DAY ONE: BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO LEARNING JUNOS® The Juniper AmbAssADors Are A Diverse set of inDepenDent network engineers, ConsultAnts, AnD ArChiteCts who work in the fielD with Juniper technologies on A DAily bAsis. Their mission is to spreaD the worD About the power AnD sCAlAbility of Juniper’s network offerings. InDeeD, they Are responsible for over A Dozen ONE: DAY Day One books AnD Countless soCiAl meDiA AppeArAnCes, viDeos, AnD trAining sessions. But they hAve Al- DAY ONE: BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO ways wanteD to fill A mAjor gAp in the networking CAnnon AnD Create A true beginner’s guiDe to the most powerful networking OS in the worlD. AnD now they hAve Done it, the AmbAssADor wAy: hAnDs on, to the ® point, anD complete. It’s all here in the Beginner’s Guide to Learning Junos. LEARNING JUNOS BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO LEARING JUNOS LEARING TO GUIDE BEGINNER’S “Whether you are new to Juniper or not, there isn’t a more complete introduction to Junos available. I wish Nine this book was around when I started my network journey years ago. The Ambassador authors bring together so much knowledge and expert field experience that this book is a one-stop-shop to take you from beginner to Junos expert.” Melchior Aelmans, Lead Engineer Cloud Providers, Juniper Networks The Juniper Ambassadors “Nowadays there are many vendors offering similar services and its difficult to learn them all. What network show you how to stand up engineers need is a clear and easy-to-follow guide to assist them in their learning journey. Any one new to a Juniper network and how to Juniper will find this book an absolute must read – the authors have presented the topics in a clear and simplified way without losing any of the details.” confgure and troubleshoot Joy Horton, Service Desk Analyst, Xalient the fabled Junos CLI with ease and confdence. IT’S DAY ONE AND YOU HAVE A JOB TO DO, SO LEARN: n Try Junos the Ambassador way The purpose AnD funCtion of DeviCes in the Juniper portfolio, from routers to switChes to firewAlls. ® n How the Junos CLI works, AnD the power it brings to your unDerstAnDing of your network. and be up and running on day one. n How to use the Junos hierArChy to ACCurAtely preDiCt the CommAnDs AnD ConfigurAtion you’ll neeD. n To Configure AnD troubleshoot Juniper hArDwAre, inCluDing CheCking for physiCAl interfACe errors. n To Configure AnD troubleshoot protoCols thAt run on Juniper routers, inCluDing log AnAlysis, Debugging, ping, trACeroute, AnD CommAnDs to let you monitor Control-plAne trAffiC in AnD out of An interfACe. AMBASSADORS n How routing works within Junos, not only on A DefAult protoCol level, but in terms of your Ability to JUNIPER manipulate those default behaviors. By Martn Brown, Chris Parker, Yasmin Lara, Peter Klimai, Juniper Networks Books Are foCuseD on network reliAbility And Christan Scholz, Tom Dwyer, Paul Clarke, and Jef Fry effiCienCy. Peruse the Complete librAry At www.juniper.net/books. DAY ONE: BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO LEARNING JUNOS® The Juniper AmbAssADors Are A Diverse set of inDepenDent network engineers, ConsultAnts, AnD ArChiteCts who work in the fielD with Juniper technologies on A DAily bAsis. Their mission is to spreaD the worD About the power AnD sCAlAbility of Juniper’s network offerings. InDeeD, they Are responsible for over A Dozen ONE: DAY Day One books AnD Countless soCiAl meDiA AppeArAnCes, viDeos, AnD trAining sessions. But they hAve Al- DAY ONE: BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO ways wanteD to fill A mAjor gAp in the networking CAnnon AnD Create A true beginner’s guiDe to the most powerful networking OS in the worlD. AnD now they hAve Done it, the AmbAssADor wAy: hAnDs on, to the ® point, anD complete. It’s all here in the Beginner’s Guide to Learning Junos. LEARNING JUNOS BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO LEARING JUNOS LEARING TO GUIDE BEGINNER’S “Whether you are new to Juniper or not, there isn’t a more complete introduction to Junos available. I wish Nine this book was around when I started my network journey years ago. The Ambassador authors bring together so much knowledge and expert field experience that this book is a one-stop-shop to take you from beginner to Junos expert.” Melchior Aelmans, Lead Engineer Cloud Providers, Juniper Networks The Juniper Ambassadors “Nowadays there are many vendors offering similar services and its difficult to learn them all. What network show you how to stand up engineers need is a clear and easy-to-follow guide to assist them in their learning journey. Any one new to a Juniper network and how to Juniper will find this book an absolute must read – the authors have presented the topics in a clear and simplified way without losing any of the details.” confgure and troubleshoot Joy Horton, Service Desk Analyst, Xalient the fabled Junos CLI with ease and confdence. IT’S DAY ONE AND YOU HAVE A JOB TO DO, SO LEARN: n Try Junos the Ambassador way The purpose AnD funCtion of DeviCes in the Juniper portfolio, from routers to switChes to firewAlls. ® n How the Junos CLI works, AnD the power it brings to your unDerstAnDing of your network. and be up and running on day one. n How to use the Junos hierArChy to ACCurAtely preDiCt the CommAnDs AnD ConfigurAtion you’ll neeD. n To Configure AnD troubleshoot Juniper hArDwAre, inCluDing CheCking for physiCAl interfACe errors. n To Configure AnD troubleshoot protoCols thAt run on Juniper routers, inCluDing log AnAlysis, Debugging, ping, trACeroute, AnD CommAnDs to let you monitor Control-plAne trAffiC in AnD out of An interfACe. AMBASSADORS n How routing works within Junos, not only on A DefAult protoCol level, but in terms of your Ability to JUNIPER manipulate those default behaviors. By Martn Brown, Chris Parker, Yasmin Lara, Peter Klimai, Juniper Networks Books Are foCuseD on network reliAbility And Christan Scholz, Tom Dwyer, Paul Clarke, and Jef Fry effiCienCy. Peruse the Complete librAry At www.juniper.net/books. Day One: Beginner’s Guide to Junos® by Martin Brown, Chris Parker, Yasmin Lara, Peter Klimai, Christian Scholz, Tom Dwyer, Paul Clarke, Jeff Fry Chapter 1: Junos Fundamentals . 15 Chapter 2: User Interface . 42 Chapter 3: Junos Configuration Basics . 119 Chapter 4: Operational Monitoring and Maintenance . 147 Chapter 5: Routing Fundamentals . 210 Chapter 6: Routing Policies. 231 Chapter 7: Troubleshooting Policies . 296 Chapter 8:: Firewall Filter Concepts . 316 Appendix: How to Build Your Own Virtual Lab . 346 iv © 2020 by Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. Welcome to Day One Juniper Networks and Junos are registered trademarks of This book is part of the Day One library, produced and Juniper Networks, Inc. in the United States and other published by Juniper Networks Books. Day One books countries. The Juniper Networks Logo and the Junos logo, cover the Junos OS and Juniper Networks network are trademarks of Juniper Networks, Inc. All other administration with straightforward explanations, trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, or step-by-step instructions, and practical examples that are registered service marks are the property of their respective easy to follow. owners. Juniper Networks assumes no responsibility for Download free PDF editions at http://www.juniper.net/ any inaccuracies in this document. Juniper Networks dayone reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise Available on the Juniper app: Junos Genius revise this publication without notice. Purchase the paper edition at Vervante Corporation (www.vervante.com). Published by Juniper Networks Books Authors: Martin Brown, Chris Parker, Yasmin Lara, Peter Klimai, Christian Scholz, Tom Dwyer, Paul Clarke, Jeff Fry Technical Reviewers: Nick Ryce, Victor Gonzalez, Joy Horton, Ben Dale Editor in Chief: Patrick Ames Copyeditor: Nancy Koerbel TechLibrary Resources: Saheer Karimbayil J-Net Resources: Steve Puluka Printed in the USA by Vervante Corporation. Version History: v1, August, 2020 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Comments, errata: [email protected] v About the Authors Martin Brown (Chapter 1) is a Senior Solutions Consultant for a cyber security spe- cialist based in the UK and has been a Juniper Ambassador since 2012. Martin started his career in IT over 20 years ago supporting Macintosh computers, and in 1999 earned his first certification by becoming an MCP then an MCSE. In the past nine years he has progressed to networking, implementing, and supporting network devices in a number of different environments including airports, retail, warehouses and service providers. His knowledge covers a broad range of network device types and network equipment from most of the major vendors including Cisco, F5, Checkpoint, Palo Alto, and of course, Juniper. Chris Parker (Chapter 2 and Appendix) is a British network engineer, though he prefers to think of himself as a citizen of the Internet. He has worked in the Service Provider sector for over 10 years and has a particular passion for BGP, MPLS, and IS-IS. He holds six Juniper certifications and is currently working towards the JN- CIE-SP. He blogs at NetworkFunTimes.com, where he teaches Juniper technologies with a smile and a sense of humor. Find him on Twitter at @NetworkFunTimes. Yasmin Lara (Chapter 6 and Chapter 7) Yasmin Lara (Chapters 6 and 7) is a 4xJN- CIE, JNCIP-CLOUD, CCNP-SP, and a Juniper Ambassador. She has 20+ years of networking experience as an Instructor, Network Engineer and Consultant. Cur- rently, she works for Cypress Consulting, as a Senior Network Consultant for a major Service Provider in the US. Her biggest professional passion is to understand and learn about technology and figure out the best way to explain it to others. She is a baseball (go Nationals!!) and Star Wars fan and a Third Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do.
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