Chiller at Flicks Tuo former Academy Award Viet Poll to LBJ winners. Bette Davis and Olivia de HariIland, e lane Student Council Wednesday their talents with Joseph Cot- decided to send the results of ten and Agnes Moorehead In the recent campus Vietnam tonight's Friday Flicks chiller. poll to President Johnson. "Hush, Hush, Sweet Char- PARTAN Council voted 9-5-2 in fever DAILY of Including the actual results lotte." The film will be shown at 6:30 and 9:30 in Morris of the poll for all categories Dailey Auditorium. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE on the poll form. Vol. 55 .1OP 3 5 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95114, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1967 No. 28 Trustees Vote Down Race Film Conflict Collective Bargaining Evades Solution By an overwhelming 14-2 vote, "This decision of the trustees will the California State College Board determine the future action of the Ombudsman J. Benton White lost his first round as a medi- of Trustees turned down an Am- ator of SJS discrimination problems. erican Federation of Teachers Chancellor Glenn S. Durnke's A two-hour closed session between White and the Student (AFT) request for collective bar- proposed state college budget was Initiative I SI), a Mexican-American campus group, failed to gaining at its Pomona meeting approved by the trustees. The yesterday. only change was $86,000 knocked satisfy the minority group that a film produced on SJS (race The AFT previously had threat- out of proposed expansion for bias) does not discrintinate against Mexican-Americans. ened to strike unless a statewide joint doctorate program, accord- The film consists of interviews election were conducted to deter- ing to Jim Coles, public affairs with 11 SJS Negroes and four SJS * * * mine faculty opinion about collec- associate of the Board of Trus- Mexican-Americans. SI charges tive bargaining. tees. that it is unrepresentative since College President Dr. John Sperling, president of During the afternoon session, only two per cent of San Jose's the College Council of the AFT, President Robert D. Clark ad- population is Negro while 20 per said before yesterday's meeting, dressed trustees and summarized cent is Mexican-American. Names Seminar a lengthy report on recent racial The representatives of SI trick- discrimination charges at SJS. led out of the meeting with dis- Trustee Edward 0. Lee of Oak- gusted expressions on their faces. 'Day of Concern' 'Autonomous' IFC land told the trustees in the dis- Ombudsman White saidthe meet- cussion of faculty bargaining ing only revealed that a lack of College President Robert D. UnammouslyAdopts rights that instructors should have communication exists between the Clark has declared next Thursday the right to decide whether they Mexican-Americans and the fac- a "Day of Concern" for the fac- favor collective bargaining. ulty members who made the film. ulty, students and administration Anti-Bias Policy In his argument for collective "A solution is not possible when bargaining, Lee said, "Collective both parties are totally rigid. We of SJS. By CHARLES BETZ bargaining by a skilled, strong are looking for a point of flexi- Dr. Clark, Rev. Benton White, Spartan Dally Staff Writer union can bring about changes in bility and have not found it," he recently appointed ombudsman; SJS fraternities unanimously the allocation of resources devoted said. and four faculty representatives ratified anti -discrimination propos- to education." SI threatened to walk out of the will conduct a morning-long sem- als at Wednesday night's Inter- He added that professors today Pho‘o bi Me H,E,an v at one point according to fraternity Council (IFC) meeting. have four choices if they are dis- White, inar, Thursday, on the recent cri- The ratification of the proba- satisfied with salaries and work- DO NOT DISTURB! Representing SI were: Norma sis over racial discrimination. tion guidelines marked one of the ing conditions: Fierro, SI vice-president; Elina Harry Edwards, anthropology- first incidences of local automomy Instructors may seek a job else- TWO FRIENDS, a warm day, a field of ship is a rarity, as is its allowance by our so- Hernandez, coordinator to the sociology instructor and leader of from alumni and IFC nationals in where, accept a standard of living grass . .. Who would have the heart to dis- ciety. Cheers to the fellow who let this animal statewide Mexican-American Stu- the United Black Students for Ac- fraternity history. below other professional workers, turb this lovely couple/ In this era of social enjoy the noon-day sun and nestle in his dent Confederation (MASC); Dan tion, will speak at the seminar. The proposed draft containing work at a second job, or partici- Hernandez, representative to and academic change, there are many social arms. How many would give of themselves The meeting will begin in Mor- five guidelines was presented to pate in collective bargaining. MASC and Arman do Valdez, ris Dailey Auditorium at 9:30 am. still not broken. Uninhibited friend- to a friend, like these two pals? President Robert D. Clark yester- "Collective bargaining has meant boudaries MASC coordinator. with opening remarks from Dr. day for review and approval. undeniable gains for teachers," Lee Dr. William Winter, director of Clark. "To promote mutual understand- said, counselling, and Dr. Bruce Ogil- The special seminar will close ing among minority group stu- He proposed an election con- Constitutional Revision vie, professor of psychology, rep- at 12:30 p.m. with an open forum dents, the -San- Jose State ducted by "an impartial agency" College resented the faculty members who discussion involving all partici- community and the which would handle all fraternity sys- questions produced the film. pants. tem; the IFC and the AIFC (local of voting eligibility, time, place alumni) have established the fol- and form of the election. Ombudsman White will lead a lowing guidelines to protect the An AFT-sponsored rally on the ALF Seeks Funds panel discussion concerning prog- rights of every student at SJSC:," Pomona campus was held at noon Lee Outlines Program ress made in meeting Negro stu- states the preamble of the five. yesterday. dents' demands. point program. "The rally formally announced By CHARLES PANKHATZ 13, and basing the number of rep- executive secretary, as Lee's plan At Campus Booth Rev. White will report on his The first recommendation, es- the kick-off of the collective bar- Spartan Daily Staff Writer resentatives by the proportional calls for. efforts to reduce racial discrimina- tablishes a Public Relations Com- gaining drive to gain faculty Vic Lee, ASB president, spelled size of the class. The vice-president would no tion in housing and among the fra- mittee, advised by the ombudsman, rights," Bud Hutchinson, execu- out his constitutional revision pro- Chairman of council could be longer be the chairman of council. ternities and sororities. To Aid Viet Cong J. Benton White, to carry out "a tive secretary of the College Coun- gram to Student Council Wednes- removed by a majority vote of the Instead, the chair would be filled President Clark called for the Program structured to encourage cil of the AFT, said, day. total membership of student coun- by a member chosen by the coun- Members of the American Liber- special meeting after consultation minority group students to parti- The platform now goes into a ciL cil. ation Front (ALF), who have ap- with the Executive Committee of cipate in fraternity rush." special committee of two council The executive committee now The scope of all this proposed plied for on-campus status, yes- the Academic Council, Secondly, a Human Relations members for special consideration studying the matter will also con- revision is large enough that "the Professor Wasel terday began collecting money at Committee to develop understand- and amendment if necessary. sider whether it should drop the program proposed took over a year ing among fraternities, minorities, A four-pronged set of reasons office of attorney general and to draw up," said Lee. a table on Seventh Street which and the college community was Dies Following for the change are spelled out in they say will be given to the po- ASB Committees proposed. the 10 page report: litical representatives of the Viet The third recommendation, an Long Illness 1. To streamline the structure Cong, the National Liberation Ad Hoc Review Board, composed Dr. Albert David Wesel, 54, a of the government and the lan- Interview Today Joan Baez Released Front (NLF). of IFC Judiciary members will re- professor of mathematics here for guage of the constitution, The ALF's constitution has Student government needs inter- view "any charges of discrimina- the past three years, died Monday 2. To ameliorate the presently ested, capable people to fill nine tion as outlined by Dr. Dussers In a Palo Alto Hospital following cumbersome and inequitable sys- called for the overthrow of the student - faculty committee jobs letter to the IFC dated Oct. 3, a lengthy illness. tem of representation. governments of the United States, and 22 ASB committee positions. 1967." He was a resident of the county 3. To clarify those portions of 'It Was Worth It' the State of California, the City Interviews are today and Monday Any proven case of discrimina- for 20 years, and lived at 23520 the constitution particularly in of San Jose and the ASB of San Jose in the College Union, from 2:30 tion against a fraternity which Crestview Dr., San Jose. the areas of recall and initiative PLEASANTON, (AP) Pa- of demonstrations at the Oakland State College. About $15 was collected yester- until 5 p.m. violates the proposed penalty He received his A.B. and Mas- which have proved acutely inade- cifist folk singer Joan Baez was Army-Induction Center, Almost day, the first day of the drive, ac- Manse, the fourth guideline, will ter's degree from the University quate.
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