Minutes of an Ordinary meeting of Shirebrook Town Council held on Tuesday 16th June 2015 at Shirebrook Town Council Offices, 54 Patchwork Row, Shirebrook, NG20 8AL Reconvened originally scheduled meeting of 10th June 2015 PRESENT Cllr. S Fritchley - CHAIRMAN Cllr. B Murray-Carr Cllr. P Chapman Cllr. S Peake Cllr. T Chapman Cllr. S Staniforth Cllr. D Downes Cllr. M Stockdale Cllr. F Gobey Cllr. J Tait Cllr. C Kane Cllr. K Walker Cllr. M Mitchell Mrs J Jeffery - TOWN CLERK & RFO IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs T Baxter – Senior Supervisor Representatives from ARBA Developments 15/065 TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES AND REASONS FOR ABSENCE. Cllr. A Anderson Cllr. M Yates RESOLVED: That the apologies and reasons for absence be accepted. 15/066 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. 15/072a Cllr. S Fritchley and Cllr. B Murray-Carr. Councillors withdrew from the meeting at the appropriate points and returned after the relative conversations had concluded. Where appropriate Councillors remained in the meeting but took no part in the relevant discussions. SUSPEND STANDING ORDERS TO ALLOW ATTENDING POLICE REPRESENTATIVE TO REPORT. There were no officers in attendance to report. PAGE 1 OF 5 ORDINARY – RECONVENED – 16TH JUNE 2015 The Chairman addressed the meeting at this point in relation to the meeting attended by members of the public on 10th June 2015. The Chairman stated that that members of the public had every right to be angered by recent incidents and the response to questions which could be answered by the Town Council was read out and approved for circulation by all present. Differing mediums of distribution were considered and it was agreed that a combination of all suggestions would be the best option. In the interim letters to request answers to questions that could not be addressed by Shirebrook Town Council had been sent to Dennis Skinner MP, Cllr Anne Western (Leader, Derbyshire County Council), Alan Charles (Police & Crime Commissioner for Derbyshire), Chief Constable Mick Creedon, Zoe Tennent (Practice Manager at Shirebrook Surgery), Cllr Ann Syrett (Leader, Bolsover District Council) and David Cameron MP. It was acknowledged that there was a Bolsover District Council Community Cohesion Group but that in the current climate it was suggested that there should be a specific group for the Shirebrook area. Discussions had already taken place with Dennis Skinner MP and Anne Western (DCC) and progress would be reported as it occurs. Cllr. Staniforth informed the meeting that the newly formed residents group ‘Shirebrook Together’ had been in contact by email and she would forward that to the Clerk for distribution to all other members. The group had formed on the previous evening at a meeting held at Willow Tree Farm and attended by officers from Bolsover District Council. 15/067 TO RECEIVE PRESENTATION FROM ARBA DEVELOPMENTS. Exclusion of public and press Due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted it is advisable, in the public interest, that the public and press be instructed to withdraw from the meeting. RESOLVED: That the agenda item be accepted as an exempt item. Representatives from ARBA Developments updated members on progress in relation to the Portland Road site and their suggestions for the advancement of the project. To prevent community disappointment similar to that created by the failed project on neighbouring land by Tesco and Bolsover District Council it was agreed that further information would be made available to the public during the public consultation period once the project was at a more secure stage. RESOLVED: That, with scrutiny of legal documentation, the developers be allowed to progress their ideas as outlined in their presentation. 15/068 TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF THE COUNCIL HELD 20TH MAY 2015. RESOLVED: That the minutes be accepted as true record of the meeting. 15/069 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES. Cllr. Murray-Carr informed members that all residents affected by the ‘Footpath 18’ situation had been provided with an update. 15/070 FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENCE. a. TO AUTHORISE INVOICES FOR PAYMENT. RESOLVED: That the payments be authorised. PAGE 2 OF 5 ORDINARY – RECONVENED – 16TH JUNE 2015 b. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE SCHEDULE. Various items were discussed and clarified. c. APPLICATIONS FOR SECTION 137 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. There were no applications for section 137 financial assistance. 15/071 CORRESPONDENCE. a. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE CC – CONSULTATION RE WASTE LOCAL PLAN. NOTED b. MOONRAKERS – LETTER OF THANKS. NOTED c. BRYAN & ARMSTRONG SOLICITORS – PROJECT COMPLETION INFORMATION. NOTED d. LIVE & LOCAL – INVITATION TO BOOK EVENTS. RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be permitted to select the three events taking into account the suggestions made. e. MR C GASCOIGNE – REQUEST FOR DONATION. RESOLVED: That the request be approved and £200 be paid under section 137. 15/072 PLANNING MATTERS. CLLR. S PEAKE TOOK THE CHAIR FOR THIS AGENDA ITEM. a. REVIEW PLANNING DECISIONS AND CONSIDER ANY PLANNING APPLICATIONS. The planning applications were considered and the planning decisions reviewed in accordance with the information distributed with the agenda. RESOLVED: That correspondence be sent to the planning department of Bolsover District Council in relation to receiving planning applications for comment after work had been completed. 15/073 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS. a. UPDATES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING. The response to the meeting held 10th June 2015 had already been discussed earlier in the meeting. b. OTHER ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION. Dennis Skinner MP had written to the Town Council in relation to correspondence that he had received from a resident from South Normanton regarding recent issues in Shirebrook. He had already forwarded this correspondence to the Chief Constable of Derbyshire and during a discussion with Mr Skinner only the day before he had stated that the issues currently being faced were police matters and that it should be they who host a public meeting with concerned residents. PAGE 3 OF 5 ORDINARY – RECONVENED – 16TH JUNE 2015 Whilst members agreed that the majority of the issues being faced were matters of law and order and therefore matters for control by the police, members also felt that some situations were worsened by the perceived lack of support from Sports Direct management. RESOLVED: That correspondence be sent to the management team at Sports Direct requesting attendance by a representative at a meeting to discuss a constructive solution to local issues. Correspondence had been received from allotment holders requesting use of the unused poly tunnel at the Park Avenue allotments. RESOLVED: That the request be approved. The accounts were presented for approval as deferred from 20th May 2015, item 15/046. RESOLVED: That the accounts and supporting documentation for the period 2014/2015 be approved. A request had been received from Cllr. M Yates to call a special meeting to discuss positive actions the Town Council could make. RESOLVED: That a special meeting be arranged. 15/074 TO RECEIVE REPORT FROM CLERK AND INSTRUCT ON APPROPRIATE ACTION IN RELATION TO; a. FORMER CONTRACTOR – OUTSTANDING PAYMENTS. The Clerk updated members on the situation in relation to the outstanding invoices and the options which had been outlined to her by the solicitor. RESOLVED: That an alternative form of recovery be investigated. b. VILLAGE HALL USER – OUTSTANDING PAYMENTS. The Clerk updated members on the situation in relation to the outstanding invoices and various options for a way forward. It was agreed by all in attendance that the club are a good source of diversionary entertainment for local children and that support could be offered. RESOLVED: That Cllrs Peake and Staniforth be nominated as support for the club, that outstanding payments be cleared and that free use of the Village Hall be afforded to the club for the remainder of the financial year. 15/075 TO RECEIVE REPORT FROM LEISURE CENTRE SUPERVISOR. a. TO APPROVE COSTINGS OF TELEPHONE SYSTEM. 1 – Exetera Limited - £576.64 plus vat 2 – SEP Solutions Limited - £1265.00 plus vat 3 – Mason Info Tech - £776.53 plus vat Due to the urgency of this item a decision had been taken in between meetings to select the cheapest and most cost effective option. RESOLVED: That the Chairman’s decision to select Exetera Limited to supply the new telephone system at a cost of £576.64 plus vat be endorsed. PAGE 4 OF 5 ORDINARY – RECONVENED – 16TH JUNE 2015 b. CONSIDER AND APPROVE ‘BUBBLE FOOTBALL’ EXPENDITURE. Expected income was discussed along with the expenditure. RESOLVED: That the expenditure of £2,900.00 be approved. c. CONSIDER AND APPROVE ‘SKATE PARK EVENT’ EXPENDITURE RESOLVED: That the expenditure of £1,675.00 be approved. d. CONSIDER POSSIBILITY OF ALLOWING VOLUNTEERS AT THE CENTRE. Previous difficulties were discussed however it was agreed that, with safeguards in place, other residents wishing to volunteer at the centre should not be punished for past issues. RESOLVED: That, following guidelines and implementing safeguards, volunteers be allowed at the Leisure Centre. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED AND APPROVED; Letter to traders regarding pre-payment of stalls on Christmas market – APPROVED Selection of sound package for Fireworks event – APPROVED 2015 HALLOWEEN MIX 15/076 TO RECEIVE REPORT FROM MARKET SUPERVISOR. RESOLVED: That the report be accepted. OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED AND APPROVED; Requests had been received from several traders to vacate the Saturday market at 11:30am to allow them to attend another local market. This was debated at length with options for ways of extending the market to encourage other traders also discussed. It was agreed that health and safety should be paramount with measures needing to be taken to escort those leaving early from the market square – APPROVED 15/077 EXEMPT ITEM Exclusion of public and press. Due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted it is advisable, in the public interest, that the public and press be instructed to withdraw from the meeting.
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