CHORAL and VOCAL ENSEMBLE 78s FISK UNIVERSITY JUBILEE SINGERS 3178. 10” Blk. acous. Columbia A-3370 [79597-1/79598-3]. EZEKIEL SAW DE WHEEL / YOU’RE GOING TO REAP JUST WHAT YOU SOW (Negro Sprituals). Excellent late ‘20s laminated pressing. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 3095. 10” Blk. acous. Columbia A-3596 [79607-1/79614-3]. YOU HEAR THE LAMBS A- CRYIN’ / I AIN’T GOIN’ TO STUDY WAR NO MORE (Negro Spirituals). Excellent laminated pressing. One TB and few lt. rubs, cons. 2. $8.00. 3097. 10” Blk. Viva-Tonal Columbia 562-D [W141524-1/W141525-1]. STEAL AWAY TO JESUS / EVERY TIME I FEEL THE SPIRIT (Negro Spirituals). Just about 1-2. $8.00. CANTORI ROMANI and BOYS CHOIR dir. ALESSANDRO MORESCHI 2933. 10” Blk. (G&T) Gram. Concert Canto Gregoriano lbl. 54779 [2198h]. GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO. Minor lt. rubs, 2-3. $20.00. GREGORIAN RECORDS 2723. 12” Red Victor 71001 [271½i]. GREGORIAN HIGH MASS: Kyrie Eleison. Recorded in St. Peter’s, Rome, 1904. Dir. by Mon. RELLA of the SISTINE CHAPEL. 2-3. $8.00. 2725. 12” Red Victor 71002 [278½i]. GREGORIAN HIGH MASS: Gloria in Excelsis Deo. Recorded in St. Peter’s, Rome, 1904. Dir. by Mon. RELLA of the SISTINE CHAPEL. Superficial rubbing, one harmless LSS. 3. $8.00. 2724. 12” Red ’12 Pats. Victor 71003 [302½i]. GREGORIAN HIGH MASS: I due Alleluja. Recorded in St. Peter’s, Rome, 1904. Dir. by Mon. RELLA of the SISTINE CHAPEL. Cons. 2-3. $8.00. 2728. 12” Red ’12 Pats. Victor 71004 [280½i]. GREGORIAN HIGH MASS: Credo [Pt. I]. Recorded in St. Peter’s, Rome, 1904. Dir. by Mon. RELLA of the SISTINE CHAPEL. Small edge flake face side not to grooves, gen. 2-3. $8.00. 2727. 12” Red Victor 71006 [294i]. GREGORIAN HIGH MASS: Sanctus et Agnus Dei. Recorded in St. Peter’s, Rome, 1904. Dir. by Mon. RELLA. 2-3. $8.00. 2726. 12” Red ’12 Pats. Victor 71007 [295i]. GREGORIAN HIGH MASS: Sequentia Messa S. Gregorio. Recorded in St. Peter’s, Rome, 1904. Dir. by Mon. RELLA. Superficial rubs, two harmess and tiny edge flakes blank side. 3. $8.00. METROPOLITAN OPERA CHORUS 2937. 10” Blue acous. Victor 45051. HUGUENOTS: Rataplan [Coro di Soldati] (Meyer- beer) / MAGIC FLUTE: O Isis und Osiris (Mozart). Just about 1-2. $6.00. PRINCETON SEMINARY MALE CHORUS. Forty voices, ten on each part. No information as to the conductor’s name. 2641. 12” White elec. Victor Special Record Mat. CVE-34982-2. Y DELYN AUR [THE GOLDEN HARP] (Gymreig, arr. D. Pugh-Evans). With Blanche Hubbard [harp], Edith C. Roberts [pianist]. Recorded March 27, 1926. 2. $12.00. 2640. 12” White elec. Victor Special Record Mat. CVE-34983-1. YE WATCHERS AND YE HOLY ONES (17th Century German). With Blanche Hubbard [harp], Edith C. Roberts [pianist]. Recorded March 27, 1926. 2. $12.00. RUSSIAN OPERA CHORUS dir. A. U. SLUTZKY 3242. 10” Red Orth. Victrola 4120. EUGEN ONEGIN: Beautiful girls / EUGEN ONEGIN: On the bridge (Tschaikowsky). Piano acc. Just about 1-2. $8.00. VICTOR (LIGHT) OPERA COMPANY 2546. 12” Blk. RCA Victor 35757 [takes 1/2]. Gems from THE LOVE SONG (Künneke- Offenbach) / Gems from THE STUDENT PRINCE (Romberg). Side one is take 1 (recorded April 1, 1925), a late post-War replacement take for the original issue, take 7 (recorded April 16, 1925). For take 1 Richard Crooks is the tenor soloist while on the common take 7 Lambert Murphy is soloist. Harmless stain one area side one, cons. 2. $8.00. 2619. 12” Blk. Orth. Victor 35940 [20T/23]. AIDA: Gems (Verdi). Two sides. Artists include Crooks, Marsh, Della & Elsie Baker, Murphy, Charles Hart, Judson House, Royal Dad- mun, Olive Kline, etc. Just about 1-2. $8.00. WESTMINSTER CATHEDRAL CHOIR dir. Dr. R. R. TERRY 2767. 12” Blk. acous. HMV D340 [Ho1362ac/Ho1364ac]. TE DEUM (Francesco Anerio). Two sides. Missing from Bennett, Vol. I. Harmless lbl. crease (not a crack), gen. 2. $10.00. 243 INSTRUMENTAL 78 rpm Discs MARO AJEMIAN [pianist] 2463. 12” Red RCA Victor 12-0343. RONDO No. 1 ON A FOLK TUNE; BULGARIAN DANCE No. 1 [both from “Mikrokosmos”] (Bartók] / ANAHID AJEMIAN [violinist]. CHANT POÈME (Khatchaturian). Just about 1-2. $10.00. JOHN AMADIO [flutist] 2566. 12” PW Plum Electrola EH 229 [CR1604-I/CR1605-I]. FLUTE CONCERTO: Andante/ Finale (Mozart, K.314). Cons. 2. $10.00. 2634. 12” PW Red Orth. “Z” shellac Victrola 11132 [CR1604-I/CR1605-I]. Same as preceding listing. Just about 1-2. $10.00. 4019. Red Orth. Victrola 9695 [Cc17488-IV/17489-III]. THE CARNIVAL OF VENICE (arr. Briccaldi)/HUNGARIAN PASTORAL FANTASIE (Doppler). With Orch. dir. George Byng. Small lbl. stkr., few lightest rubs. Cons. 2. $10.00. AMAR QUARTET [Licco Amar, Walter Caspar, Paul Hindemith, Rudolf Hindemith] 2585. 12” Blk. EE Polydor 66419, 66420 [423bg/424bg, 425bg/426bg]. STRING QUARTET IN E MINOR (Verdi). Four sides. IMs. Cons. 2. $50.00. WILHELM BACKHAUS [pianist] 4269. 12” Red ’08 Pats. Victor 74159 [2840f]. ÉTUDE C# MINOR, Op. 25, No.6; ÉTUDE A FLAT, Op. 25, No. 1 (both Chopin). Beautiful copy, just about 1-2. $12.00. 2167. 12” White lbl. Victrola 88160 [2649f]. HAR- MONIOUS BLACK- SMITH (Händel). Cata- logue number 71040 stamped in matrix. Just about 1-2. $10.00. M. G. BALAY dir. REPUB- LICAN GUARD BAND 2399. 12” Blk. Orth. Victor 12- 59019 [CTR3441-I/ CTR3442-I]. CONCER- TINO FOR CLARINET AND ORCHESTRA (v.Weber). Two sides. Arr. for band, the solo WILHELM BACKHAUS in the HMV record pressing plant, late 1920s played by a group of clarinetists. Cons. 2. $7.00. GEORGES BARRÈRE [fl.], CARLOS SALZEDO [hrp], HORACE BRITT [cel.] 3079. 10” Red PW (gold print) Victor 1975. LA PANTOMIME (Rameau) / LA TIMIDE; L’INDISCRETE (all Rameau). Just about 1-2. $8.00. Sir THOMAS BEECHAM [conductor] dir. BEECHAM SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 2740. 12” Gold Flags Columbia 68017-D [6559/6560]. MAGIC FLUTE: Overture (Mozart). Two sides. Tiny patina side one into grooves about ¼”, otherwise just about 1-2. $12.00. 3419. 12” Gold Flags acous. Columbia 68018-D [6602/6603]. SYMPHONY PATHÉTIQUE: 2nd Mvt. / SYMPHONY PATHÉTIQUE: 3rd Mvt. (Tschaikowsky).Few lt. mks., 2. $12.00. RENÉ BENEDETTI [vln] and JEAN WIENER [pno] 2743. 12” PW Blue Eng. Columbia D15074, D15075 [WLX437/438, 439/440]. LE BOEUF SUR LE TOIT (Milhaud). Four sides. Just about 1-2. $15.00. 244 INSTRUMENTAL 78 rpm Discs LEONARD BERNSTEIN [pianist] 4269. 12” New Music Recordings NMR 1611 [1081/1012]. PRELUDE AND FUGUE No. 3 IN C# MAJOR (David Diamond) / JUILLIARD SCHOOL WIND ENSEMBLE. SCHERZO FOR FLUTE, OBOE, CLARINET, BASSOON AND HORN (Frederick Jacobi). Bernstein’s first recording? At any rate, very early. Two faint, harmless 1” rim crks. side two, cons. 2. $8.00. ARCADIE BIRKENHOLZ [violinist]. New York City, 1904-1975. He began studies at the age of six with Leopold Lichtenberg and then became a pupil of Leopold Auer, making his debut at New York’s Town Hall. Much of his career was developed on the radio in the later 1920s, and by 1929 he had played most of the major concerti with the NBC Orchestra. Choosing the security of consistent work and less traveling, he became a violinist with the NBC Symphony under Toscanini. His birth date varies, according to source, from 1904 to 1906. 3014. 10” Blk. elec. Edison 11047 [N-686-2/ N-687-A]. COQ D’OR: Hymn to the Sun / SADKO: Song of India (both Rim- sky-Korsakov, arr. Kreisler). Piano acc. Herman Neuman. Small indentation (possibly a very few lt. sounds), otherwise just about 1-2. $35.00. LEO BLECH [conductor] dir. BERLIN STATE OPERA ORCHESTRA 2629. 12” Red Orth. Victor 11407 [ D439-2/ 2D432-2]. ANDANTE FOR THE FLUTE / IDOMENEO: Ballet Music (both Mozart). IMs, few lightest mks. 2. $7.00. 1840. 12” Red “Z” shellac Scroll Victor 11457 [2B1521-II/2B1522-I]. NORWEGIAN DANCE No. 3 / NORWEGIAN DANCE No. 4 (Grieg, Op. 35). Just about 1-2. $7.00. LEO BLECH ADRIAN BOULT [conductor] dir. LIGHT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 2165. 12” Red PW (silver print) Victor 18155 [2EA7636-I/2EA7637-I]. TWO INTERLINKED FRENCH FOLK MELODIES / FETE GALANTE: Minuet (both Dame Ethel Smyth). Unusual repertoire. Just about 1-2. $12.00. MARIA THÉRÈSE BRAZEAU [pianist]. A pupil of Canadian pianist Moïse Saucier. 4263. 12” Green PW Fr. Polydor 27096 [701Bi/702Bi]. BERCEUSE EN RÉ DIÈSE (Chopin, Op. 57) / DANSE D’OLAF (Riccardo Pick-Mangiagalli). Just about 1-2. $20.00. Mr. BUSONY [violinist]. 1470. 10” Blk. acous. Symphony Concert Record 2771 [5301/4885]. SERENADE (Toselly)/ GIPSIES MELODIES [sic] (Sarasate). Record manufactured probably around 1914 by the “Isi-Works International Record Co.” in Saxony. Lt. superficial rubs, 3. $15.00. GASPAR CASSSADO [cellist] 2746. 12” Blue Viva-Tonal Col. 67895-D, 67896-D [WAX5382-2/5383, 5384/5415-2]. SONATA FOR VIOLONCELLO AND PIANO (Debussy). Three sides. / ARAGONESA (Cassado). With GIULIETTA VON MENDELSSOHN GORDIGIANI [pianist]. Few lt. rubs, gen. cons. 2. $15.00. ARTHUR CATTERALL [violinist] 3468. 12” Blue acous. Columbia 67052-D, 67053-D [AX71-AX74]. KREUTZER SONATA, Op. 47 (Beethoven). With WILLIAM MURDOCH [pianist]. Few lightest mks., sides from just about 1-2 to cons 2. $12.00. GUSTAVE CHARPENTIER [composer/conductor] 2172. 12” Red Decca G-25928 – G-25930 [XXP7102-2/7103-2. 7104-2/C, small ND in outer margin side one, otherwise just about 1-2. $20.00. 245 INSTRUMENTAL 78 rpm Discs ALBERT COATES [conductor] 3420. 12” Blue acous. Victor 55270-55272. LE COQ D’OR: Suite (Rimsky-Korsakov). Six sides. With SYMP. ORCH. From 1-2 (mostly) to cons. 2. $15.00.
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