VOLUME I: DRAFT BASIC ASSESSMENT REPORT THE PROPOSED DE AAR 2 SOUTH WIND ENERGY FACILITY ON-SITE SUBSTATION AND BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM, NORTHERN CAPE PROVINCE On behalf of MULILO DE AAR 2 SOUTH (PTY) LTD 19 OCTOBER 2020 FOR PUBLIC COMMENT Prepared By: Arcus Consultancy Services South Africa (Pty) Limited Office 607 Cube Workspace Icon Building Cnr Long Street and Hans Strijdom Avenue Cape Town 8001 T +27 (0) 21 412 1529 l E [email protected] W www.arcusconsulting.co.za Registered in South Africa No. 2015/416206/07 PROJECT DETAILS DEFF Reference No: To be allocated upon submission. Arcus Reference No: 3945 DA2S WEF Substation and BESS BAR. Project Title: Basic Assessment Report for the De Aar 2 South Wind Energy Facility’s On-Site Substation and Battery Energy Storage System, Northern Cape Province. Project Director: Ashlin Bodasing - Arcus Consultancy Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd Project Manager & EAP Ashleigh Blackwell - Arcus Consultancy Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd Specialist Project Team: Dr Owen Davies - Arcus Consultancy Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd Jamie Pote - Independent Consultant Dr Brian Colloty - Enviro Sci. (Pty) Ltd John Gribble - ACO Associates (Pty) Ltd Johann Lanz - Independent Consultant Project Applicant: Mulilo De Aar 2 South (Pty) Ltd Report Status: Basic Assessment Report – Draft for Public Comment Public Review will commence on 19 October 2020 – 17 November 2020. ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS AND UNITS BA Basic Assessment LSA Late Stone Age BAR Basic Assessment Report MSA Middle Stone Age BESS Battery Energy Storage System MTS Main Transmission Substation CA Competent Authority MW Megawatt CAA Civil Aviation Authority NaS Sodium Sulphur CARA Conservation of Agricultural NDP National Development Plan Resources, 1983 (Act No. 43 of NEMA National Environmental 1983) Management Act, 1998 (Act No. CBA Critical Biodiversity Area 107 of 1998) DA2S De Aar 2 South NEMBA National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, BAR Draft Basic Assessment Report 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004) DEFF Department of Environment NFEPA National Freshwater Ecosystem Forestry and Fisheries (National) Priority Area DMRE Department of Mineral Resources NHRA National Heritage Resources Act, DoE Department of Energy 1999 (Act No. 25 of 1999) EA Environmental Authorisation NPAES National Parks Area Expansion Strategy EAP Environmental Assessment Practitioner NWA National Water Act, 1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998) ECA Environment Conservation Act, 1989 No. 73 of 1989) PES Present Ecological State EGI Electricity Grid Infrastructure PGDS Provincial Growth and Development Strategy EIA Environmental Impact Assessment PPP Public Participation Process EMF Environmental Management Framework REIPPPP Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement EMPr Environmental Management Programme Programme S&EIA Scoping and Environmental ESA Ecological Support Area Impact Assessment ESA Early Stone Age SABAAP South African Bat Assessment ESKOM Eskom Holdings SOC Limited Advisory Panel EWT Endangered Wildlife Trust SAHRA South African Heritage Resources Agency ft Measurement: foot SANBI South African National GN Government Notice Biodiversity Institute GNR Government Notice Regulation SANRAL South African National Roads Ha Hectares Agency Limited HIA Heritage Impact Assessment SANS South African National Standards I&AP Interested and Affected Party SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition IDP Integrated Development Plan SDF Spatial Development Framework IPP Independent Power Producer SEA Strategic Environmental IRP Integrated Resource Plan Assessment kV Kilovolt SIA Social Impact Assessment kWh Kilowatt Hours WEF Wind Energy Facility Li-ion Lithium Ion Basic Assessment Report De Aar 2 South WEF Substation and BESS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Arcus Consultancy Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd (‘Arcus’) was appointed by Mulilo De Aar 2 South (Pty) Ltd (‘Mulilo’) to conduct the Basic Assessment (BA) process for a proposed on-site substation, with capacity up to 400kV and Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and associated infrastructure (hereinafter the ‘proposed development’), which is located approximately 26 km north-east of the town of De Aar and falls within the Pixley ka Seme District Municipality of the Northern Cape Province. The BA process will be undertaken in terms of Government Notice (GN) No. R. 983 of 4 December 2014 (as amended to GNR 327) as well as GNR 113 of 16 February 2018. This document serves as the Basic Assessment (BA) Report for the proposed development. The purpose of this BAR is to present the environmental impact assessment undertaken on the preferred alternative for the proposed development. The preferred site layout and technical specifications were assessed by the specialists and their findings and assessment are collated in this BAR. This BAR will provide sufficient information for the competent authority to make an informed decision on the proposed development. Invitation to Comment: Members of the public, local communities, and stakeholders are invited to comment on the BAR which is made available for public review and comment from 19 October 2020 – 17 November 2020 at the following locations. Location Physical Address Contact person Hard Copy Location Options A Hard Copy and Electronic CDs will be made available at the Mulilo Longyuan Office 19 Van der Merwe Street, De Aar, 7000 To arrange appointment to view the hard copy, or collect a CD please contact: Beverley Horak T 083 793 9254 Electronic Copy Location Arcus Website https://arcusconsulting.co.za/projects/ Ashleigh Blackwell 021 412 1529 Comment Submission Comments can be submitted to: Arcus Consultancy Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd Office 607 Cube Workspace Icon Building Cnr Long Street and Hans Strijdom Avenue Cape Town 8001 T +27 (0) 21 412 1529 l E [email protected] DOCUMENT NAVIGATION This BAR report aims to provide the following information: • Policy and legislative context of the proposed development; • Methodology used to conduct the assessment and derive an outcome; • The public participation process; • The baseline environmental conditions including any specialists’ studies conducted; • The need and desirability; • The assessment of alternatives; and • The results of the impact assessment. Arcus Consultancy Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd Mulilo De Aar 2 South (Pty) Ltd October 2020 Page i Basic Assessment Report De Aar 2 South WEF Substation and BESS Document layout This Basic Assessment Report has been separated into two volumes: • Volume I: This includes the BAR and its Appendices • Volume II: This includes the Specialist Impact Assessments and site verifications. NEMA Appendix 1 Document Requirements As a minimum, the BAR aims to satisfy the requirements stipulated in Appendix 1 of GN No. R 983 of 4 December 2014 (as amended). The BAR represents the outcomes of the assessment process and contains the following Sections with reference to the legal requirements as outlined in the National Environmental Management act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998) (NEMA) EIA Regulations, 2014 (as amended): Table I: NEMA Appendix 1 Document Requirements Report NEMA Regulation Requirement section (a) Details of - (i) The EAP who prepared the report and; Section 1 (ii) The expertise of the EAP, including a CV Appendix A The location of the development footprint of the activity on the (b) approved site as contemplated in the accepted scoping report, Section 2 including: (i) The 21-digit Surveyor General code of each cadastral land parcel Section 2 (ii) Where available, the physical address and farm name Where the required information in terms of (i) and (ii) is not available, the (iii) N/A coordinates of the boundary of the property or properties A plan which locates the proposed activity or activities applied for as (c) well as the associated structures and infrastructure at an appropriate scale, or, if it is – (i) A linear activity, a description and coordinates of the corridor in which the Figures proposed activity or activities is to be undertaken On land where the property has not been defined, the coordinates within (ii) which the activity is to be undertaken (d) A description of the scope of the proposed activity, including – Section 2 and Section (i) All listed and specified activities triggered and being applied for; and 6 A description of the activities to be undertaken including associated structures (ii) Section 2 and infrastructure. A description of the policy and legislative context within which the (e) development is proposed An identification of all the legislation, policies, plans, guidelines, spatial tools, municipal development planning frameworks and instruments that are (i) Section 5 applicable to this activity and have been considered in the preparation of this report; and How the proposed activity complies with and responds to the legislation and (ii) policy context, plans, guidelines, tools frameworks and instruments. a motivation for the need and desirability for the proposed (f) development, including the need and desirability of the activity in Section 4 the context of the preferred location. Arcus Consultancy Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd Mulilo De Aar 2 South (Pty) Ltd October 2020 Page ii Basic Assessment Report De Aar 2 South WEF Substation and BESS Report NEMA Regulation Requirement section A motivation for the preferred site, activity and technology (g) Section 3 alternative. A full description of the process followed to reach the proposed (h) Section 6 preferred alternative within the site, including - (i) Details
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