OAlLt From San Franefseor Chlro.Maru.:May 7. For San Franciaco: ' Malwtfiiu, May . From Vancouver: Makura, May 19. Fa-- Vancouver; Niagara, May 2. livening iJuIletln, Kst. 1M2. No. ,ir,4 . 14 HOXOF.UI-L- V MAY.-!- 1!U5.-- Hawaiian Star. Vol. XXII. No. IVjT, l'AOES TKRHITOKV OF HAWAII, IIO.N'DAV, 14 PAOE8 PRICE FIVE CENTO.' imawaiiis A Erisended As Coigress Party Go .For Vi Flowers and Smiles from Hawaii's Heart Freely Given Visitors; "Uncle Joe ' Cannon and the Others Appear to Enjoy It ''si,?" J ; - 1 it .'.yss S "' J (- ' -- r X . v- '.T v " f --1 ; ' : f :;: ; i f ; . : - : ; s ; r i t : k r Left to right Senator and Mrs. Cummina of Iowa; party on board ttearner (Jack Desha near extreme and Mrs. Mann on right); "Unclt Joe" Cannon and Speaker Holstein of the local house of representatives. -- Kodagraph .Prints. JAPAN DECIDES baseball results rf 124 CONGRESSMEN, FAMILIES AND SlUIUOFALIERICAriSraiO AMERICAN LEAGUE. At New;York New York 8, Phila. DISTINGUISHED GUESTS DECKED 0,"! delphia 4. v ULTIMATUM ' Boston-Washingt- on game postponed CREATES fl SEHlflUS SlTUfllE on. account of rain. , WITH LEIS AS S. S. SIERRA ARRIVES China's "Maximum List" of NATIONAL LEAGUE. WASHINGTON AWAITS FURTHER DETAILS OF TORPEDOING At BrooKlyn Brooklyn 3, Boston 2. Met off Port by WelcQming Gommittees and Many Ccccssions Is Considered At Philadelphia Philadelphia 2, . OF THE GULFLIGHT OFF SCILLY ISLES BY GERM Afi New York 3. BAT-TERIN- . Entirely Unsatisfactory In Friends, Visitoris Are Greeted Dock and SUBMARINE SWEDISH STEAMER SUNK ALLIES G At Chicago Chicago 5, Pittsburg 1. Aaih at Tokio, and Negotiations Will Then to to be Spent AWAY AT THE DARDANELLES FORTIFICATIONS Be Broken. Off Unless More Taken Hotels Afternoon a Beach-yGovernor- 's IAssociated - Tress Service by Federal "Wlrelesi. V Concessions are Made Soon Waikiki Reception and WASHINGTON, D. C.May. The first official report c? Evening---Journe- y oil-tan- f AflBAfivf Ail ttnai r. AUral VCIvlial Ball This Across Coun- the: torpedoino;, of ; tlie' Americaii k steamer Oulflilit, TOKIO, May 3 The Japanese gbv-- RTH try arid Voyage Ma torpedoed off the Scilly Isleson Saturday by a German sub- ' f marine, was received today from Consul Stephens. ;u J ; of. the latest diplomatic note from S cnina, nas ceciaea to send an ultima- - PieasantIricid ents- - 'I'.nTairorbbaBI towlfie" 'Gulf light to" cill7. 4 4 : ; ? officials reserve . g. " At the administration, judm::;l break off all diplomatic negotiations Hawaii pave the congressional tourists a g'niltag wrlcomer this mcrn-In- 4 v-- , ft '4 ;prjsnt TfifflRD BRITAIN ' - i-- Aimost cioudles: nkies and dimmer seas rr'H'lu. nl amid 'really PROGRAM IN BRIEF on the situation, awaiting details.- The officials admit that is : described 'as Jupan'a minimum Ifit," tropical urroundings members of, the . party got their first .ste of island . TODAY AND TOMORROW - ' a serious matter and there must be an investigation but no ed to at once, says an extra , hospitality. It was all' new to the great majority, and the few that have ' ; ' '. less-travel- '. "i - been had been able to give friends only an . .. ' hasty, matter. v' - : edition issued this morning by the German Aircraft Passes here before their 4 .TODAY. 4 ::' . 0ef : '. - . ' ? inkling to expect, according to testimony Tokio JIJI Shlnpo.. n" of what the enthusiastic that 4 . Morning Congressional party UUlCn oCOUting AerO- - " This drastic action follows a care Llty; was freely offered when the greeters boarded the Sierra off port. .:'' 4 arrives. ;Goes to hotel. 4 NEW YORK, N. Y., May 3.-- 0f the Americans who lc:t vi me ui, wiv .Ten l;nitoi States senators and' 39 raemters cf thg house of represehta- - .4,'. Afternoon Surfing,, canoeing v mi vuiKiutiaiivii icpi; Diane DraWS Fire Near 4 . of'Ylsit-n-g dis- - torpedoing of Gulflight, in addition to Chinese Republic to the submission CnllocAno ' ' tives, together with the families ccngressmea, and several 4 and bathing at Waikiki beach. 4 their lives in the the !!tt of 24 demands made by . tlnguished guests, bring the total' to 124, all of whom are looking forward ,ofthe ' - 4 Evening Governor Pinkham's 4 Captain Gunter of Bayonne, N. J., there is Charles Short, th : y ' - ' . Janani China's- m ranlu'. 1 una ;:' with the keenest anticipation to the prcgram of sightseeing? and enter, reppntlnn- Pala iHanltnli sat 8 t-- i ml. Associated rress " 4 4 who Chicago. He learned telegraphy by Federal Wireless! r - operator, is from uinment promised. Everyone Is sin cere In wanting to knowthe real 4- o'clock ' followed by ball at Na-- 4 wireless . first, May 3.-- - p LONDON, ; the it has kfcn r.nnnhMlfd, " Another Zeppe Hawaii, and from the outlook this 'wish is likely to be gratified before the tional Guard- armory. General 4 and was a soldier in the, Philippines. Eugene Jahpaneta w:. lin on 4 Japan would find unsatisfactory. raid the south coast of England band speeds the departing guests ith "Aloha Oe." 4 public invited. Armory will be;4 re- Is expected tomorrow morning, , was port, being an hour a seaman from Port Arthur. Word to this effect has been before It was 8:45 before the Sierra off this about 4 open from 8 : 30 on, dancing , to V JAPANESF HARIWPT HAS for early today a big Zeppelin, rhak- - and a half later than schedule time. However, the delay worked to the 4 begin at conclusion of reception. 4 ceived by the vessel's owners, the Gulf Refining Company. ing speed to the north, was sighted advantage of the passengers, as they had. plenty of time for breakfast SESSION OF SIX HOURS 4 . TOMORROW. 4 flying over Viielahd, Holland. ' aboard, and weren't hurried in their landing preparations. Morning Auto tour of Hono 4k Ag a probable forerunner to the As socn as the quarantine officials had completed their inspection, lulu and schools, leaving Moana - oy - 4 Effecti lABsoriated rress Jr'e!eral vvirelossj Zeppelin's arrival a German aero- which, with three doctors, was done in record time, and the customs Hotel 8 a. m. London Hears Bombardment TOKIO, Japan, May 3. 4 at 4 The cabinet plane scouteu over Folkestone and men had finished their, routine work, the gangway was lowered and press Noon Ad j held an presum ' 4 Club luncheon at: hour's session today, Dover this morning, but was soon representatives and members of thout In the Kulumanu II, scrambled Young Hotel. 3. ; ably to deal with the crisis which has driven off by fire from, the coast guns, e reception committee, who had come overboard. In a jiffy the visitors LONDON, England, May It is reported here that th: fair-plan- Afternoon Continuation auto ' in negotiations No damage by aero-- lefs, e, arisen the with the was done the were decorated with carnation Presented by some of Honolulu's tour of schools. warships bombarding the Dardanelles forts have done grc : Chinese Republic The Emperor will which showed no fight, but was est daughters, and everj-on- e was busy getting acquainted. ( Evening Mayor Lane's luau damage both to the forts arid the towns adjoining. It is zzi n imponani eruer in a iew j occmingiy 'mereiy on a acouung expe : crowd, inw, A jolly and sincere are Ha 4 at Kapiolanl park, 7:30 p. m. 4 v v, bbw uiiiji UlUUNl ashore, and in a remark- has been destroyed, ? iv Kic iicm waii'tf guests. , There was no formali- confusion that: the town of Dardanelles v , 4 Agency. ":. ty or stiffness about the welcome, and able short space of time the entire 4 4 44 44 4 troops Allies .whic'.: party enroute to the Moana.. Constantinople says that the of .the its acceptance was equally, as ffee ;! WELL-KNOW- N Ku-- . On the Oceanic dock another rous were landed oh the Gallipoli peninsula have been prevent: WOMAN OF from restraint. : Delegate Prince ARREST PURSER com- ing recepticn greeted the congres- 1 hlo, as chairman of the general AUSTRIANS VIN from making headway. v. V- . , MAUI CALLED BY DEATH ? having mittee, was . everywhere : at once, sional tourists,, the band greeting old ' friends and conducting doubled back in time to once again v The" French battleship Henri IV. has been damaged by th: WAILUKU, May James 3. Mrs. a rapid introducing campaign. irrppt the visitors, while hosts of ."' Cornwell of ACCOMPLICE fire fire of Turkish forts. Walkapu died. last! night AS The chairmen, of the various friends and well wishers lined the of .hemorrhage. The funeral will oc were all on hand and did gangplank, greeting friends and ac- - GREAT VICTORY, cur on Tuesday 8 - at o'clock. their part toward making the iciest oualntances. i at home. Nearly the entire party will' return Russian Fleet Copip elled to Retire ? NORWEGIAN CRAFT SUNK JEWEL CASE From the deck of the launch Ma-kaal- a, direct to the United States,, but there picked are a few who have announced their BERLIN ASSERTS BY RAIDING SUBMARINES even before the Sierra 3. Bosphofus cf ; up quarantine and revenue offi- intention of going through to the LONDON, England, May On the ; side I the : PhiliDDines and the Far East This N cers, the Hawaiian band made music Constantinople the Russian! fleet, after several hours' demon- 1.0 DON, Eng, May 3 The Nor Asso"iatcl Press by Federal Wireless' airs, in party includes Senator and Mrs Sha-frot- weglan steamers Laila, Balliwin across the waters. Patriotic Associated Press by Federal Wireless says Con- and SAN FRANCISCO, May 3 F. V. F. terspersed with Hawaiian melody, de- Senator andMrs. Reed Smoot, stration against the forts, was compelled to retire, America have been sunk in .different Baker,.
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