University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 6-4-1979 Kabul Times (June 4, 1979, vol. 17, no. 61) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (June 4, 1979, vol. 17, no. 61)" (1979). Kabul Times. 964. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/964 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. " ' Dear compatnots, We have perm.tted· aU When your enemies go our compatnots to take to the.r lords and masters up arms and elinonate all they level a lot of accusat.­ those who are In the serv ons agamst Afghamstan Ice of ahens and shout sl­ and tell hes They cannot ogans 10 the mterest of say the truth because It wo­ ahens and those who are uld be 10 the benefIt of yl>­ agaInst our revolutIon, and ur servants, your governm· our khalql re!llme and wh­ ent, your People's Democr­ oever create barner agalntot allc Party of Afghaillstan. servlOg Ollr people sh- Your Khalqi regIme and ould not be allowed to At the end I apolOgize for your khalql state have pro contInue hVlng In thIS coun­ haVIng tak~n your long tt­ MEETING m,sed to complete land re­ try whereever they may­ me and taiked to you at KABUL, June 3, (Bakh­ forms 10 Afghanistan Now length The reason.s tliat tar) - Dr Saleh Moham­ be TheSe enemIes should Great Leader of the People of Mgharustan Noor Mohammad Taraki, General Secretary of the PDPA CC, and PreSIdent of the Revo lulIon", y Counc,l talkmg to a number nl nohle pI nple you see what logIC we have I see you compatnots not mad Zeary m,hlster of ag­ be WIped out or they sho­ and representat,ves of Pakthia, Ghazm, and Badakhshan proVInces at the People's House to carry out land reforms uld take refuge to theIr much and when I avaIl my­ riculture and land reforms 10 Afghan,stan Anyone lik~ self of such opportumty I met Octavlo Medma, depu­ lords others KABUL, June 4, (Bakh of Afghan.stan, Noor Mo­ of III eat Saur lIe'loluhon who reahses .t he Will md try to talk to you at leng­ ty mmister for Sugar Ind­ tar) - The great and belo­ hammad Tarak,. and defence of theIr kha· eed fmd It m the mterest of th and furtbermore It was ustries of Cuba at h.s office We have the honour that ved leader of the people of The representahves of I'll regIme and v.11I contIO' the tmhng people and In thousands and hundreds of the shining faces of you, at 4 pm yesterday Patriots Durmg the meetmg whI­ Mghanist;ln, Noor Moha­ noble and patriotic pe­ ue thelf IrreconCilable st­ Cabinet sanctions afs.20m. the mterest of OUf coun· the honest faces of you thousands of our compatn­ mmad Taraki, General Se­ ople of the saId proVlnces ruggle WIth the enemIes of try By land reforms we ots have responded from and finally the sense of your le RaUl GarcIa Pala~, am­ bassador of th'e Repullbc cretary of the Centrai Co­ 111 theJr revo1utlonary spe­ great Saur RevolutIon who ready to fight mean that .we seiZe land patrionsm, sPJI'lt of blOth­ ~ all over the country to our mnuttee Of PDPA Pro eches explamed tile lofty are In fact the enemfes of erhOOd, oneness, unity and of Cuba was also present and free from the b.g land 10F­ call and voluntarily reg,s­ es.dent of the Revolubon­ gams of great Sour Revol­ the toIlers of Afghanistan ds and gIve .t free to landle­ tered the,l( names and volu­ equaljty wb.\ch made me 'talks were held and VlelVS for sericulture building were exchanged on Sugar ary CouncIl of DRA receIv­ utIOn 1I1 ensunng thc weI for defence Ss peasants and petty land ntarily got prepared to f.g­ talk to YoU, so long I ){'Ilbs were dlstnbuted to anelng the eqUlpm<>nt of Industry in Afshanl~tan ed a number of chIeftams, fare and prospenly of the They saId that our khalql KABUL, June 4 \Oakh­ holders We have the honour ht "golOSt enemIes of our was msplred lJy you Thank tar) - The CounCIl of ~I,"­ more than 200,000 families Institute of Chcffil\LIy and and, the posslbllitiC6 of and elders of Pakth.a, Bad­ people and blossomIOg of state, lS the state of tOlhng tbat we WIll not take any country whereev... they you fOl' your warm feehngs of Revolution thloughout the counlly translatiOn of sClcntIflc cooperat.on of that count­ akhshan, and ahazm PIO­ dear Mghamstan and pro­ prople of Mghamstan and IsteTs met under the t,;hatr· It IS why we disclose to pIece of land for ourselves, may be and agwnst those of patriotism KABUL June 4, (Bakh­ manshlp of the Great Lead­ The CounCIl of MIDlste, s works, agreement for prov· ry 10 thjs field vmces and LOI Wolesv.ah of mIsed and assured the kh­ we the tOllIng people, ma­ nor for our relatives We who !)atch conspIracy agwn, tar) -A great numher of ISlon of macbmery for the you Whatever we have In The Deputy MinISter for Khost at the l'eople's Ho­ alql state and great khalql ke ourselves one Jrbn fIst er of the people of Afgha- afterwards dIscussed tht:' never spend the y,elds of st our land and our re'v(}lut­ OUf patriotIc and brave pe· nistan Noor Mohnmmad proposals of vanous mini· pylon-maklllg factory and our hearts so that yO\! de­ Thus m a country where Sugar Il\dustJ'ies of Cuba use yesterday and m an leader, Noor Mohammad and f.ght agalOst the lOtcr­ evell one jerlb of land on Ion It .s our pride that Jncludmg agreement WIth the Federal liberate on .t and see whe­ people are .gnorant oppres. Eng. Nazar­ heading a delegation arr.v" atmosphere full of smconty Tarakl, Ihat they are ready nal and fore,lIDl cnemlPs of oplc, women aud Tarakl, General Secretary stnes and took the follow· ourselves and our relatives our compatriots throughout men, are ready to defend, 1Il~ lIepubhc of Germany for the!' It IS 10 your mterests SIOn, inJustice, tyranny and ed here lost week to study beneflted them from hIS va· for all ktnds of sacrIhces dear Afghamstan and we of the Central CommIttee deoslOns If our relatIVes have large Mghalllstan practically sh­ until last drop of theIr blo On the prOposal of the proVlSlon of machinery for or not Whatever 15 not In despol1sm may POSSIbly the Afghan I'Sugar Industr­ luable directives. for the defence of homela· 01 e pretty sure that we of the People'fi Democratic land we will have the hI>­ owed to defend th­ od the national honour and Palty of AfghanIstan and MIOIstry of Justice thc the hydro-power statIOn of your lnterest we wJ11 never fmd way to creep When­ fI ies to Boon IJ!S When the able teacher nd, national honour, mde· w.1I ehmmate and crush take It up and we will not OO"f to seIZe It free from ever our people become eir regime, theJr governm­ of people of Mghamstan, pendence, lofty aSpirations the enemIes of the people Interests of OUf tOilers un· 1'1 eSldent of the Rovolut law of chIld delivery for Mahlper each costing DM ent and theIr state cany ,t out and WIll never them and dlStnbute ,t free aware of their nghts nobo­ KABtrL, June 2, (Bakh· Noor Mohammad Taral<l, der the leadershIp of Peo­ 10nary CounCil at the Pe­ the female employees of I 500,000 have been uppro­ take aChon to put It mto ef­ to the landless peasants dy can exert tyranny and tar) - Eng Nazar Moha­ Dr. Jalili meets PresIdent of the Revoiut­ ple's Democratic Party of ople's House from 11 00 the state and semI-state ved Dear Compatnots, fect; not only we do not We want the land for the oppresslOn upon them and mmad, Ambassador of the JOnaTY CounCil came to Seminar on freight Mghamstan and under th­ a m to I 00 P m yesterday and pnvate orgamsatIOns take actIOn but "VIII not ,11­ peasant and not for oursel­ nobody can employ the to.l­ Democratic Republic of ~­ the garden of People's Ho­ eIr red iI11d revoLutionarv At the outset the Great who are enhUed to 90 days SIm.ilarly on the PIOpOS­ ves We take prIde m dlstn­ We are not the only peo­ low anyone to take any 109 people 10 meet the ty­ gbanlstan to Bonn, wIlo special envoy use, the representatives of flag and stand 10 the front leader of the people of (or chl1d delIVery leave 10 al of the MIDlstry of Pu­ ple who preserve and safe­ , practical measure whIch butmg land to the peasants rants mterests It IS for came here sometimes ago the noble and patriotIc pe­ transport opens here for, struggle agwnS! the AfghaOlstan 'Noor Moho addition to other It>aves bhe Works the ploposed guard thelI' honours but • may harm you tOilers 10 order to boost up the this reason that we are on an off":IaI business left ople of Jajl Mwdan, Mus­ eoemles oJ people and re­ mmad TarakJ, GenerClI Se~ under the law was approv· amendment to the consult­ too tOIlet:! of all the coun, KABUL, June 3, (B.kh· The opeOing seSSion of Dear compatnots, products of the country.
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