OOOOOOOOOOOOOOd 0OO0O0OfO0O^OOC‘:- I • X r six oonts a % § 2/ou won't yet \ woah a carrier all the."local ^ X will loavo tho | nows unless you C daily edition d f J a roadroaa thoma I The Journal 1 I J o u r n a l s at your door, -T 1 ♦'Wevery afternoon >OO0 OOQQQ&t,- >44>t VOL. XVII. NO. 117. ASBURY . P4RK, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 16, 1900. PRICE T)NE CENT BISHOP M’CABE WANTS CHARTER BURNED, FITZGERALD TO QUIT SOME ARE HONEST. SENATOR CLARK GET Third District Republicans Faulty Electric Wiring Responsible for a Eire in the Junior’-s Lodge Room, The Whimsical Chaplain Creates a Stir at Governor W ood Praises Cu­ Senate Surprised by the An­ the General Conference by Desiring i ... .... .1. Tuesday Evening. — ban Postal'Service; ‘ „ nouncem ent of Resignation. Ocean Grove’s President to Resign. When Mrs. John Britton last night en­ Dr. Handley Lauds England. tered the Junior American’Mechanics’ deposed Postmaster indignant. At tbe general conference of tile" Meth­ hall on the third floor of the Appleby ACTION OF THAT BODY FORESTALLED building she was horrified to' finci the ! -V odist Episcopal church, now being held I ’hompaon Offer* to Assist In Brlnf?- room ailed with smoke. "She at once told The. Montana Millionaire Make* an in Chicago, Chaplain Charles C. McCabe Jnts tbe Guilty to Jngtfce—Neely’s of her discovery and Constable Theodore Intensely Earnest Defense—Sharp- of Fort Wortb, Tex.,-created a great wave • Property to Be Belied—3fo ly Arraiens Committee’s Action. F. P. OLCOTT AND 0 i H. MOW N CHOSEN of excitement, Tuesday, when the follow­ F u rth e r A rretta Sow, Hullck, Claude V. Guerin and Henry Hagerman, who happened-to-ba within Daly Faction Denounced. ing resolution, prepared by him, was HAVANA, May 18.—Governor- Gen­ read: * eral Wood, referring to the postul service calling distance, rushed to the hall and. by WASHINGTON, May 16.—Mr. Clark the UBe of topless cuspldores, which they of Montana fairly, swept the senate with “Resolved, That Bishop Fitzgerald be of Cuba,,says: “Speaking generally, the postal, service surprise yesterday by a formal announce­ RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED EULOGIZ- requested to Veslgn his position as bead of. converted Into water carriers, succeeded ment that he had sent his resignation as of the island of, Cuba is In a high state in extinguishing tbe fire. It was then the Ocean Grove camp meeting.’.’ of efficiency. The money order branch is senntof to the governor of Montana, The* resolution did not come' befdre the ispeciaily useful, but all the branchef learned tbat tbe flre was. caused by the The' announcement came without pre- ■ IN © sR E S lD E f ilT vious notice, and probably not a half conference formally, because of the rule have made good records. The service a. burning of an electric current. The « whole should not be blamed foi; tht dozen persons in Washington knew that prohibiting the introduction of measures rheostat, a device for regulating the low- it waa to be made. Mr. Clark struck faults of a handful of rascals.” erlng and raising of the electric lights, by bishops. Mr. E. P. Thompson, the,Havana post­ just at the instant the iron wns hottest. Party Workers From Monmoiith, Middlesex and Som erset had burned and tbe flames were com- Mr. Chandler, chairman of the commit­ whs master, who has been suspended pending Bishop McCabe’s action described tee on privileges and elections, had giv­ inquiry into the methods of the local of­ mnnicated-to tbe wail and the floor. The today by Ocean Grove Camp Meeting As­ en notice that at o’clock be would call Counties Gather in Educational Hall. and Elect fice, is in the city, accompanied by a spe­ 1 rheostat was between two windows on the up for consideration the resolution unan­ sociation officials as in line with what cial agent, in whose charge Mr. Thomp­ Two Delegates and Two Alternates to the they termed his eccentricities. And they Mattison avenue side of tbe hall. Above imously reported from the committee. de­ son has been placed. He is very indig­ claring Mr. Clark not to be entitled to claim there Is nothing more behind tbe nant at the course tnken with respect to It was the framed charter of Corinthian Philadelphia National Convention. his Beat in the-senate.' A spirited con- resolution than Bishop McCabe’s whim, him and says he has friends who will Comsnandeiy, Knlgbts of the Golden citing the two-following resolutions also stand by him. He also declares that he Eagle. This waa destroyed. Oliver H. Brown of Spring Lake and Joseph Barrington of Somerset; A. R. has a clean ax with which to fight.' prepared by him and read before the con . The damage was slight and Is covered Frederick P. Olcott of BernardsvSlle were Brown of Middlesex. Resolutions—E. D. It is not asserted that Mr. Thompson ference: bas been guilty ot fraud, but merely that by Insurance, Though the Are occurred elected delegates- to the Republican na­ Petteys of Monmouth; S. T. WyckoS of the accounts of his office show a shortage at 8 o’clock, • there -rera few ?ho knew tional convention, at a meeting of tbe Somerset; Jesse Collyer of Middlesex. ReSoived, That Bi9hop Hurst be re of several thousands, which calls for an quested to sell out the American Univer­ of It. Third congress district In Educatlonai After a recess of half an hour, commit­ explanation. ThisMs not yet forthconu sity, although it la worth today $2,500,000, ing, He had a—long talk with Genera! -hall today. Andrew Si. Chtirch tees reported. The? committee on per and abandon ail further attempts to build Wood, the nature of which 1ms not been Former Aesesnblymaa George S. Tice oi manect organization recommended that and endow it,, ' ; MAY CONSOLIDATED tnade public beyond th e fact that Mr Middlesex county were named as altert tbe temporary^o^hiers be mad# perma­ Resolved, That Bishop Warren be re­ Thompson offered to assist in bringing all quested to give up all further attempts to The Westminster «w! first ’Presbyterian nent. Ihe guilty parties to justice. nates. build up the Denver University. Congregations Likely tie Amal­ J, B. Cleven of Middlesex' county was The committee on credentials reported The rumor circulated yesterday that Bev, John Handley, formerly pastor of the postmaster at Baracoa hnd been oi gamate Soon. saade temporary and permanent chairman^ that there "was na contest and that peace the First M. E.' church ol Aabury Park, would be arrested proves upotiJnvestigE- and William S. GHhuly of Somenei and harmony prevail In all the counties. tion to have been false. He is looked No apparent obstacles stand in the way and now located 4n -Camden, was also re­ county, tem porary an® perm anent seer©' The committee on rules recommended upon merely as a tool of Neely and ae of a reunion of the Westminster and sponsible for considerable commotion. tary of the meeting. that the rules of the last convention gov­ having acted innocently at* the business First Presbyterian churches Into one con­ He Introduced a resolution directing that agent of Neely at Baracoa, where he is- Mr, Brown’s nama was placed, lnlnotnl ern the meeting. The report of the com­ gregation. This act was strongly set ■the British flag oe displayed beside .‘the in charge of Neely’s coffee and cocoanut nation by Assemblyman Samuel W. Kirk mittee oa resolution is given above. The plantation. It appears that he used S2,- forth at a meeting last night of members Stars and Stripes on the sitage, Tbere bride. Senator Charles Arthur Beed o reports were accepted. 500 ia connection with the business froia of the Westminster church at the home were loud cries of ••Nttl N o 1” from all Plainfield, Somerset county, seconded thi Senator Reed spoke briefly on patriot­ the postal funds and the drew upon of Mrs. A. Bockafeller, 70S Grand avenue. parts of the hall. Dr. Handley Insisted Neely for the amount. As Neely’s funds nomination and placed Mr. Olcott’ nam ism before th.e resolutions were adopted. In fact, the coast seema to clear for a upon being heard He said - here are now in the hand? of.the govern­ before the convention. Somerset’s nornl He held that the Republican party em­ or the draft fens not been honored. It is final amalgamation, that the Westmlnster- “The missionaries o! the Methodist nee was seconded by Mr, Kirkbride. Thi bodies all the patriotism there ls In the understood that there is no intention to’ Ites decided, at, the meeting to receive church in India, Africa, Japan, China and candidates fcere than elected by acclanut country. arrest this man, but he, will have, to re­ any overture making for this end from other countries have beea protected by fund the money and may possibly lose his tion*. i Former Assemblyman Brown was re­ the F irst church. SENATOR W. A. CLARK, the Union Jack. That flag, with our. post. A special agent will arrive at Middlesex county nominated Measr|, quired t<> make s speech and declared Baracoa today with orders to institute a That there has developed a reasonable test over tbe resolution was expected. national emblem, today stands for the Church and Tice, both of whom were that as a'delegate he will go to the nat­ thorough investigation. He will also certainty of the consummation desired it; Every senator in the city was at bis desk.
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