Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 2-7-1979 Spectator 1979-02-07 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1979-02-07" (1979). The Spectator. 1565. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/1565 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. H^ o**+ See photo feature, page three l\, MVfIHHHHHHEHH| cJr 3 JP^ mM Chinese Vice Premier Teng Hsiao- 'jM^M Iping at a reception at the Washington „£ H Plaza Hotel. M ak\ m 1 «Mt J photo by kenny wright M 1 HA Hr■ ■^"^k-^^^M A young demonstrator waves the - Bjh,,..d^ flagof Taiwanduringa protest outside ; ■9 the hotel. ■ y\3 V| "' photoby mike ," ■■ morgan . V. BL SeattleUniversity Spectator Vol. XLVII,No.16 Wednesday,February 7,1979 the spectator Seattle University,Seattle, Washington Agency cuts student loanpaperwork problem byCarole Silbernagel arrangement,he said, and the effect has years,saidKipToner,Universitybusiness between the current rate and the lower Students in nearly every school of beentogreatlyincreasethenumberofloan manager. ratepaidbythestudent. highereducation in the state will find it a dollarsavailabletostudents.A similarpro- Ifthe interestratesincrease duringthe Washington has about $10 million in lot easier to obtain federally guaranteed gramin Minnesota increassed the dollars periodof theloan, the GuarantyLoan As- federally guaranteed student loans each loans next fall, thanks to a new agency loaned to students through the GSL pro- sociation will also pay to the commercial (continued pagefive) formedinpartbyS.U.spresidentandbusi- gram from $4 million to$34 millionin two lender a percentage of the difference on nessmanager. The Washington StudentLoanGuaran- ty Association (WSLGA), a private, non- Metro reduces Street routes profit corporation,is being organized to Jefferson helpbothstudentsand thebanks theybor- byKevinW. Kirkpatrick row fromtobeable fr.betteruse the feder- alGuaranteedStudentLoanprogram. AproposedMetroservicechangeonbus What the association will do, saidUni- routes 3 and 4, whichrun past Campion versityPresident William Sullivan,S.J., is Tower, wouldcurtailservice alongJeffer- handletheadministrativepaperwork that son Street after 7 p.m. and on weekends. so often discourages commercial banks Theproposedchangeistohave thenum- fromparticipatingintheprogram. ber3busmeetthenumber4 near23rdand The association will keep track of the Jefferson and transfer passengers. Only student,his credithours,and allthedetails the number4 would continue downtown. that thebanks wererequiredtodo.It will, Theplan,ifadopted,wouldprovidefora with federal money, also guarantee the bus alongJefferson once every half hour loanifthestudentdefaults. instead ofthecurrent 15-minuteintervals. Under the Guaranteed Student Loan Protestover the planwasvoicedby the program, all students in federally SquireParkCommunity Council,apart of approvedschoolsmayborrowup to $2,500 theCherryHillCoalition. TheCouncil met a year or $7,500 total for undergraduate publicly with Metro representatives and work,andthe governmentwillpay the in- members of the Seattle CityCouncil last terest onthe loan until ninemonths after week. graduation. The concern voiced was that most peo- In addition, the government will reim- ple whoare served by the tworoutes are burse the commercialbankerifthestudent entirelytransit dependent,and thechange defaultsontheloan. wouldcause morewaitingin "a verydan- Commercial banks were not alwaysre- gerousarea." ceptive to this program,since it required The two buses that serve S.U.s Cam- muchpaperwork,andcommunication with pionTowerdormitoryareoneof themajor Washington,D.C.wasslow,Sullivan said. links to downtownandother areas of the What the StudentLoanGuarantyAsso- cityforS.U.students. morequickly than weexpected."Intheef- fouranhourareusingthesectionalongJef- ciation willdo,he said,is bea local inter- One of the chairmenof the SquirePark fort to servemoreriders,Metrohas been ferson. Community saidthechangewould mediary for the government,the banks, Council exceedingitsbudget,he said. muc troublefor a student who already "Ican'tsee15minutesmakingthat andthestudent. "cause Walsh explainedthatoneof the things difference," Walsh said. Thestudentpaysaninitialinsurancefee has a late night schedule and very little consideredincuttingservicehoursisdupli- tothe agency,andinreturn hisloan willbe time." cationof service.Bothnumbers3 and4run weresuggesteda The proposedchange is one several Several alternatives paidby theagency with federal funds ifhe of the same route between downtownand the communitymeeting.One was to kee|' defaults.The agency willthen beresponsi- beinginvestigatedbyMetro inaneffort to 21standJefferson. servicethe until9:30 p.m.insteadof 160,000 same ble for arranginga schedule of repayment cut servicehours. "We look at the ridership and find an p.m.as isplanned. This would "allow stu withthestudent. Rich Walsh of Metro explainedthe cut- averageofeightpeopleridingduringthose dents andshoppersto get home,"said one About 26 other stateshave this sort of backs,statingthat"wearemoresuccessful hours," Walsh said.Of those,abouttwo to communitymember. Feb. 11-18 SEEPAGE15 7, The Spectator 2February 1979/ Senaterescindstuitionbill,freezesbudget billintroduced by the finance committe byCaroleSilbernagel sayno.Ithink itlooks evenworseifwe just activities spring quarter," Nelson said. off," TheASSU willrefrain frommakingloans andapprovedby thesenate.The billis dc of University administra- back Senator Bob Farrellsaid. signed keep wit In light the meaninglessright now morethan $100asaresult ofabillintro- to S.U.outof competition overrulingof senate bill 78-18, the "This is all ... of the national tion's they've a they'renotgoing by the finance committee. Reasons concert and speaker market Sunday night votedto rescind the made standand duced $2,50 senate down,"replied for the rulingare that asclubsproduceno wherethegoingpriceforaspeakeris havegiveneach senator toback SenatorEd Walker. $3,000, Ricesaid.There many goo actionwhich would thatthe preambleof the ASSU collateral, the senatehas no legal way of to are $100 remissionfor winterquarter. He noted localspeakers who can contractedfo a tuition "clearlysays thepowersof collectinginterest,and no way to recover be bill, earlier survivedavetoby constitution that less, added, and measure can b The which S.U.,theadministration,cansupersedethe any defaulted debts, Ricesaid. he the ASSU president Gordon McHenry, was overruled by a two-thirds vote of th Nielsen, wishes of the students andtheir expecta- Elliottnoted thattheSkiClub wouldre- negatedtwoweeks agowhenKen $750, reserve senate. life, tions as set down in the constitution. The turn its loanof granted to vice president for student announced my foraspring trip. notallowthe administration's actionislegal, asfaras accommodations break ski thattheadministration would interpretationgoes." The club was unable to generateenough Correction ASSU toexecute the measure. business, $5,774 by Feb.10 Two errors occurred in last week' impeachRex not In other senate the ASSU moneytopaythefull the "Weeither have to for budget deadline, thesenate earlierrefused to ASSUSenatemeetingreport. orwehave torescind the was frozen and most allocations and enforcingthebill for week study theprob- loan it the entire amount. The story stated that a motion wai bill," JimRice, of the finance suspended one to said chairman $10,000 SenatorJim Rice wasappointed senior passedtoofficiallyprotestSenatorGeorg committee, Rex Elliott, first vice lem of The Spectator's projected about deficit for the year. class president, aposition created by the Dechant's action of walking out of th president. graduationcom- meeting. gives the first The bill,writtenby Senator GlennNel- senate to work with the The ASSU constitution chooseaspeakerand to organize Dechant was apparently protestingi responsibility ofcarrying son,stated thatsince the newspaper'sbud- mitteeto vicepresidentthe problems impair publi- senior class party in conjunction with senatedecisionto refer aPathfinder's clul senatebills,Rice said,and he remains get wouldeither its the out cation or endanger entire ASSU bud- the second vice president. request for money back to the financi responsible for thisbill until itisremoved the get for spring quarter, the senate should ThePathfinders Club, whichearlier had committee. from the record. AccordingtoDechant,amotionwasno a lopk closelyat thequestionbefore it allo- requested$340 topurchase four additional "Thepointtomeisthat wehave consti- passed. Instead, senators had agreed ti though dis- cates any moremoney. climbingropes, wasurged to repeat its re- tution and even it has been hearings protest of action by we fol- "We've been looking at The Spectator questattheyearlybudgetrequest have their Dechant's re carded theadministration should it eight cordedintheminutesof themeeting. it,"he over- question for so longand we haven't done nextquarter.The clubsaid needed low said. Theadministration's pay for only four. The second error occurredinreportin) ruling"was extralegal I think we anything.If weletsomuch moneygo,we'll new ropesand could and don't for speakers that $800 wasrequested by the Pathfind an extralegalaction," cometo the point wherewehave nochoice Future ASSU allocations should recognize morethan$500perevent,readsa ers.Theactual
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