tfF WOOD.FENCING & DECKING Vinos de (o Cass Cerbezas M«* • SPlClAtlSTS IN HIGH ELEVATION PLANTS & MATERIALS; li •; • . DFCORATIVE NATURAL ROCK, tAN05CAPE BOULDERS 774-4666 Code: 602 *• PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING OESIGN SERVICES 89 A SOUTH HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL A RESIDENTIAL ; LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 1551 S. Mil.1 Of* fiOA:' ' ' Licenjed Landscape Confracto' % ;': FLAGSTAFF J\ iiqws9-a.se 259 SEDONA 282-5257: ARIZONA & & fe go out of our Get 602 86430 Bui 602 85607 602 86001 Fie Mr. Zip way for you. to know 602 85301 602 85201 Ma 602 85000 602 86301 ?ri 602 85251 Scj Valley National Bank THE BEST FRIEND 602 85281 Tel 602 85700 Ti • Downtown • East Flagstaff University Member rDIC * 602 85364 Yt YOUR MaIL EVER THE Minnesota i TITLE TRUST AGENCY 'if- ComjMuty liii A CUSTOM HOMES i Open FTbrrV ••rOfl COMPLETE TITLE SERVICE REMODELS & ADDITIONS Insurance • trusts • escrows DELICIOUS HOiv>E COOKEi HECK YOUR PROTECTION * FREE ESTIMATES * catering! Policy To Protect The Home Purchased Mortgage Policy To Protect The Lender Residential - Commercial - Industrial Mortgage & Contract Collections * NO JOB TOO SMALL * I AH TEED TITLE PROTECTION SINCE 1907 I I I 77 A Phone / / **" A ****** WE. 526-00! 1 S6002 779-0371 MM ttcS.ita flay FX. Sox 3011 Flagstaff 120 W. Dupont University Squaie . A i 917. 9133 F574 YOU DO THE TRA VELING LEAVE THE Heritage JZeaky REST TO US• PRIDE IN OUR HERITAGE ER EE RESERVA TIONS CAIDERA PROFESSIONAL BLDG. SUITE 3 IN ADVANCE 2501 N. FOURTH ST. COAST TO COAST FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA 86001 Room Phones - Courtesy Car Available Tfcriviaf new village for people Residential & Mobil Lots Beverage & Ice Machines - Lost & vto want country living in Homes t Commercial Property Found - Babysitting Service - Doris Tryon - Branch Mgr. j Carneli, G.RJ. Broker Children's Playground - 39 Rooms an ' UHdUl RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL o: m LOTS & ACREAGE INVESTMENT PROPERTIES 774-5038 774-1449 MKRI-K & JANKT SHOFNKR KACHINA VILLAGE BRANCH \1;m<igt>rs 158 KACHINA BLVD. 913 S. MILTON RD.. FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA 774-3009 THE GABLES PRIME RIB STEAK SEAFOOD Specializing In AUTHENTIC ITALIAN FOOD" 774-6656 GRAND CANYON Tor Tine TXning .... TRAVEL AGENCY In Thgstqff One Call Does It All 774-4566 1421A S. MILTON RD., FLAGSTAFF SHERWOOD FOREST SHOPPING CENTER ^-Sffik Symbo1 d GOING SOMEWHERE? *"U^X Mntegrrtj STEAKS THE FINEST MEXIO^FOODKMLFO IN NORTHERN ^B&NAII "PUT YOUR CONFIDENCE IN US" 914 E. SANTA FE 77 flagstaff public ^Ctbrarg 1977 FLAGSTAFF ARIZONA CITY DIRECTORY • Alphabetical Directory: An alphabetical list identifying area businesses and families to residents • Classified Business Directory: A complete list of area businesses arranged according to offered products and services • Street and Avenue Guide: Residential and business addresses arranged according to street and number • Telephone Locator: A list of telephone numbers in numerical order • Rural information of the surrounding area RND • Miscellaneous information about the city and county • The resident's edition does not contain all of the sections mentioned above 7b a rule, the most successjul man in life is the —DISRAELI Johnson Publishing Company. Inc. 105972 Flagstaff Public Library Flagsfatt, Arizona FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA AREA CODE - 602 ZIP CODE - 86001 GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations XXXII County Officials IX Alphabetical List of Names 231 History IV Churches XI Schools .X City Officials VIII Statistical Information VII Classified Business Directory 1 *Street & Avenue Guide 337 Clubs & Organizations XIV telephone Locator 201 'Please Note: The Street ft Arenue Guide and the Telephone Locator sections do not appear in the residence copies. UNITED STATES AREA CODE MAP CASTE WW /lS\ ATLANTIC The JOHNSON PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. is pleased to present the 1977 edition of the Flagstaff, Arizona City Directory. it nas always been our policy to provide accurate ana com• prehensive directory service to those communities that de- A N A D P sire ,ne "finest" We realize however that some errors and GOLD BOOK AWARD omissions are inevitable and earnestly request that these be brought to our attention These errors and omissions will be INSERT DESIGN corrected in the next edition of the directory, tt is only through the interest of the subscribers and users of the directory that each new edition can surpass the last. In the public interest the use of this directory for any other purpose than as a reference volume or reproduction of any AN ADP part of this directory is expressly prohibited without written GOLD BOOK AWARD permission from the publisher NEWEST INFORM A TION SECTION a4x a IpPJ* AN ADP We are proud of our membership in the association of North GOLD BOOK AWARD AiMcriCaTi uiieciuiy ruuiiSntna. The fT.S!T>b'*rs of this asso• GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION ciation are constantly striving to improve the products offered to the communities they serve. It is through the associa• tions attitude of mutual sharing that many of the industries advancements have been made. in ACCURACY % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % It's an admirable goal to shoot for in publishing City directories... But - with the thousands of subscribers to be listed, changed addresses and new numbers, we hope you understand how an error could occur. Your name, address and telephone number in this directory likely are correct. But, if by any chance they are not, you'll do us aiavor by telephoning or writing our business office. We'll correct our records promptly so it will appear the way it should in the next issue. IV HISTORY Flagstaff, Arizona, at 7,000 feet elevation, is truly the "CITY IN THE PINES". The extensive Ponderosa pine forests which surround the community have been the key to its de• velopment into the leading commercial and travel center of Northern Arizona. The first settler was Edward Whipple, who operated a saloon near the Flagstaff spring in 1871. The second white man was F. F. McMillan, who settled north of the present Flagstaff. \y The name "Flagstaff" comes from a pine tree bei' stripped of its branches to serve as a "flagstaff" forflyi the American flag on the 100th anniversary of Independen Day, July 4, 1876. This "flagstaff" was said to be ne^fjfffj where the Texaco tanks and the railroad tracks just south fcfV|v}£ Highway 66 are now. Highway 66 across Northern Arizona*VlH was used for many years as a wagon train route to Californi^>r^i*JS and the site of the "flagstaff" was a popular camping areji»j^J^v The "flagstaff" stood for many years to guide other partia? * \\ J along the trail. V The lumber industry had its start from an early sawmiflj/^1" built in 1882. This mill was established to furnish ties for the Atlantic and Pacific Rail road which was extended to Flag• staff that year. The Atlantic and Pacific subsequently be• came the Santa Fe's main trans - continental line through Arizona. At present, timber being harvested on a sustained yield basis supports an active wood products industry. Plagued by fires in its early history, Flagstaff was de• stroyed in 1884 and again in 1886. By 1891, Flagstaff was made county seat of the newly formed Coconino County, but it was not until May 26, 1894 that the City was incorporated. That same year, the world-famous Lowell Observatory was located on Mars Hill inside the west city limits. Arizona State College began its first college session in the autumn of 1899. The College became a fully accredited University in May 1966, and is called Northern Arizona University. In 1908 the .Coconino National Forest was created with headquarters In Flagstaff and the first forest experimental station was established at Fort Valley, nine miles northwest of the city. The museum of Northern Arizona was founded by Dr. Harold S. Coltonin 1928. The same year saw the start of the annual Southwest All-Indian Pow Wow. Organized snow sports began In 1940 at the Arizona Snow Bowl on the 12,340 foot Mt. Agassiz, second highest of the San Francisco Peaks. Flagstaff is governed by statute. Six councilmen and the mayor are elected. Also, a city manager is appointed. The Municipal Airport, The Federal Housing Development, and the Public Library are under the city administration. The police department consists of 45 officers, 1 chief and 46 commissioned personnel. The fire department is manned by 43 regular men. There is a city building code and zone restrictions. The city is noted for its long list of special events, con• ventions, Forest Service camp grounds, and areas of vacation appeal. It is also called "The City of Seven Wonders", as noted by the following : Grand Canyon, Wupatki, Sunset Crater, Walnut Canyon, Oak Creek Canyon, Meteor Crater, and the San Francisco Peaks. V THE STORY OF THE COCONINO NATIONAL FOREST The Coconino National Forest consists of 1,800, OOOacres ilateau that Is an irregular tableland of pine forest 75 miles of magnificent Ponderosa pine limberand productive grazing fongand 25 miles wide. Here are stands of commercialtlmber land, beautiful mountain lakes, deepcanyons cut through color• valued at $50,000,000, supporting an Important logging and ful rock formations, snow-capped peaks, and recreation land lumber economy In Northern Arizona. Elk, antelope, and. mule second to none. deer attracts hunters, wildlife photographers, and thousands of other interested Americans. Here graze most of the 35,000 This land of many uses is administered by the U. S. sheep and cattle which use Coconino National Forest range, Department of Agriculture's Forest Service.
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