Property of the Watertown Historical Society An OakviU* watertownhistoricalsociety.orgWaterttnen Weekly TIMES Vol. 9, No. 372 Price, $3.00 Per Y Single Copy. 6 Ceets 20, 1955 Shons Retiring Town Meeting On A Change Monday As Athletic Head . ' H. SbbSa, . director of To Be Reintroduced athletics' at-' pie .Taft - School, -will retire1., in June, it was announced here"-Qiis -"week, by". .Headmaster A copy of the Watertown charter bill that was passed by both "Paul • Cruflcshante."Joseph B. Lako- : 'The. Selectmen have 'Called for a special' 'Town Meeiing Monday, Houses of the 1953 General Assembly and then 'twice: "lost**,, .is. ex- vitch has "been: named ^Director of Jan. 24, to consider and act on the question of a change in town gov- pected to be reintroduced this month, according to an announoenwnt by ernment. The meetlnfl will be held at 8 p. m. In the High:! School gym- the Citizens Charter Committee, sponsors of the original bill. nasium. The committee states, "Our main purpose in planning' to' re intro- The meeting will 'Consider seven 'items. They are: ' ! duce a 'Copy of the lost bill- is to hold a place on tine legislative 'Calen- 1. - To vote on the holding of a. second town meeting to vote on dar to insure the possibility of holding a referendum in town this year .the question of change In the town's form of government.: ' ,-i". the is latter of a change in government." 2. - If 1 is approved, to decide the day of 'the week for holding the second meeting, what hours the polls shall be open, leaving: the date The committee noted, "The to be determined by the Selectmen. deadline for filing bills in the 19- 3. - To decide what forms of government shall be voted upon. 55 session of the legislature 'is 4. - To decide If the vote shall be by ballot or machine. Russell Warns before February 1, we believe 5. - To decide: whether the question of consolidating town govern- The Selectmen1 , have had the en- ment with 'the two fire districts shall be voted upon. :' tire year in. which to' act on this - 6. - To authorize the appointment or election of a. charter commit- matter, but, little • progress has tee to draw up a charter in accordance with the results of the vote on Procedure Will been made and the "legislative a change In the form of government. deadline date is almost upon * us. , 7, - To appropriate .up to $1,000 to finance the holding of the sec- The numerous and complex ond meeting." ' * Lead To Unrest procedures proposed by the Se- lectmen to decide the issue may Rep. Arthur H. Russell warns drag,the whole affair well past that the Selectmen's proposed pro- this session of the legislature, Simpler Procedures Are Urged cedures for voting on a change in thus again depriving this commu- government will " keep this town, nity of an opportunity to vote on. The Republican Town Commit- 'The Leagu,e of 'Women Voters, -in agitation" for years," a specific proposed change. tee;: at its meeting1 Tuesday, adopt- of Watertown declared in. a. state- The veteran legislator stated, "We stronglj. emphasize that ed a .resolution urging the Se- ment .released this week that 'the "I can't see the sense of all this our prime aim in introducing the lectmen to adopt different and •decision, on a change fin the town's red, tape. One town meeting bill is to preserve a place on. the Charles -H. Shoo* simplified procedures for voting system, of three1 governments may could set, up a charter committee calendar so that the legislature Phyrika^.JSduGaitian atJJieScIiaoI,, on -a change in the town's form be determined in. two' votes at this and sanction sending the bill when can act during • this session on, a .and Rdbert-.'.C"Aclams^wi]l;save of governments. session -of the General Assembly. it's ready to. Hartford. On.ce 'the 'Wsgertown. referendum charter .as Chalrmaa -of the FaciUty Athle- The announcement stated that (The Selectmen's 'proposal re- General' Assembly gets the green bill." tic Committee... --" the committee 'Considers the "Se- quire ..procedures that go beyond light from, the town, it couJi. au- Mr. Shows, a native of 'frashmg- lectmen's proposed procedures the 1955 term, of the legislature.) thorize the holding of a referen- tonville/K, ¥., and." a graduate of Coo-long and Involved, and confus- The non-partisan group states dum, here on the charter. Lawrehceville School' .and Williams es the problem besides detracting its position as follows: •""The way the Selectmen, are set- Candeo Resigns as College,.."came to Taft in 1.922 as attention from the basic issues." "The Le*ague jof Vlfomen Voters ting things up I see a lot of de- a teacher, of French. He had pre- of the Town, of Watertown favors bates 'and hearings and repititious GOP Chairmen viously.- Jaught at AshevilJe School,. a change that consolidates the op- arguments ahead for the lawmak- erations, of the toivn and. fire ers. I venture to predict that it's Ellsworth T. Ca.nd.ee has sub- •district under a. Council-Maoager going to take at least, -a. couple, if mitted his resignation as Chair- 0ver$1200Added not more, sessions of the legisla- man of the Republican, Town questiosystem.n .Howevernow is not, i twhaappeart forms .th, ofe ture, 'besides the steady round of Committee, it was announced this To Library's Fund. government is 'best suited. for the votes on this, matter, if the Se- week. .Mr. Candee will 'Continue town, but the kind of voting proce- lectmen's procedures are adopted. as a member of the committee. • Folks sent 1*131275 for the Waf- dure to be used that will, bring the And. we all know by now that Miss Irene Bussemey was. named tertown Library's- Building Fund,,, Issue to a. head without further1 every time there'll, be a town ' as acting chairman. following the appeal last week postponements. meeting or referendum held in I *n his letter of resignation. Mr. for more contributions. "Mrs. Sol **The League believes that' four accordance with these' procedures Candee observed, "I am resign! og B." Luna, fund, drive chairman re- o:r five steps on the subject, is there's going to be wrangles. It's in accordance with the under- ported. Tuesday that the fund, now needless and wasteful when the going to keep this. town in agita- standing' when. I assumed the posi- 'Contains $35,500. 'The goal' is issue 'might be resolved in two tion for years. tion, of chairman of the Town FfiMMX), the amount needed, for a, Committee." When Mr. Candee new. 'wing to the overcrowded steps, "I 'think the time is already would 'be a. town overdue for-getting much accom- "was elected, last year he accept- institution. • . • meetin"Theg firsto telect a charter com- ed the post, on condition that be Campaign, workers have sent plished at the Capitol this session occupy it temporarily but not 'lat- •'tetters to persons who have not mittee to frame a charter." This on a Watertown charter. A char- charter can be submitted to the ter committee should" have been er than, January 1955. He is also been reached by solicitors during General Assembly With the re- chairman of the School Buil.di.ng the'"•recent drive 'requesting con- officially set up long ago and Committee and chairman of the tributions for the library building quest that a town-wide, all day worked up something tentative referendum be allowed for_ 'the based on our needs, here. Hear- Board of Finance. project. • Mrs., • Luria said, '"We polls. The Town Committee' accepted hope" that" those who have- already voters to go to the ings could have 'been held and the .Ms resignation,-with, a, rising-vote made contributions may find it "The second step 'would be the contents of a. roughly 'drawn char- of thanks for his services. possible to' .send -'additional, funds. (Continued on Page 15) SO' 'that this important building (Continued, on Piage 15) Joseph - Ls&ovltch ' '' program, for the library can be N.... C.». • Lawrenceville .Stfhool, N. Senior Girls Win Annual Award X, and the Stadium High School, successfully realized.™ Opinions Invited Tacoma, . Wash. He:. was named Miss Frances Sraolskis a, senior tor-in-chief of the year book and athletic director "in 1925. "At Wtt- .850 Attend Operetta On Raffles Bill at Watertown High School - and a, member of 'the Student 'Council, liams he' was an outstanding ath- 'Over1' 850 "persons attended the A number of local Fire 'Depart- Miss Judith Irene Evans a senior and Athletic Association. lete having played, varsity 'base- Thursday and" Friday evening/ per- ments throughout Connecticut are at Woodbury High School were Miss Evans .is the dflhghter of. ball for four years and- was'named, formance 'Of ""The Outlaw King*'* sponsoring 'a bill in, 'the legislature chosen by their classmates .and Mr. .and. .Mrs:. .Reginald- Evans; of to the Ail-Eastern Team in 1911 held, at 'the- Swift' Junior 'High, that 'will enable then* to' hold raf- faculties for the annual D.A.R. Woodbury. She was graduated • and 1912 by the New York Herald last-week.. "The' show, presented by fles and lottery games, it, was re- Good Citizenship Award. from the Woodbury Grammar1 {Continued, on Page Five) the Junior •,High.'..'dee -Club tod, ported by 'Rep. Roland W. 'Tyler. The announcement was. made by School .and at Woodbury High has Peter Pape cast .as Robin Hood - "The bill is being: strongly oppos- Mrs. Chris Neeuswanger, .Regent 'been a cheer leader1 for' 'three' Town Clerk's Office Closing the Outlaw King.
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