Ir{ovember1987 $2.95US. McAPPLB Rbout 0fl's... SuilcEse I nterm Eil Rlarm Clo[k 0eskZap 0iskTop FinrlFile Xeg caps SmartScrap CEIculEtor Control P6nel FKegManoger minilURITEB MockTerminEl B6ck0o un Scribble r Rrl isl o * Los Ueg6sSlgle UideoPoker Calendar PBue rStalion T8lkin g Moose MaHuell 0utlook Lillle BlEckEook Interviewwith Jean-Louis Gass6e . ASTTurboscan FallenApples . Mac-Eqn. SideKick. DiskQuickand me . APPLE PUGETSOI.]ND PROGRAM LIBRARY EXCHAI\GD . - - - - - I ForMacProducts 1-900-MAc-DlsK SOFTWARE DECEMBER MEMORY Adobe lllustrator call DEALS UPGRADES AutosaveDA 17.50 128K-51 2K 115.00 CAPPSEdItor 65.00 128K-1024K 249.00 Chessmaster2000 31.00 512K-1024K 149.00 Comserve 127.W 1 MEGSIMMS 512K-1024KKrt 99.00 CrlcketDraw 179.00 Only$199 128K.2MEG 599.00 CrosswordMaglc 34.00 SCSIPort 69.00 Dark Castle 9t.00 t 68020/68881 59s.00 DbaseMac 320.00 / Dove Upgrades call Falcon 37.00 ' 30-DayMoney-Back Guarantec I '6 . i,ar% Mo. - 3 Y.er Waranty FullWrlte 204.00 j:l,I- 'Over 5000 Upgradee Completed GraphlcWorks1.1 68.00 ' Applc-compatlble Gulde 85.00 2400Baud Modem LaserFX 139.00 $199 HARDWARE LaserPalnt 312.00 HardDlsk Drlves: LlghtspeedC 125.00 MAGIC3O 699.00 LlghtspeedPascal 99.00 DISKS& RIBBONS Maglc40 799.00 MacDraft1.2 152.00 Maglc60 899.00 SonySS Borrd 11.60 MacGolf 36.00 SonySS Bulk 1.04 Maglc9l 1595.00 Mac In Use 32.00 Sony DS Borod 16.80 Maglc150 19s0.00 SonyIIS Bulk 1.U MacMoney 39.00 llacDlrk SS Bulk .99 MacBottom45 1239.00 MacProof 129.@ MacDbkDS Bulk 1.25 Maglc800K Drlve 199.00 PC-MacKeyboard 119.00 McMAX 192.00 Black Rlbbonr 2.95 MGMStatlon call Color.d Rlbbonr 4.5o Radlus Screen 1595.00 MlcrosoftExcel 229.00 l*ultlcolondRlbbonr 12.00 ScrlpTENPrlnter 3550.00 MlcrosoftWord 239.00 MlcrotekScanner 1395.00 Mlcrosoft Works 185.00 ACCESSORIES Xerox15" Monltor 1549.00 MlnlCAD3.1 389.00 HyprrcardHlndbook 21.00 Maglc20MB Tape s99.00 ParameterMgr.+ 289.00 llrcPlu. 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'ft-r fla,CPfOdUgtS USA*,,,,,,l;,i',i',,",i,t,,t,,i,,,,',,i Suite E Austin Texas 78754 512-832-0335 CIRCLE5 ON READERSERVICE CARD Nlacintosfr [tlacFordable:$449 The]lacintosirl fbr all i[s sopiristication. hlu rublein\lacintosh 5ll. PlLrs unci Sf. rersions )cln onerather small problem: the screen, lrlsohe userl to drire rnost proiectron srstenrs PlLrs Ardcurrent add-on displals heve one rathel \ollclrn drire 6 or nrore \lrrcl.lrrgel srstenrs u'ith largeproblenr: the pnce tug one\lucintosir. Nori'n'e r esolved both problenrs IntrodLrcing Ilerestire best pru't of ull.\\hile otirer thetrlacl.arger'" r rdco sr stern fionr l'ou'er R.tlrr \lltrilti,,:ltr itleolItttl lt1'l1g1lrr rl):\ \1t'tl]:tr r:l flrstlow-cost solution tonlgnrh ing und nlrltiph. tiontS1.5(X) toSi.(XX). the\ltcl.:uger lrrieo ingIlacintosh dirylavs s\stenr c0nres conrplrtr lrnd leadrto-go firr an Intagesget'0",, iarger u'ith Ilacl.luger bLtt incredibleS++9.\\lth aneqLralh' incredible retainthe \lacintosh sflicker-tiee r1lr j+l resoiLr- 0ne\'eef \\'lfrrUlt\. tionSo \olr cau actuallv .rec the nonderful but pre- Findout more aboutMacl.argeX the viouslrpint-size things the \lacintoslt dms. first affordableMacintosh video s\stem. \lacl.argerinstalls quickli u'ithout Ilacintosh Call( 206) 547-8000for the dealernearest nrodiflcationArd its coniposite lrdeo udaptu {ln'ail- )'ouor an informationpacket. RlMerR 16(XrI)exter A'enue \orth . Setttle.\\A9fi10! . i+--8(XX) 'IO CIRCLE ON READERSERVICE CARD Volume4, Number 11 November 1987 l\TIacAPPLE tu6 UnderThe Apple Menu KeithTolemon rF Accessto thepower and magic of DeskAccessories TheHumon Touch i**d n.f FronkCotolono An interviewwith Apple'sJean-Louis Gass6e ffis%ffi page I 0 VideoWorksll Review Mick O Neil iPWffi Animation fbr the rest of us | !r rr$Nsi: i:r:::tss LeorningThe Fonf/DA Mover PhilipC. Russell Everybody'sgotta start somewhere DiskQuick ond Me On the C-over AndrewHimes lllustrationby A personalodyssey from 48K to 20 megs MichaelGilmore SideKick 2.0: A DA Review LeeWebster Mac'sbest fiiend pagel2 lcon-lt!1.0 BillKoye 30 A programthat allows you to turn iconsinto macros DA Switcher 1.0 BiilKoye Add new setsof DA's undera secondApple menu ASTTurboScon JohnLoney Capturingthe image:the nextstep in DTP MocA P P.L.E.(ISSN 8755- page 22 4909)is publishedmonthly Oul of My Tree by Apple PugetSoundPro- PhilioC Russell grom LibroryExchonge, 290 Tips.quirks, rumors and tricks S.W.43rd Slreef.Renton. Woshington98055, (206) Moc-Eqn 251-5222. Bosic subscription Lee Webster 39 nrie o rc S? I nar rranr l\r1oJ-11. tuv' 'Y'v' A DA that constructscomplicated equations l^\6rch,^ in A DDI tr l-n-n-- -p. which includesmogozine subscription.is 526 per yeor pluso one +ine S23oppli- cotion fee Additionol Acrossthe Desktop postoge isrequrred for Frrst 4l BillKoye Clossor foreign delivery Second-closspostoge poid Desk o1 Renlon, Woshngton, ond 5:?T,liF.5,l-sineer's 43 ot odditionolmoiling offices.POSTMASTER: Send nrlr{roc< ah^ndac in !r v v vvJ MocA.P.P.L.E., Arldracc/-hnnao A.P.P.L.E.Co-op NewProduclsond Speciols25 290S.W.43rd St., TheZoom Box- AndrewHimes 5 Renton,WA 98055 The Moc Morketploce 44 A.P.P.L.E.Consullonts 50 Member Services 46 Advertiserlndex 27 A.P.P.L.E. Co-op OFFICERSAND DIRECTORS PRESIDENT: Bob Huelsdonk VICE PRESIDENT:Merle H. Davis TREASURER: I)ave DeGroor SECRETARY: David F. VanBerkem DIRECTORS:Michael D. Branham Jack Connick Don Williarns ADMINISTRATION EXECUTI\T DIRECTOR: Dick Hubert GENERAL MANAGER: Don Steele PUBLISHER: CharlesStillman APDA DIRECTOR: Dave Lingwood MARKETING: Rich Knapton MacA.P.P.L.E. EDITOR: Andrew Himes ASSISTANT EDITOR: Janine West ART DIRECTOR: Michael Gilmore EDITORIAL ASSISTANT: Karla Landsverk CONTRIBUTORS: Jack Connick . Keith Toleman Phillip Russell . John Laney Lee Webster Bill Kaye . Mick O'Neil TECHNICAL CONSULTANTS: Walt Gardner . Shari Carnahan Larry Neibauer . Charles Stillman ADVERTISING NATIONAL AD\TRTISING MANAGER ^David Morton (206) 25I-5222 PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGER Frank Catalano CALIFORNIA REPRESENTATIVE: JE Publishers'Representative Co. 6855 Santa Monica Blvd.. Suite 200 Los Angeles,CA 90038 (2I3) 467-2266 Entirecontents copyright O I 987 by Apple pugersound Program l-ibrarv Exchange.AII righii reserved.Au thorsand advenisers are responsible lbr the accuracyof their submitted material. Opinions expresseddo not necessanlyrepresent those of A.P.P.L.E.Co-op. Applc users groups may reprint editonal matter contained herein fbr non-commercialpurposes. provided author. title. and publicationcredits are given. The addressand phonenumber of Call ,A.P.PL.E shouldalso be in- cluded. A.P.P.I-.E.Co-op is an independentsupport group of {pple product users.and is nor affiliated wirh Apple Computer.Inc. The following aretrademarks of Apple Computcr.lnc..: Apple. Apple tl. npple ll*. nOO1.1t.. Applc llr. Apple liCS. Maernro.h.Vacinro.h pju.. MacrnloshXl . Lira. lmageWrrler.LarerWrirer plur. MarPainr. \4ac\tr rire. DOS.1..1. proDOS. Apple\t nrcr. AppleWorks. Applesoft.and [JniDisk 3.5. Printedin U.S.A. Llnderthe Apple lVtrenu A Brief lntroduction to DeskAccessones Keith Toleman A LittleBit of History driversinto theoperating system. Device drivers are the programsthat allow your hen the time cameto Mac to work with a wide varietyof pe- build a new computer ripheral devicessuch as printers.disk '),: operatingsystem. the drives,modems. and monitors. Common folksat Apple (and/or $@;*a*1- t'*.:*'"*;- examplesinclude the LaserWriterand ji nbout tlfl's... Xerox PARC. de- ImageWriterdriver files in your System pendingon whoseautobiography you're l'l suitcase Folder. reading)made some inspired decisions. lntermail While MS-DOS requireseach appli- For file manipulation,they went fbr cationto supplyits own devicedriver(s), Rlarrnllrq:k theelegance and simphcity of thedesktop theMacintosh operating system offers 48 IeskZaF metaphor.replacing the PC's non-intui- Ili*kTnp tive text stringsand commandline input FindFile with a graphicrepresentation of thecom- UUhen you're atyour Keg frps mon desktop. For the complexhierarchical system desk,the stapler, scotch Snnart$rra p of directoriesand subdirectories.what tape,calculator and f alrula t*r could be more naturalthan the file fblder f,*ntral F*nel metaphor'? addressbook are always FKegMnnnger And.for theincreasingly popular ram- rightat hand, no matter minilllfilT[R residentutilities (Sidekick is themodel). it whatyour current task. MackTurrnina! theychose the deskaccessory. Look at thisway - whenyou're at your desk. the Sark0nrun stapler.scotch tape, calculatorand ad- $cribbl*r dressbook are alwaysright at hand.no flrti*ln' whatyour matter currenttask. "drawers" LnsUega* $tgl* (RAM-residentutilities are smallap- within theoperating system to holdthese drivers. By puttingyour driver $iden flnk*r plicationsloaded intcl main memory (RAM) in one of these drawers (putting your f nlrnd*r eitherat start-upor duringa ses- sion.They capturea portionof available LaserWriterdriver in theSystem Folder) P*urerSistion memory and remainthere for the entire you give all your applicationsthe same Talkingft{n*;e sessionwithout disturbing any of the basic laser printing capabilities,in the MnNurrll application(s)used.
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