Zurich Open Repository and Archive University of Zurich Main Library Strickhofstrasse 39 CH-8057 Zurich www.zora.uzh.ch Year: 2015 Metal Complexes and Medicine: A Successful Combination Gasser, Gilles DOI: https://doi.org/10.2533/chimia.2015.442 Posted at the Zurich Open Repository and Archive, University of Zurich ZORA URL: https://doi.org/10.5167/uzh-114192 Journal Article Originally published at: Gasser, Gilles (2015). Metal Complexes and Medicine: A Successful Combination. CHIMIA International Journal for Chemistry, 7:442-446. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2533/chimia.2015.442 442 CHIMIA 2015, 69, No. 7/8 SCS LAUREATES AND AWARDS & FALL MEETING 2015 doi:10.2533/chimia.2015.442 Chimia 69 (2015) 442–446 © Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft Metal Complexes and Medicine: A Successful Combination Gilles Gasser* Werner Prize 2015 Abstract: Since the start of our independent research at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Zurich in 2009, our group has been, among other topics, working on the use of metal complexes in medicinal chemistry. In this short review article, we highlight our recent achievements in the use of such compounds to fight the parasitic disease schistosomiasis. Keywords: Bioorganometallic chemistry · Medicinal inorganic chemistry · Medicinal organometallic chemistry · Schistosomiasis SNSF Assistant Professor (2010). Gilles plexes of Fe, Sn, Bi, Lu, Hg, Sb, Pt, Au or is a recipient of several awards including As, for example, have been or are approved the Jean Landry Award of the University for the treatment of a range of conditions of Neuchâtel for Excellence during his in medicine. The majority of the readers Diploma Thesis, the Jürg Engi Award of of this article have most probably used in the University of Neuchâtel for the student the not-so-distant past the orange mercury- with the best marks in organic chemistry containing compound Merbromin (notably (2000), the Syngenta Award for the best marketed as Mercurochrome) as a topical PhD thesis in Chemistry of the University antiseptic (Fig. 1) although mercury is only of Neuchâtel (2004), an Alexander von perceived by the general public as a toxic Gilles Gasser was born and raised in Humboldt fellowship (2007) and the heavy metal. Even more surprising is the Neuchâtel (Switzerland). After his gradu- Werner Prize (2015). case of As2O3, which was used, among ation in chemistry at the University of others, by the Borgia family as a homi- Neuchâtel in 2000, Gilles worked for one cidal agent in the 15th and 16th centuries, year for the chemical company Lonza in 1. Introduction but which is approved by the FDA for the Visp (Switzerland). He then joined the lab- treatment of relapsed acute promyelocytic oratories of Prof. Helen Stoeckli-Evans at Thanks notably to the pioneering work leukemia under the trade name Trisenox. the University of Neuchâtel to undertake of Alfred Werner at the University of Zurich Finally, the metal gold, which is mostly a PhD thesis in supramolecular chemistry. in the field of coordination chemistry, the associated with luxury, has also found He was awarded his PhD in 2004. After use of metal complexes as reaction cata- application in medicinal chemistry. Three post-doctoral stays at Monash University lysts could be significantly advanced dur- Au(i) complexes, namely Auranofin (Fig. (Australia) with Prof. Leone Spiccia in ing the 20th century.[1] Another less obvious 1), Aurothiomalate and Aurothiosulfate bioinorganic chemistry and at the Ruhr- field which has undoubtedly profited from are approved drugs for the treatment of University Bochum (Germany) with Prof. the research performed by Alfred Werner rheumatoid arthritis. Nonetheless, the Nils Metzler-Nolte in bioorganometallic is medicinal chemistry.[2] Although metal most relevant examples in the field of chemistry, Gilles was given the opportuni- ions/metal complexes have been employed medicinal chemistry are undoubtedly the ty to start his independent research career in medicine since ancient times, the use of platinum-based anticancer drugs Cisplatin, at the University of Zurich, first as Swiss structurally defined metal complexes in Oxaliplatin and Carboplatin (Fig. 1). National Science Foundation (SNSF) this field mostly appeared at the beginning These metal complexes are currently used Ambizione fellow (2009) and then as a of the 20th century with the discovery by in more than 50% of the chemotherapeu- Ehrlich, in collaboration with Sahachiro tic treatments, often in combination with Hata, of the arsenic-containing organome- other drugs. tallic complex Arsphenamine (also called Despite the impressive success of these Salvarsan or Compound 606, see Fig. 1) as metal-based drugs, and more generally of an agent against syphilis.[3] This compound, drugs in all fields of medicine, there is un- whose exact structure was only unveiled doubtedly still an important need for the *Correspondence: Prof. Dr. G. Gasser in 2005,[4] was used against this infection development of new drugs to either treat University of Zurich [5,6] Department of Chemistry disease until the discovery of penicillin. incurable conditions or to improve the Winterthurerstrasse 190 Since then, many other metal complexes current available treatments which, for ex- CH-8057 Zurich have been found to be useful in medicinal ample, can lead to severe side-effects (i.e. Tel.: +41 44 635 46 30 [7–10] E-mail: [email protected] chemistry. As surprisingly as it can be treatment with Cisplatin). When we started www.gassergroup.com seen for the non-expert in the field, com- our independent research at the University SCS LAUREATES AND AWARDS & FALL MEETING 2015 CHIMIA 2015, 69, No. 7/8 443 this field of research is based on the pio- OH neering work of the groups of the French OH NH2 scientists Jaouen, Brocard and Biot. Those NH2 H2N researchers demonstrated that the addition H N 2 HO OH of a ferrocenyl moiety into the structure of As two known organic drugs, namely the anti- HO As As OH As As As As As As As NH2 cancer compound Tamoxifen and the anti- NH2 H N 2 H N malarial Chloroquine, to give the so-called 2 organometallic complexes Ferrocifens and HO OH HO OH Initial Envisaged Structure H2N H2N Ferroquine, respectively, allowed for nov- el, additional mode of actions compared to the parent organic drugs (Fig. 3). More specifically, the Ferrocifens were Official Structures shown to bind to the estrogen receptor Arsphenamine similarly to Tamoxifen.[23,24] This compet- OH itive binding represses estradiol-mediated Hg DNA transcription in the tumor tissue and NaO O O is therefore responsible for the anticancer OAc [25] H3N Cl activity of Tamoxifen. However, very O Br Br AcO S Au P Pt interestingly, the Ferrocifen with n = 4 AcO H N Cl COONa OAc 3 (Fig. 3) was also found to be active against breast cancer cell lines lacking this estro- gen receptor (i.e. ER(–) cell line), contrary Merchurochrome Auranofin Cisplatin to Tamoxifen, which is inactive on this cell line. This discovery was extremely exciting for two reasons: 1) one third of the breast O H2 O N O H3N O cancer patients do not express this recep- Pt Pt tor, rendering hormone therapy inefficient; O N O H3N H O O 2 2) the expression of the estrogen receptor sometimes becomes down-regulated under Tamoxifen treatment, turning the drug in- Carboplatin Oxaliplatin effective. This interesting observation was explained by the specific presence of the Fig. 1. Structures of metal complexes used in medicinal chemistry. organometallic moiety. Indeed, a redox activation was found to be responsible for the observed cytotoxicity in ER(–) cancer cells.[26] As shown in Scheme 1, the ac- of Zurich, our group decided to primarily of schistosomes (i.e. S. haematobium, S. tive metabolite hydroxyferrocifen can be focus its attention on two diseases, namely intercalatum, S. japonicum, S. mansoni, readily oxidized to give a quinone methide cancer and schistosomiasis. While the for- and S. mekongi), which are accountable for intermediate.[26] This quinine methide can mer disease does not need to be presented, human infections leading either to intesti- be then attacked by nucleophiles such as the latter is, very surprisingly, unknown nal or urogenital schistosomiasis.[16] This glutathione and nucleobases. This leads to to the general public. Schistosomiasis, disease is often associated with liver dam- the general toxicity and mutagenic poten- also known as bilharziasis, is a parasitic age resulting in swelling of the abdomen of tial of this compound. This mode of action disease which is responsible for 207 mil- the person affected. While this disease can was further confirmed when the research- lion infections each year in tropical and be treated at present, with the organic drug ers could prepare and biologically evalu- subtropical regions of sub-Saharan Africa, Praziquantel (PZQ, Fig. 2), the therapeutic ate the ruthenocene analogue of the active Asia and America.[11] In fact, it is the sec- situation is far from ideal. Reduced sus- Ferrocifen (see Fig. 3 – this compound will ond most prevalent parasitic disease in the ceptibility to PZQ has been reported, sug- be called Ruthenocifen in this review arti- world after malaria. The number of deaths gesting that this drug could become (much cle). These two complexes are isostructural associated with this disease significantly less) effective in the future.[17–19] This fact but, compared to Ferrocifen, Ruthenocifen varies depending on the studies (between is extremely worrying since there is no cur- is not redox active. Hence, as
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