1 4 ,1 5 1 Member of Hm Audit Bureun of drenlutiou TOL. LXXXIV, NO. «8 (TWENTY PAGES) Reserves Events ;er of In State High Tribunal Upholds Meets New Protests Husband Held WASHINGTON (AP)__ ♦yearly by abollsWnc units whlch<^«erve and National Guard au- On 1st Degree ‘Heart’ of Rights +V,- the defense secretary says are thorities.- President Johnson says the no longer needed — faces some Some congressional criticism Murder Charge plan to abolish the Army stiff opposition on Capitol Hill. on the Reserve plan has been sharp and two congressional Reserves is “ prudent and Congress has control over such NORTH STONINGTON proposals at least to the extent inquiries have already been Charges Set wise.” of providing money to carry promised in the wake of Satur' (AP) — A 31 - year - old The Reserve Officers Associa* them out. day's announcement by McNa' North Stonington man was ticm dimgrees and demands a Plana involving Army Nation­ mara. thorough investigation of Secre­ presented in Circuit Court, Before Law al Guard changes also are un­ Chairman F. Eldward Hebert, New London, today on a tary of Defense Robert S. Mc­ der discussion. Secretary of the' D-La., of the House Armed Namara's plan to do away with A n r ^ Steimen Alles said Sun- Services subcommittee on the first degree murder charge Are Inva lid the Reserves by merging sopie daV night that current planning; Reserves and National Guard, lodged in the death of his units' into the National Oi •eohcepts call for , the six high said McNamara "demonstrated and placing the rest on inactive wife. priority and two special purpose | his contempt tor Congress” by Ronald C. Gabriele, a New WASHINGTON (AP)— status. 1 divisions of the Guard to be con-1 issuing the plan, I London auto mechanic, was pre­ The Supreme Court unani­ The association said the Air verted into s division base and Chairman John Stennls, D- sented before Judge Edward C. mously uphel(i today the Force Reserve will be the next one brigade. But he said this Miss., of tho Senate Armed Hamill, who continued the case to go. was a concep* "a~d ’’o* a ftrin Services Preparedness subcom- until next Monday. heart of the 1964 Civil McNamara’s proposal — plan,” to be considered by. the J — — He ordered Gabriele confined Rights Act— the public ac­ aimed at saving $160 million Army in conjunction with Re- (See Page Two) in State Jail, Montville. without commodations sections. bail pending the hearing. It also ruled that the act re­ State Police said they found quires dismissal of charges the body of Gabriele’s wife, 28- made against civil rights sit-in Rusk Opens year-old Roberta, in a shallow demonstrators before the act State Group grave Sunday night. was pa.ssed. • Lt. Frederick P. Moran, com­ Justice Tom C. Clark wrote P r e - NATO mander of Troop E, said the the main opinions in all three Joins Exiles woman met a violent death. cases. All the other Justicea Police were awaiting the re­ Joined him in the public accom­ Conferences sults of an autopsy to learn the modations decision, but the vote In Picketing exact cause of death. on the sit-in prosecutions was B Mrs. Gabriele had not been to 4 with a heated dissent by HARTFORD (AP) — A group PARIS (AP) — U.S, Secretary seen since Nov. 29. Her father, Hugo L. Black. Robert Taylor of North Stoning of Cuban exiles now living in of State Dean Rusk began a In the first test of the contro­ round of meetings with France's '''Parted her missing Dec.6. versial accommodations provi­ Connecticut were among the . J J State Police said their ques- top officials today in advance of jioning of Gabriele led to the sion to come before the tribunal, demonstrators who picketed the the Supreme (3ourt ruled that Colmnbia Broadcasting Co. stu­ the North Atlantic Treaty Or- ^ discovery of Mrs. Gabriele’s ganizatlon’s annual ministerial "Congress possessed ample dios in New York yesterday. body about a mile from the power” to enact the legislation conference. The Clubans went to New York Gabriele home on Bacock road. under its authority to regulate to protest a television appear­ Rusk’s .'.alls on the French State Police lodged a holding were largely courtesy matters. Interstate commerce. ance by Che Guevara, the Cuban charge of assault with intent to The provision prohibits dis­ minister of Industry. vMth little opportunity for de­ commit murder against Gabriele tailed discussion of the differ- crimination in such places as Jose Salazar, spoke.sman for and detained him at the Groton hotels, motels, theaters and res- the Committee Pro Cuba Liber­ ences between the U.S. and | barracks without bond. tauramts. ation, said that Cubans froip French governments. Neither | gtate Police said that when French nor American sources Many of the Civil Rights Act’s Hartford, Stamford and Bridge­ Mrs. Gabriele’s father reported critics, including Sen. Barry port went to New York. expected any spectacular ad- j his daughter missing he al'o vances toward a resolution of > Goldwater, unsuccessful Repub­ Salazar said that the turnout ported he had received an an­ lican candidate for president, from Connecticut was not as Begins Appeal the differences. j onymous phone call saying she Rusk met first with Foreign had questioned the constitution­ large as expected. He said some Teamsters Union Pres­ was dead. ality of the public accomm<xla- people might have been deter­ Minister Maurce Couve de Mur- ident Jimmy Hof fa be­ ville. tlons section. red by the bazooka incident out­ Student Held The court dealt today with two side the United Nations on gan an appeal of his The meeting lasted an hour Friday. and then Rusk spent 45 minutes STORR3 (AP) — A freshman conviction of Jury- was scheduled in circuit court (See Page Ten) tampering today in with Premier (Jeorges Pompi­ NEW YORK (AP) — Ernesto dou. Rusk had an appointment at Danielson today to answer a (Che) Guevara, No. 2 man in Cincinnati. His law- with President (Carles de' charge of making bomb scare Gaulle later telephone calls during examlna- Church Steeple Topples During Fire - I communist Cuba, says his island yars claimed the gov­ Southington Man nation is "not sending arms to Rusk told newsmen he did not University of ernment committed Cjonnectlcut. steeple of the Harvard Unitarian Church topples during height of fire which other Latin American coun­ numerous errors at discuss the proposed multilat­ destroyed the building yesterday. Firemen were hindered in their efforts by a Murder^, Clu^ tries,” but he admits it has eral nuclear fleet with Couve de Campus police arrested John helped train subversives there. the trial. Defense and Murville or Pompidou. France J. Llutkus, 17, of Waterbury drought-caused water shortage. The town clock, in the steeple, was also a cas­ Sunday night and charged him "We have helped some Latin government attorneys is opposed to the fleet proJect, ualty. (AP Photofax.) Are Still Scarce with giving false information American xompanleros (com­ which the United States hopes to were allowed two concerning bombs. rades) acquire some military hours each for oral ar­ bring--into- th» NATO defense SOOmnNOTON (AJP)—Mr*. knowledge,” the Cuban minister alliance. He was held at thq university Electoral College Meeting Today Helen Sheppard left her hu»> guments. (AP Photo­ In his meeting with C3ouve de police station under $600 bond, band Robert, 49, in his li(}uor i A university spokesman said (See Page Four) fax.) Murville. Rusk discussed the store at about 6:30 Saturday situation in Southeast Asia with campus police had the authority night. particular emphasis on South to make such arrests and set In front of the little shopping Viet Nam; the situation in Afri­ bond. center the traffic moved cau­ The spokesman said Liutkus Record 70,621,479 Voted ca, particularly the Congo; and tiously along Route 6A through Barry Names G>ntenders developments in Eastern Eu­ was suspended from school after the fog. It was mi unventfUl rope. the arrest. night. The two men also discussed A 8 o’clock, the manager ol For ’68 GOP Nomination East-West relations and devel­ Four Killed But Percentage Declined the supermarket, the only other opments in Soviet Union, includ­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS store open that night, closed iq> ing the ouster of Nikita Khrush­ Four persons were killed this and went home. WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen.fm e,” and that fear was planted chev and the new regime in weekend in (Connecticut traffic Sen. Barry Goldwater 27,174,-^glnla climbed from 32.9 to 41. At 8:30 a customer walked before he was nominated. WASHINGTON (AP)—< Barry Goldwater pointed today the Kremlin. accidents. Over-all, the Southern popular into the South End Package The Arizona senator said his to former Vice President Rich­ Later In the afternoon Rusk The driver of a panel truck A record 70,621,479 Ameri­ Others 320,368 vote rose by a little more than 2 Store. He found Sheppsurd lying Republican challengers painted was to review U.S.-West Ger- was killed in Marlborough Sun- cans voted in last month’s Although the total set a million — from 10.2 million, to on the floor, dead, a pool of ard M. Nixon and Govs. Mark “a caricature of Goldwater,” man relations with West Ger- day night, a woman pedestrian record, Uiere was a percentage 12.3 million — in contrast with blood beneath him. He had been O. Hatfield, George Romney depicting him as a trigger-hap­ presidential election, offi­ man Foreign Minister Gerhard was killed in New London Satur' cial totals tabulated by The decline in voter participation the national Increase of 1.8 mil­ shot twice in the head.
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