his supplement contains bargain listings in addition to material ?ixtd ii Blackhawk's Bargain Bulletin No.50. llowesci, all material listed in this supplement is limited in qaantitv, and this supplement should not he used n/For SUPPLEMENT "A" TO ()cto!'er 31. 1 955, Order what you you need from Bulletin No. 50 at the same time you ordet from this supplement! BLACKHAWK'S BARGAIN BULLETIN NO. 50 Carl Dudley's 500/ I)ICOL.%T S41.J FR}E AND EASY 'flfl1S LAND OF OURS" and ,71)0'. 1ó,n,n. c,j,,,cJ blat-k an,i a'),ite) Wftht'II RR A I) RE(OR DING TAPE If you're a lover of horses. this one is for von. Prwliicesl rfl1S WORLD OF OURS" ii) the blue grass lazls of middle l'ennessee. it is the story \ c liavc a spcci.l lot of 'exc'ral lines (if Scot'h l'trand of the famous Iconessec walking horse .. s real thorough- ii1,)l WIdet, i.. I pair of Iras I filui cones ) 4,(ic(, n.e of the best arid bred anong horses, and one of the most cou)foi table horses F hflc. ccrinoJ oIcrtc ?vlagnetic Recoicling 'tapes. all first quality and in their 0' • cSO ()i,cII3 cIicIriI,utd b ()1fcal the 0(1cc flY mcii fl .405' upplcmen(;try fifnis 00 other coIltttr:,'S. rc rrI3ced original cartons ,,st just li \L.E .. ..11 F REGULAR LISI' in the ss'orld (or t iclng. Action shots on the Tennessee Rrit:tiiit,ca Ijizits. I le t rile tiotial F flip . Inc. a ciubsidigiry of Eneyclflpatdia l'RI( F. We have tacth A-wind tinagitetic coating svound in) m'itrvsidc- -a it ome teal show horses at horse shows. I tie 300 prIce flew is S85.00 ti print (or ,the I 6fliiti. scoind Kothichrott%C schite. I nick aittl Owitid (n!a,znc!ic coating ss'o,itl out) in most of these S er.ion.-S.tO.00 :1 mutt or the caine flints In black atiti Prints are in eNC(ileflt foct 'iOU CAN SA'cF at 8hekhtts.ks prices for ercIIeuit used print,! I ypCc and will attempt to chip the winding for your machine. used ('OlIdili011. Price. on1 However, it is a simple rewind operation for you to reverse R (1ti 'I?? )ir tl,Oiit,Ji . our .\tifl k i c fin ti ci. J)i ii 1 A-wind tape to lt-xs nd. or 13-ss nd tape to A-wind, and we lopu,' to order.' will s';hstltttc the type of windittit if we catitiot pros ide sour choice ( .\LLI()RNI •4 (.?')O' in ko(/o(I,ro,nt') .......... PHOTOCELL RARGAIR ( A I I -()R N I A $00% blCl(k and tihite .......... No. 101 PAPER BASE TYPE SCOTCH MAGNETIC tthjte) 1 the Ispe standard on all Victor ( . I I t(AG() iJOO. black and ..............) ¶ RECORDING TAPE Ite,c' the jh0t()cell 5 5 H El.G I (_t'0 (304). bluek and tt'hjte) ... ........ S 8.8 600-foot rolls, regularly $2.25, special at $1.13 PYOJCC(OFS Iront the nlC)dcl 40 to the present. a ici for the 4 T).'\l.l AS TODAY (700' in ikodacltro,ne) ...... $33.33 I 200-loot rolls, regularly $3.50, special at $1.75 .'xmpro and Natco. l he-c photocells are regularly priced FNGI AND (450', block and ti'hjtt') .. ......... $14.44 at ShOt) each. hile our limited supply of gooil new cells l:NGE.ANI) 300'. black and white) .......... $ 8.88 No. 111 PLASTIC BASE TYPE SCOTCH MAG- ltoIcl ccitt, they're priced, each, at only ........ (iRANI) CANYON (450'. 11w k and white) ...... $14.44 NETIC RECORDING TAPE $2.49 111.1 NUtS (300'. black and white) ................$ 8.88 600-foot rollo, regularly $3.50, special at $1.75 INDIANA 300 in Kodachrome) .............. 22.22 1200-foot ro!ls, regularly $5.50, special at $2.75 8.88 ITAlY i300, black and white) ............... S No. 120 PLASTIC BASE (HIGH OUTPUT) M .\IN E t300'. black and white). .., .............. S 8.88 NIASSA('HLJSFTTS (300' in Kocldchrome) ...... $22.22 SCOTCH MAGNETIC RECORDING TAPE :ii; TBAIS R011116 600-foot rolls, regularly $4.00, special at $2.00 NEW HAMPSHIRE (300' in Kodachrome) $22.22 1200.loot rolls, regularly $6.50, special at $3.25 NEW HAMPSHIRF (300', Mark and white) 'i 8.88 1ick again is 'Ulackhass k's stc'ek of this favorite railroad NEW MEXICO (300', black and white) .......... S 8.88 No. 190 PLASTIC BASE TYPE (EXTRA PLAY) film ttiade by l)tidlcy l'ictures Corporation of Beverly NORWAY 1 300' in Kodachrome) ............... $22.22 llills. This tiI)1e we have the black and white verston of SCOTCH MAGNETIC RECORDING TAPE the prositiction- Pt ints '5 ithdrasvn from television dist t thu.- OHIO (300'. black and a/tile) .................. S 8.88 900-foot rolls, regularly $4.50, special at $2.25 tion. The film tells the operational story of todays rail- PORTUGAl. 000', black and white) ............ S 8.88 I800.foot rolls, regularly $7.70. special at $3.85 RHODE ISLAND (300' in Kodaeliromt) ....... $22.22 roads-the '-arious kinds of cars, workings of the railroad RHODE lSI.ANI) (300', block and white) ........ S 8.88 post office car, how a tIming car operates, the many tvpeA . SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA HOLIDAY of accommodations-as--,iilahle for overnight travel . and 000'. black and white) ................... $24.44 RUCk Il(lWk'S ifltiel) abortt the various ('pet of cars required for the move- TEXAS, 'IHF. BIG STATE ment of freight. Only a relatively few ptInts asailable-.-- (900'. black and white) ................... $24.44 .tKFS' I)OZE all in good used condition. 16mm. sound, black and white I'AF[ (300', Mack and white) ................. S 8.88 about 900-feet in length, only ............. \ERMONT (300' in Kodacbrome) ............. $22.22 Package of 13 qood used tOO-fool, $22.22 and whit,) 8.88 \'FR MONI 300', black ............ S re vcrsc-iiiieiqc Sou,idies" Missicals ltere's the third hargaii package of good used 100-foot, reverse-image Soundics Musicals to he offered by Black- SPIKE JO1'ES 2-INEII M10.JECT1O LENSES hawk in recent months. I his package gives ,oti some I 300-feet of 1 6mm sound film running almost 40-minutes AND lIPS cjrry SLJ('KIRS Ve, have a limited supply of hiand new, first qualits, spiral -thirteen films which, if purchased individually. would -. mounted projection lenses of two inch focal length, for cost you up to almost $15.00. the xuhjccts in this package most of the standard lines of 16mm. projectors such as are largely in the 'Sotindics" number system above RI- 15001. and have been individually priced at 79c and "CLIR CLINK! Arnpro, DeVry, RCA. Revere and Victor. If you're in need of a replacement lens: here's sour opportunity to buy 99c. ihey do not duplicate the iuiividial components of one at about l-IAI.F PRICE, only, . ........ either our I LICKY 13 or INDI N SUMMER packages being offe red cti rrentl v ,t it) ANOTHER BRINK" $8.88 c' '-a"' e IUackhawk's BERS' fbi- W e have SesCr!tl dozen good used reverse-image "Soiindies EN PA(KAGE of 13 good prints of this famouìs Spike tones number. I hece ruin about 100-feet in lcngh. in lbmui. sound, of coi.trse. Specify. Starting to think about Christmas? used reverse-image "Sound- S,6.89 J'il-6108. While our stock last-,, the price per print is oily We have it good supply of two popular ('hristnms films- Les" Musicals. uiil . ---------- used 16mm. sound prints in good condition. The time to oider a bargain itt a CIiritrnas film is NOW-not in November. We have perhaps 18 to 25 prints of each of hone, -Surinq Prices on titese titles on hand-so send in your order now. SIT'WIA' PIthJECTIft LitM?S USED CANS FOR 16ffl11 EEIA -I hc,.e cans are all stand,trd makes and types. in used con- THE PLP'S CHRISTMAS Here is a special 'ebecton of the famed Sylvania Projec- (litlor). but ,htt',acther crsi:eal'le for storing sour films. Rudolf Ising Cartoon, about 250-feet, 16mm. I iou) I , mi-. at set S worih-s bile S!lVii)',!', from their regitlar sound. Sold new for $21.75. Used prints, each p rices. 0 rd e r now wha I 0 i I need for t he Co fl i n p in 01)11w! 400-foot capacity cans only.................................. I 000.watt, I 20-volt , T- I 2 inedium prefocus pro- 6 for $1.59 12 for $2.69 24 for $4.98 $8.88 jection lamp, regularly $6.05 , each, special at 600-foot capacity cans o nly . $4.98 3 for $1.49 6 for $2.79 SANTA CLAUS ?11CIt AND JUDY. 750-watt, 120-volt, T-I 2 ncc-dium prefccus pro. 800-foot cancity cans je'ction lamp, regularly $4.50 each, special at 3 for $1.49 6 for $2.79 12 for $4.98 Castle Films' popular Christmas Film for Children. only ..............................$3.79 12C0-foot capacity cans Alout 300-feet, 16mm. sound. Sold new for 3 for $1.49 6 for $2.79 12 for $4.98 $21.75. Used prints in good condition, each only 500-watt. 120-volt, T-I0 medium prefocus pro- jection lamp, regul.srly $4.15 each, special at 1600-foot capacity cans S7.77 only . $3.49 3 for $2.49 6 for $3.98 12 for $7.49 300-watt.
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