Give IT BACK g : ONEi; team, one dream Judge orders retui . B ju p e rl BjjL ' C S I m en's team focusini Canadian w heat t it tdnffs. H i ^iy Q] trip to nationals. I AORIBUSINESS,,B m 1 H . » SPORTS, m T is ;S-I' w s Tuesday, Novenbef 4 ,20(2008— ____________ — Mi^cMeyxoni — ,1 . 1111— .—. 75 cents m i’ed l i Q u o r with «AI TO!)ECIIDEilaw leaves l o c a l r ^ money l o o p h o l e ; Counties benefit DlD espite change, i from bailout earmn a i k liel i Q u o r l a w c a n '■ B,ltotol>op|*io prohibit bars from Tlm«»-N»w8 writer_________ p i s e r v i n g l i Q u o r i In a time of tight budge ^ Idaho and other states juji st before polls close . g o t a hit o f go o d news. For the first time sirsln c c !____,'.J994Jdalio.coumI(;s.shQiihouM _____ ____ Birl<ndS.Ho<)Un rcceivc ihcir full cntitl •Tlmes^ewswriter •poymi’nts nndcr thi e I’aynmnts In Lieu of 'H ixes If your candidate program, which compcn p e n - appearsa p headed for an sates them for federal lalar n d s early loss today, you can rinally have that shot of they can't collect propcJp c rty taxes dn. w hiskey to forget it. Nationally, about I,£1,850 You'll just have to drink county and other localll gov-g< tliat shot at home, not ut y o u r local w a te rin g iiolc. I cmmunts will receive S36S367.2 I million total for the 20080 8 fis-I Idaho's liQuor chief said Monday that when the I pal ybar under the progniigram , according to a I'rlday ppr re ss Idaho Legislaturc agreed release from the 11U.S. UHBrnnmmttim earlierca this year to allow liQuorliQ stores to open an Department of the Interiiterlor. KrftUu M ia Falls Cenrtr dMfc, rtvWwt tk t itsalttm i of a r a ti« ballot test MMdt;4b; aftenM oaialM a Fills. In addition, the releasee stast t- lilliilection Day, U ftirgot to remove an option for cities ed, the PILT and counties to enact a program Is wH UIB prohibition against bars expected to |m _k.“ Youngs5 voters readyly to exercisele their votiring rights i be fully fund- WBD. and restaurants from scrv- Ing liQ u o r o n th e sa m e day. ed through visit BrBeiiBotUn “Nobody noticed that — 2012. http://ww'WWW n T1iBft>‘N<wi writer« r___________ R p H | 9 H i unusual, real unusual.' I Previously, bc.gov/pil sa id Dyke Naiiy, th e s u p e r ­ . counties had pitt/seardlarch • President e n t G eo rg e W. H h HIHHhH ^ intendent of the Idaho I received any- cfmtfseartearch Bush was seekinjing a second D n H B B H lll S tate L iQuor D isp e n sary . “ I. where from ^ cuf. term in 2004, ththt e y w ere 14 M a g k v a n ■H H H H IH faDeyxom M iH ||| looked at lhat andi 41 io n per- n d u a st years old. See video of thought, 'You've gotta be c c n t o f w h a t p| j pay. W h e n th e p( unty clerks test- k id d in g m e.'" they could monts.^ today, the/ll br;^sbe a I^ngmachmes keeping th gh he doesn’t ontidpate Early this year, the have. More voters fo r th e fixt e U m e l n ^ the countiy safe though ote bein g a tie-brcoker. LLegislaturc made the than lialf of the year’s1 fufund* their lives, )rism. his vote doesn’t seem like one tchangc at Nally's reQuestt Ing M’as sent out in lune..le.. .Elghteen-ycar-i.r-old. will •J tfZ .lS J talked about vot- “It dc to changc a 1939 law that[ Several so u th -c en tral1 Id:Idaho exercisc their rig ler p a re n ts . vote’s1 goin gc g to m o k e m u c h o f tc InovWeolntiirvliBrvlow. „ he and supporters> counties have ranked neareardie today. They arc a opinion is, if you a differc'erence,” h e said. h k out sam ple bal- rry Waitley, who to p in th e p a st foi: P I Urfund- fu . bom when the fin c, you can’t com- Terry ling a government dass P^ lease se e UQUOR, P age A2 in g in tlie state, a n d th aat’snot t’s George Bush was! ynesaid. teachini fa iws, hit th e fgj, jj.the last election, at leronrome High School, said set to change. Accordingng ito a their lifetime, all Bectloo2008bui button ana go to Layn^ wasn ents will be watching state breakdown providctded by dents in officee Ih a v e b e e n . sn’t following poll- student lon returns come in H the Idaho Associationo n o f e ith e r a B ush or a C linton, tics os d o ssely. e dectiof i-as p a rt o f th e ir stu d ies. J Counties, Cassia and BlaineBli This time aia ro u n d , o f "1 don't th in k I rea lly c a re d to d a y as T.F. police grade.'she said. Thee election< has gained counties would receiveive the course, it's a cholilolce between School, the chol:holcc is M cC ain in eig h th gn attention of students second* and thlrd-higllighest John McCain aiand Barack bccause shehe likes his C&sey AiAnderson, also a the att< Icromc, said he’s funding a m o u n ts in thestate, e st Obama. ForChelsiclsca Layne, a stronger pro-lift>-life s ta n c e a n d se n io r In Ii toward McCain, Please3se see VOTERS, Page A2 w1 a n t t o both more than S1.7 millTiiiUon. s e n iQ r a t leuromc ro High believes he’ll 1do do the best job leaning t( IW in Palls C o u n ty w o uJ ld d rt a n k fourtliwithrougliiyS1.46i.46 mil- I If you are registered, as MinidokaMlr Co. - 436 -7 1 1 1 1 / ______UoiL......................................... Bpn^Itay arrives J S ’ui a s th e directions to ^ u r : Jerome.Co.-644.2714-Jen d e d i c a t e ley The extra 2008 money in> the sta te of Idaho poillnfling place. UncolnUm C o .-8 8 6 -7 6 4 1 an earniork attached to th e )en today from 8 a.m . Or callall your local county clerk: GotGooding C o .- 9 3 4 4 8 4 1 , Hmergency Econo)n o m ic 8 p.m.i.m. Twin FallsR Co. - 7 3 6 4 0 0 4 BlaineBla Co. - 788-5510 mI o r e O T S tab ilizatio n A ct o f 2i2008, www.ldahovotes.gov to Cassia5la C o .- 8 7 ^ 5 2 4 0 CamasCat Co.-764-2242 [ commonly known as thehe fed- ■■ M H H i eral bailout bill for beb a n k s affected by the lending a to airport According to the Intc“ A t l o nI j g l a s t : D e ddsiontim l e; f o r a d i v i (d e d U . S . I release. It will be distiibi to countics by tlie thirdTlw v ee k s e c u r i t y of November. ^ T « d U i « Q r SIDE H i The money camc; aas a AifoclatedPrett' 'NS"icCain preach ^ h | | | | j m u i n IByJai«iS.HopUBS pleasant surprise to coic o u n ty ---------------------- Obama, McC Tlme»Ntwi witter________ officials. Gooding CountyCot Finally. ch an an election • ' Commissioner HHelen Rarely has a . The 1\vln Falls Police ay that ' been so antjdpjJpated. Ra^y- See paip a s t AS , Edwards said Monday Depanment told the Cityf pi gone on for the extra funds mayly Ihelp has a campaign ] Council on Monday Itt Tered so many »a 5W-ycar:ar'vrar in make up for an expecpccted so long and offer wants to stop using on- interest plot twists. Andnd never In a that has killedled nearly 4,200 in co m e shortfall fro m inu duty officers to manage ive Americans Americans and divided the and property taxcsThciccoun- a generation have security at loslln Field, iO total and their talkalking heads two candidatesites,oneofthem ty would get S576,450 i Magic Valley Regionali ich certainty, a war hero, aboutab how and th is year. expressed such Airpon, and start paying all1 lh a t th e next w h e n it sh o u ld k le n d . *lf there's a shortfaltfall, it such passion th assigned ofTicers overtime2 lesoid. president can'tn-change the ’ *ln a coimtuntiy that once co u ld w ell h e lp u s ,' sh e si rates. •softindamen* took up armsms against itself tf |W ( ^ Blaine County CorComm- natlonalgameso The Informational pres­ itircly.
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