KEEPING PEACE in Korea By Amy McCullough, News Editor USAF keeps its forces in Korea at maximum readiness to deter a belligerent and aggressive North. USAF photo by SSgt. Nick Wilson Airmen perform prelight checks on an F-16 at Kunsan AB, South Korea, during Beverly Midnight 16-3, a readiness exercise to ensure security on the Korea peninsula. 34 NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2016 H WWW.AIRFORCEMAG.COM n just a few short decades, South Despite the significant economic, tech- Although its aircraft are mostly hold- Korea, once one of the poorest coun- nological, and military progress, the Ko- overs from the Korean War, “they have tries in the world, has pulled itself rean War between the democratic south a lot of them and quantity is a quality out of poverty and transformed into and the unstable, dynastic communist all of its own,” said Col. Rob Bortree, an economic powerhouse. regime in North Korea never actually commander of the 607th Air Operations IOften called the “Miracle on the Han,” ended. For 63 years the Korean Peninsula Center at Osan. referring to the major river that runs has operated in a state of armistice—not The underground facilities create ad- through Seoul, South Korea now boasts the war, not peace. ditional problems because if a crisis were world’s 13th largest economy and is one to arise US and South Korean forces of the most wired countries on the planet. REAL, NEAR, PERSISTENT would first have to find the weapons and Of its roughly 51 million people, nearly The armistice helps maintain stability then figure out how to attack, Bortree half live in the greater Seoul metropolitan in the region, but North Korea is a very pointed out. area—a bustling, modern mega city that real, near, persistent, and lethal threat “The current assessment is [North is home to Samsung, one of the world’s capable of inflicting significant damage Korea] will attack with very little to no top smartphone producers. Four of the on the South and the surrounding region. notice,” he said. “They can’t sustain of- top five shipbuilding companies are based That’s why the motto, “Fight Tonight,” fensive maneuver and depth, so ... their in South Korea, and the country is the is ingrained in the US forces stationed initial plan is to get in and push us to the No. 1 producer of flat-screen televisions. there, from the lowest-ranking airman table to get concessions.” There are construction projects nearly to the Army four-star, Gen. Vincent K. The North’s 60,000- to 100,000-strong everywhere you look and small cities are Brooks, in charge of US Forces Korea. special operations force is often overshad- taking the place of farmland across the At Osan AB, South Korea, Lt. Gen. owed by its aggressive ballistic missile and country. Those who were stationed on the Thomas W. Bergeson, 7th Air Force com- nuclear development programs, but it is peninsula in the late 1990s to early 2000s mander and deputy commander of US “one of the largest SOF forces on record say it is virtually unrecognizable today. Forces Korea, said, “We send everybody and they have the ability to move them The Republic of Korea’s military ca- up to the DMZ [demilitarized zone between very quickly south,” said Bortree, who pabilities also have made impressive North and South Korea] because when you noted it “will be a significant challenge” strides. The ROK air force includes some can stand there and look face-to-face with if a crisis erupts. 65,000 airmen and 700 aircraft, and its somebody that’s on the other side it really North Korea has the world’s second larg- government continues to invest in modern brings it home to you.” He continued, est chemical weapons stockpile. Most of equipment with the purchase of F-35 strike “When you understand the vast array of the buildings at Osan have heavy duty blast fighters, Global Hawks, Patriot and mis- long-range artillery right along the DMZ, doors that when shut create an isolated and sile upgrades, as well as AH-64 Apache and the thousands and thousands of forces pressurized environment allowing airmen helicopters. that are right along there, you get the sense to continue to operate during an attack. that we’re at armistice and not at peace.” “Those aren’t just for show. They are North Korea has the fourth largest for a reason,” said Bortree. “One of our military in the world, with roughly 70 assumptions is that we will be fighting in percent forward deployed “fairly close” some type of chemical environment, in to the DMZ—located not even 50 miles addition to short notice and everything from Osan. Its artillery force is the larg- else. And then the nuclear capability is est in the world: 13,000 systems, pretty also out there as something else we have much all of them hidden within 11,000 to think about.” underground facilities. Capt. Kevin Liu, North Korea’s state-run media warned the deputy director of the commander’s of a more advanced type of nuclear test action group at Osan, said long-range last year as it was expanding its test site artillery is typically a tactical weapon, at Punggye-ri, located in the northeast. In but in South Korea it’s a strategic threat— January, the North claimed to have deto- especially the North’s 170 mm and 240 nated its first thermonuclear weapon. US mm multiple rocket launchers, posing a Forces Korea officials said the nuclear tests significant threat to Seoul. produce much lower yield than what the “If fired in volleys they would be able North actually claims, noting the January to strike Seoul and the surrounding area, test was either a “failed attempt or it was potentially causing mass civilian casual- only intended to be a boosting device.” ties, significant collateral damage, and Still, North Korea is the only country gross economic destruction,” said Liu. this century to test nuclear weapons and North Korea is believed to have 800 the tests are becoming alarmingly more theater ballistic missiles with a range of regular. capabilities and “enough plutonium for A few weeks after Air Force Magazine’s six to eight nuclear weapons,” according visit, some 25,000 US service members, to a 7th Air Force briefing. ROK forces, and participants from nine NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2016 H WWW.AIRFORCEMAG.COM 35 Photo by Jake Melampy Above: Two A-10s and an F-16 (back) train near Osan AB, South Korea, in May. Above Because of the need to remain vigilant right: Capt. Edward Ellingson (l) explains US Patriot missiles to Korean air force ca- dents at Osan. US forces in Korea are almost always exercising. A typical year includes some nations gathered on the peninsula for the drawing strong rebuke from the United 30 exercises. start of Ulchi Freedom Guardian—one States and as well as other nations. Exercise Vigilant Ace, first conducted of the world’s largest military exercises. Since the Korean War no provocation in 2015, bridged the gap between strate- It is focused on defending the ROK. At has reached crisis level, but the US has a gic level exercises like Key Resolve and the time, North Korea threatened to turn detailed pre-positioned air tasking order Ulchi Freedom Guardian and the more the South into a “heap of ashes through a that maps out the first few days of conflict. tactical ones that lacked higher-level Korean-style pre-emptive nuclear strike” if It’s exercised regularly just in case. Ev- command and control. Vigilant Ace was US and Republic of Korea forces showed eryone stationed on the peninsula knows specifically designed to practice the US’ “the slightest sign of aggression” during the exactly what their piece of the puzzle ability to execute the pre-ATO, including annual military drill, reported NPR, citing would be if the plan is executed. quickly generating forces and accepting a state-run North Korean media outlet. “Seventh Air Force, when teamed with follow-on forces. Such amped up rhetoric has become a the Republic of Korea Air Force, is ready Unlike UFG, where the tactical piece regular occurrence during and just before to deliver precise, intense, and overwhelm- is computer-based, airmen fly 24 hours a large-force exercises on the peninsula and ing airpower,” said Liu. day during Vigilant Ace. military officials say they have gotten good Last year’s exercise included Total Force at keeping an eye on the real-world threat CONSTANT EXERCISES units from Japan and Guam in addition while conducting the necessary training. Though the airspace in South Korea is to the United States, added to more than However, 7th Air Force Vice Com- roughly the size of Indiana, the air cam- 20,000 US and ROK participants and over mander Brig. Gen. Kyle W. Robinson said paign in the early days of a second Korean 200 on-peninsula aircraft. The playing field even with daily airborne ISR missions and War would be the “largest in modern his- spanned eight bases in Korea and required intelligence briefs, it’s difficult to predict tory” and would include more than 2,000 the movement of some 1,000 personnel. when or how North Korea will act. sorties per day. That’s more than twice the “ROK and US and other component “Unless they come out and tell us, sorties flown on the first day of Operation assets integrate in a very realistic scenario the only thing we can really do is try to Desert Storm.
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