Against the offensive of Capffaf on tf*e one hand and against the politicians ofsi! •rliisnt degrees on the other, the revolutionary I U K A F o r An■« workers of the world must erect a true inter­ national association of the workers wherein each member will understand th the final emancipation of the workers will not be possible except when the workers them­ selves, as workers, in their economic organ­ isations, are prepared, not only to take possession of the land and factories, but also to administer them in common and in such a fashion that they will continue production. Declaration of the International Worlcing Mens COMMENTARY Association at their Congress in Berlin, in 922.1 Vol. 6, No. 9. 24th FEBRUARY, 1945 Fort nightly. 2d. Big Three—W orkers Must Pay ft ~ ____________ - j T is asns good as certain that the most nationalnational Organization”—Organization*’—shows shows that | AlliedAllied Military Military auth authorities buy adop* “ I II importantimnnrtini topicstonics discusseddiscussed byby thethe samesame oldold methodsmethods areare againagain toto bebe tedted much much the the same same methods o Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin at the tried out. But with this differences taming order in out J pi Crimea Conference did not figure in that the new “International Organi­ as the Germans did Fi the declaration. The Conference took zation” will he a joint body organized elsewhere. We may be quite rare place behind locked doors, and one by ruling groups for the purpose of that the main political problem for the may fairly guess that what was said destroying jointly any revolutionary Allies will be how to keep the German by the world’s most powerful politi­ attempts by the international working people down, and they will hare no cians was not the sort of thing they class. It will be the same “Thieves scruples ai all about using the ready would like to see broadcast. These Kitchen” as the old League, but with made machinery of oppression perfect­ 2, 000,000 conferences arc really to discuss pro­ added counter-revolutionary exper- ed by the Nazis- Did they scruple, in grammes of action. And the actions Greece, to use the Security pofkc KILLED embarked upon by the Allied powers GERMAN WORKERS MUST organized by the Nazis, when ft come ——in Italy, in Greece, in Poland, for PAY to quelling unarmed demonstrators on IN 1944 examples— actions which were clearly December 3rd? No, we may treat sH M uch the most interesting part of the talk about d<rslroying the Nazi thought out beforehand, do not cut the declaration relates to the treatment very democratic patterns. Plan the party-as so much •, . talk. The leaders More than 2.000,000 of defeated Germany, however. And made to vtalk the plank, but men of all nations next steps in the great struggle of the may be we must here point out that the the Nazii governmcD ial machinery will were killed in battle ruling groups against the people; and interests of the workers are inter­ intact. during 1944. accord­ then issue some fairly acceptable sort be kept national. What happens to the Ger­ Let us t urn instead to the economic ing to the U.S. of declaration to draw wool over their man workers will inevitably a fleet eyes. That is roughly the formula proposals of the Big Three. First Metropolitan Life In­ their fellow workers in other— Allied n industry lhal could be used surance Co. The adopted at these gatherings of the “ Genoa i — lands. The Crimea Declaration for military production** is to be cliini- British Empire came powerful. makes an attempt to mince the mat­ nated or controlled. If ediminuted, the off lightest with ters. “It is not our purpose,” it uiicmployment amt German wage 125,000. Yet it is probably possible to draw rngst some valid conclusions from the states, “to destroy the people of Ger­ earners will be astronomical, and they Sunday Dispatch, Crimea Declaration. For example, many , . ” But it then goes on to will starve. If controlled, they will 4 /2 /4 5 . the laying down of the Curzon line outline measures which, in the class be controlled at such low rates as will as the Russian border of Poland indi­ rule framework envisaged (and bit­ also starve them. But it will also cates that Stalin had to accept the terly defended) by all three leaders, starve their fellow workers in heavy propositions of Roosevelt and Chur­ will in fact mean the virtual destruc­ industry elsewhere in the world by pro­ chill, despite the much greater terri­ tion of the German workers* standards viding low cost competition. Heavy torial control now exercised over of life., low though these have already i industry is organized in world wide Poland by the Red Army. Further­ been under Nazism. cartels; production will be serried on more the tentative preparations for a How is this to be done? Let us first in thase areas where ns animal pro­ new League- o4-Nations— t he—“Inter- disregard all the fancy talk about fits can be extracted, that is to say, "“wiping' rnft tfie' Nazi Party, ~ Nazi■ those areas where lahour is cheapest. laws, organizations and institutions.” Workers the world over must realize We heard all that sort of thing after that wherever poor wages are paid, Mussolini fell, but the Allies insist on they help to lower wages everywhere* John Olday and Philip Sansom Jailed keeping Fascist Party officials in key administrative posts in Italy. The This same lesson is to be learned in Our comrades John Oldav 'and Philip Sam­ said he had bought from a soldier for 25s. and Inspector Whitehead of the Special Branch regard to the other great economic son hare recently been sentenced to twelve of failing to report a change of address. was dealing with u case which one can hardly pronouncement of the Conference, months and two months respectively and are Inspector Whitehead said Sansom was connec­ connect with political activity and (b) that serving their sentences in 'Brixton Prison. ted with ah anarchist publication named War no effort was spared to try and influence the that regarding reparations. “Ger­ John Olday is too wdl known to readers Commentary, and had been sharing a studio magistrate by introducing the Anarchist Bogey many will be obliged to make compen­ through his two books of drawings The March with a desener who had been sentenced to 12 which Inspector Whitehead did with more Citrine, a sation for the damage in kind to the to Death and The Life 'Ure Live The Death months’ imprisonment at the Old Bailey. San­ gusto than the local paper report would indi­ greatest extent possible.” To-Jay, S e Die. to need further "introduction. He som provisionally registered as a conscientious cate. Our readers will draw their own took an uncompromising stand at the Old objector in 1940, but his name was removed conclusions. production is maintained and full em­ Bailey where be was charged with stealing from the register by a tribunal. He appealed ployment kept up, only because of the by fending in connection with an Identity Card. but in 1941 this decision was upheld. He was We also learn that our comrade T. W. Worthy Stooge war. Already with the change over We shall deal with his case, which dragged later granted an indefinite deferment under an Brown - who as reported in earlier issues of War Commentary is serving a fifteen months Sir Walter Citrine’s report on Greece has to peacetime production in some indus­ on for many weeks, in the next issue of war agricultural scheme and took up employment as more than fulfilled the prophecies we made for Commentary. a tractor driver, but he left this and came to sentence in Wormwood Scrubs, has recently tries, workers have been paid off. London without notifying the authorities. lost two months remission of sentence as well it when we foresaw that he would justify the Everywhere workers are thinking un­ ::;:i Mr. G. F. Rutledge, for the defence, pointed as his right to receive or write letters for the British Government’s intervention in Greece and comfortably about post-war unemploy­ Philip Samson who has designed many out that Sansom had no previous convictions, the same period. It would appear that n provide it with a left veneer. The Greek covers for aad illustrated' Freedom Press and submitted that the court was not concerned letter he wrote which was passed by the prison government of Plastiras gave him absolute free­ ment. But the German workers are pamphlets and War Commentary articles was with his political views. censors was stopped by the Special Branch, dom to wax indignant at E.L.A.S. atrocities, and to make reparations in kind. They convicted on a minor charge and we reproduce Mr. Powell said he was entitled to consider who also read his correspondence. He was he was duly shocked. Somehow he doesn’t seem are going to be kept producing— at below the report that appeared in the St. whether any mitigating circumstances were to put on a charge, which the visiting magistrates to have made any attempt to see if there was very low wages, of course— in order Paoeras Chronicle, (Feb. 2nd). be found with regard to his behaviour as a upheld. any of that sort of thing being perpetuated by ■ “It is quite true that 1 am not concerned with citizen. On the contrary he had done his best ★ Churchill’s puppets. Yet Gerald Barry, the to repair the damage of war.
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