Environmental Conservation 27 (1): 54–66 © 2000 Foundation for Environmental Conservation Reservoir effects on downstream river channel migration F. DOUGLAS SHIELDS JR*1 , ANDREW SIMON1 AND LYLE J. STEFFEN2 US Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service National Sedimentation Laboratory, PO Box 1157, Oxford, Mississippi 38655-1157, USA and 2 US Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service National Soil Survey Center, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA Date submitted: 7 April 1999 Date accepted: 3 February 2000 Summary to approximately 800 m yr-1 (Hooke 1980). Successional pro- cesses in floodplain forests depend upon periodic disturbance Human occupation and development of alluvial river by riverine erosion and deposition, and the relatively high floodplains are adversely affected by river channel lat- ecological diversity typical of riparian zones, particularly eral migration, which may range as high as several those in semi-arid landscapes, is maintained through habitat hundred metres per year. Reservoirs that reduce the modification and construction ( Johnson et al. 1976; Johnson frequency and duration of high flows typically reduce 1992; Marston et al. 1995). Flood duration and timing, which lateral migration rates by factors of 3 to 6. The ecology drive erosion and deposition, are also important physical fac- of riverine corridors is dependent upon the processes tors controlling riparian plant communities (Scott et al. 1997; of erosion and sedimentation, which lead to lateral Toner & Keddy 1997; Auble & Scott 1998). Response of ri- migration. Multiple-objective use of floodplains adja- parian forests to regulation may occur over timescales of cent to active rivers therefore requires tools for centuries (Church 1995; Johnson 1998). Animal populations assessing the probability and magnitude of channel are also affected by reduced channel migration rates; certain movements. Existing approaches for predicting river species of birds, for example, require large exposed bars that channel movement may be classified as empirical or may disappear or become covered with vegetation following mechanistic, and are inadequate for widespread appli- flow regulation (Pierce 1986 in Ligon et al. 1995). Channel cation. The Missouri River downstream from Fort avulsions are also responsible for creating abandoned chan- Peck Dam in Montana, a major alluvial river with flow nels, backwaters, and oxbow lakes that are key aquatic highly perturbed by regulation, was selected for case habitats within riverine ecosystems. River stabilization, study. Maps and aerial photographs were available either by structures or by elimination of high flows can result before and after dam construction. This imagery was in the loss of these low-velocity habitats within a few decades analysed by digitizing channel centrelines at success- as existing habitats are filled by sedimentation and no new ive coverages under pre-dam and post-dam ones are formed by migration or avulsion (Shields & Milhous conditions, and mean migration rates were computed 1992; Gore & Shields 1995; Shields et al. 1995). by bend and by reach. The mean rate of channel cen- Channel migration is often detrimental to various types of treline migration fell from 6.6 m yr-1 to 1.8 m yr-1 after floodplain land-use by humans, and direct and indirect con- impoundment. Bend-mean channel activity rates trol methods are in great demand. Habitats associated with were only weakly correlated with variables describing large temperate-zone rivers have been transformed by the cu- channel form and geometry. Results indicate that flow mulative effects of dams, bank stabilization and river control regulation for flood control and hydropower produc- structures (Bravard et al. 1986, 1997; Ligon et al. 1995; tion typical of the study reach had profound effects on Shields et al. 1995). Reliable methods for the prediction of al- river corridor dynamism, with implications for habi- luvial channel migration would be useful in developing tat type distribution and ecosystem integrity. greater understanding of fluvial ecosystems and in planning Keywords: fluvial system, response, streambank erosion, ri- for river corridor use to meet multiple objectives (e.g. econ- parian ecosystems, succession, meanders omic development and ecosystem sustainability). Available methods for predicting bank line migration may be classified Introduction as involving empirical or mechanistic approaches. Alluvial rivers erode and deposit sediment along their banks, Empirical approaches leading to migration of the channel across the floodplain. River migration rate (e.g. area of floodplain reworked per Rapid avulsions such as meander neck cutoffs also occur channel length per year) has been empirically related to com- along more active systems. Rates of lateral migration vary binations of variables describing channel geometry (e.g. widely in time and space, and observed values range from 0 channel width, meander length, meander wavelength, ampli- tude, radius of curvature, arc angle and sinuosity) and discharges of various frequencies (Brice 1982; MacDonald et * Correspondence Dr F.D. Shields, Jr Tel: ϩ1 601 232 2919 Fax: al. 1991; Garcia et al. 1994). Many investigators have noted ϩ1 601 232 2915 e-mail: [email protected] relationships between bend migration rate and the mean Downstream channel response to reservoir 55 bend radius of curvature, Rc (Hickin & Nanson 1975; Nanson (Howard 1992; Mosselman 1995). Meander flow models & Hickin 1983; Hooke 1987; Biedenharn et al. 1989: Fischer necessarily involve simplifying assumptions, and most re- 1994). Data from different reaches are typically normalized quire input of a parameter describing the erodibility of the by dividing Rc by the mean channel width, W. These data sets banks (Odgaard 1987; Hasegawa 1989). In the models the show a nonlinear relationship with most rapid bend mi- local bank migration rate v is given by the product of this par- gration for values of Rc/W between 2 and 3, and less rapid ameter, termed the erosion coefficient (e), and the local excess rates for higher or lower values of Rc/W. For example, velocity, which is the difference between the near bank vel- Nanson and Hickin (1983) fitted data from the Beatton River, ocity and the cross-section mean velocity: British Columbia to the relations: ϭ Ϫ v e * (ub u) (3) ϭ Ͼ v 0.6 W/Rc for Rc/W 3.125 (1) where ub is the near-bank depth averaged mean velocity, and and u is the reach-averaged mean velocity. The erosion coefficient reflects many factors, but varies with grain size as does criti- ϭ Ͻ v 0.06 Rc/W for Rc/W 3.125 (2), cal velocity or shear stress in a Hjulstrom or Shields-type relation (Hasegawa 1989). The mathematical meander mi- where v is the migration rate in m yr-1. A physical explanation gration models (e.g. Ikeda et al. 1981; Johannesson & Parker for the shape of this relationship has been proposed by Begin 1985) typically contain one-dimensional (streamwise) (1986). Using a simplistic conceptual model of flow in bends, schemes with implicit representation of the cross-stream Furbish (1988) argued that migration rate is a function of variations in flow or vertically-averaged two-dimensional bend length as well as curvature, and that the Nanson and representations of the flow field. Major shortcomings include Hickin (1983) relation is a statistical artifact. Nevertheless, the inability to predict outward bend growth (although simu- the relationship has been verified by several investigators lation of downstream migration is good) (Garcia et al. 1994), using data from many rivers and provides a useful tool for reliance on a constant bank erosion coefficient even though practical problems (Hooke 1997). bank erodibility may be highly variable in space, assumption Migration rates are further governed by the nature of of constant discharge and width (Cherry et al. 1996), and nu- boundary materials (Thorne 1992; Fischer 1994) and veg- merical instability for channels with high width-depth ratios. etation (Odgaard 1987; Beeson & Doyle 1995). Families of In addition, these models do not consider bank failure pro- curves relating migration rate to Rc/W for various values of cesses such as mass wasting or piping. boundary resistance to erosion have been proposed by Hickin and Nanson (Hickin 1984). Reservoir effects on migration rates Despite the volume of work done to develop empirical re- Alluvial rivers tend to erode and lower their beds down- lations, the general nature of boundary materials and stream of large reservoirs (e.g. Richards 1982; Williams & variables describing channel geometry fail to explain much of Wolman 1984; Ligon et al. 1995). Degradational trends are the variation in migration rate. Since channel migration is usually nonlinear functions of time since dam closure. The episodic, migration rates measured over shorter time periods response of channel width (and bank erosion rates) to up- (20–30 yr) exhibit greater scatter than those over 100–200 yr stream reservoir closure is complex, with trends of widening, (Cherry et al. 1996), particularly for streams with banks that narrowing and no change reported for various rivers experience mass wasting (Beatty 1984). Furthermore, there (Williams & Wolman 1984). Width adjustment, simplifica- appears to be no relationship between the rate of migration of tion of planform from braided or multi-thread to single a particular point on a river bank and corresponding values of thread, and propagation of riparian plants into previously un- local curvature divided by local width (Cherry et al. 1996). In vegetated or lightly-vegetated areas, exhibit mutual contrast to the mean value for the bend, the migration rate at interaction (Church 1995). Relatively little work has been a particular point along a river reflects the behaviour of adja- done on the effect of dam closure on lateral migration rates. cent reaches, tributary influences, and overbank drainage Studies of two rivers in the north central USA indicated mi- (Fischer 1994), and perhaps the curvature and length of the gration rates were reduced by about 75% following dam portion of the bend immediately upstream from the point in closure (Bradley & Smith 1984; Johnson 1992).
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