Corpus Christi College Cambridge / PARKER-ON-THE-WEB M.R. James, Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 1912 MS 423 Stanley: W. 4 TJames: 301 Letters and Documents concerning the University of Oxford. Sermons Epistolae Oxonienses. Sermones Codicology: Vellum and paper, mm 200 x 135, (8 x 5.6 in.), ff. 1 + 49 + 21 + 82, three volumes. Cent. xv late and xvi early. Multivolume: Volume I: In a current hand of cent. xv late, about 28 lines to a page. Titles in red, dates often added by Parker[]. Volume II: (Part I) A neat hand, 38 lines to a page. Volume II: (Part II) Vellum, 31 lines to a page, another hand. Volume III: Begins in double columns of 37 lines, neatly written. Collation: 1 vellum flyleaf, 118 212 (paper) 310 (+1: 1st and two last and inner sheets paper, rest vellum) 48 (vellum) a12 (+1: paper) b8 (vellum) | A12 (outer and middle sheets vellum) B12-F12 G10 (as A). Additions: On f. iv Parker[]ian notes on George Neville[], etc., and Hic liber quondam erat Wilhelmi Warham[] ut in pag. 30. On p. 30 is scribbled in pencil Warham[] Son liure (?). Research: The volume has been examined by Mr Strickland Gibson[], who has kindly supplied me with references. Research: Mr Anstey[Anstey 1898] mentions this volume in his Preface, p. vi. The hand of part of it at least is probably identical with that shewn in the second plate of his second volume. Foliation: ff. a + i + pp. 1-214 + 214a-215a + 215-304 + f. b. Language: Latin and English. Contents: Volume I 1. 1-3 Letter of the University of Oxford to Thomas Kempe[] Epistola academiae ad Thomam Kempe[] episcopum Londinensem, laudes illi meritas attribuens, quod parietes scholarum theologiae lapide quadrato absolvisset, easque opere celato ostiis et turriculis ornasset 1 Incipit: Cum tuarum preclarissimarum laudum monumenta 2. 4-4 List of Bishops of London from Richard Clifford[] to Thomas Kempe[] De temporibus quibus episcopi Londinenses a Richardo Clifford[] ad Thomam Kempe[] sunt consecrati In Parker[]ian hand [Nasmith:] This article and the following one are more modern than the rest of the book, being added by Joceline[] and archbishop Parker[] 3. 4-4 On the building of the library at Oxford[] Of the building of the library at Oxford[] In English and Latin in two Parker[]ian hands [Nasmith:] This article and the previous one are more modern than the rest of the book, being added by Joceline[] and archbishop Parker[] 4. 5-6 Two letters of Edward Poole[] to his father Epistolae duae brevissimae Edwardi Poole[], qui tunc in academia Oxoniensi[] studebat, ad patrem suum, in quibus commendat ei scribam academiae cui has literas perferendas dederat et enarrat quanta est ejus in academia expectatio 5 Incipit: Qui meas ad te literas dabit p. 6 blank 5. 7-7 Letter of Richard Beauchamp, Bishop of Salisbury[] to the University of Oxford[], 1480 Epistola episcopi Sarisburiensis[] ad academiam Oxon.[] in qua gratulatur eis quod petitionem suam ejus consilio jam essent consecuturi, cum ipse cito esset venturus et nobilem infantulum in gremium matris suae oblaturus, data ex Windesora[] 7 Apr. Cf. Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society), p. 456[Anstey 1898], etc. 6. 7-8 Letter of the University of Oxford[] to Richard Beauchamp, Bishop of Salisbury[] Epistola academiae ad eundem episcopum, in qua maximas ei agunt gratias quod ejus consilio nobilis hic infantulus, regius scilicet nepos, universitati ascisceretur 7. 8-10 Letter of the University of Oxford[] to Edward IV[] Epistola academiae ad regem Edwardum IV[]. in qua declarant innocentiam doctoris Smyth[] suspecti de heresi Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society)[Anstey 1898], p. 415, etc. 8. 10-11 Letter of the University of Oxford[] to Edward IV[] Epistola academiae ad eundem, ne avocaret latomos quos ad scholas theologiae perficiendas perquisiverunt, aut saltem si episcopus Winton. aliquos, quos usui suo concesserat rex, impertiri voluerit usui academiae, illis utendi potestatem faceret Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society)[Anstey 1898], p. 446, etc. 9. 11-12 Letter of the University of Oxford[] to John Sante, Abbot of Abingdon[], 1478 Epistola academiae ad Iohannem abbatem de Abbendon[], ut Romam profecturus, privilegia academiae confirmari curaret Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society)[Anstey 1898], p. 447, etc. 10. 12-13 Letter of the University of Oxford[] to Lionel Woodville, Dean of Exeter [] Epistola academiae ad Leonellum Widevil[] Exon. ecclesiae decanum in qua continetur gratia ei concessa in congregatione solemni, nempe primum ut ad extraordinariam decretalium lecturam admitti, tum in decretis licentiari possit Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society)[Anstey 1898], p. 448, etc. 11. 13-14 Letter of the University of Oxford[] to William Waynfleet, Bishop of Winchester[], 1478 Epistola academiae ad episcopum Winton. ut velit eis copiam facere utendi illis edificialibus instrumentis quae ad clarissimi ejus collegii fabricam comparata sunt Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society)[Anstey 1898], p. 443, etc. 12. 14-15 Letter of the University of Oxford[] to Thomas Kempe, Bishop of London[], 1478 Epistola academiae ad episcopum London. quod eligerunt quatuor viros qui pecuniam ab eo reciperent pro edificatione scholarum theologiae et quam primum eis redderent 1478 Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society)[Anstey 1898], p. 435, etc. 13. 15-16 Letter of the University of Oxford[] to Thomas Kempe, Bishop of London[], 1476 Epistola academiae ad Thomam Kempe[] episcopum London. ut scholas theologiae jamdudum inchoatas sed multis annis mancas et prope neglectas perficere velit 1476 Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society)[Anstey 1898], p. 429, etc. 14. 16-17 Letter of the University of Oxford[] to William Waynfleet, Bishop of Winchester[] Epistola academiae ad episcopum Winton. ut confoederet pacem inter Thomam Davers[] et doctorem Haydok[] Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society)[Anstey 1898], p. 431, etc. 15. 17-18 Letter of the University of Oxford[] to Thomas Kempe, Bishop of London[] Epistola academiae ad Thomam Kempe[] episcopum Londini in qua gratias ei agunt, quod eorum precibus adductus perfectionem scholarum theologiae in se suscepisset Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society)[Anstey 1898], p.432 16. 18-19 Letter of the University of Oxford[] to Thomas Kempe, Bishop of London[] Alia epistola ad eundem eadem de re Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society)[Anstey 1898], p. 438 17. 19-20 Letter of the University of Oxford[] to John Morton, Bishop of Ely[], 1480 Epistola academiae ad episcopum Eliensem ut nepotem suum faciat in jure canonico procedere Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society)[Anstey 1898], p. 459 18. 20-21 Letter of the University of Oxford[] to Thomas Myllyng, Bishop of Hereford[], 1480 Epistola academiae ad episcopum Herefordensem, in qua gratias singulares ei reddunt pro singulari amore quo benemeritos academiae viros complectitur Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society)[Anstey 1898], p. 460 19. 22-23 Letter of the University of Oxford[] to Richard Beauchamp, Bishop of Salisbury[], 1480 Epistola academiae ad episcopum Sarum ut acceleret adventum domini Edwardi Poole[] ad academiam Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society)[Anstey 1898], p. 461 20. 23-24 Letter of the University of Oxford[] to Edward IV[], 1481 Epistola academiae ad regem Edwardum IV[]. de electione Iohannis Harries[] in bedellum, quod licite nec secus ac jubent statuta facta est Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society)[Anstey 1898], p. 465 21. 24-25 Letter of the University of Oxford[] to John Morton, Bishop of Ely[], 1481 Epistola academiae ad episcopum Eliensem ut regiae majestati innocentiam eorum in dicta electione persuadeat Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society)[Anstey 1898], p. 465 22. 25-25 Letter of the University of Oxford[] to Edmund Audley, Bishop of Rochester[], 1481 Epistola academiae ad episcopum Roffensem de eadem re Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society)[Anstey 1898], p. 466 23. 26-26 Letter of the University of Oxford[] to Richard Beauchamp, Bishop of Salisbury[], 1480 Epistola academiae ad episcopum Sarum, in qua narrant quanto cum gaudio audierunt eum matrem suam Oxoniam jam esse visurum, desideratissimum infantem ducturum, dignissimique gradus ejus cathedram lecturis decoraturum; et quod magistrum Ricardum Andrew[] incorporaverunt et dominum Ricardum (Stephanum) Brown[] in artibus licentiaverunt prout desideraverat Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society)[Anstey 1898], p. 463 24. 27-27 Letter of the University of Oxford[] to Thomas Bourchier, Archdeacon of Canterbury[] Epistola academiae ad Bowchier Cantuar. archidiaconum[] de gradibus ei concessis Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society)[Anstey 1898], p. 460 25. 28-28 Letter of the University of Oxford[] to Richard Beauchamp, Bishop of Salisbury[] Epistola academiae ad quendam episcopum (Episc. Sarum), in qua gratias ei agunt pro singulari ejus in academiam benevolentia, praesertim in negotiis magistri Ioannis Taylor[] cui datum est beneficium vel ab ipso episcopo vel eo postulante a rege Anstey, Epistolae Academicae (Oxford Historical Society)[Anstey 1898], p. 472 26. 28-29 Letter of the University of Oxford[] to John Kempe[] Epistola academiae ad Ioannem Kempe[] episcopum Londinensem, in qua gratias ei agunt pro
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