Read our Happy Birthday Messages Celebrating Throughout This Edition 2 ! 5 Years News, Commentary and Arts by Psychiatric Survivors, Mental Health Consumers and Their Families Counterpoint Vol. XXV No. 3 From the Hills of Vermont Free! Since 1985 Winter, 2010 Laughing at Stigma To Fight Back at It by ANNE DONAHUE at their shows get a major dose of stigma- Counterpoint busting. MONTPELIER — “I’ve found a great His year-long courses are called “Stand way to address my depression. I find some- Up for Mental Illness.” He is based in Van- one who’s really happy and I suck the life couver. force out of them.” Graniner had a way to poke fun — and So opened the address by David Graniner, challenge public assumptions — about vir- who teaches stand-up comedy to others who, tually every public misperception. like himself, are dealing with a mental ill- When opponents of the location of a ness. mental health clinic worried about crime, MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS — Two walks in “I’m tired of the stigma and the shame he observed the danger that would be cre- Burlington this fall raised funds and publicity for men- and the hiding it from everyone,” he told the ated by groups of people creating collages. tal health. Above, NAMI-VT members hold signs. More audience at NAMI-VT’s annual meeting. His son Jonathan, a budding comic him- on pages 3 and 14. (Counterpoint Photo: Jean Aney) So when crossing the border between self who jokes about having a father with Canada and the United States, where cus- serious depression, one-upped his Dad in toms official ask, “Do you have anything to discussing the clinic same incident. Session Expected declare?” Graniner claims that he responds, Graniner played a video of the young- “Yes. I have a mental illness.” ster performing, and saying, “I wish there Graniner kept the audience laughing with was a medication for those people who are To Impact Services with his comedy, but slipped in some serious opposed to the clinic. Oh, there is — it’s MONTPELIER — Whether through new budget cuts, messages. called ExLax, because they’re full of... proposals for new laws, or further outcomes in the “Chal- He has found that teaching stand-up com- well, my Dad won’t let me use the word.” lenges for Change,” the legislative session beginning in edy has a double benefit: peers interested in Graniner went on to point out that if sta- January is expected once again to have a major impact on learning it benefit tremendously by the ex- tistics say that five percent of crimes are mental health care in Vermont. perience of becoming comics, and audiences (Continued on page 3) The national and Vermont budgets continue to struggle, and there is a predicted shortfall for the state beginning next July of at least $112 million beyond the funding eliminated New Governor Speaks on Jobs last year. In addition, savings not accomplished in the last MONTPELIER — Peter Shumlin, who was told a packed audience at he Vermont half of 2010 may have to be added for cuts in the first half elected governor by a thin margin in November, Association for Mental Health annual of 2011. (See article page 9.) meeting in October that he is a strong The legislature will also have new decisions to make believer in the support of mental health about money for constructing replacement facilities for the services. Vermont State Hospital. (See article page 5.) Shortly after the election, he gave The Department of Mental Health has stated it will push closing comments to case managers for two new changes in law. and supervisors at a Statewide Emply- The first — expected to be controversial — would speed ment Institute and emphasized his be- the timeline for getting a court order for forced medication. lief that employment is the best way for The second would expand psychiatric nurse-practitioners’ individals to be able to move towards authority so they could do emergency exams. (See article economic independence. page 9.) The employment event was spon- The department will also be expected to report on sored by Creative Workforce Solutions, progress on budget savings and program changes resulting an intiative under the Agency of from last year’s “Challenges for Change” law. Human Services to increase employ- Among these are better coordination of adult outpatient, ment for all AHS clients. It is a part of CRT and substance abuse services, review of psychotropic the “Challenges for Change” to re- medications for children and multi-pharmaceutical use for structure government servives to pro- adults, and reduction in unnecessary emergency room use. vide better outcomes with less funding. The census at VSH, and the impact of last spring’s new law GOVERNOR-ELECT Peter Shumlin ad- Governor-elect Shumlin told the to allow diversion of forensic evaluation patients who do dresses the Vermont Association of Mental group that he would continue to sup- not require inpatient care, will also be a likely topic of re- Health annual meeting in October. port the Creative Workforce initiative view. (See articles on pages 6 and 7.) (Counterpoint Photo: Anne Donahue) under his administration. 2 Counterpoint ! Winter, 2010 Locations on the Web: ! Vermont Department of Mental Health www.mentalhealth.vermont.gov Counterpoint You are needed. !National Mental Health Consumer Self Help Clearinghouse: 1 Scale Avenue, Suite 52 These groups need www.mhselfhelp.org/ Rutland VT 05701 consumer involvement! !Directory of Consumer-Driven Phone: (802) 775-2226 Services: www.cdsdirectory.org/ outside Rutland: (800) 564-2106 Boards and Committees !ADAPT: www.adapt.org email: [email protected] !MindFreedom (Support Coalition Copyright c2010, All Rights Reserved Statewide Program Standing Committee International) www.mindfreedom.org for Adult Mental Health: The advisory commit- !Electric Edge (Ragged Edge): tee of consumers, family members, and providers for www.ragged-edge-mag.com Mission Statement: the adult mental health system. Second Monday of !Bazelon Center/ Mental Health Law: Counterpoint is a voice for news and the arts each month, 12:30 -4 p.m.; Stanley Hall, State Office www.bazelon.org by psychiatric survivors, ex-patients, and Complex, Waterbury. Stipend and mileage available. !Vermont Legislature: consumers of mental health services, Applicants from the Northeast Kingdom, Addison, Or- www.leg.state.vt.us and their families and friends. ange, Lamoille and Chittenden County are encour- !Vermont Department of Mental aged to apply. Contact the Department of Mental Health: www.mentalhealth.vermont.gov Founding Editor Health for more information. !National Mental Health Services Robert Crosby Loomis (1943-1994) Local Program Standing Committees: Ad- Knowledge Exchange Network (KEN): Editorial Board visory groups for every community mental health cen- www.mentalhealth.org Joanne Desany, Allen Godin, Myles Kouffman, ter; contact your local agency. !American Psychiatric Association: Gayle Lyman, Melinda Murtaugh, Transformation Council: Advisory committee www.psych.org/public_info/ Jean Aney, Eleanor Newton, Marian Rappoport to the Mental Health Commissioner on transforming !American Psychological Association: The Editorial Board reviews editorial policy and all the mental health system. New members welcome. www.apa.org materials in each issue of Counterpoint. Fourth Monday of each month;.Stanley Hall, State Of- !National Association of Rights, Review does not necessarily imply support fice Complex, Waterbury, unless otherwise posted Protection and Advocacy or agreement with any positions or opinions. Consumer organization boards: (NARPA):www.connix.com/~narpa ! Publisher Vermont Psychiatric Survivors National Empowerment Center: www.power2u.org Vermont Psychiatric Survivors, Inc. Contact Linda Corey (1-800-564-2106) ! The publisher has supervisory authority over all aspects Counterpoint Editorial Board National Institute of Mental Health: www.nimh.nih.gov of Counterpoint editing and publishing. Contact [email protected] !National Mental Health Association: Editor Providing “sup- NAMI-VT Board of Directors: www.nmha.org Anne B. Donahue port, education and advocacy for Vermonters affected News articles with an AD notation at the end !NAMI-VTwww.namivt.org by mental illness,” seeks “motivated individuals dedi- were written by the editor. !NAMI:www.nami.org cated to improving the lives of mental health con- Opinions expressed by columnists and writers Med Info, Book & Social Sites: reflect the opinion of their authors and should not sumers, their family and friends.” Contact Marie Luhr, www.healthyplace.com/index.asp be taken as the position of Counterpoint. [email protected], (802) 425-2614 or Connie Stabler, www.dr-bob.org/books/html Counterpoint is funded by the freedom-loving people of Ver- [email protected], (802) 852-9283. www.healthsquare.com/drugmain.htm mont through their Department of Mental Health. It is pub- www.alternativementalhealth.com/about/whatis lished three times a year, distributed free of charge throughout Hospital Advisory Groups www.nolongerlonely.com (meeting MH peers) Vermont, and also available by mail subscription. Vermont State Hospital: Advisory Council; third www.brain-sense.org (brain injury recovery) Wednesday of each month, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.; nursing classroom, June 16; July 21; August 18. Rutland Regional Medical Center Vermont Peer Work Featured in Journal Community Advisory Committee, Monthly meeting, The Vermont Recovery Project, which began formation about the Vermont Recovery Project, fourth Mondays, noon; June 28; July 26; August 23. in 1996, is featured in
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