THE POLITICAL TRANSNATIONALISM OF IMMIGRANT ASSOCIATIONS IN BARCELONA Mihaela Vancea TESI DOCTORAL UPF / 2009 DIRECTOR DE LA TESI Dr. Ferran Requejo (Departament de Ciències Polítiques i Socials) ii Per la meva filla Luana iii Acknowledgements This thesis would have not been possible without the physical, intellectual and emotional support of my partner of life, Álex Boso. He has stayed beside me in all the good and bad moments of this challenging and many times extremely tough process. Frustration and exultation, despair and hope, strokes of genius and complete blindness have been my common feelings during this process, an emotional ambivalence supported with stoicism by this person that makes my life better. I am extremely indebted to my daughter Luana, the reason of my existence in this world, for the energy she gave me to finish this work. She came to this world in one of the last moments of this project. I apologise to her for all the moments I have stolen her and dedicated to this thesis. This task would have defeated me for sure without the extraordinary support and advice of my tutor, Ferran Requejo. I thank him for his remarkably commentaries, patience and complete confidence in my capabilities to undertake this new step in my professional career. I am also extremely grateful to Klaus-Jürgen Nagel for his assiduous and inspiring academic guidance in all these years, for his support and facility to read all my drafts and, moreover, comment on them in a very constructive manner. I am particularly indebted to Ricard Zapata, Javier Astudillo and Gösta Esping-Andersen for their support and comments at the beginning of this work. I am grateful to the entire Department of Political and Social Sciences for the help and support I received and, in particular, to all the personnel v from the secretary that helped me with a lot of kindness in all the administrative aspects. I also want to thank Eva Östergaard-Nielsen for her critical reading and very good commentaries on one of my first drafts. Libardo Ariza, a brilliant young researcher, has opened up my way toward immigrant transnationalism, the subject of my thesis. Sonia Boueri, my wonderful Venezuelan friend and brilliant legal sociologist, has accompanied me during this trajectory with empathy, encouragements and invaluable advices. I am extremely thankful to David Casassas, Mariona Ferrer, Lucía Medina, Jordi Muñoz, Camil Ungureanu not only for their friendship, support and encouragement, but also for their efforts of reading and revising my work. I also thank to all my PhD colleagues and workmates for their support and fair comments on my thesis. Other persons that have actuated as a human shield protecting me and helping me to concentrate and finish this project have been my parents and my closest friends. I thank my parents, mi sister and beloved nephew for believing in me and giving me all their support in undertaking this long and heavy task. Núria and José Luis have been my faithful friends here in Spain and also my parents by adoption, taking care of me with extreme love and tenderness. Palmira, Àlex’s grandmother, I will always remember her when trying to put some limits to my work dedication. She used to say: “it is not good for you to work so much, you need also to enjoy yourself”. I was then taking a break and sharing a mate (the famous vi Argentinean tee) with her and Àlex. Carlos, our beloved friend, has given me love, compasion and helped us in a lot of practical life aspects. Francesc, my little brother by adoption, has stayed beside us in all the difficult moments. My beloved childhood friend, Mirela, with who I share this continuous and untiring journey across borders, has given me love, care and cheered me up during all this process. I am also extremely grateful to all my immigrant friends from Ciutat Vella, the place I lived for five years, for the inspiration they gave me to write this thesis. I thank also to Josefa who has taken very good care of my daughter Luana and also of me, in some critical moments. I have certainly forgotten to mention others, who in some way or another helped me in all this process and I apologise to them if I have not included them here. But for sure, they are in my heart, and I appreciate everything they did for me. Most part of this research project was possible due to the financial support received from the Catalan Institute of International Cooperation (ICCI) during my PhD Programme, and from the Jaume Bofill Foundation during my fieldwork. vii Abstract This thesis addresses two fundamental questions in the transnational migration research field: whether or not all immigrants engage in political transnationalism? And which are the main determinants of their transnational political activism? To answer the first research question, I specifically compare different degrees of transnational political engagement of various national/ethnic origin immigrant associations in Barcelona. To answer the second research question, I focus on meso- and macro - levels determinants. The thesis demonstrates that transnational political engagement is not generalised among all immigrant associations in Barcelona, presents a relatively low level of regularity, and is generally nationally based. It also demonstrates the importance of studying the effect of the exit context and, in particular, of the political opportunity structure in home country on the political transnationalism of immigrant associations. Meso - level determinants like social networks and sources of funds also seem to explain the variance in immigrant associations’ transnational political engagement. Resum Aquesta tesis vol respondre a dos preguntes fonamentals en l’àrea de recerca de la migració transnacional: S’impliquen els immigrants en el transnacionalisme polític? I, quins són els factors determinants del seu activisme polític transnacional ? Per respondre a la primera qüestió, comparo el nivell d’activisme polític transnacional d’una mostra d’associacions de diferents orígens immigrants a Barcelona. Per contestar a la segona, centro l’atenció en possibles factors determinants a dos nivells, meso i macro. La tesis demostra que l’activisme polític transnacional no està generalitzat entre totes les associacions a Barcelona, que presenta un nivell relativament baix de regularitat, i que generalment es desenvolupa al nivell nacional. També demostra que la necessitat d’examinar l’efecte del context de sortida i, més en concret, l’estructura d’oportunitats polítiques del país d’origen sobre el transnacionalisme polític de les associacions d’immigrants. Altres determinants a nivell meso, com les xarxes socials o les fonts de finançament semblen explicar la variació en l’activisme polític transnacional de les associacions d’immigrants. ix x Introduction The subject of this thesis is the analytical and empirical analysis of the political activities and practices realised by contemporary immigrant associations in their countries of origin. It is a comparative research study that examines and contrasts the political transnationalism of different national/ethnic origin immigrant associations in Barcelona. The forms, scope, relative intensity, and social determinants of immigrant associations’ political transnationalism are the main aspects to be investigated. With respect to the level of analysis, the thesis integrates meso and macro levels, more precisely, organisational and contextual explanations. The investigation is qualitative, relying largely on data coming from semi-structured interviews with 24 immigrant associations in Barcelona. It also employs a quantitative analysis in order to corroborate or enhance the findings of the qualitative research study (the triangulation approach). More accurate aspects of the research strategy, sample, data and data sources appear in Chapter 3. The idea of this research goes back in time to 2004 when I defended my Master thesis in Sociology of Law at the International Institute for Sociology of Law, Oñati, Spain. While wondering if I could further on develop the research subject of my Masters degree for the PhD degree, one of my colleagues, who was translating at that time to Spanish an article of Alejandro Portes and some of his collaborators on assimilation and transnationalism (Guarnizo et al. , 2003), ask me why I do not try to investigate this new phenomenon xi that came to be so popular in the United States. After the readings I have done on this research subject, I have become more and more interested in how migrants develop new forms of accommodation to a more global world. I have thought that it would be interesting to explore whether the findings of that piece of research could be relevant in the European context. Choosing the subject was not an easy task but the most difficult research aspects were still to come. The research approach and design, or the level and unit of analysis have been decided in time after many hours of readings, large discussions with professors and colleges and some failed attempts of research proposals. From the two research approaches to the comparative study of immigrant transnationalism, that are studying one immigrant group in different national/local contexts and studying various immigrant groups in the same national/local context, I decided to go for the second one that was scarcely employed in the European-based research. As such, my research perspective was to study the transnational political practices and activities of different national/ethnic origin immigrant associations in Barcelona. Although the research was conducted in a fairly localised setting that is the organisational immigrant life of Barcelona, it has implications for the wider debate about new forms of self- identification and affiliations of immigrants that go beyond state borders and that might come to challenge in long run the traditional nation-state model. This research will allow us to validate the xii existence of a stable and significant transnational field of political action connecting immigrants with their countries of origin.
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