VOLUME XXXIII. NO. 27. SOUTH AMBOY, N. J., SATURDAY, OCTOBER ll,1913. Price Three REV. GEORGE KANE BRIEE SKETCH 0E LOCAL PEOPL GONE TO AUDUBONFIRE HOUSES ELIAS S. MASON PRIZES AT ST/ Last Sunday evening Rev. George Elias S. Mason, of this city, the Re- At the Trenton Fair last \ Kane, Jr., delivered his farewell ser- publican Candidate for Freeholder, Amboy was again in the prlz BYJE TIDE mon at the Presbyterian Church, be- was born in 1871 on a farm in Cran- class. fore a good-sized congregation , Mr. bury township and attended the pub- In the embroidery and need Body of Man Supposed to be Mer- Kane relinquishes his charge here to Chairman of Committee Reports lic schools, until he was qualified to Over 500 Members of the Society exhibit Mrs. J. Tracy Dill was . accept a call to the PresbyteriaT That Sites are Being Considered take a course in Brainard Institute, ed first prize on embroidered ton Deane found on Beach Near Church at Audubon. He has been in which was then a flourishing institu- In This City Wilt Visit Perth shams and third prize on a center, Perrine's Dock—Pathetic Letter this city about five and one-half years, for New Buildings—Trolley Com- tion of learning. While his parent: Mrs. Edwin C. Roddy received se during which time he has made many Amboy on Sunday to loin in the panies Expected to Pay for Re- endeavored to give him a good busi- prize for embroidered suit of un> From Man's Wife found in Pocket friends, who will wish him success in ness education, they also tuiiglit him Parade With Other Societies of I wear. of Clothing—Buried at Ernston. his new field of labor. pairs to Washouts. tln> business of a practical runner, realizing that all who are able to the County and State. j . What was first thought to be the wrest a living from tho soil need never Annual Re-Union What promises to be one of thn body of a man who hail been murder- Special Train Will The Mayor having received an Invi- want fur fond supply. Alter li'urntjiK liirgi!st parades of the Holy Name ed, was washed ashore near Perrine'a tation to pai-tldpnto in the HRIIOW'CKII tho fanning bnsincsH, hi; secured' a 1 Soeietiiv; ever hold in this county will 28th Reg. N. J. Vol. Dock in this city on Wednesday morn. Carry Jr. 0.1). A. M.Celebration In New Brunswick, Octo- Hituation UK a cli'i-k in a flturi. , but not ber 31, on motion of Mr. O'Connor, at >finding tills oi'ciipnllun rongnninl to l.iifce place in Perth Amboy to-morrow, Ing. The body was discovered by 'i'hu annual re-union of'the Tweuty- 'an adjourned meeting of council Tues Sunday October 12. some men who were walking along the "All aboard for Atlantic City Octo- filghth Regiment, .\T, J. Vol., will he *• day livening tln< matter was loft In tin Tin- lociil Society is limiting gr/at shore. Undertaker 15. S. .Mason was ber 22" is the slogan of the sixteen in this city on Wednesday next hands of tho mayor to tjulect such of lU'i'punitioiiH for this ovent, and oxpoct | notified and the body was taken to liis councils of Middlesex County, who mundcr Aaron Stillwell, of Gei tin! different departments ho donln 1 lo have fully 1100 men and 200 boys in j morgue where it was later viewed by are going to run a special train over S. Tnifx X'ost, Is making arrange- to have attend. j line, iuroHipiilni'd by a full brass band. ! Coroner Morgan, of South nivcr. Tim the 1\ It. H. on that date. to give the veterans a royal welcome. Present—Mayor Dey, Councllinoii . Tim Society will meet at St. Mary'l coroner expressed himself later that The representatives from the slx- Tim session will open in the Council Manhattan, O'Connor, Slover, SUuitim nil, lit, 12 M. sharp, arid will fall in lino j the man had fallen overboard from a teen councils havrt completed tho | chamber at the City Hall at 10.30 anil Stratton; Clerk Mack, Solltlloi mill Kivi! ii Hliort paradfi in this city barge and that the condition of th' arrangements. Tho apodal train will o'clock when general business will be I't'iirae, Engineer Mason, Trcftsuiii pritir to leaving. Klvo special Jersey j body was only caused by the decom- make stops Blurting with Railway, transacted. At noon a dinner will bo Pii-rluo and Street Commissioner Con. Central Traction Company cars have * position while In the water. thus giving members of the order In served by the ladles in the ba3ement of nors. • I hrsi-n charleral, which will leave cor-! The man was about 5 ft. i) inches in Perth and South Amboy, Woodbrldge, the Methodist lOplcopal Church. The On motion of Mr. O'Connor, th) j of Broadway and Main street 1:10 j height and was clothed when found, Roosevelt an opportunity to make afternoon meeting will consist princi- clerk was directed to notify tho Jersey p, in. sharp. St. Mary's Society of this I in a blue pair of trousers, black shirt better connections than going to the pally or spoechmaking e^nd a.ge: Central Traction Company to removn city will have a most prominent placo [ and blue vest. Ten cents were found county sent. social time. • V all old ties between Uorilcntown In line of march, and it is expected | in one pocket while in another was The schedule for tho spcriiil is an avenue and Main street on Slovens that hundreds of their friends will I o i.. » *~1\.t found a pathetic letter from his "trut follows: Rahway,7.42 a.m., MclucUen, avi'nuo at onco and place reiiulriil1 »lnlt the city across the river, and j<!AMK LAW I'ltOVISIONS ARE '.wife Phoebe." The letter was ad- f'2 a. m., Now Hrunswick, 8.02 u. m., amount of stone between their trucks, , i.'w the grand representation, I GIVEN OUT HY COMMISSION dressed to "Mr. Merton Deane, Fall Monmouth Junction, 8.18 a. m. and or the ense will bo taken before tho I The Holy Name Society of Sayre- Upon receipt of a' telegram from the River, Massachussetts, care Staples Plainsboro at S.2S a. m. _ Returning ; Public Utility Commissioners. Mr. | vllle, under the leadership of Rev. W. Deiiartment of Agriculture announcing Coal Co." and was stamped at Sea the special will leave Atlantic City at O'Connor stated tho company was not! A. Ullfillan, have aranged to be in | President Wilson's approval of the . Cliff, N. Y. The missive was dated 9.35 p. m. complying with any of the specications. I inc 300 strong, and will charter! regulation for migratory birds in July, 30th. From the information in An Atlantic Band has been engaged Upon inquiry from Mayor Dry, as to i special Public Service cars, so as to j New Jersey, the State Fish and Game the letter the coroner was led to be- to furnish music for the day and it what action had been taken In regard I r.void any transferlng. Should tlio Commission has issued a bulletin . lieve that the man was employed on a s expected that fully 25,000 members to new fire house, Mr. Stanton, ehnir- | ELIAS S. MASON. weather prove favorable it goes with-.announcing the effects of the federal coal barge and that his wife lived on will be in line, which will include the <>m Hiyins that the people of Perth regulations upon the game laws in another boat. The legible part of the man of fire committee, reported that uls tnstc hc abaniloned It and secllre(1 : Guards of the sixteen councils of Amboy will have one of the largest i this State. letter was very pathetic and read in Middlesex. plnns were referred to Chief of Fire it situation on the New York Division Department, and that efforts were be- | ,, „„,,„„„, , . parades in its history. j The United States regulations will part: "Dear Merton, We arrived at The representatives hope that the of tho R n as wllich )Osl tin iciJirociiiiiLncs i, uut unit, mt; , , , , .. , • ' Societies from all parts of tho. State ! In all cases supersede the New Jersey New York Sunday morning. It was ,,, , ing made to secure su table sites. ',.„. >,„ v,Di,i !„„ ton ,,„„,.,, „„,! :ouncils will turn out strong on the * „,„„„„ „, „„ O]_ f 'turn he held for ten years and game laws where there is a conflict cloudy and we laid out in the sound. On motion of Mr. Slover, Genera] about to be promoted to the position and Statim Island are expected to above date, especially because of the between the two. Under the federal Sent you a postal on Saturday I Win. S. Truex Post, O. A. R., was of locomotive engineer when his hear- present, and assist in making the day act that Middlesex has a candidate memorable. w, known as the McLean act, viola- ' am very lonesome without you, {or you granted the use of the Council Chani- ing becoming affected he abandoned or State Vice Councilor in Rene P. tions are punishable by a fine not know low I care for you, Merton, even I ber on October 15. railroading, and after graduating from F. von Minden, of Friendship Council, exceeding $100 or imprisonment for Mr. O'Connor suggested that inlet ;the Renouard Embalming College, of - if you did drink Get a new New Market.
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