HOW TO COOK CLAMS By Kathryn l. O sterhaug and Ro G. K rr Hom Economi t ., SUf av of Comm rciol FI h " T t Kitch n S n o. 8 Un it d St at D porlm nf of th Int nor, St (] lUll, Fi h ond ddltf S (IOf nc F Pou Bur ou 0 Comm (c iol F. h f. Donold . n n, Dir or o hln ton • Iud 1953 • , IS . 1 • J CONTENTS P age Introduction . 1 Buying Clams . 2 Shucking Clams 3 Clams on the Half Shell 4 Cocktail Sauce . 4 Clam and Cheese Dip . 4 Broiled Clam Canapes. 5 Steamed Clams. 5 Roast Clams. 5 Clam Potato Salad . 5 Molded Clam Salad . 5 Manhattan Clam Chowder. 6 New England Clam Chowder 6 Clam and Corn Chowder 7 Clam Fritters . 7 Fried Clams . 7 Deep-Fat Fried Clams 7 Stuffed Clams Clam Poulette . 8 Deviled Clams . 9 Scalloped Clams 9 Clam au Gratin 9 Clam Souffle. 9 Deviled Clam Loaf 10 Clam Loaf With Egg Sauce 11 Egg Sauce .. 11 Baked Clam Hash . 11 Clam Pie ..... 11 Sour Cream Clam Pie . 11 Clam and Spagbetti Casserole 12 Clam and Potato Casserole 12 Clam Sauce for Noodles . 13 Clam and Ham Scramble . 13 II HOW TO COOK CLAMS II '\1:1 , II· 111:1rb p '- Ila 1'1 '/: III, hi' It! ('Ialll, illld '1hi' It: I I ('1;1111, Itl hal d- 1.1111 • .J: Ill. BUYING CLAMS Clams may be bought in three forms : In the frigerated or surrounded by ice. When properly shell , shucked, and canned. handled, they will tay fre h for a week or 10 days. In recent years, shucked clams have been pack­ Shell clams aged and quick-frozen, a process that makes them avail able all of the year. Frozen clams should not Clams in the hell are generally sold by the dozen be thawed until ready to use. Once thawed, they or by the pound. They should be alive when should not be refrozen. bought. With hard clams, gnping shells that do llot close when handled mea n that the clams are Canned clams dead and therefore no longer usable. With other varieties, there v,ill be some constriction of the H ard, soft, razor, surf, and pi mo clams are si phon or neck ,,-hen the clam is touched. If fresh canned whole, or minced, or as chowder, and are shell clams are held in the refrigerator at about packed in various size of cans from 3% ounce to 40° F., they ,,-ill remain alive for several days. 4 pounds. Clam juice, broth, and nectar are also available canned or bottled. Shucked clams How much to buy Shucked clams are the clam meats that have been removed from the shells; they are generally sold The quantity of clam to buy depend to a great by the pint or quart. Shucked clam should be extent on how the clams are to be served. To plump, with clear liquor, and free from shell par­ serve si x per on , a safe rule is to buy three dozen ticles. Fresh shucked clams are packed in metal hell clam, or one quart of shucked clam, or two containers or waxed ca rton, which should be re- 7 -ounce cans. USteamer" size "'n-shell" size " Medium chowder" size UCherrystone" size Soft clams Hard clams 2 SHUCkING CLAMS Cor of dom oft r digging In Shucking hard clam CLAMS ON THE HALF SHELL CLAM AND CHEESE DIP 36 shell clams (littlenecks or cherrystones) 1 7 -ounce can minced clams Cocktail sauce 2 3-ounce packao-es cream cheese Lemon 1,4 teaspoon salt Shuck clams (p. ::3). Arrange a bed of crushed 2 teaspoons grated onion ice in 6 shallow bowls or plates. Place 6 half­ 1 teaspoon W orcestershire sauce shell clams on the ice with a small container o:f 3 drops tabasco sauce cocktail sauce in the center. Garnish with lemon 2 teaspoons lemon juice wedges. Serves 6. 1 teaspoon chopped parsley Cocktail Sauce Potato chips 1;~ cup catsup Drain clams and save liquor. Soften cheese at ti tablespoons lemon juice room temperature. Combine all ingredients ex­ 1 tablespoon horseradish cept potato chips and hquor; blend into a paste. 3 drops tabasco sauce Gradually add about 14 cup clam liquor and beat Yz teaspoon celery salt until consistency of whipped cream. Chill. 1,4 teaspoon salt Serve in a bowl surrounded by potato chips. Blen d all ingredients and chill. Serves 6. Makes about 1 pint dip. Clams on the Half Shell 4 BROILED CLAM CANAPES CLAM POTATO SALAD 1 7-ounce can minced clams 1 pint clams 1 3-ounce package chive cream cheese 2 tablespoons butter or other fat, melted % teaspoon salt 1 cup diced cooked potatoes 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 hard-cooked eggs, chopped 3 drops tabasco sauce 1 cup chopped celery 1 egg white 1 tablespoon grated onion 2 tablespoons chopped pimiento Crackers or toast 1 teaspoon salt P aprika Dash pepper Drain clams. Soften cheese at room tempera­ 1;4 teaspoon thyme ture. Combine cheese, seasonings, and clams. V2 cup mayonnaise or salad dressing Fold into stiffiy beaten egg white. Spread on Lettuce crackers or toast. Sprinkle with paprika. Place Drain clams; cook in butter until edges curl. on broiler pan about 3 inches from source of Chop. Combine all ingredients except lettuce. heat. Broil 2 to 3 minutes or until brown. Serve Chill. Serve on lettuce. Serves 6. at once. Makes approximately 36 canapes. MOLDED CLAM SALAD STEAMED CLAMS 2 7 -ounce cans minced clams 1 envelope unflavored gelatin 6 pounds shell clams ("steamers") 1;4 cup cold water V2 cup boiling water % cup clam liquor and water Butter or margarine % cup mayonnaise or salad dressing % cup cream Wash clams thoroughly. Place in a steamer, 2 tablespoons lemon juice add water, and cover. Steam for 5 to 10 minutes 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce or until clams open. Serve hot in the shell with 3 drops tabasco sauce melted butter. Serves 6. 1 teaspoon horseradish 1;4 teaspoon salt 4 hard-cooked eggs, chopped 1;4 cup chopped pimiento 1 cup cooked peas ROAST CLAMS Salad greens Drain clams and save liquor. Soften gelatin in 6 pounds shell clams cold water for 5 minutes. H eat liquor; add gela­ Butter or margarine tin and stir until dissolved. Add next 7 ingredi­ Wash clams thoroughly. Place in a baking pan. ents. Chill until almost congealed. Fold in egg, Roast in a very hot oven, 450 0 F., for 15 minutes pimiento, peas, and clams. Place in a 1-quart or until clams open. Serve hot in the shell with mold; chill until firm. Unmold on salad greens. melted butter. Serves 6. Serves 6. s MANHATTAN CLAM CHOWDER NEW ENGLAND CLAM CHOWDER 1 pint clams 1 pint clams lit, cup chopped bacon or salt pork 1,4 cup chopped bacon or salt pork % cup chopped onion % cup chopped onion ljz cup chopped green pepper 1 cup clam liquor and water 1 cup chopped celery 1 cup diced potatoes 1 cup clam liquor and water ljz teaspoon salt 1 cup diced potatoes Dash pepper % teaspoon thyme 2 cups milk 1 tea P OOll salt P arsley Dash cayelme 2 cups tomato juice Drain clams and ave liquor. Chop. Fry bacon until lightly brown. Add onion and cook until Drain clams and save liquor. Chop. F ry bacon until lightly brown. Add onion, green pepper, tencle \'. Add liquor, potatoes, sea oning, and and celery; cook until tender. Add liquor, pota­ clams. Cook about 15 minutes or until pota­ toes, seasonings, and clams. Cook about 15 min­ toes are tender. Adcl milk; heat. Gami h "ith utes 01' until potatoes are tender. Add tomato chopped par ley sprinkled over the top. Serve 6. juice; heat. Serves 6. Clam Chowder 6 CLAM AND CORN CHOWDER FRIED CLAMS 1 quarl ,lam 1 g u at n 1 tabl " l> 11 mill 1 l a'" l n alt u: h P Pl [' 1 'up Iry II' ad 'I'UIllU (II' Tn k l' 'rIlIll\" raill 'Ialll,'. 'Jl1lbill g~ ll1ilk, and 'a Ill ­ rn III~,V mixtul' lind nil ill Cl'UIIIU. , th l' faL . 111 Fr ' \\' It ' ll <"IUIII liquor, h p, FI' 31' br \\,11 on 011' :id lui'll 'ar'fllll~ alld brc)\\ll aU 'o rb nt pal r, th otll I' .. id . kill r lim ) ap}Jl'o, illlal ' 1,\ ;; I tat millllt '. nun n nu I' III papPI', . ' n ' , "to 011 in", , HJ.d 'lam" llain or \ ilh a ,'<IU until p tato al' t nd 1'. OTE.- '0111111 l' Illa y UP II I'll. lHlttel' ; h at. Stir in 'l'umb ', on Follow Ih dir 'lion, packag l" slJl'inkl d OV' I' til lop, 1' V " G, CLAM FRITTERS DEEP-FAT FRIED CLAMS J qual't 'IHIll 1 egg, b at 11 1 tabl . t 0)11 llIilk 1 t a, p nalt a h I I P I' 1 'up dry br a I ' I'UIlIU )1' ' I a ·k 'I' 1'111111 II nl n I I'aill 'lall1. 'ol11bill' (' !!,r , milk. aile! ',I 011 l' t h I' fa t III 1 1 IIlg.. 1 i P da III I II !!g III 1'\' III ' a lid \,,,11 III '\'llmh. Fl'y ill a ha k,t ill t1 , ' ]I lit , :\ j ~1 F .• fOJ I rain lalll ' and 'h l . ,'ift (h'y ingl' di nl ~ t ;3 llIillUI . 01' ullli! Ul'O\\II. I> l'Iill (II .IL toge! h 1' , 'ombine egn', milk.
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