COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1991 SESSION OF 1991 175TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 3 SENATE mercy. May You grant to each a full measure of wisdom and TUESDAY, January 15, 1991. an even fuller measure of courage to stand against the wiles of The Senate met at 10:15 a.m., Eastern Standard Time. temptation and evil. For the Governor and the Lieutenant Governor we pray, be with them as they assume these special The PRESIDENT pro tempore (Robert C. Jubelirer) in the tasks a second time. Grant them Your blessings, that in the Chair. exercise of their continued duties, they may be a light to the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Let me first clarify the path of others. Be with us all as each faithfully discharges the program. I am the President pro tempore of the Senate, responsibilities of government, and insured with this sacred Senator Robert Jubelirer of Blair County who will be presid­ trust, help each to pass on to the next generation a vital Com­ ing over this ceremony, and the Lieutenant Governor will not monwealth prepared to embrace them and their dreams. have to preside over his own swearing in, so I call that correc­ For the people of Pennsylvania and the confidence they tion to your attention. have placed in those chosen to lead, we also on this day lift Let me welcome each and every one of you to this cere­ our thanks, and it is not as an afterthought, but effective gov­ mony, and I am sure that it will be a most enjoyable day for ernment reflects a strong relationship between leaders and all of us. those they lead. And so it is for their many faces, their daily The Chair requests the Sergeant-at-Arms to direct the tasks and the wealth of life they represent that we are grateful standees in the rear of the Chamber to the gallery where there to You, our Creator. is standing room. This is necessary in order to keep these 0 God, our faithful God, 0 fountain of life and light ever doorways open to facilitate the coming and going of the offi­ flowing, without whom nothing exists, keep us calm, keep us cial parties participating in today's ceremony. faithful. Hold us in Your powerful hand and help us to love The Senate will come to order. and so find joy in its abundance, for it is in thankfulness that we pray to You, 0 God. Amen. PRAYER The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair thanks Reverend Chottiner who, of course, is the guest today of The Chaplain, Reverend LARRY CHOTTINER, Pastor Lieutenant Governor Singel, as well as Senator Stewart. of Westmont Presbyterian Church, Johnstown, offered the following prayer: JOURNAL APPROVED And let us pray. Almighty and Sovereign God, on this day we lift our The PRESIDENT pro tempore. A quorum of the Senate thanks for the grace and guidance that has borne us to this being present, the Clerk will read the Journal of the preceding moment. Our lives unfold under Your watchful care. Session of January 14, 1991. Enriched by Your masterful hand, we have been endowed The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the preceding with blessings beyond our imagination. Fashioned in the Session, when, on motion of Senator LOEPER, further mystery of Your love, we are the inheritors of a hope that reading was dispensed with, and the Journal was approved. remains undefiled and unfaded. We celebrate Your presence in the midst of this assembly and pray that what we do is to LEGISLATIVE LEAVES Your praise and to Your glory. 0 God of peace, our minds this day are filled with many Senator MELLOW. Mr. President, I request temporary issues. Even as You are present with us, so also You are Capitol leaves for Senator Fattah and Senator Porterfield. present with those that wage the struggle to. find peace in our The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Senator Mellow requests world. For our leaders, our diplomats, our soldiers, even for temporary Capitol leaves for Senator Fattah and Senator those that we call our enemies, may You give us cause on this Porterfield. The Chair hears no objection. The leaves will be day to beat our swords into plowshares and so avoid the granted. treachery of war. Hear us we pray. And as this Senate convenes today, may You lead each man and woman who serves here in the ways of justice and of 26 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-SENATE JANUARY 15, LEAVES OF ABSENCE SENATE COMMITTEE APPOINTED PURSUANT TO SENATE CONCURRENT Senator FISHER asked and obtained leave of absence for RESOLUTION NO. 3 Senator PECORA, for today's Session, for personal reasons. Senator MELLOW asked and obtained leaves of absence The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Pursuant to Senate Con­ for Senator AFFLERBACH, Senator FUMO, Senator current Resolution No. 3, as President pro tempore of the LYNCH and Senator WILLIAMS, for today's Session, for Senate I have appointed the following Members of the Senate personal reasons. to represent the Senate of Pennsylvania as a committee partic­ ipating in the inaugural ceremonies for Robert P. Casey, Gov­ SENATE RESOLUTION ernor-elect of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: The gentleman from Delaware, Senator F. Joseph Loeper, COMMITI'EE TO WAIT UPON Chairman; the gentleman from Allegheny, Senator D. THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR-ELECT Michael Fisher; the gentleman from Lancaster, Senator Noah Senator LOEPER offered the following resolution, which W. Wenger; the gentleman from Philadelphia, Senator Frank was read as follows: A. Salvatore; the gentleman from Cumberland, Senator John D. Hopper; the gentleman from Bradford, Senator Roger A. In the Senate, January 15, 1990. Madigan; the gentleman from Chester, Senator Earl M. RESOLVED, That a committee of two Senators be appointed Baker; the gentleman from Mercer, Senator Robert D. to wait upon the Honorable Mark S. Singel, Lieutenant Gover­ Robbins; the lady from Allegheny, Senator Melissa A. Hart; nor-elect and escort him to the Senate Chamber to take the Oath the gentleman from Lackawanna, Senator Robert J. Mellow; of Office and assume the duties of the Office of Lieutenant Gov­ ernor and President of the Senate. the gentleman from Fayette, Senator J. William Lincoln; the gentleman from Allegheny, Senator Leonard J. Bodack; the Senator LOEPER asked and obtained unanimous consent gentleman from Berks, Senator Michael A. O'Pake; the gen­ for the immediate consideration of this resolution. tleman from Indiana, Senator Patrick J. Stapleton; the lady On the question, from Northampton, Senator Jeanette F. Reibman; and the Will the Senate adopt the resolution? gentleman from Beaver, Senator Gerald J. LaValle. SENATE RESOLUTION ADOPTED COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO WAIT UPON Senator LOEPER. Mr. President, I move that the Senate THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR-ELECT do adopt this resolution. On the question, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The President pro ternpore Will the Senate agree to the motion? has appointed the following committee to escort Lieutenant Governor-elect Mark S. Singel and his official party to the The yeas and nays were required by Senator LOEPER and Senate Chamber: were as follows, viz: The gentleman from Delaware, Senator F. Joseph Loeper, YEAS---45 Chairman; and the gentleman from Lackawanna, Senator Robert J. Mellow. Andrezeski Greenleaf Lincoln Robbins Ann strong Greenwood Loeper Salvatore The committee will leave immediately and proceed to the Baker Hart Madigan Scanlon office of the Lieutenant Governor. Bel an Helfrick Mellow Schwartz At this time the Senate will be at ease. Bell Holl Musto Shaffer Bodack Hopper O'Pake Shumaker (The Senate was at ease.) Bortner Jones Peterson Stapleton Brightbill Jubelirer Porterfield Stewart Corman La Valle Punt Stout GOVERNOR AND MRS. ROBERT P. CASEY Dawida Lemmond Reibman Tilghman PRESENTED TO SENATE Fattah Lewis Rhoades Wenger Fisher The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Governor-elect of the NAYS-0 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Mrs. Casey are entering the Chamber. Would the Senate please rise and give them a A majority of the Senators having voted "aye," the ques­ round of applause. tion was determined in the affirmative and the resolution was (Applause.) adopted. REPORT OF COMMITTEE TO WAIT UPON IBE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR-ELECT The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the Sergeant-at-Arms. 1991 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-SENATE 27 The SERGEANT-AT-ARMS. Mr. President, I have the With Your help, our Heavenly King, may he dispense his honor to present the committee which was appointed by you awesome duties with honor and distinction. In a day when the to wait upon the Lieutenant Governor-elect. cynical speak disparagingly of our political structure, may the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Please bring the committee light of Mark Singel's integrity shine brightly. anctguests forward. We also pray for his wife and family, that they stand by his (Applause.) side fully understanding the high purposes of his office. 0 The SERGEANT-AT-ARMS. Mr. President, I have the God, please accept these petitions we offer You this day. honor to present the Chairman of the committee, Senator Amen. Loeper. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Thank you, Your Excel­ Senator.LOEPER. Mr. President, the committee appointed lency, for your beautiful prayer. by you to wait upon and escort the Lieutenant Governor-elect and his party to the Senate Chamber has performed its duty. REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE The Lieutenant Governor-elect Mark S. Singel is present and The PRESIDENT pro tempore. This is an announcement prepared to take the oath of office. to those of you who wish to take photographs. Before pro­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair thanks the com­ ceeding to the administration of the oath of office to Lieuten­ mittee for performing its duty and asks the committee to ant Governor-elect Mark S.
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