Moh^v^te 'fel Plant Resources of South-East Asia Basic list of species and commodity grouping Version1 R.H.M.J. Lemmens, P.C.M. Jansen, J.S. Siemonsma, F.M. Stavast (Editors) PROSEA Project, 1989 Wageningen, theNetherland s . AN,){'i:'..' LU- Wie *^- ^ (c)PROSE A Project,Wageningen , theNetherlands , 1989 Nopart of thispublication , apart frombibliographi c data and brief quotations embodied incritica l reviews,ma y be reproduced, re-recorded or published inan y form including print,photocopy , microfilm, electric or electromagnetic record without permission from thepublishe r PROSEA Project, P.O. Box 341,670 0A HWageningen , theNetherlands . Printed inth e Netherlands PROSEAstaf finvolve d P..C .,M .Janse n R.,H .,M.J .Lemmen s L.,P ..A .Oye n J.,M ..G .Rynj a J.,S ., Siemonsm a F,.M ., Stavas t Contributorsfo rupdatin g -B.L .Burtt ,Roya lBotani cGarden ,Edinburgh ,Scotland ,Grea tBritain . -M.J.E .Coode ,Roya lBotani cGardens ,Kew ,England ,Grea tBritain . -D.J .d eLaubenfels ,Syracus eUniversity ,Departmen to fGeography ,Ne w York,Unite dStates . -B.E.E .d eWilde-Duyfjes ,Rijksherbarium ,Universit yo fLeyden ,th e Netherlands. -W.J.J.O .d eWilde ,Rijksherbarium ,Universit yo fLeyden ,th e Netherlands. -Din gHou ,Rijksherbarium ,Universit yo fLeyden ,th eNetherlands . -J .Dransfield ,Roya lBotani cGardens ,Kew ,England ,Grea tBritain . -Soejatm iDransfield ,Roya lBotani cGardens ,Kew ,England ,Grea t Britain. -R.B .Faden ,U SNationa lHerbarium ,Departmen to fBotany ,Smithsonia n Institution,Washingto nDC ,Unite dStates . -R .Geesink ,Rijksherbarium ,Universit yo fLeyden ,th eNetherlands . -C .Hansen ,Botanica lMuseu man dHerbarium ,Copenhagen ,Denmark . -D.R .Hunt ,Roya lBotani cGardens ,Kew ,England ,Grea tBritain . -C .Jeffrey ,Roya lBotani cGardens ,Kew ,England ,Grea tBritain . -J.P .Jessop ,Stat eHerbariu mo fSout hAustralia ,Adelaide ,Australia . -L.A.S .Johnson ,Nationa lHerbariu mo fNe wSout hWales ,Sydney , Australia. -C .Kalkman ,Rijksherbarium ,Universit yo fLeyden ,th eNetherlands . -K .Kubitzki ,Institu tfü rAllgemein eBotani kun dBotanische rGarten , Hamburg,Wester nGermany . -P.W .Leenhouts ,Rijksherbarium ,Universit yo fLeyden ,th eNetherlands . -P.J.M .Maa se tal. ,Institut eo fSystemati cBotany ,Universit yo f Utrecht,th e Netherlands. -Muni rAhma dAbid ,Stat eHerbariu mo fSout hAustralia ,Adelaide , Australia. -D.H .Nicolson ,U SNationa lHerbarium ,Departmen to fBotany ,Smithsonia n Institution,Washingto nDC ,Unite dStates . -H.P .Nooteboom ,Rijksherbarium ,Universit yo fLeyden ,th eNetherlands . -CE .Ridsdale ,Rijksherbarium ,Universit yo fLeyden ,th eNetherlands . -R.M .Smith ,Roya lBotani cGarden ,Edinburgh ,Scotland ,Grea tBritain . -P.F .Stevens ,Arnol dArboretu mo fHarvar dUniversity ,Cambridge , Massachusetts,Unite dStates . -D.E .Symon ,Herbariu mWait eAgricultura lResearc hInstitute ,Universit y ofAdelaide ,Gle nOsmond ,Australia . -R .va nde rMeijden ,Rijksherbarium ,Universit yo fLeyden ,th e Netherlands. -J.F .Veldkamp ,Rijksherbarium ,Universit yo fLeyden ,th eNetherlands . -W .Vink ,Rijksherbarium ,Universit yo fLeyden ,th eNetherlands . -F .White ,Universit yo fOxford ,Departmen to fForestry ,England ,Grea t Britain. -K .& P .Wilson ,Nationa lHerbariu mo fNe wSout hWales ,Sydney , Australia. Contents 1 Introduction ix 1.1Objective s ix 1.2Code suse d x 1.3Structur eo fth ebasi clis t xii 1.4Commodit ygroupin g xii 1.5Updatin gth escientifi cname s xiii 1.6Conclusion s xvii 2 Basiclis to fspecie s (alphabetically) 1 3 Basiclis to fspecie s (bycommodit ygroup ) 2-1 vu 1 Introduction 1.1 Objectives The PROSEA Project intends topublis h amultivolum e handbook onth eplan t resources of South-EastAsia .T o facilitate this, abasi c list of species and of commodity grouping hasbee n prepared. The firstversio n of thisbasi c listpresent s a survey of the plant resources intw o separate lists.I nth e first list (pages 1- 148),th e species are arranged alphabetically. Inth e second list (pages 2-1 to 40- 1),th e species are arranged by commodity group. The survey isbase d on the following foursources : Brown,W.H. , 1951-1957.Usefu l plants of the Philippines.Reprint of the 1941-1943 ed. Department ofAgricultur e and Natural Resources. Technical Bulletin 10.Manila , Bureau of Printing.Vol . 1 (1951) 590pp .Vol .2 (1954) 513 pp.Vol . 3 (1957) 507pp . Burkill, I.H., 1966.A dictionary ofth e economic products of theMala y Peninsula. 2nd ed. (Reprint ofth e 1935 ed.wit h only some corrections added). Ministry ofAgricultur e and Co-operatives,Kual a Lumpur.Vol . 1 (A- H). pp. 1-1240. Vol.2 (I-Z). pp.1241-2444 . Heyne, K., 1927.D e nuttigeplante nva n Nederlandsch Indië. 2nd ed. [The useful plants ofth e Dutch East Indies]. 3Volumes .Departemen t van Landbouw,Nijverhei d enHande l inNederlandsch-Indië . 1953pp . Reyes, L.J., 1938.Philippin ewoods .Departmen t ofAgricultur e and Commerce,Manila .Technica l Bulletin No 7.Manila , Bureau of Printing. 536 pp. +88 plates. It isstresse d that these listsar eno t complete because they are based solely on the aforementioned sources.Onl y the speciesmentione d inthos e sourceshav e been included, and forever y species theprimar y use (pu)an d the secondary uses (su)ar egiven ,agai nbase d solely on the information in those sources.Th e listspresente d are notonl y incomplete but are also out ofdat ebecaus e the literature sourcesar eold .Tw o steps should be taken before the composition of each commodity group canb e determined: 1)th e scientific names ofth e speciesmentione d must be updated; 2)th e information on the commodity groups studied must be evaluated inth e light of new information published sinceth e appearance of the four sources. The scientific names have only partially beenupdated . Seepage s xiii -x v forth e families inwhic hth ename shav ebee nupdate d orchecked . The lists are intended tob e a starting point,not tob eunalterable . Other sources,particularl y more recent ones,wil l yield moreusefu l species and may suggest different primary and secondary uses forsom e species.Updatin g thetota l number of species and the information isth etas k of the commodity group editors incollaboratio n withauthors . Thecor eare a ofth e Prosea region comprises Brunei,Indonesia ,Malaysia , Papua New Guinea,th e Philippines and Singapore. Prosea intends to mention allusefu l plant species ofthi s core area. Insofar as species of the core area also occur inBurma ,Cambodia , Laos,Thailan d and Vietnam, information onthes e countries will also be included. IX 1.2 Codes used pu primary use (reference toth enumbe r of the commodity group inwhic h the species isclassifie d according to itsmai n use) su secondary use (reference toth e numbers of commoditygroups , indicating all otheruse s ofth e species besides itsmai n use) numbers 2-40 numbers ofth ecommodit y groups distinguished numbers 52 - 90 numbers ofth e commodity groups distinguished, but increased by 50t o indicate that theus e issecondar y (forexample , 63= commodity group 13,i.e . 63 - 50= 13) . Commodity groups by number and name Total number of species 2 '52) Cereals 23 3 r53) Root and tuber plants 71 4 r54) Sago and related starch-producing plants 8 5 '55) Pulses 27 6 '56) Vegetable oils and fats 74 7 '57) Edible fruits and nuts 414 8 '58) Vegetables 238 9 '59) Spices and condiments 112 10 r60) Essential-oil plants 49 11 '61) Plantsuse d forbeverage s (a) 41 12 62( Plantsuse d forchewin g 23 13 63) Plantsuse d forsmokin g 8 14 r64) Narcotic plants 9 15 '65) Medicinal plants (b) 1182 16 66) Plantsproducin g sugars,alcohol s oracid s (c) 15 17 '67) Timber trees 1517 18 '68) Fibreplant s (d) 252 19 69) Feed plants including foragean d pastureplant s (e) 287 20 70) Dye-producing plants (f) 77 21 71) Tannin-producing plants 44 22 72) Rattans 170 23 73) Bamboos 58 24 74) Latex-producing plants 97 25 75) Resin-producing plants 40 26 76) Camphor-producing plants 4 27 77) Balsam-producing plants 5 28 78) Gum-producing plants 16 29 79) Wax-producing plants 7 30 80) Plantsproducin g aromatic resin 19 31 81) Aromatic woods (g) 24 32 82) Plantsproducin g poisons,includin g insecticides (h) 159 33 83) Plantsuse d formakin g baskets,mat s andwickerwor k (i) 57 34 84) Plantsuse d forpackin g and thatching (j) 19 35 85) Shade and coverplant s inagriculture , including mulches and greenmanure s (k) 139 36 86) Hedge and waysideplant s 43 37 87) Fuel plants:charcoal , firewood (1) 27 38 88) Ornamental plants: ferns,cycads ,conifers ,palms , bulbs, ornamental flowers,orchids ,herbs ,shrubs , trees, ornamental fruitsan d seeds,aquati c plants (m) 539 39 89) Lower plants:algae , fungi,lichens ,mosses , ferns 270 40 90) Otherusefu l plants (not fitting inth e mentioned groups) (n) 22 Total number of species ofal l commodity groups 6186 (a)includin g clarifying agents forbeverage s (b)includin g occult uses, usesbase d onmorphologica l signature, veterinary uses (c)includin g honey, liquorice and plantsuse d in sugarprocessin g (e.g. clarifying agents) (d)includin g plantsuse d forpaper ,toothbrushes ,tyin gmateria l (e.g. stems) (e)includin g feed for fish, silkworm, lac-insect,wax-insect ,cochineal , deer, lice (f)includin g charcoal and tar forblackenin g teeth, ink (g)includin g aromatic barks (h)includin g saponins,insec t repellents (i)includin g brooms,hat s (j)includin g leavesuse d asplatter s and for garments (k)includin g sandbinders,plant suse d inerosio n control,rootstock s for grafting,absorbents ,plant suse d toclarif ywater ,as h as fertilizer, other shade purposes (1)includin g tinder (m)includin g seedsuse d astoys ,beads ,bullet s and lawngrass (n)includin g utensils from seed and fruitcoats ,bark ,pith ;plant s used forrosar y beads,sandpaper , rasping,glass ,cork ,caulking ,sponge , whetstone, agar,perfume ,cosmetics ,darts ,solderin g jewellery, noxiousplants ;plant suse d forenzym eproduction ,yeas t substrates, yeast, fermentation;plant suse d as or for iodine,preservative , anti-oxidant, shampoo,cleanin gagent .
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