Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1989-09-27 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1989). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2558. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2558 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE A V I E Vol. 75, No. 6 N EW s w I R E Wednesday, September 27, 1989 l. I _ I I _ I~ I~ \ ·1 · I "\ l 1 I ,} \ I _ \ I~ ~ < > I - \: \ \ I I ~ I~ .") · r · l I) f- _ "\ · 1· I ' I~ I _.") ~ !I Answer to Jesuit's residence leaves Schott a question mark by Kathy Oshel assistant News editor Yet another residence change · will occur next fall as the Jesuits will be ·. moving out of Scho.tt Hall. The Rev. J.­ Leo Klein, S.J., said the current resi­ dents will be separated into two differ­ ent communities. The full-tiine Jesuits will be relocated to the Linkshire build­ ing on Victory Parkway, north of Brockman Hall. Those Jesuits who are working outside the university, work­ ing part-time employees or retired will move to 790 Clinton Springs A venue. The move, which was decided last May, will be completed by fall, 1990. The future of Schott Hall is not. quite so clear, however. Dr. Richard Hirte, chairman of the Facilities Plan­ ning Committee, said that the commit­ tee has not met formally to discuss the· In the Student Government matter but that everything is in the freshmen/new-student elections "tentative planning stages." He said, ,_ __,,held-Th~rsdayand Friday, three .. "There,are tht:eeViabl~. optioij!!,: .fo~-~~:-: ~,: : : new members of the Senate were make it [Schott] into a residence facil~ · - chosen: J. D. Flaherty, III, with 219 ity, an office facility or a combination Schott Residence Hall votes, Dave Maersch, 189 votes and of the two." Regarding the possibility Pat Potter, with 185. of Schott becoming Honors student "I think it wo~ld be good be- . In a special run-off election housing he said that "it is just an idea cause it would make the Honors Pro­ held Monday, Harry Michel and but no plans have been made."- gram more centered," said Michele Tom Fleming were elected to serve Ji:qt Fitzsimmons, a resident of Addino, resident of the Women's Hon­ as freshmen-class president and vice Marion Hall, the current men's Honors ors Wing, in Husman Hall. president, respectively. Michel and residence, said, "It would meet with Jim Landers, director of Physi­ Fle:pling had tied the Michael unanimous disapproval if we [the cal Facilities and member of the com-· Broome/John McCuen ticket in last men's Honors residents] w_ould move mittee, said that "everything is still up week's regillar elections. out of Marion." in the air," and, "nothing has been set." ~>>>>>>>>>M Evaluation of campus released Xavier's last review, in 1977; quality of Xavier education by Anne Kindt "an early retirement plan was higher than that of other col­ staff reporter funded, endowment manage­ leges." Over 60 percent of the ment has been improved, the faculty felt the university is Leap into fall new telecommunications sys­ truly living up to the claims of The North Central tem is in place and the admin­ the Mission Statement. Eight­ Association of Colleges and istrative computer system is een percent felt it is not. with the Schools reviewed Xavier dur­ developed. In addition, plan­ The report also evalu­ ing the 1988-89 academic year. ning continues on other mat­ ated students' achievement on Their evaluation has recently ters, like review of the core standardized tests and other Newswire's been published and released to curriculum, study of space rankings. Findings revealed the public. needs, and the drafting of a the quality of the average stu­ The text of the evalu­ five-year affirmative action dent has changed little since ©©ll©fJJIB!ft ation, nearly 100 pages, dis­ plan." the last visitation. Even cusses the university and its In a general evaluation though the 1987 scores are policies, programs, depart- · ·of Xavier programs, the com­ among the lowest Xavier fresh­ ments and facilities. The re­ mission stated that "over 80 men scores in recent years, the calendar view details a wide variety of percent of the students and university's average remains subjects, from Xavier history to alumni say Xavier provides above the national, regional, university financial matters. liberal education of high qual­ and state scores. · In discussing admini­ ity, and they gave the same The commission found stration, the North Central rating to professional and ca­ present improvements are Evaluation highlighted past reer education. Sixty-two per­ solving shortcomings that had planning progress. Since cent of the alumni rate the been noticed. Page 2 ·Wednesday, September 27, 1989 - The Xavier Newswire "You said: "This Sc1ncstcr I'n1 Going To Do It Right.. .. !" Arc You? Se.nate Memos& PeopleWorks Minutes Better Grades Through Better Planning: A Workshop Compiled by Ken Hartlage assistant Perspectives editor Saturday For lnfonnation: September 30th 751-9669 Senators to Attend Fall Con­ ference on Student Unions Four Senators and one l~~l~~l~llt.111~!11111 SAC member will attend the . THE:SEARCH IS NOW ON! Association of Student Unions i990 MISS OHIO USA® PAGEANT International Confe'rence. 1'10 PERFORMll'IG TALEl"IT REQUIRED Conference attendees will hear If you are an applicant who qualifies and are from speakers on topics rang­ between the . ages of I 7 and under 25 by 0 February I, I 990, never married and at least a ing from effective student six month resident of Ohio, thus college dorm representation to how to man­ students are eligible, you could be ·Ohio's age a student union. The representative at the CBS-nationally televised Miss USA® Pageant in February to compete for event will be .at the University over $200,000 in cash and prizes. The Miss Ohio of Toledo, Oct. 13 - 15. USA® Pageant for 1990 will be presented in the Name: Patty Banks Age: 25 Grand Ballroom of the Marriott .North Hotel in Yearbook Finances Secured Columbus, Ohio, November 24, 25 and 26, Birthplace: Evanston, IL; from Senate 1989. The new Miss Ohio USA® , along with her ·Occupation: Kuhlman Hall Director expense paid trip to compete in the CBS· A $450 project fund nationally televised Miss USA® Pageant, will Education: bachelor's degree in Psychol­ was secured for the Musketeer Liu TllomJt90n receive over $2,000 In cash among her many ogy from John Carroll .University and a Miss Ohio USA® prizes. All girls interested in competing for the Annual from the StudentSen­ title must write lo: ate on Sept. 25. Funds for the master's degree in education from Xavier 1990 Miss Ohio OSA® Pageant publication will be composed· University . _ . c/o Trl·State. _Headquarters • Dept. CA, of a Senate contributiqn, $20 Family: one brother and one sister 347 Locust Avenue, Washington, PA 15301·3399 Hobbies: reading, swimming and music Trl·State Headq'uarters Phone Is 4i2!22S·S343 mandated from each senior, advertising revenue and sales Nickname: "Pigs" - (Piggy Banks) Application Deadline Is October 18, J 989. revenue from books sold to . FirstJob: Kings Island - games booth Letters must include a recent snapshot, ·Worst Job: fqod service at the beach (3 .·brief biography, address and phone number. undergraduates. book. I . The days) ··. · · · •Miss CISAc" Pageant Is part of the family of Paramount Communications, Inc. .will cost a projected $29~000.' Miss Ohio USA"' ls "A Carvern Production" Final staff assignments have If I couldn't do what I'm doing now~l'd: not been completed in hopes work with kids in some social service ~11~1~111111111111111. ..-.-... -._ ... _,_ ... _,_, .. ___ ,,_,_, of enlarging the current list of agencies 50 members. ·Greg Rust, 0 If I could live in any time or era, I'd Xavier's staff photographer, choose: the 1950s · will be advising the student Life has taughtme: it isn't always fair The College Consortium for International group. FayoriteTV Show: "L.A. Law" Studies is composed of 170 American Colleges Fav.orite Movie: . ,;The Wizard of Oz" and Universities. About 1400 students partici­ Shriberg Announces Building Mo~tiinpo~tant trait in a person: honesty pated in CCIS programs in 1988-89. Plans · I'm a ~uc}<er. (or: SQ?11eone who can make me laugh · Vice President for Student Development Dr. Best thing about Xavier: the people Arthur Shriberg announced at · Worst thing about Xavier: (there isn't one) ·STUDY IN·IRELAND the Sept. 11 Senate meeting When I'm angry, I: try to walk away and cool down Spring 1990 that structural improvements will be made to Elet Hall, the Worst Habit! gutter-mouth University Center's Main Din­ If I had to do it over,Iwould: do it the · St. Patrick's College· University of Limerick ing Room and Schmidt same way . In high school, people thoughUhat I: was Maynooth, Ireland Limerick, Ireland Fieldhouse's women's locker room during the fall and over a holyroller .· · . · · If I were going to a desert island I would •Liberal Arts Program • Business Program Option winter break. Construction of a new science building will take with me: a walkman, C.D. player and • 30 Student Maximum • International Student Village · .allofmyC.D.s · -· · • 3.0 G.P.A.
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