ANK VOLUME LXV, NO. 38. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1943. SECTION ONE—PAGE^ 1 TO 12 Red Bank Pilot Makes Training Course Four O'Neill Brothers Navy Lieutenant 136-Acre Herbert Farm For Air Scouting Crash Landing, Unhurt Starts Next Week Now In Armed Forces Sold To New Yotfker William Firth of Sons Of Mr. And Mrs. John O'Neill L,ieut. Kenneth Spinning Red Bank is the Chemical Company Head Buys WickatunEJ Has Narrow Escape Course Leader Of Navesink Were Star Athletes Place—Other Sales By Paul Stryker -•• First Lt. Kenneth W. Spinning, Ul, Nelson O'Neill, 18, who left Bed the U. S. Army and at present Is The Jean Herbert and Kati Kelly Scouts and Scouters of Monmouth Bank last week with the aviation Btatloned at Camp Edwards, Massa- son of Kenneth W. Spinning, Er., of County, tho new senior program inn of 186 acres fronting on tho Brunch avonuo, .escaped Injury re- Cadets and Is now stationed at At- chusetts. Methodists To reehold-Matawan turnpike At Wick-* called Air Scoutlng-,~ia- about to start lantic City is the fourth and young-, Tho father Is now In the quarter- cently when be was forced to make rolling. Wednesday, March IT has tunk haa been sold to Mr. and Mrs. a crash landing of a four-motored eat son of Mr. and Mrs. John O'Neill master corps at Fort Hancock after ffrcdo -L. -Edwards '• of New York boon act as the starting date of the of Navesink, now In the armed serving 28 years in the Postal tele- Hold Anniversary Flying Fortress which ho was pilot- Air Scouting leaders' training courso Ity. The sale was mado by Paul Ing over Brftymer, Missouri. None forces. graph tower on Sandy Hook. Strykcr, Holmdel real estate and and the place Is the Asbury Park John, Jr., 30 years of age and old- of his crow of ten men'was Injured, high school and tho time 8 o'clock. Besides the four boys there are Services Sunday surancc broker. Mr. Edwardi U Displaying rare skill and extreme est of four brothers, is chief boat- four daughters, Mrs. Lee Parker of •esident of the Cochrane Chemical Before an Air Scout unit can bo swain In the Coast Guard on Staten Navesink; Mrs. Mary Meyer of 132 coolness In the face of an extremely chartered the adult leader must have impany of Jersey City. dangorous situation, Lt. Spinning, a Island. He has been overseas in con- Riverside avenue, Red Bank; Miss The farm has been In the Herbert taken tho Air Scouting leaders' voy service and has seen plenty of Peggy O'Neill and Miss Kathleen Dr. Edgar Washabaugh former Hod Bank high «chool pupil, course. This training does not neces- mily for eight generation). Tho managed to sot tho plane down on action. O'Neill, bothof whom live-at home. rlginai part of the present 14-room sarily call for aeronautical trained The eight children were born on To Give Principal a field on the outskirts of the town, men, but rather just adults who ore Duncan, 25, Is also located on rick colonial farmhouse la still In after lt had exhausted Its gasoline Staten Island with the Coast Guard Sandy Hook. xcellent condition. The houso sets) Interested In helping the Scout move- DAVID W. MOUNTFORD Sermorn supply In a heavy ground fog during ment and aro .willing to spend part as a first class seaman, is recovering The O'Neill brothers all Btarred in iack from the road on a knoll aur> tho night of February 18. of their spare time-in learning this in tho hospital from severe burns re- athletics at Mlddletown township ounded by a grove of stately shads The piano was on a routine train- ceived last week in an explosion on high school, being members of foot- David W. Mountford of Twin Members and friends of. the First 'cos. The house has been modern* program. Gables apartments, Riverside ave- ing flight at tho tlmo and was head- The training courso consists of his ship. ball, baseball and basketball varsity Methodist church are planning ap- ed, and has modern conveniences, ed for Koarnoy, Nebraska, whore Lt. William, 21, who is a corporal, Is in teams during their school days. nue, was sworn in Monday at Now propriate seriyces for the coming: n the farm Is a farmer'a cottago seven meetings, six night meetings York city as a lieutenant, Junior Spinning Is stationed. Flying low, and one" "day" meeting. Tho course Sund'ay in celebration of the first an- ith modern Improvements, two tho young officer circled Braymef grade,, in the Supplppyy Corpps of thee U. niversary of their occupancy of the rgo hand-hewn timber barns, and leader is to be William Firth, Scout S N i looking for a place to land, and then commissioner of district 2 at' Bed S. Navy. He will report for actlvo newly erected sanctuary, which was le usual other outbuildings. headed south of tho town with tho Bank, who has glvon Scoutmaster duty tomorrow, consecrated March 15,1042. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, who hava intention of setting tho plane down leaders' training courses in the past. Building, Construction Lieut. Mountford has been a resi- lready taken occupancy, will super* 1 on a wldo, gravelled road. Tho.ro will be seven technical ad- dent of Red Bank 11 years. He is a he tho operation of the farm, which! The piano, a B-17 F, barely, missed visers to assist the course students former manager of the Schulte- fill be handled by Wilbur Mellvaln a farm houso on tho top of a bill. f Freehold. The place has been W. KENNETH W. SPINNING during their discussions. Most of Council Aids Red Cross Unltcd department store here and After touching the road, one wing these men aro former World war 1 for the past nine years has beetf lamed Spring Brook farm. caught on the fence posts along a (As he appeared when he was In the flyers and aro connected with the C. manager of the Eastern district, for Mrs. Edwards was born across tha cornflcld and pulled tho plane to tho United States Navy) A.-P. at Asbury Park airport. Arthur H. L. Green Co., operating Schultc left and Into tho Held, where. it cad from her present home on what said there wasn't even a bump when Fox of Loch Arbour is chairman of United. He attended the University s known as the Asher Holmes farm, skidded 200 feet before coming to a tho Council Air Scouting committee. Members Will Contribute To of Georgia. ' • -stop.—About . 100 _ yards'_ot_heavy the plane. landed, attesting to the vhlch _was- In her-famlly- for rilnn- fact that Lt. Spinning hadabsorbed —Other members-of—the-commitlee —Lieut—Mountfordis theson of Mrs. rcncratlons. It was granted to her; woven wlro. and barbed wire fence Include Assemblyman J. Stanley Miriam W. Mountford of Atlanta, In the piano's path were torn down, the thorough training given him by War Fund Quota Of $250,000 amily by King George, 3d. (he Army. Herbert of Spring Lake, Henry M. Georgia, a former resident of Red Mr. Stryker has also sold for Step* and heavy hedgo posts woro snapped Brewster and Thomas McFeely of -•• off au though they were match Tho IWd Bank young man, in a Bank. Hia wife is the former Miss len M. VonBraklo his seven-acrd, letter to his fathor, stated that tho Avon, field commissioner of Air Members of the Monmouth County Jane Button of Red Bank. Btlcks. Building and Construction Trades 'arm fronting on the Crawford's Cor* mishap occurred on the return trip Scouting, Sgt. Robert K. Burslcy of ler-Evcrett road, Holmdel township, Tho plane was considerably dam- from Orlando, Florida, and lt » Llttlo Silver and assistant field com- Victory Garden council have offered their assistance aged but wholly Intact. The front missioner of Air Scouting, Roy Fish to the 1943 war fund drive of the icar Annie Ogden'a corner, to Fred on the lost leg of'the jaunt that "the ' '; of Newark. Mr. aolglo and edges of the wings woro ronted by fun started." of Manasquan. ' county Red Cross through the co- Rumson Students the fonce posts, all tho propeller Project Started operation of the council chairman, amily plan to occupy the seven* The lieutenant writes: "At the Tho opening night of this training •oom farmhouse by May 1. Mr blados were bont, the beddy gun tur- courso will have Dr. William Hurt of Frank A. Dangler of Neptune, and t ret was torn off, a fence post wont start we didn't have a bit of troublo John E. Scbulz of Long Branch. Mr. To Give Physical Solgle plans when possible to re* and the ship purred sweetly. We of the national council in New York At Fair Haven ' j-nodcl tho house, Jjarn_and garage. through tho nose' and anothor city to explain tho purposo and ac- Schulz was named a member of the _ through_tho_jjde of the cabin, and had been flying a celestial naviga- war fund labor council by the drive Mr. Strykor reports .soiling for) tion mission to give the navigation complishments expected In tho Air Fitness Program "therewas soine"damagoTo the back Scouting program. Dr. Hurt Is tho Councilman Hunting ihairman, Edwin L. Best of Shrews- Howard C. Dunlap 70 acres located cdgoB of tho wings. some, practice and all was well, Wo bury. Monmouth county's quota in on the northeast side of the Holm* were right on course and passed originator and author of this new Bklppy, tho crew's mascot, a small program.
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