July 25, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1587 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS INTRODUCING THE DEPARTMENT to see these same mistakes made at the De- final passage of H.R. 2800, the Foreign Oper- OF HOMELAND SECURITY FINAN- partment of Homeland Security. That is why it ations Appropriations bill for FY04, and the CIAL ACCOUNTABILITY ACT is extremely important to instill solid financial four recorded votes on amendments imme- management practices in the Department from diately preceding. My unfortunate and un- HON. TODD RUSSELL PLATTS its inception through the establishment of a avoidable absence was due to the fact that I OF PENNSYLVANIA strong CFO that is on equal footing with the fell very ill earlier in the evening. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES other CFOs at cabinet-level departments. Had I been able to vote I would have voted Mr. Speaker, the Department of Homeland the following: Rollcall No. 425: ‘‘yes,’’ Rollcall Thursday, July 24, 2003 Security Financial Accountability Act makes No. 426: ‘‘yes,’’ Rollcall No. 427: ‘‘no,’’ Rollcall Mr. PLATTS. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to important, common sense changes to the No. 428: ‘‘yes,’’ and Rollcall No. 429: ‘‘yes.’’ rise today to introduce the Department of CFO position at the Department of Homeland f Homeland Security Financial Accountability Security. It is a good government measure Act. that benefits the American taxpayer. I urge my REGARDING TURKEY’S INVASION The purpose of this bill is to ensure that the colleagues to join with me in seeking prompt OF CYPRUS 29 YEARS AGO new Department of Homeland Security is sub- enactment of the bill. ject to the same financial management and f HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH accountability requirements as all other cabi- OF NEW JERSEY WELL DONE, SPECTRUM net-level departments. This requires adding IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the new Department to the list of agencies that are covered by the Chief Financial Offi- HON. TAMMY BALDWIN Thursday, July 24, 2003 cers (CFO) Act of 1990 and making adjust- OF WISCONSIN Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, ments to provisions of the Homeland Security IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES twenty-nine years ago—on July 20, 1974—the Act of 2002 to make it consistent with the Republic of Turkey invaded the independent CFO Act. These changes will put the Depart- Thursday, July 24, 2003 Republic of Cyprus and seized control of more ment’s CFO on the same footing as the CFOs Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to than one third of the island. In 1983, Turkey at the rest of the cabinet-level departments by commemorate the accomplishments of the declared the seized territory to be the ‘‘Turkish ensuring that the Department’s CFO is a pres- SBC/Ameritech employee group SPECTRUM, Republic of Northern Cyprus.’’ For two dec- idential appointee subject to Senate confirma- which holds its annual dinner August 3 in Mil- ades this entity has received diplomatic rec- tion, that the CFO reports directly to the Sec- waukee, Wisconsin. ognition only from its creator and protector the retary, and that the CFO is a part of the statu- SPECTRUM has been successful in achiev- Republic of Turkey. United Nations observers torily created CFO Council. ing its goals to provide a supportive, diverse, are deployed, and the 113-mile barbed wire The CFO Act of 1990 increased federal ac- accepting, and respectful work environment for fence known as the ‘‘Green Line’’ continues to countability by enacting much needed financial all employees regardless of sexual orientation. divide the island. management reforms. Among the most impor- Their work both within and outside of their The United States has supported efforts by tant of these reforms was the establishment of company has served to improve the percep- the United Nations to address the continued a new leadership structure for federal financial tion of SBC within the LGBT community and division. Though not accepted by both sides, management within the 24 largest depart- the community as a whole. SPECTRUM has the latest plan, the Annan Plan, remains on ments and agencies as well as within the Of- successfully been able to secure company the table for consideration. Both Greek and fice of Management and Budget. The CFO Act benefits for domestic partnerships. The group Turkish Cypriot leaders have met trying to re- created 24 chief financial officers for the major should be commended for its perseverance solve their differences on this issue. executive departments and agencies as well and ability to work with SBC to come closer to Over the last several years, the Helsinki as 24 deputy CFOs. The CFOs in the 14 cabi- achieving SBC’s Diversity Vision. Commission, which I chair, has held two brief- net-level departments, the Environmental Pro- SPECTRUM has done a fine job of cele- ings focusing on Cyprus. We have heard opti- tection Agency, and the National Aeronautics brating diversity as well as ensuring that rights mism from some witnesses, and skepticism and Space Administration are filled by presi- and benefits in the workplace are applied from others. But the common thread through- dential appointees, confirmed by the Senate. equally and without discrimination. Groups that out the testimonies has been that Cyprus has These CFOs serve as the leaders of financial promote diversity and equal rights in the work- been divided too long and must come together management in these departments and agen- place are an important part of promoting toler- to move into the future. cies. The Department of Homeland Security, ance and awareness. Organizations such as In April, the Green Line was opened to pri- as one of our most important departments, SPECTRUM have gone to great lengths to se- vate individuals and groups and their auto- should be in this framework. cure equal and fair treatment of employees mobiles, and Cypriots flocked across by the The newly created Department of Homeland through equal benefits and fair opportunities thousands into areas denied them for over a Security is one of the most significant govern- regardless of factors such as sexual orienta- generation. Although required to return home ment reorganizations in the history of the tion. Although much more work still needs to each day, families have been able to visit their United States. The Department faces the chal- be done, SPECTRUM has led the way by pre-war homes. In an effort to develop trade lenge of merging 22 agencies, 17,000 employ- working with SBC and its employees to set a between the two areas, the Government of ees, and hundreds of computer systems and wonderful example of what should be accom- Cyprus announced in June that it would permit management processes. As the Chairman of plished in all workplaces and throughout the Turkish Cypriot trucks carrying goods from the the Subcommittee on Government Efficiency entire United States. north to cross into the south. The trucks are and Financial Management, I have seen how f inspected in accordance with European Union ineffective strategic planning can result in sys- regulations and the laws of the Government of temic problems in an agency’s financial man- PERSONAL EXPLANATION Cyprus Transport Department, which will issue agement. The Department of Defense is a permits to the drivers for the transport of good example of a situation where years of in- HON. RON KIND goods, and various fees have been reduced or sufficient coordination among business units, OF WISCONSIN abolished. improper financial planning, and the use of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thus, while we observe the anniversary of a stove piped information systems has resulted bleak day in the history of Cyprus, we do so in the inability of the Department to obtain a Thursday, July 24, 2003 in the light of optimism. The people of Cyprus clean annual financial audit or fully account for Mr. KIND. Mr. Speaker, on Wednesday July have made clear their desire to overcome the the way it spends its budget. No one wishes 23, 2003 I was unable to record my vote on legacy of the past and move toward some ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Jan 31 2003 04:22 Jul 27, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A24JY8.001 E25PT1 E1588 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 25, 2003 sense of normalcy after decades of division. Any solution to current and future conges- politan Washington Airports Authority, the Regrettably, intransigence on the Turkish Cyp- tion demands strategic investment in both our Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Author- riot side remains a formidable obstacle to end- road and mass transit system. It demands bet- ity, and the National Capital Region Transpor- ing the artificial division of Cyprus. We must ter land use and planning decisions and better tation Planning Board at the Metropolitan encourage and support the efforts of open- interjurisdictional cooperation. And it also de- Washington Council of Governments. We minded reformers. I am hopeful that negotia- mands that this region come together and need a similar vision to carry us forward an- tions will resume under the auspices of the raise additional revenue to finance priority other 30 years. The Metropolitan Washington United Nations Good Offices Mission for Cy- transportation projects that will provide imme- Regional Transportation Act will help us craft prus and that a new generation of Cypriots will diate congestion relief. It may not be a popular this vision. have the opportunity to exercise their funda- idea, particularly in light of Northern Virginia’s f mental freedoms, including freedom of move- failed attempt to enact a regional sales tax for ment, and enjoy economic prosperity in their transportation improvements.
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