IETF 76 Hiroshima Meeting 1. What area are you from? Response Response Percent Count Asia 19.9% 61 Europe 35.6% 109 North America 40.5% 124 Africa 0.7% 2 Latin America/Caribbean 1.3% 4 Australia/New Zealand (Oceania) 2.0% 6 answered question 306 skipped question 0 2. Approximately how many IETF meetings have you attended (including IETF 76)? Response Response Percent Count 1 9.2% 28 2 - 5 19.7% 60 6 - 10 14.1% 43 >10 57.0% 174 answered question 305 skipped question 1 1 of 93 3. Are you (check all that apply.) Response Response Percent Count IESG member 7.3% 14 IAB member 3.6% 7 IAOC member 3.1% 6 Nomcom member 6.2% 12 Working Group chair 37.3% 72 Author of active working group 79.8% 154 draft answered question 193 skipped question 113 4. When were you born? Response Response Percent Count Before 1950 6.6% 20 1950 - 1960 19.6% 59 1961 - 1970 30.2% 91 1971 - 1980 36.9% 111 After 1980 6.6% 20 answered question 301 skipped question 5 2 of 93 5. Did you attend IETF 76 in Hiroshima? Response Response Percent Count Yes 94.1% 288 No 5.9% 18 answered question 306 skipped question 0 6. How long did your travel to Hiroshima take? Response Response Percent Count < 5 hours 13.1% 35 5 to 10 hours 6.0% 16 11 to 20 hours 41.2% 110 > 20 hours 39.7% 106 answered question 267 skipped question 39 3 of 93 7. How would you rate the wireless service, the NOC, help desk and terminal room. Did Exceeded Rating Rating Not Unsatisfactory Neutral Satisfactory Expectations Average Count Use 0.8% 1.9% Wireless 1.9% (5) 39.5% (105) 56.0% (149) 4.48 (2) (5) 64.6% 5.4% NOC 0.8% (2) 14.2% (37) 15.0% (39) 2.14 (168) (14) 71.8% 3.8% Help Desk 1.5% (4) 16.4% (43) 6.5% (17) 1.84 (188) (10) 63.1% 5.0% Terminal Room 1.5% (4) 26.5% (69) 3.8% (10) 2.07 (164) (13) Explain any dissatisfaction answered question skipped question 8. How would you rate WebEx use onsite? The Secretariat supported WebEx sessions were: behave, ippm, kitten, krb-wg, netconf, netmod, opsarea, pim, pwe3, sasl, tls. Did Exceeded Rating Rating Not Unsatisfactory Neutral Satisfactory Expectations Average Count Use 78.5% 5.3% WebEx onsite 8.3% (22) 6.0% (16) 1.9% (5) 1.45 (208) (14) Suggestions for Improvement answered question skipped question 4 of 93 9. Should WebEx support be expanded to additional meeting rooms for future meetings? Response Response Percent Count Yes 39.1% 91 No 9.0% 21 Maybe 51.9% 121 Comment 45 answered question 233 skipped question 73 10. At the Thursday Plenary a transcriptionist was used to project a real time transcription of the speaker's presentations on screens at the front of the room. If you attended was this useful to you? Did not Not Very Rating Rating Neutral Useful attend Useful Helpful Average Count 26.1% 15.2% 28.8% 24.2% Plenary Transcription Service 5.7% (15) 3.19 264 (69) (40) (76) (64) Why was it useful? 64 answered question 264 skipped question 42 5 of 93 11. There was an RFID experiment at IETF 76 involving several applications. Rating Yes No Did not Participate Count Was the Speaker Identification 94.4% (252) 3.0% (8) 2.6% (7) 267 Application useful? Was the e-Bluesheet Application 75.1% (196) 18.4% (48) 6.5% (17) 261 useful? Was the Digital Signage Application useful in providing program & 44.6% (115) 13.6% (35) 41.9% (108) 258 general info? Suggestions 87 answered question 267 skipped question 39 12. The IAOC uses survey results in its evaluation of the meeting venue's performance. How would you rate the following? Did Exceeded Rating Rating not Unsatisfactory Neutral Satisfactory Expectations Average Count use 6.7% 4.9% Internet service in my room 3.0% (8) 46.4% (124) 39.0% (104) 4.08 267 (18) (13) 2.2% 10.5% Meeting facilities 3.0% (8) 56.9% (152) 27.3% (73) 4.04 267 (6) (28) 1.9% 7.9% Hotel Staff 0.0% (0) 40.6% (108) 49.6% (132) 4.36 266 (5) (21) 0.7% 17.2% Food and beverage 7.5% (20) 50.6% (135) 24.0% (64) 3.90 267 (2) (46) Explain any dissatisfaction answered question 267 skipped question 6 of 93 13. How would you rate the following? Did Exceeded Rating Rating not Unsatisfactory Neutral Satisfactory Expectations Average Count use 10.2% 6.4% Audio visual equipment 1.9% (5) 72.1% (191) 9.4% (25) 3.69 (27) (17) 1.9% 10.5% Power strips availabilty 3.8% (10) 47.7% (127) 36.1% (96) 4.12 (5) (28) 26.4% 4.9% Secretariat staff 0.4% (1) 40.8% (108) 27.5% (73) 3.43 (70) (13) 0.8% 5.3% Registration experience 0.4% (1) 67.7% (180) 25.9% (69) 4.18 (2) (14) 82.3% 2.6% Letter of Invitation handling 0.4% (1) 10.2% (27) 4.5% (12) 1.54 (218) (7) 87.5% 2.3% Visa processing 1.1% (3) 6.1% (16) 3.0% (8) 1.36 (231) (6) Explain any dissatisfaction answered question skipped question 14. How would you rate the meeting Program Book? http://www.ietf.org/meeting/76/meeting- packet.pdf Did Exceeded Rating Rating not Unsatisfactory Neutral Satisfactory Expectations Average Count use 39.0% 9.5% Program Book 1.5% (4) 41.7% (110) 8.3% (22) 2.79 (103) (25) Suggestions for Improvement answered question skipped question 7 of 93 15. Multiple email lists and aliases were used to get feedback and communicate to attendees. These include [email protected] to report network issues, [email protected] to report non-network meeting problems and provide feedback, [email protected] for one way admin info and the [email protected] list to share info among attendees. How would you rate their usefulness? Did Exceeded Rating Rating Not Unsatisfactory Neutral Satisfactory Expectations Average Count Use 89.6% 3.1% NOC Ticket System 0.4% (1) 6.2% (16) 0.8% (2) 1.28 (233) (8) 91.6% 3.4% [email protected] 0.0% (0) 4.2% (11) 0.8% (2) 1.23 (239) (9) 19.8% 14.4% 76All 0.0% (0) 59.7% (157) 6.1% (16) 3.32 (52) (38) 15.0% 22.3% 76Attendees 3.1% (8) 48.8% (127) 10.8% (28) 3.37 (39) (58) Suggestions for Improvement answered question skipped question 8 of 93 16. The EDU Team arranged for the following classes during the meeting. Were these classes useful to you? Did Exceeded Rating Rating not Unsatisfactory Neutral Satisfactory Expectations Average Count attend 93.9% 0.4% Newcomers in English 0.0% (0) 5.0% (13) 0.8% (2) 1.19 (245) (1) 96.5% 1.2% Newcomers in Japanese 0.4% (1) 0.8% (2) 1.2% (3) 1.10 (251) (3) 97.7% 0.4% RFC Editor Tutorial 0.0% (0) 1.2% (3) 0.8% (2) 1.07 (252) (1) 93.1% 1.9% DNS for Programmers Tutorial 0.8% (2) 3.1% (8) 1.2% (3) 1.19 (241) (5) 97.7% 0.8% MIB Tutorial 0.0% (0) 1.2% (3) 0.4% (1) 1.07 (252) (2) Suggestions for Future Tutorials answered question skipped question 17. How do you rate the Plenaries? Did Exceeded Rating Rating not Unsatisfactory Neutral Satisfactory Expectations Average Count attend 40.5% 16.8% Wednesday (Administrative) 3.8% (10) 35.5% (93) 3.4% (9) 2.58 (106) (44) 29.5% 14.9% Thursday (Technical) 5.4% (14) 38.7% (101) 11.5% (30) 2.97 (77) (39) Suggestions for Improvement answered question skipped question 9 of 93 18. Registrants were provided an opportunity to provide a link to a profile, like Facebook, LinkedIn, corporate, personal website or blog, for the purpose of improving our knowledge of one another and furthering relationships. Did you provide a profile link? Response Response Percent Count Yes 30.2% 80 No 69.8% 185 answered question 265 skipped question 41 19. Did you review any profiles? Response Response Percent Count Yes 19.0% 50 No 81.0% 213 answered question 263 skipped question 43 10 of 93 20. How would you evaluate the usefulness of the Profiles? Response Response Percent Count Did Not Use 51.5% 136 Not useful 5.7% 15 Neutral 25.0% 66 Useful 15.5% 41 Very informative 2.3% 6 answered question 264 skipped question 42 21. Sessions have been added to Friday afternoons to provide more session time for working groups. If something that you are interested in is scheduled on Friday afternoon, would you attend? Response Response Percent Count Yes 66.2% 155 No 33.8% 79 Maybe: 45 answered question 234 skipped question 72 11 of 93 22. Did you attend a Friday afternoon session at IETF 76? Response Response Percent Count Yes 36.1% 96 No 63.9% 170 answered question 266 skipped question 40 23. Tell us what changes you would like at the Meetings. Response Count 58 answered question 58 skipped question 248 12 of 93 24. How did you access Hiroshima Response Response Percent Count Air from Narita (NRT) to Hiroshima 10.9% 27 (HIJ) Air from Haneda (NRT) to 13.7% 34 Hiroshima (HIJ) Rail from Tokyo to Hiroshima 27.0% 67 Rail from Kansai (KIX) to 41.1% 102 Hiroshima Direct international flight to 7.3% 18 Hiroshima (HIJ) Other (please specify) 25 answered question 248 skipped question 58 13 of 93 25.
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