Cat name Owner First Name Quaifying Event Beeblebrox Bastian Desiree GLR Beeblebrox Everybody Wants Some Desiree GLR Beeblebrox Hallelujah Desiree GLR NuDawnz Memento Mori Lorna GLR NuDawnz Bernadette Lorna GLR GC/RW KSHC Descendants of NuDawnz Lorna GLR GC/RW Blakewood's Eclair de Lune of NuDawnz Lorna GLR Kawaiikats Erinuki of Nudawnz Lorna GLR Kerrisma Sky Nancy GLR Ivy Cat Ram Tough Jan GLR Panei Whispurr Sweet Nothings Jan GLR PurrElli Light Em Up (premiership) Jan GLR PurrElli Light Em Up (kitten) Jan GLR Marleevo Stripe It Rich Jan GLR Justa Bit Rusty Jan GLR Pharaohsgems Natasha of Seasweep Elizabeth GLR Mercedes Elizabeth GLR Kelela Aloha Hua Of Tajhara Mary GLR Tajhara Gypsy Soul Mary GLR GC GP RW Rickoons Rockford of MacDuff, DM Barbara GLR GP RW McKittycreek My Man Godfrey Barbara GLR GP, RW Lynzaktz Fitz Malarkey of MacDuff Barbara GLR Johnny Niki GLR Sherlock Nancie GLR Roomba Nancie GLR Watson Nancie GLR GC, BWR, NW Katsmith Humble and Kind of Maryk Mary GLR GP, NW Maryk's First Contact of Katsmith Mary GLR GP, NW Katsmith Ring-a-ding-ding of Maryk Mary GLR Kitzn's Lotte Lenya of Tigerwings Kathy GLR Tajhara Mallorca Oksana GLR Tersanctus Be Radiant of Klm Martha GLR Ready or Not Claude Giroux Carolyn GLR Ready or Not Sweet Emotion Carolyn GLR Loganderry Merry Mary Carolyn GLR PureX Moonsongs We Sing of Fernweh Rhonda GLR Karmacatz Sugar Bee of Fernweh Rhonda GLR Meikai's Yellow Picador of Fernweh Rhonda GLR Meikai's Toblerone Rhonda GLR Meikai's Chocolate Flash Rhonda GLR JG Whiskerz She's a Gem Rhonda GLR Meikai's Stellar Cloud Rhonda GLR Fritz Ashley GLR Finneous Von Fluffenstein Christina GLR Dima Iza GLR Otelka Iza GLR Fancyfluff's Precious Gem Lily GLR Fancyfluff's Almond Joy Lily GLR Fancyfluff's Joy Lily GLR Believer's Fire & Ice of Fancyfluff Lily GLR Beauty Jo GLR Moonglade's Odin Thorsson Nicole GLR Shelbie Mocha Latte of Moonglade Nicole GLR Fonzie judy GLR Dante Kimberly-Shirley GLR Mysticblue Jacob Kimberly-Shirley GLR Mysticblue Izabel Kimberly-Shirley GLR Maleza Galena of Mysticblue Kimberly-Shirley GLR Mysticblue Capree Kimberly GLR Mysticblue Cousin Larry Kimberly GLR Mysticblue Balki Kimberly GLR Mysticblue Callie Kimberly GLR Snowdrop Cathy GLR Isaac Cathy GLR Trampas Cathy GLR Rudy Cathy GLR Boone Cathy GLR Wade Cathy GLR Peep Cathy GLR Chessie Cathy GLR Kazakh's E-Mini Platinum Futures DIANE GLR Kazakh's For Whom The Bell Tolls DIANE GLR Kazakh's Bit O' Mini DIANE GLR Caradon Cats Pinstripes & Pearls Ann GLR Khalindi Karen GLR Micah Karen GLR Riley Karen GLR Minka Karen GLR Sahara Karen GLR Sassy Karen GLR Koobi Karen GLR Jasper Jill GLR Pawsabilities Margarita Amybeth GLR Pawsabilities Marvel Amybeth GLR Karion Roca Patron of Pawsabilities Amybeth GLR Pawsabilities Hazlitt Whitecat Amybeth GLR PauPau Angels Eva of Metallicat Carmen GLR Ladilucks Dora of Metallicat Carmen GLR Parti Wai Ex Blackjack Carmen GLR Catillaks Wisteria of Metallicat Carmen GLR Catillaks Wisteria of Metallicat Carmen GLR Coupari Donegal Tweed marjorie GLR Lynzkatz Silver Dart marjorie GLR Believers Girl on Fire of Moonglade Mariane GLR Shortncurly's Gary PowPow of Meowchi Mariane GLR Willow Christine GLR Miss Lily Lu Tammie GLR Oliver Janie GLR Oliver Janie GLR Cecchetti Aquaman of Sontse Sheri GLR Cecchetti Million Dollar Baby Sheri GLR RiverSpots Currituck Elizabeth GLR RiverSpots Coquina Elizabeth GLR RiverSpots Goose Creek Elizabeth GLR RiverSpots MoonShadow Elizabeth GLR GC, GP Bleunote Sera's Kerry Ann Marie GLR Danbie Cecil of Bleunote Ann Marie GLR GP Bleunote Suzanne's Frederick Ann Marie GLR Felicia Ann Marie GLR GC Dewisplear Mael Mayfair Margie GLR Marlindale Rippley Margie GLR Conyers Cat Jean Lafitte Julie GLR Conyers Cat Jean Lafitte Julie GLR Vanir Frederick Firefox Kristen GLR Charodey Joshua Kristen GLR Slava I'm Worth It Kristen GLR Caricature Frida Kahlo of Windriver Diana GLR Sun-Silk Rivers Mary GLR Sun-Silk Ray Ray Mary GLR Sun-Silk Ladybug Mary GLR GC Sun-Silk Quick Draw Woody Mary GLR Blackwater Dinofelis Sonja GLR Blackwater Jazzmosaurus of Ocicpaws Sonja GLR Dynamicat Milkywhiteway of Ocipaws Sonja GLR Faeryfire's Feather Fall Charissa GLR Faeryfire's Dust Devil Charissa GLR Amazing Grace Pamela GLR Joyofkitties Davina Joy GLR Penelane Oriana of Joyofkitties Joy GLR Joyofkitties White Lightning Joy GLR Joyofkitties Rhythm`N`Blues Joy GLR Jobara's Baby Love of Sandspur Amy & Betty GLR GC, GP, GPD Stonehaven Suncruiser of Cantagree Karen GLR GP Stonehaven Sunchaser of Cantagree Karen GLR Chrishanna's Sienna of Morganhill Lisa GLR Mautrix Shoot the Breeze LAURIE GLR Serenade LAURIE GLR MX Cash Station of Gallexen Seruki GLR A Starlight's Happy Ever After Andrea GLR A Starlight's Greatest Gift Of All Andrea GLR A Starlight's Hold Me Tight Andrea GLR A Starlight's Greatest Gift Of All Andrea GLR Castiel Mandi GLR Persephone Mandi GLR Angelus Mandi GLR Buffy Mandi GLR Cooper's Cream of Potato Shannon GLR GP SupurrRags B Dazzlin Shannon GLR Cozy Cat Gettin Into Treble Shannon GLR Karta Leo Princess Tisha Cheung GLR Karta Leo Princess Renee Cheung GLR Karta Leo Prince Trevor Cheung GLR Karta Leo Princess Audrey Cheung GLR Majmanes Poco Taz Beauregards Karma Pamela GLR Taylor's Lizzie May Pamela GLR Pele Virginia GLR Santorini Virginia GLR Santorino Virginia GLR Reyjkavik Virginia GLR Suavere's Dark Secret of Penobscot Ginger GLR Omelet Shelley GLR Tasley Zucca e Silvia domenico GLR Tasley Dirladada domenico GLR PinUpCats Supa Dupa Fly of Kuorii cyndee GLR Acadiacoons Doc Richard J Gatling Nancy GLR JRCoons Bella Maie of Rondeelu Dianne GLR Rondeelu's Hollie-Bye-Gollie Dianne GLR Rondeelu's Erik leRouge Dianne GLR Mayn Dezyn Sydney Dianne GLR Snoop Dogg Roberta GLR CascadeMtn Alchemy of Chemicoons Liz GLR Asparagus (Gus) Nadia GLR Izzabelle SUSAN GLR Julia SUSAN GLR Mia Maria SUSAN GLR Tiki Torch SUSAN GLR Indra's Net Luck Dragon Of Sunbee phyllis GLR Indra's Net Tinkerbelle of Sunbee phyllis GLR Indra's Net Spirit O America of America phyllis GLR Mystic Coons Blythe Spirit of Sunbee phyllis GLR Ms Scarlette phyllis GLR Kabuki Catherine GLR UNIQUEGEMS Onyx Tiffany GLR Pearl Tiffany GLR Koa Keokea James GLR Dany Autumn GLR GC, BW, NW Dewisplear Angel Time Camelle GLR Shady Andrea GLR Quailridge's Mona Lisa Pat GLR Symphony Alexis GLR Apple Alexis GLR Necromancy Alexis GLR Mysti Alexis GLR Karabel's Heavenly Bliss Katrina GLR GC NW Zehnder's Elan Monica GLR Aluren Mantecore Stephanie GLR Bellatrix Stephanie GLR Ketrex Honey Nut Cheerios Jill GLR Ketrex Froot Loops Jill GLR Ketrex Cherryshine Jill GLR Ketrex Doveflight Jill GLR Sunshine Rumor of AkeeraBengal Samantha GLR Elysor Aura of EyeoftheTiger Samantha GLR Bengally's Iris of EyeoftheTiger Samantha GLR EyeoftheTiger Eko Samantha GLR AkeeraBengal Cassi of EyeoftheTiger Samantha GLR Eleanorcats Eros of EyeoftheTiger Samantha GLR Scrimshaw Mickey Mouse jacqueline GLR GRC, NW Stedam's American Strong Dawn GLR Debo's Darker Shade-of-Magic Patti GLR Debo's Dancing With Myself Patti GLR EUPHORIA'S BRUNO MARS 2 OF CHAPTER Jeri GLR Red Ferne Mustang Sally Lisa GLR Red Ferne Rolo Lisa GLR Red Ferne My Valentine Lisa GLR Nala Emma GLR Slique Summertime Blues Alison GLR Slique Dance To Yer Daddy Alison GLR Odakim Homemade Dynamite Alison GLR Meko Paula GLR Bear kelly GLR Ocean kelly GLR Blue kelly GLR Winston Susan GLR Cinema's Kaleidoscope of Elseas LESLIE GLR Mickey Angela GLR Miss Marbles Angela GLR Tordal's Frieda Brigitte GLR SC.NO*Zeras Carmen DVM Brigitte GLR SC.DickTracey Catalicious Brigitte GLR NW SC.Cat Balou Catalicious DVM Brigitte GLR SCSP Verona Silver Bullet Linn GLR HU*Imladris Indil Poison Ivy Linn GLR Lucy Amanda GLR RW SGM Cocoa Pebbles of Siddhis Debra GLR Maine Villa's Thaddeus Chris GLR Chunky Monkey Jenny GLR Mickey Blue Eyes Jenny GLR Sailavie Kaiser's Scampi (AKA Maki) Enzo GLR Deydream Pumpkin Spice Joy GLR Deydream Graffiti Joy GLR ayla amanda mohammad rizalmi GLR Balinan's Steely Dan Nancy GLR Balinan's Cheyenne Nancy GLR Yukio Nancy GLR Shera Len Steely Dan Of Balinan Nancy GLR Blakewood Cocoa of RapaNui Darlene GLR PinupCats Rip Van Wrinkle Sharlee GLR Cozy Alien Home Sakura (Prinkles) Sharlee GLR Dante Hope GLR Taric Obi Wan Kitnobi Hope GLR Bakpao Mia GLR Lupis Mia GLR Rawon Mia GLR Lily Mia GLR Vincent Judy GLR Nordictale Borealis Judy GLR Solskatts Ethel of Nordictale Judy GLR Nordictale Flash Gordon Judy GLR Vereesa Marilee GLR Joshy Cassi GLR EMERALD Toby Lynne GLR REBA Toby Lynne GLR Shera Len Socrates Tim GLR Shera Len Leonidas Tim GLR Kazakh's Thor Lisa GLR Kazakh's Loki Lisa GLR Pharoah Taira GLR Purrsianpals Call Me Baby Nannette GLR GC BW NW Suavere's Dress Code Carolyn GLR GC, NW Suavere's Coraline Carolyn GLR Sitka Teddy GLR Sitka the Williwaw Teddy GLR Kodiak the Brown Teddy GLR Kodiak the Brown Teddy GLR Havacat Cyril of Phos Hilaron Alicia GLR SHELBIE'S DIRK DIGGLER Linda GLR MAYN DEZYN MARCELLO ST EMILION Jim & Kathy GLR Allis Amy GLR CHELCECATS CHARLIE Jan GLR Clarice Daniele GLR "Etta" - Faolan Legendary Arietta CONNIE GLR "Echo" - Beeblebrox Audible of Faolan CONNIE GLR "Krai" CONNIE GLR "Gladys" CONNIE GLR Kisa Emily GLR Kawaiikats Keiko Catsui of Bunikats Jaime GLR Jakoi Limited Edition of Bunikats Jaime GLR GOBSGOBBLINS RUMPLETEAZER Samantha GLR Lynzkatz Lib'ear'ty Belle Linda and Jon GLR Lynzkatz Fudge Ripple Linda and Jon GLR Arlo Whitney GLR Tango Whitney GLR Danny Whitney GLR AKERRS Say it Right Sami GLR AKERRS Vanishing into Shadows Sami GLR TikkaSky Sogni D'Oro of AKERRS Sami GLR Koppiekatz Santino of AKERRS Sami GLR AKERRS Last Possibility Sami GLR CH SabrinaMews Gina "Lola" Brigida Sabrina GLR GC RW Olde Rose Hemingway of SabrinaMews Sabrina GLR ICatchers L.
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