Cornell University Agriculture and Life Sciences news New York State College of Agriculture and L.fe Sconces. Cornell University. Ithaca. N.Y. November 1983 Barbara McClintock Sharp Named Director of Wins Nobel Prize Biological Sciences Kiitwia A M<< Imuo (11. Ph |> 27| has w<m the Nobel Prize in medi­ um- for her discovery that genes are n<« fixed but van |unip (rum one sp.4 to anothe r on the chrommomc o< a plant and transform future (generations ol plant> produced rhe dneosers was made more than «> years ago hut only in the law decade or m> has its importance become widclv recognized Met.Unlock who n hl. continues with her research al the < old Spring Harbor I aboralory on I ong Island She is the lust woman lo win an unshared Sobel Prize in medicine, and onh the third woman to win an un chared Sobel science prize I he other* both honored lor their work m them- ixirx were Marie tunc in 1911 and Ihwothy Hodgkin in 1964 In Hv statement acx.mipanving the award the Sobel euflMMMc rand that Met Untuck » experiments 'wen; carried out wnh great ingenuity and intellectual struigency I he commuter members, who art from Sweden's karolmxka Uuauie noted that Me had been "tar ahead ' uf the lirmrndous drukipmrnts that Ikarc taken place in ptnetn.* in the last M-ceral dreads* Smw lust arriving al the Cold Spring Harbor I ah.vat.rrv in 1941 Met hn- uxk ha* bcm rarsing maize or Indian turn us eMail plots ul land on the labor ators gr.wndv crovseng larrcticx hi July, and Harn I Stinson who wax the interim director lor three months f suMivhcd in 1964 the Dniwon cd Bcoiognal Sciences was the tint such Mood Chosen Director of Cornell and China grouping at an American university to integrate research and teaching from a Geneva Experiment Station Cooperate in large sanely al tetenii* disciplines Biomedical Research 1 here arc approximately 120 regular and trait faculty members m the I amartiwr I Hc«d ha. haw named I he I ■cart a I xpcnrwrwt Siainm w dis issue's mx seel ions tHochenwvirx Mk rtrveafb darcUar rd dw New YoA < me <4 rhe olden a the country f vtab- motccuUr and crU biology. eeologv and Sea*. Atprnwbwal f x|*rwarM tawa M Inhcd at IBM u Hearne a pan ci the systcmai.es genetics and development, («awxa be dbt < aewrtl I taverns board < .dk’irc sd Ag.-iculturr and I de Seamen ncur.mwlogx and behavior phiMOtogv at 19? ’ I .vias own- than <5C people and plant bwMogs I he I II Hades mcWtng k .rract lacutv mcmtvr* Honnnum and me Shush Manne are c mptocvd rhere The budgrt • S9 I aborators also are in the division ■aim anmialli. derived U«• state Bom and cdixaicd in I rigland Sharp kdrral and gmate vownrs received a Ph 11 in pharmacology liom ItfvKi t. Sarwarr the I mverwtv cd Nottingham and a IJ Sc Irrun the I niverwix of I ondon * h.k at the I nrverwty rd Nottingham he bed physaotcrgacai expeditions to Sp« zenhergrn m the Arctic in 195? and I960 where he studied the elicits .4 actndy and light on human cucadMii rhythms Alter two year* i4 research at the Mtddknex H.rvpslal Medical V1lo<4 « I .mdon he moved to the Massachusctt- irencial H.ispnal and Harvard Medical School Hl 1962. conducting tew arch on the rnechamvrrr. rd control <4 sodium uanspori pnmardy cm the actum. <4 abdoueronr and .4 antaJiumw hormour He wughi at the department, rd pharmacolofx and phycslugs at Harvard Medical Scfuxti and brnefum isuv at Harvard ( ottegr He wax chart id the Bnxhcituial l‘harmacxu.>g\ I rm al Massachusetts General Hospital limn 1966 wmt I97g From the Dean computer technology I hey should I ighty-onc percent of our entering Ithaca and Geneva) I think the faculty understand the various uses ot compu­ freshmen were in the top 10 percent ol in the college has adjusted well to these ters in decision making and be familiar their high school class I his is nine cutbacks in tact, our total number of enough with this form ol technology percentage points higher than the employees has remained constant as the that thev will be able to participate in a previous year and is certainly the highest faculty has been successful in attracting productive wav wherever their careers that we are aware ol I et me assure you other sources of funds to replace stale may lake them alter they leave the that we still have a sizable percentage ol lunds I Ik- loss ot 44 senior professors college We arc considering our course our students (upwards of 12 percent) at one time presents a different sort of offerings in close conjunction with the who arc farm reared, and this number challenge to the college We arc not sure College of I nginccring and others who has actually increased since a decade at this point exactly how many ol those offer courses in computer literacy We ago In addition, it appears that al least positions we will be able to refill fight will determine what needs to be done in one-third ol our students have had farm ol these lacultv lines have already been our curriculum to meet this goal experience Our freshman class, as in filled, and there are seven searches A bigger challenge and possibly the the past, is well balanced with respect to currently under way I his leaves us with more interesting one is the use of upstate versus downslate and is certainly the opportunity to examine and possibly computers to enhance instruction in an exciting group of students who will make program changes in another 20 many of our courses We have active challenge our faculty in the classroom positions programs under way ranging from agri­ We also had a strong pool ol transfer At the Geneva I xpenment Station we cultural engineering and animal science students, including more than 100 from had seven vacancies created last year, Since the last issue of ihc News. there to the leaching of introductory biology the agricultural and technical colleges including the retirement of Donald have been many developments in the I he latter is being supported by a This program of matriculation Irom the Barton as director Prof I am Hood, college that I would like to review lor contract with the IBM Corporation, six agricultural and technical colleges the assiK'iate director of research on the you. This certainly has been an exciting which will be providing microcomputers continues to proceed very well Ithaca campus, lias assumed the and busy summer and monetary support last year the state of New York directorship of the Geneva Experiment The board of trustees’ recent decision Over the last fisc years the college has offered an enhanced retirement Station He is working closely with his to tum down the architectural design for attempted Io address many of the hard­ program to all slate employees over age faculty to outline future program thrusts Academic I came as a bit of a surprise ware needs by providing a large number 55 in an attempt to reduce the size ol for the potential new faculty members al to all of us. Although the college was of remote terminals so the faculty world the state payroll I hirty-seven ol our that important institution not responsible for the exterior design, have access to the mainframe computer, senior faculty took advantage ol this As I said in the beginning, it has been we arc disappointed that the project has and where appropriate, providing program Combined with a few resigna­ an exciting six months, with new chal­ been delayed for 18 months to two microcomputers for use by individual tions and several deaths, we lost 44 lenges presented every day I am greatly years. You should understand that the faculty members or in teaching situa­ senior faculty this past year In the short encouraged by the quality of the college’s responsibility in a project like tions.Up until this year we had one run we were fortunate in bang able to students we continue to attract, the this is limned to the internal functioning microcomputer laboratory that has been hire some of these people back on a quality ol the new faculty that we have of the building We were satisfied that used extensively in a number of courses part-time basis, but it has been neces­ been able to hire in the past year, the Academic I. as designed with the archi­ Some of the other courses were taught sary to hire temporary lecturers and productivity ol our continuing faculty, tect. would work quite well for the by Utilizing the mainframe through others to plug some of the holes in the and the general respect with which the college’s activities in the facility. The remote terminals classroom I he state has reduced our college is held by our colleagues university is responsible for the exterior With the decreasing costs of electronic funding, and we are hard al work throughout the nation design, and that is where the problem technology we will he moving to a figuring out how to handle this latest I he support we have received from arose Momentarily we expect the decentralized system where we will be challenge As you are probably aware, our alumni and friends, both monetary appointment of a new architectural firm, using microcomputers much more inten­ this is another in a series of personnel and moral, has been most encouraging and we will start the project from sively than the mainframe in the reductions that the college has been With great students, a great faculty and ground zero The plan to locate on the teaching and instructional area This will subjected to over tile past decade as the solid alumni support, it is easy to west end of the Agricultural Quadrangle necessitate the establishment of a state has attempted to deal with some ol predict an excellent future for the is unchanged.
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