^AOE nOHT BAQLE LAKE HEADLIQHT. EAOLE LAKE, TEXAS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1936. PAGE Eion AITAIR AVALON IS OFFERING FINE PROGRAM FOR NEXT WEEK K**t»*J"M>jMj; Mr. aiid Mis. Joe Stafford and ] .swrtn little daughter, Virginia Saturday's picture Is "Descri Aniip. of Kilgorc were recent guests Gold," by Zane Grey. In which of llieir parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Buster Crabbe. Marsha Hunt. Tom t Staffoi-d SK. and grandmother. T I Keene, Raymond Hatton. Montt E^^LE LAKE, TEXAS Mr.'. Grace Byars. Blue and Robert Cummins are T Mr. Walter Johnson, who has featured. The story deals with the TdNIGHT brcn ill at his home here, is im­ abduction of rv youn;; Ii.dian chief- t t proving. tian by an un.scrupulous mine pro­ T "WIVES i\l}\ ER Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Winkle and moter .seeking to rob the Indian T daughter. Jo Emily, of Columbus, tirbe of a hidden gold mine. A NEW FORD KNOW' were guests of Mrs. Winkle's par­ furious gun' battle is depicted. T ents. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C.'Werlla', There arc riotous runs and dizzy t With Charlie Rugglcs, Mar^' Boland Siinday drop-kicks, foolish forwards ana ! Adolphe Menjou. Vivienne Osbipf, I Mr. and Mrs. DouRlas Blair and | cuckoo coaches hilarious halfbacks T Claude Gillingwaler. | J little daughter, Barbara Jean, of, and tuneful touchdowns in "Pigskin T A;.SO COMEDY Houston were guests of their grand Parade." the big Simday and Mon­ T t mother, Mrs. J. M. Walker, Simday. day picture at the Avalon. Dr. and Mrs. I. B. Sigler of Sealy More melodious that "Thanks A t SATl'RDAY and Mrs, Tom Cakes of Gliddcn Million." more side-.splitting than t - ON DISPLAY t N()M::MBKR IS spent the week-end here with Mrs. "Sing, Baby, Sing," "Pigskin -Pa­ T Tanner Walker and A!rs. Castle. rade" turns loo.se a legion of danc­ T "DKSEKT GOLD" Mrs. Sallie Castle entertained the ing gals and their singing pals in •With Larp- Bustfr Crabbe, Robert Thursday Bridge Club at the homu ail uproarious yarn of a fre.sh wat«i T Cumminf;.'- Mar^lia Hunt. Tom of her. daughter, Mrs. Tanner Wal- college that plays the big game of t Keene. Monte Blue, Raymond Hat- j ke.r. The guests were greeted by the j the season amid a tidal wave of Both 60 & 85 hp» Motors ton Ihostf.ss in rooms attractively ar-1 titters with powerful Boola-Boola i AIM? Comfriy ""'I- •'^T'"' rangedjmtji autimin flowers, jel-Ucam-just. because somebody mail- low a nd lavender chrysanthemums | ed the right letter to the wrong PREVIE^V n O'CLOCK prec'nminating in the decoration.^ place! t So many features that you'll have to see the FORD V-8for 193? PIGSKIN PARADE" Delicious refreshments were served It's a tyneful picture that you'll to twenty-six members and guests. enjoy, Mr. Cole says, T Mrs, Castle was assisted-in serv­ Tuesday and- Wednesday's pic­ T to appreciate the really high-class improvements, but among SUNDAY-MONDAY ing bv her daughter and Mrs. Chas. ture, "Piccadilly Jim," with Rob­ NOVFMBER 29-30 Walker. ert Montgomery. Frank Morgan and t them, two vve want to stress, brakes and interiors. Mr. Bert Mitchell spent Wednes­ Madge Evans, Is another of the T t'PIGSKlN day in San Marcos. Mrs. Mitchell, outstanding pictures for the com­ T who Ls attending SWTTC there, re­ ing (leek. The whole world laughed ': PARADE" turned with him for the Thanks­ qt the word picture which Wode- T giving holidays. •With Stuart Erwin, Johnny Downs. house drew in his pecuharly in­ t Mrs. Tanner Walker .spent imitable style, but the laugh is mors BRAKES:--^--^ Arlinc Judge, Betty Grable, Patsv Thank.sgiving with Mr. Walker at T Kelly. • .. hilarious with the visual and au­ Winnie, Texas. dible performance. The story con­ T New Ford "Easy-action" safety In the Ford self-energlzlng de­ Mrs. J. M. Walker had as her cerns a brilliant young carlcatijrlst the cables from where they leave T brakes, with "the safety of steel sign, the rotation of the wheels as­ the frame to where they enter the IlESDAY AND WEDNESDAY house guests for the. Thanksgiving who falls in love with a girl about from pedal to wheel." are an­ sists in increasing the braking force, holidays, Mr. and Mrs. John D. whose family lie knows nothing T wheel brakes. At their other ends DEC'F.MBER 1-2 nounced for the new Ford V-8 for substantially reducing the pedal tlie cables are attached to the brake ROBERT MONTGOMERY Blair. Mrs. Naurette Stewart and | whatever. It's a big laugh picture. T 1937. pressure necessarj". This action is cross-shdft levers. IN daughter. Jo Anne, of Bartlett, and Tha show for Thursday and Fri­ controlled effectively. For stopping Mr. and Mrs. Dous'as Blair and T The new brakes have improved The design of the system is such day, "China Clipper," deals with ""stopping" efficiency but approxi­ or decreasing speed under normal ctintghter, BarBara^ Jean, of .HOUs- fhe men of unbounded enthusiasm T conditions, a slight pressure on the that the axles are not affected by -i'Piccadilly Jim" mately one-third less pedal pressure brake operation, nor is the brake and courage, who were pioneers in t is required than formerly. They pedal Is all that is necessary. Ai "With Madge Evans., Frank Morgan. Mrs. Henry Farrts oWlouston Ls establishing transoceanic airlines pressure is increased, as for a hard operation affected by axle motion Eric Blfft-e. Bi'Uie Burke ? are cable-and-conduit operated and due to spring flexibility. The new visiting her daftuhter. Mrs^ Chas. and flights of dare-devil piltits, who ha\e controlled "self-energizing" or sudden stop, the mechanical Walker and Mr. Walker, while l^lr, ri.sked their lives in battles with braking a.ssistance decreases. It dis­ brake mechanism is unusually quiet. action. Important features are con­ The brake crass- shaft assembly TlllRSDAY \\n FRIDAY and Mrs, McVea are attending the fog and storm to nose their .ships tinued, including full-length, large appears entirely when the pedal is '. DECKMBER .3-4 Centennial in Dallas, into foreign lands. The all-.star cast t•!• pressed "hard down." the' pedal is newly designed with exceptional area linings, .self-centering shoes rigidity and freedonv from flexure, P.Vr O'BRIEN Mr, and Mrs. Quiiin Walker and, includes Pat O'Brien. Beverly Rob- and floating wedge actuation. • pressure alone actuating the brakes. -IN- dauehter. Mi.s.s Myra. of Brown-|crts, Ross Alexander. Humphrey In this way braking eoiitro! is en­ A ;^ingle sfwl rorging includes all T riie parking brake lever has ^een the levers nece.s.sary to actuate the wood, were gue.sTs of Mrs. Grace i BOgart, Marie WiLson and Henry moved to a convenient position un­ tirely in the hands of the driver. Byars and Mr. ajid Mrs. Joe Staf- j B, Walthall. T cables to the wheels, and also in­ '•('lilna Clipper" der the .instrument panel, where it The cable-conduit design is un­ corporates the connection to the ford for Tliaiik.sgiving. • < • » T Ls out of the way of passengers. Willi Ko.s'. .Mf.Xiiijdcr. Beverly Rob­ ,.^^ METHODIST LADIES usually simple. The conduits sheath hand brake. erts. Humphrey Bogart Marie Wil­ MRS. ('. B. STEPHENS TO AT WORK ON BAZAAR fy ton BE GARDEN rLl'B LE.^DER j ALSO COMEDY I This, Friday, afternoon, the mem- V The EaRle Lake Garden Club niet,bers of Mrs, R. T, Westmoreland's 'O on Wednesday afternoon in the | ela.ss are meeting at her home to t FOOTBALL fo\>IE council room of the city hall. Many I make final plans for the bazaar : INTERIORS: 1 interesting things incidental to | to be held iii the vacant room next qb: Braden, Ih; Obcn'naus, rh garden club work were discu.ssed. | to Beckman's Drug Store on Sat- T Rich new appointments, a hand­ the left in front of the driver An Westmoreland, fb. able, lufiwl appearance. Door fin­ and Mrs, John Kearney read a | urday. December .5th. The articles • some new in.strument panel, new ash tray Is in the'Center. In the ish Is in panel effect. « Other.s-to see .service in the game paper on "Lilies." | will be placed on sale at 10 o'clock 'V-type slanting windshield, which instrument group the right hand vere Balas and Handley at guards. opiii,s in closed cars, and a number dial carries the speed and mileage Instrument panel and mouldings This is the .season of the year j and dinner will be served in the of de luxe cars arc in American and Glai.ser at right half. to plant most lilies. The lily has! building at noon. Mrs. Justin Smith of other refinements have entire­ indicators. About the left are group­ The officials were. Hopkins (Tes. ? ly flianged the interior appearance ed the oil, temperature and fuel walnut finish, those of standard just about everything you can de- is general chairman of the bazaar •types in attractive mahogany grain asi. referee: Strickland (Baylori. mand of* flower—fragrance, beau- ( section, which is being sponsored of I lie new Ford V-& for 1937. gages and ammeter. Grouped about umpire, and Hadlock iTe.\as>, head T The exceptional roominess, the tha ash t'ray are knobs for throttle Both hartnonize with the taupe up­ ty. substance, grace, variety in j by Mrs. Westmoreland's ela.ss. holstery. Metallic hardware—py­ linesman.' heights form and color, and a long | Tlie dinner arid foods section is deeply cushioned seats, wide doors and choke controls, the in.strument < » • roxylin fnilsh ill the de luxe types flowering .season.
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