PRICE IBRSE €E N ^: VOL. x u n ., NO. i04. (Classified Advertisliig on Page 16) | SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1929. CHICAGO’S VALENTINE; BRITAIN NOT JUST 10 MURDERS U .S. SENATE Chicago, Feb. 15.— Chicago’s WIDOW Dm valentine murders totaled ten, a survey here today revealed. ANXIOUS TO * s' TO REJECT Seven men were massacred in a gang murder. A woman was slain by her i n SHIPS husband who then killed him­ OIL REPORT BLAME self. Two men, Peter Moss dnd Oscar Jones, were killed in a London Denies Report That fight with a man said to be Insurgent Republicans De­ Medical Ezanuiieir D e ^ Arthur Lee. Locks up Mother, 93 <«> sert Senator Walsh Be­ Statement Made m M oifr U. S. Was Invited to Dis­ And Then Kills Self cuss Naval Limitations in SAYS CHICAGO cause He Put Blame on iog Newsjiapers-^tmnor ' Donovan. the Near Future. Bethel, Conn., Feb. 15.— ^A posse^and crawled out, went some dis­ Says Fake Suicide Note: of local citizens headed by Post­ tance to a neighbor’s home and POLICE KILLED told her experiences. Constable master Bailey today locate^ the Was Placed in Mrs. London, Feb. 15.— British official Washington, Feb. 15— Oil and Morris Britto was called in and body of Prank Benedict, 63, a resi­ circles were dumbfounded today by rum formed the legislative diet of organize/1 a posse to seek the man. THE GANGSTERS the Senate ■‘oday as It began con­ dent of Andrew street, lying, with Postmaster Bailey located the body son’s Stocking. published reports that Great Bri­ the throat cut, in a wooded part of soon after ten o’clock. — ' sideration of the Walsh Salt Creek tain will invite the United States in­ the north end of the town. Bene­ According to his mother-in-law, oil report while the Jones prohibi­ to a naval limitation conference dict informed liis mother-in-law, Benedict left the house bareheaded Special to The Herald. tion bill remained its “ unfinished 93'years old, that he was going to and carrying a razor which he within the next three months. The Dry Official Makes Direct Willimantlc, Feb. 15.— There .are business.” kill himself. Then he locked her flourished wildly. No one sa'y him reports were branded as -'bsolutely two startling developments today in The oil report, filed by Senator in the house and departed. The at the time. No reason is assigned untrue. Charge Against Depart­ old lady finally smashed a window. for Benedict’s deed. the Jackson murder mystery. , Thomas J. Walsh, (D) of Montana, Sir Austen Chamberlain, British One is the "about-face" of Medi­ would criticize the Inferior and foraign secretary, not only refused cal Examiner Dr. Louis I. Mason ment— Scoots Idea It Was Justice Departments for delay in to be quoted, but refused to discuss who was quoted by ne'wspapers late cancelling Harry F. Sinclair’s con­ HENRY FORD SAYS WORK the reports in any way. Work of Rivals. tract for Royalty oil in the Salt yesterday as saying that Mrs, Gctr However, official opinion was Creek fields of Wyoming. The Sen­ trude B, Jackson, widow of the summed up for International News ate public lands committee rejected slain man, confessed to-the ntuf-. Service this afternoon by a source While the wheels of romance spun back home, making her a pros­ the report by a to 6 party vote IS SECRET OF HIS FAME der of her husband in the letter Chicago, Feb. 15.— A direct other than the foreign office as fol­ pective mother-in-law, Mrs. Evangeline Lindbergh, mother of Colonel and Walsh brought it to the floor she wrote before killing herself with a rifle. Today Dr. Mason lows: charge that Chicago policemen had Charles Lindbergh, was on the other side of the world. Here she's of the Senate for justification. “ Any such suggestion is most killed the seven gangsters lined shown with the captain of the liner President Wilson upon arriving in denies making any such statemeiiV There was every indication the The other angle is the uncon-- harmful at the present time, and against a ■well and massacred with Naples, Italy, on a world tour that will end in time for her to attend the Senate, too, would' reject th- re­ wedding of her celebrated son to Miss Anne Morrow. Until recently, Adds That a Good Wife or firmed report, that an iinknovra can only change the existing situa­ machine guns was made here today port, since the Insurgent Bloc ap­ DRYS OF THE SOUTH hand placed a fake suicide note 'In tion for the worse. There is no Mrs. Lindbergh was Visiting Professor of Chemistry at the Constantino­ parently has deserted Walsh’s lead­ by F. D. Silloway, deputy prohibi­ ple Women’s College, in Turkey. Mrs, Jackson’s stocking as the biJdjr avenue for approach between the ership. In the committee room. Mother Plays a Big Pari lay in the morgue here. The par­ two countries upon this subject. tion administrator. Senator Nye, (R) of North Dakota, DROP MELLON PLAN son, it is. understood, first re­ You cannot equalize eight inch and' Silloway made the charge after the Insurgent chairman, led a fight moved the original note and to the six inch guns. It must be f’*ankly he had exposed reports made by his SAYS FATHER against the Walsh report and voted In Helping a Man Attain self accusing missive added sen­ admitted that Britain was opposed private prohibition agents, making SMITH IS EECTED against it. He said he agreed with tence upon sentence:—each one" to the original preparatory dis­ an independent investigation of WAS POISONED certain portions but disagreed with attempting to acquit the ■wldoje’s armament conference because the the horrible slaying,'the worst in Walsh’s condemnation of Assistant HisGoaL Will Not Accept Two Million close friend. Deputy Sheriff Trenor. British were fully aware that it the history of gangland, in which Attorney General William J. Dono­ Rice, of blame in the death of he> CO. COMMISSIONER Woman Accused of Killing van, much mentioned as a possible must inevitably break up in dis­ the entire “ mob” of George “ Bugs” Seven Children Tells of Other Instead of 24 Million in husband. " agreement. Moran, north side liquor king, was choice for attorney general in Presi­ EDITOR’S NOTE: This is Officials Mum. A Question of Time wiped out. Crimes in Family. dent-Elect Hoover's Cabinet. the second of a series of threo So far as th e'' authorities are- “ Possibly, in the course of time, It was pointed out by Silloway The Walsh report will be debated articles based on an excluslto the Budget. concerned, they are giving eat conditions may alter things anc. ad­ that the automobile used by the Senator from Manchester St. Joseph, Mich., Feb. 15, from noon until 2 o’clock. There interview with Henry Ford. nothing, which will help clear the seemed little likelihood of a final just themselves to the extent that murderers was a Cadillac, such as Weird ■whisperings of other mystery, believed to he solved by poisonings — an unescapable^ decision on the report in that the contents of the suicide note there will b» a mutual deslr.j to a police squad car, and that in^the Choice of Both Houses; BY J.1MES L. KILGALLEN Washington, Feb. 15.— Southern approach the subject again. But getaway all witnesses ‘ testified the fate ■which'dealt stealthy death limited time. which is being dosely guarded^ blows to unsuspecting victims Lengthy Report Drys in Congress today refused- to Coroner Arthur G. Bill of Danlel- that is a question of time Our at- machine had both a siren and a The report consummated the Fort Myers, Fla., Feh.‘ 15.— De­ titude at present is that the less gong. Other Business; — were added today to ‘ the accept the proposal of Secretary of son again today ref used, to make charges of infanticide facing committee’s lengthy inquiry into claring that “ work” is his formula said the better.” “ A squad from the bureau hi­ the Treasury Mellon, to raise pro­ the note public.' He declared sn^ch Mrs. Ethel Lewis, 49, and her disposition of the government’s for success, Henry Ford, the richest a step would be inimical to the Sir Austen. Chamberlain, British jacked a load of liquor from the Royalty oil from the Salt, Creek hibition enforcement appropriations daughter, Mrs. Oakel Gorham, man in the world, today amplified state’s interests pending the trial foreign secretary, addressed the Moran crowd three weeks ago,” Hartford, Feb. 15 — Both 23, as further details of al- . fields. It was shown that for the $2,570,000 as a substitute for their Association of American Corres­ Silloway charged. “ That took place that assertion by adding that a of Sheriff Rice who is indicted for,^ branches of the General Assembly leged rnufders by deadly po­ whole period of the Sinclair "onr extra $24,000,000 fund in tho first the murder. ' pondents at a luncheon here yes­ on Indianapolis boulevard, accord­ tract, the government received good wife or a mother who exerts deficiency bill. concurred today in electing Robert tions came to light here. the right influence also plays a tre­ King’s Statement. terday. He touched upon the naval ing to our Information. Herself accused of slaying $300,000 less income than it would The first deficiency bill appar­ “ here were 500 cases in that load mendous- part in helping an ambi- William A. King, former attor­ tiuestion, but his listeners were J. Smith, of Manchester, himself a ..-Beven;infants by poisoning aad have had under a, contract calling ently .
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