5.3 Responses to Submissions The Submission Analysis Register located in Appendix A1 details where issues raised in submissions were required by the Coordinator-General to be responded to in the AEIS. Instances where a direct response to a submission item was requested for the AEIS, the appropriate reference has been provided in the column titled “Relevant AEIS Reference”. For privacy purposes, the names of private submitters are not included in Appendix A1. Private submitters have been advised by the Office of the Coordinator-General as to which submission number accords with their comments. 5.3.1 Private Submitter 5 Issue 1 The potential groundwater impacts of the revised Project were presented in Chapter 6 of the draft EIS. Subsequent to the release of the draft EIS, a revised groundwater model has been prepared. For further information regarding this matter refer to Section 5.1.5 of the AEIS. NAC will ensure its groundwater monitoring regime is adequate to identify possible effects to neighbouring groundwater users from the revised Project’s operations. NAC will review its groundwater monitoring regime on a regular basis in line with the progression of mining over the life of the revised Project. Mitigation measures will be put into place should the effects of dewatering affect existing users. Examples of mitigation include installation of new pumps, deepening of existing bores, installation of a new bore at another location on the property, or provision of an alternative supply of water. NAC will undertake further comprehensive bore characterisation surveys for third party groundwater users in the predicted impact area to identify the exact requirements for ‘Make Good Provisions’ for those affected users. NAC commit to entering into landholder agreements with potentially affected landholders. The options for groundwater mitigation will be detailed in the landholder agreements and may include, but not limited to, the installation of a new pump within the impacted bore, the lowering of the existing pump within the impacted bore, the deepening of the impacted bore or the construction of a new bore in the same aquifer at another location on the property. NAC has commenced meetings with the potentially affected landholders and intends to reach agreement as soon as practical and in an amicable and fair manner. In relation to this matter, NAC will ensure that it has reached legal agreement with all potentially affected landholders prior to the commencement of the revised Project. Issue 2 NAC has proposed a comprehensive air quality management strategy to manage potential air quality impacts from the revised Project including the implementation of: an extensive list of mitigation measures to minimise dust emissions; blast fume management procedures; Additional Information to the EIS: New Acland Coal Mine Stage 3 Project PAGE 136 a dust forecasting system; a range of air quality monitoring techniques (real time and contemporary); adaptive air quality management; communication and concern management; and an acquisition/relocation/treatment strategy. The implementation of adaptive air quality management measures will include the suspension or modification of operations in response to potential dust risk predictions from the dust forecasting system, real time air quality monitoring data and visual monitoring. All overburden activities (including loading, dumping and hauling) will be suspended in the Manning Vale West Pit when PM10 levels are predicted to exceed the air quality goals in the EPP (Air) at any of sensitive receptors to the West and North-West of the proposed Manning Vale West Pit. Those neighbours are considerably closer to the proposed mining areas than the submitter. NAC has developed its air quality management strategy based on rigorous scientific investigations, a risk analysis of potential air quality impacts, experience gained from over ten years of mining operations at the Mine, regulatory requirements (e.g. air quality limits) and an understanding of leading air quality management practices developed by the mining industry. NAC will deliver the revised Project’s air quality management strategy through the implementation of an Air Quality Management Plan, which is provided in Appendix J.10 of the draft EIS. The air quality monitoring component of NAC’s air quality management strategy will include: 3 Real time PM10 – determine compliance with EPP (Air) objective of 50 µg/m and facilitate adaptive air quality management; Real time TSP – determine potential nuisance impacts to west of Manning Vale West Pit and determine compliance with EPP (Air) objective of 90 µg/m3; Quarterly PM10 monitoring - continue historical monitoring and determine compliance with EPP (Air) objective of 50 µg/m3; Dust deposition gauges – determine potential nuisance impacts and to continue historical monitoring; Meteorological Station – analysis of data to will provide supporting data to assess potential for air quality impacts following any investigations of dust concerns raised; and Compositional analysis – as required, analysis of deposition samples or other localised dust fallout environments (e.g. exposed residential building surfaces or rainwater tank sludge of nearby sensitive receptors) to determine dust composition and potential sources of the compositional material. The proposed air quality monitoring locations for the revised Project are provided in Figure 9-37 of the draft EIS. Additional Information to the EIS: New Acland Coal Mine Stage 3 Project PAGE 137 NAC is committed to delivering a comprehensive air quality management strategy that will comply with the ambient air quality objectives in the EPP (Air) and prevent adverse air quality impacts at its neighbours’ properties. All concerns about air quality will be investigated promptly and appropriate action will be taken to reduce legitimate dust nuisance. A register of dust concerns will be maintained. The processes for recording and investigating dust concerns are provided in Appendix J.10 of the draft EIS. Issue 3 NAC has proposed a comprehensive Noise and Vibration Management Plan in Appendix J.11 of the draft EIS to manage potential noise and vibration impacts from the revised Project including the implementation of: Noise and Vibration Mitigation Measures; Weather Forecasting System; Noise and Vibration Monitoring; Complaint Management; Reporting; Auditing; Buffer Zone Strategy; and Dispute Resolution. By implementing noise management and mitigation measures including reduced night time operation and using attenuated equipment (noise attenuation of noisier equipment including excavators, track dozers, loaders and rear dump trucks), the predicted noise levels from the mining operation will meet the EPP (Noise) LAeq,adj,1 hr at all noise sensitive receptors over the life of the revised Project, including the residence of the submitter. NAC will establish a real-time noise monitoring network, which will be used in conjunction with a weather forecasting system and an adaptive management process, to proactively relocate, reduce or stop noisier mining operations and other noise sources. Based on ambient conditions (climate and the current mine plan) and feedback from the real-time noise monitoring (warning and alarm protocols), NAC may be required to modify (limit) or stop mining operations in the Manning Vale East pit during the night time period. This requirement is based on the noise assessment work completed for the revised Project’s draft EIS. NAC will ensure noisier mining equipment such as excavators, track dozers, loaders and rear dump trucks are fully attenuated. This requirement is based on the noise assessment work completed for the revised Project’s draft EIS. If a legitimate complaint is received and/or a noise issue is identified by investigation, where possible NAC will modify mining operations until a satisfactory solution for the noise issue is developed and implemented. NAC will ensure that all ameliorative actions in relation to noise issues are conducted in Additional Information to the EIS: New Acland Coal Mine Stage 3 Project PAGE 138 a timely manner to assist the resolution process. For further information regarding this matter, please refer to Section 5.1.9 and Section 5.1.10 of the AEIS. Issue 4 Please refer to Section 5.1.6 of the AEIS for information relating to this issue. Issue 5 NAC will undertake a specific consultation approach for local landholders/neighbours that may be potentially affected by air quality, noise or groundwater impacts from the revised Project. Depending on individual circumstances, NAC will seek to negotiate a landholder agreement with potentially affected local landholders/neighbours for either property acquisition, relocation of their living arrangements or physical treatment of their residence. In relation to impacts on property values, NAC believes this issue is outside the scope of the EIS due to the range of external non-project related factors that may influence property prices. In general, NAC is aware from previous discussions with a local Real Estate Agent that property prices are not normally negatively impacted by the presence of the Mine. However, local property sales may take longer to complete. If potential impacts cannot be adequately managed, NAC will ensure all negotiations are undertaken in a fair and equitable manner and in accordance with the legal requirements. 5.3.2 Private Submitter 16 Issue 1 NAC commits to proactively consulting with the Private Submitter on proposed plans for the realignment of Jondaryan – Muldu Road. NAC will ensure that access to Lot 20 and Lot 21 is maintained, or that impacts to access is minimised as per agreement with the Private Submitter. This includes the Private Submitter’s request to keep the realignment as closet to the junction of Cookes Road and Jondaryan – Muldu Road. For further information regarding this matter refer to Sections 5.1.6 and 5.1.10 of the AEIS. Issue 2 NAC commits to proactively consulting with the Private Submitter on proposed plans for the rail spur that passes through land owned by the submitter, including Lots 13 and 14 on RP3467.
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