Index In addition to the documents themselves, introductory essays, annotation, and most refer- ence material have been indexed. Most maps are not indexed; map coordinates for specific locations are given in the Geographical Directory. Spelling, punctuation, and capitalization of quotations have been standardized. Personal names are listed by their correct spellings, not by variant spellings that may be found in the documents, unless the correct spelling is unknown. Entries for married women are generally listed under the names used during the period cov- ered by the volume, with appropriate cross-references under maiden names or other married names. Unidentified individuals, such as “Mr. Bates,” are included in this index. In subentry text, Joseph Smith (JS) and Emma Smith (ES) are referred to by their initials. When found in an entry, “id.” indicates an entry in the Biographical Directory or Geographical Directory or other text that summarizes the topic, “def.” refers to a passage that defines the topic, “illus.” indicates a photograph or other illustration, and “handwriting of” identifies documents that an individual inscribed. A as remnants of house of Joseph, 28n173; rumors Aaron (biblical figure), 461n230, 493 of conflict between white settlers and, 350 Aaronic priesthood, 129, 183. See also Priesthood American Revivalist, and Rochester (N.Y.) Observer, Abbott, Lewis, 14n67, 15n72 7–10, 14 Abel (biblical figure), 383, 477–478 American Traveller (Boston), 289 Abraham (biblical figure), 227, 235, 262, 304, 305, Ames, Ira: on gathering to Zion, 58n20; on 306, 307, 389, 461, 479 Kirtland temple, 94n214; listed on Kirtland Acre, Nelson, 401 plat, 209–210, 215; reminiscent account of, 574; Adam (biblical figure), 304n688, 429n96 on revelation on Camp of Israel, 388; on revela- Adultery: of D. Hurlbut, xxv–xxvi, 103, 104n223, tion on retention of land in Jackson Co., 388; 112n287, 116–117, 119n317, 120, 267, 316; of “warned out” of Kirtland, 327n49 Joseph Wood, 423, 424 Amherst, Ohio: ordination of JS as president of Afterlife: obedience to law of God in anticipation high priesthood at, 24; proselytizing in, 51n293; of, 474, 475, 480–484; JS vision of levels of revelation appointing M. Welton to preach heavenly glory in, 361–366. See also Celestial with Eden Smith at, 79n126 glory Angel, Mary, 327n49 Agriculture and farming, 122, 128n353 Angell, Truman, 93, 574 Aiken, David D., 158, 160, 163 Angels: appearance to JS, 27n162, 359, 429; Benson Aikens, Mary, 301–302, 534 (chart) vision of, 58n19, 59n29; Kirtland vision of Savior Alcohol: temperance movement, 12–14, 326; use of and, 39–40, 42–43, 86n154; Moroni (Book of wine for sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, 16–17, Mormon figure), 106n238 20–21; “Word of Wisdom” revelation on use of, Antimony, 410, 496–497 11–24, 428 Apocrypha, xxi, 32–35, 149 Alger, Samuel, 327n49 Apostles. See Quorum of the Twelve Apostles; Allen, Charles, xxix, 187, 199, 259, 334 and specific individuals Allen, James, 195 Appeals of church discipline, 116–117, 425, 436, Allen, Shubael, 535 (id.), 470 438n122, 440, 444. See also Discipline, church Alphas and Omegas, 108 Arrests of church members in Jackson Co.: for American Bible Society, 33 false imprisonment, 336, 342, 351, 354, 370; by American Indians: America as promised land for, 8; T. Pitcher, 337 2 INDEX “Articles and Covenants”: on licenses, 463; on or- Bible: Apocrypha, xxi, 32–35, 149; Book of dination, 78, 79; priesthood hierarchy outlined Abraham, 576; book of Jasher, 149; Book in, 61n35 of Moses, 179, 180, 576; classification of scrip- Atchison, David Rice: id., 536; as captain of mili- tures project, 176–186, 181 (illus.); Gospel of tia, 468, 470–471; as lawyer representing John, revelations related to, 83–84, 86–88, Missouri church members, 333, 348n149, 407n19 90n192; King James Version, 575, 576; lost Atiya, Aziz Y., 93 books of, 34, 149; in Mormon scriptural canon, Atonement. See Jesus Christ 575; “Prophecy of Enoch,” 34; Revelation, John Authority, 423, 424. See also Priesthood; and spe- the Apostle’s authorship of, 84 cific priesthood offices JS Bible revision: id., 576; Apocrypha not in- Avery, Charles, 19n100 cluded in, xxi–xxii, 32–35; classification of scrip- Avon, N.Y., 515 (id.), 361, 462n238, 484–487 tures project and, 178, 181 (illus.); completion of, 91n199, 154n462, 166, 167, 178, 206n272; on judi- B cious use of earth’s produce, 18; on laying down Babbitt, Erastus, 447 one’s life, 461; letter influenced by, 5; location of Badlam, Alexander, Sr., 536 (id.), 329, 331 work on, xix; on premortal existence of human- Bailey, Joshua, 152 kind, 84; publication plans for, 68, 150n430, 154, Bailey, Lydia Goldthwaite (later McClellan), 552 178–179, 206n272, 229, 233, 406, 576; revelations (id.), 323, 359 related to, xxi–xxii, 27, 29, 32–35, 83 Bailey, Mary (later Smith), 152n447, 294, 295n635, Bidamon, Lewis C., 92 534 (chart) Big Blue River (Kansas–Missouri): id., 515; Battle Baldwin, Wheeler, 66n64 of the Blue, 334, 336, 339–341, 351–354, 369–371; Ball, Joseph, 294 image of, 352 (illus.) Baptism: in classification of scriptures project, 184; Bigelow, Lucinda, 329, 331 of Free Will Baptists in Benson, 57; in Geneseo, Billings, Titus, 536 (id.), 150 361; in Mount Pleasant, 323, 355; in New Bishop, Gladden, 52n299, 327n49 Portage, 425; rebaptism, 61n32, 173; in Saco, 451 Bishop, Isaac H., 537 (id.), 52, 327n49 Baptism of specific individuals: G. Boosinger, Bishops: appeals of decisions of court of, 116; 169; Jared Carter, 57; John Carter, 57; E. Chase, church discipline, involvement in, 61n34, 425, 294n634; J. Greene, 467n258; H. Howe, 329n61; 436; in Jackson Co., 150, 157; E. Partridge des- V. Jaques, 288; E. Landon, 361; L. McClellan, ignated as first bishop, 25, 72n95; responsible 323, 359; J. Murdock, 4; Eleazer Nickerson, 323, for poor, 154; temple in plat of city of Zion in- 355; F. Nickerson, 321; H. Nickerson, 321n23; tended for, 128–129; N. Whitney’s duties as M. Nickerson, 323, 355; A. Perry, 487n320; N. G. bishop, 109 Rigdon, 151; Eden Smith, 169, 173; E. B. Smith, Bissell, Benjamin, 318n8 169; John Smith (no relation to JS), 169; John Black River country (Jefferson and Lewis cos., Smith (uncle of JS), 302; Silas Smith, 302; N.Y.), 488 E. Stevenson, 422n64; M. Welton, 169 Blaisdell, Clarissa Nye Bachelor, 152 Baptist Church, Benson, Vt., 57 Blanchard, James, 401 Barber, Andrew, 352, 353, 354n172, 386 Blessings, 445–446 Barker, William, 328, 331 Boasting of church members: in Jackson Co., Barney, Royal, Jr., 214 xxviii n45, 193, 241n422, 496n356; in Kirtland, Bassett, Heman, 326 328 Bates, Mr., 74 Boggs, Lilburn W., 337, 338 (illus.), 339 Battle of the Blue, 334, 336, 339–341, 351–354, 352 Book of Abraham, 576 (illus.), 369–371 Book of Commandments (1833): id., 576; binding Beebe, Calvin, 66n64 of, 148; copies to be sent to Kirtland, 166, 167; Beman (Beaman), Alvah, 536 (id.), 487 corresponding section numbers in editions of Benson, Vt.: id., 515; gathering to Zion, interest Doctrine and Covenants, 594–600 (chart); er- in, 58, 61–62; migrations to Ohio and Missouri rors found in, 152; Michigan Territory church from, 59, 61–62; JS and F. Williams letter of members’ access to, 423n69; printing and pub- guidance for church in, xx, 56–64; visions re- lishing plans, xvii, xxix, 166, 189, 297, 406n15, ceived in, xx, 58, 59–61, 63 573; sales of copies of, 428; superseded by Bent, Samuel, 422n65, 424n74 Doctrine and Covenants, 594 Benton, Thomas H., 396n441 Book of Martyrs, 385n361 Bergat, George. See Burket, George Book of Mormon: id., 575–576; consequences of Bess, Mr., 346n139 rejection of, 363; copies held by G. Burket, 149; INDEX 3 Book of Mormon (continued) 93, 113, 115, 426n85; listed on Kirtland plat, 210, detractors’ explanations for origins of, xxvi, 215; proselytizing by, 51, 295n640, 425; School 260, 317, 320, 404, 405n10, 408; early copies of, of the Prophets building and, 82, 105; John 289n602; M. Harris loses manuscript pages Smith disciplined by, 171; spiritual experiences of, 430n101; John the Apostle referenced in, of, 42n258 83–84; knowledge of contents before transla- Cain (biblical figure), 477–478 tion, 428, 430; as medium of exchange, 320n17; “Calamity of Zion.” See Jackson Co., Mo.— Missouri church members chastised for treat- Opposition to church in ing lightly, 266n502; on nature of Christ in re- Caldwell Co., Mo., 440 lation to the Father, 86n161; “Prophecy of Campbell, Alexander: in J. Bosworth vision, 435; Enoch” and, 34; publication, 68, 149–150, 575– Disciples of Christ movement (Campbellites), 576; in scriptural canon, 575; sickness, on use of 431, 434n110, 435n111; on temperance move- herbs for treating, 18; on those who assist in ment, 12n61; on traditional Christian creeds, work of church, 295; transgressions of JS while 84; visions disregarded by, 431 translating, 428, 430; whipping of H. Page Campbell, Robert, 307n704 over, 339n103. See also Gold plates Camp of Israel (Zion’s Camp): id., xxxi; authori- Book of Moses, 179, 180, 576 zation of, 269n528; John Carter in, 59, 450; Boonville (Mo.) Herald, 340n108, 366, 367, 368, delay of construction of Kirtland temple and, 469n269 294n633; departure for Missouri, 319, 360n209, Boosinger, George, 169 485; Kirtland high council meeting on, 453– Booth, Ezra, 425 457, 484; letter series affected by, 473; licenses Bosley, Edmund (Edmond), 537 (id.), 459, 486, 487 issued to recruiters for, 463, 465, 466; recruit- Boston, Mass.: establishment of branch of church ment of volunteers for, 362–363, 368, 450–451, in, 288, 368; gathering from, 289, 294 454, 458–459, 466, 484–488; report of JS to Bosworth, Joseph Bucklin, 537 (id.), 426, 431–435 Missouri church leaders regarding, 489, 495; Bowers, William, 194n193 revelation leading to, xxxi, 389, 393–394, 450, Boynton, John F., 52n295, 117n308, 118, 119n313, 454, 457–463, 484–485; Sylvester Smith disci- 451 plined for comments about, 401n471; JS plan Brace, Mrs., 471n275 to accompany, 456–457, 462n239, 489, 495–496; Braden, James, 537 (id.), 79–81 travel by land rather than water, 457n202 Breazeale, Hugh Lawson: id., 538; mortally Canada, proselytizing in, 113, 175, 318, 320–325, wounded at Battle of the Blue, 340, 354n172, 322 (map), 355–356, 449–450, 452 369, 370; signatory to agreement pledging Carrel, J.
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