4 THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE. I returned to the r er» T| i in |p lo»flinK for siii'li mviworPR, uml mj iiKlit tln-Hfl Ml what is right nud what suppress my feelings and to listen to man Bins unless a spiri t of folly possess- and Mrs. Lencht, 00 j"™^ ° °'}> . is I ' Socman 's home ^ ^[^'ag b ag 1 h M '"rim? sl>»P<' "»<l f|,rt,» vuto that chaos wrong, to whieh no prophet ever added the tlicto of reason. es him. " Men and nations wore—and quiet room in Mr. rf 0°imes Broadly speaking, ^f p nlllUlluft fT| P T1C 3 n lS136lll6l no more. prize-fl I lib ! of passion f<> r innovation , most always a word in theory or practice ; these are the skkmos. many are yet— ignorant of the oondi- , with the intention to do jnR has a distinct tendency to ¦ even- prmeut ¦ ¦ - •- long )"¦¦ i'>i-i iu> generalities, no equivocacy, or poet- «r«« tions they as members of the covenant Bnt no, it would not do. In the murder, because it influences men •' it is Th« nhimt nf «.« ^i^nnx fh» to ISAAr .W. «7^ • ^r _ ioai ni^U, ; ali original and ™ to fulnll ; they know not duties * ^in. ^^L'^lZ™ had - thi; St^ffitt nl "~ York papers are responsible concrete Besides nil that, the main they have to perform as children of maleW^^^^i representative to thatZ charmingSi *$&? £ ;T - , Tnu N^v . iaid down the tbeory liecordiug to the inuy desiKn9d to prevent killi,lc Z' TrWl&^ « x-b cv O™VJ.. f„|], ar temple of art and went with Mr. oee- LEO f „r tJl () )W iuK statistics : Tim laws of the code, such as the ^ ' , Prophet Jeremiah in last evening's ad- tna liTing God ; they know not God, brief review of them will show. Acoorrl- Pmuishfr i ash I' RnrmiT . statistician of the Police Department riage laws, the laws of war and peace, I . ' tho? know not His grace, His covenant man to the house of Rabbi Heller where ing to the rules, only the fist must ¦ ** dregs Tho j maintained ™° be " "' ' " competed to day his tables showing the charity laws, the lubor laws and i . ' . ' *' ' . ' of grace and peace. Therefore God Mrs. Holler had arranged a reception "^A W u™ a ^«P«m or ' , , . ,.. P 0 ™ta ib^^ B Office: X. W . O.r. Fifth an.l \ .no St.. tm|(lo th(, „ limcll „ hluted at ln I ^ * * Jj called Abraham and instructed , • • I in honor of herjruest Rabbi Stolz , of ^ ¦ th(j |lnnj bw <jf nmHhl by otller8 m noi J* ^Jf him «^«j ^ _ -_ . ^ many friends there ana 1' olicb Department. Tin; total number the prophetic books. But they glorify the Thorah material years W}i Ail - Sha ddi,- walk thoujiefore me Chicago. I met on8e8 that one man pan hurt auotliur and a thousand thou home,' , Cincinnati, 0., .January 10, lsfla. I){ arrests js: Males. 77. JM females, royal dynasty and the sacrificial polity and a Porfeot. " as t,le substance* remained till-well, till I went- seriously ,with -thei fist, dspeoi ally if , ls ¦ 0f history before them and the divine ^ requir ed laws, lUl "T— ~~ 7~ " at ~ ¦ ' <»¦ Of the persons¦ arrested. -13, 27!> as indispensable awl integral portions . ' - ' „ of the sublime lesson he should practice too tired to write down the impressions byjrinfr blows are . Emorrii, »s Nncon ii-oiBB, ^ inniiu mutii, 77, -rr ~7T^iiion -'''.'¦'•' * " * power in memf , , to luaice ultimaten]HnitttB ao-h r , ,. , struck above the belt, avoiding n« p0»i(nik'u ..t < inrirti .uii , ni,i„ , were born hi the United States, 20. 502 of Judaism, while Moses lays no stress «»d promulgate in qrderj to become a I reoeived dnring the day. tenderer parts of the body in gtraotions from that entire material did ^ in I,vlun 1 1 4 : <m either so tbat tho Mc8aiauic oom - blessing to all the families of the earth. Nest morning committee meeting till Again, no man must be struck nmrnvm PPirr PFR YFaP SUM)uu ' ' ^ "", ^ """"J- ' ' of -and this is chiefly their greatness- while IBBStKlfwO K mil, rm tlak W [ni]v i;|) n chinii ThBre wen"', tllotjon on ^th Sj das tue honH0 . ' .... _ Therefore God ruised'up Israel to a 2. pm. then dinner in the palatial prostrate or while trying to ri«e ^ din „.nnrfnrfr,| from after ™ »«»-A " ' ,,-,, „,,o,-s, ITS bankers and brok,rs, took its rise and draws its steady nutri- J.^ kingdom of priests and a holy nation, home of the distinguished jurist. Mr. a fall Where ring ru es prevail the J cn ^Zmclmteate abstractionsal^^Snmi trom the ° , r ,, , ;„ „n, man who gets knockedQg down in mmPmiaop 10in LriirtraUr0W. p. UflnRMj rYeaedl ^r - - - - SI 00 ,. ., .,, ,, . meatL fro* m the> prophetical. • . scriptures.• ^ t Dreyfus,tv « the»v. son-in-law.. i„,., of„f onr kindirind , i^g *a br:m-i _ ^J _ lirtf)!lduri) i M ciurKymt!„ , v* variong 8llbdivi8ion8 0f the Thorah , as to make known unto them and by them g per£eot flafe M h ™ bates OP AUVKKT isiNfl. lawyurs, is, OHii laborers, t)S physicians, Nabiism is not historical Judaism. t0 the hnman race the conditions and hosta , lasting to the last moment of our wnere he has^ been put. " did jei.emia]j in regard to the theory of DompHneninr.v K.*, 1 !..!i.ii. K«iMi>i>iiI ii «rie B »sM Js u„d(,rtllkt.rs lltld r, rabbis arrested. ^-^- duties of God's covenant with man. departure. Then no man need figh t unless he ^.. >.^»B TndniHm Thnoo niH™ n t« ~^....n^H^ . having >^»^J Th(, fMnm nf tlMi Dotective Bureau THKRR ta ont iu Iudiana Therefore He , gave them the Thonih Here at the depot the generosity of ^ts to^or h ^turany Ji7e £^^ f , Jj u* r Al VI:UnSEMEN1 "3 n, <1 r.-cov«««l -, , 00n worth of Htoleu called Decatur. This town has a paper which contains in a tangible form thesn our New Orleans peop e was not ex- ^ of t .nS i\y, ' * ' *2H. for the preachers of religion, so much ^uder rinR low a Confession w „^on pp , * hausted yet. The floral gifts and the °° _. _ property . culled the l>-morratir We-kh, Worhl g0 t])at qnite fl nnmber thQm . conditions and duties, which man beaten and wiUingI1ess to admit the f mia and kind as coirpuMBSTAiiY and memorial reioiuiionii ol This setims not to bo exactly correct , which in size is about as large as the f . th . v,,- ^ .. , fn_ f ho „-!„;„„! should know and do, in order "to live adieus were as numerous superiority of the opponent' always lofty " Juliet's good night to Romeo. ftjjtofe Now in couutriBs VS^£S£ ^ " - #SfcS££lfor among th« arrest made there are soles of your boots and in tone as ma 7om wh cl i masL Snds by them" within the covenant of grace md^ onHerm charge oHi.00each. H(, Slavonians, that of a Zulu herdsman. Well, ^ Homeward bound, extra oars, large ^ ^_ Kussiiuis.Hungarians or as. construoted them. and peace and advance therein to per - lar p Bport ag baseban aud f0otball lire In answerin g any of the ilTertliemutt In thin lind y8t five rabbis are iimong them who this paperlet of its own account made ' . feotion, happiness and immortality, company, quite sick and exhausted all wjtb ns pnbii0 opinion enforces a ine inoran contains not only the in > rinc pnier . oarrfii.il rt8wlllconfer»f»Torn poi bothtbe .w n(] c\QT(rjmKll. Who are they? known to its readers, which appear to - which q^ promjBed to aU children of day, arrived safely and time. no ao- rules on all occasions. Whoever viQ. Kntoh. .ai th« ^iM^hM ihv P"°oiplei dooferiue and precept, forever. ^ pabll|jh«r. , R , oontiuRellt ? bo as numerous as the buffaloes in the oident 0004 ; farewell, New lata them will invariably have a iMb M., tartw.. ,, w.l.tM MinWi»«Mtni « the essence of Judaism ; it contains ito * ¦ ^^. _ atftto of Indtanai THGprophet B9SKSCE 0F „ TH0RAH. Orleans. yours>re a great people and ™,, ultimate ^^^^MiS^^l^^ .T«>r™t,.,. the Palestinian port has come MW P, v , no doubt about it That is all I entered J£%^%^!^^ heavy. " ™,h TS^^ ^S^' S^ tionThe whose abstrac Zf ^^ J ^^1^ yain s 00 for attempt that day in my note book. a fight usual ^^%S%J ?*&* t9 Tha „,rW ( graoioU8, wllat a miserable ^7a SS ST Si at hl^ I to expound, , standing at _ _ yj^jjj^Jh* ^^ feebl Wld g^ •S^ 0 r th° ° World thiB ta) th° 1V° rW d0 UOt Care the life of nations that embrace the end of the prophetical milleninm, to of dead man and what the of rtri"t^bwnVSe^lSl£S ! f ; T f washedJl', aw ny - S3 ^ /Jn ^ ^ H. Levi Es . Jeath Hian lcera of co fgatibnB w Mwud 10 city, swept over it and T™ to .do bnsinew. with them, " and then a9 l h»veot remarked before, sawof well ^ implies for those left behind , few of p ngj J«r number that sabiime essence. These lessons¦ all the Qalveston Texa3 it. must be stated here Unle8S us fl ~nB.den.We of _ house,. and goe3 on showing the Jew8 doing ^ .^ n commandmentsin to ta es at C meS r^JfiSM Jtt " ^ ^ ft were V gStaaa.. k offense ou^oIS? " ° l , shoddy ^ Th^o r^b. practicable days. ^ t8 in X athletic S' ^& * 1$^-&t%3Sff l bnsineS8 'here sell poor stuff of th, 00V6aanta reoolded in th9 8orae of , stat„ these o .
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