Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - City Directory Collection - 1939

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - City Directory Collection - 1939

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - City Directory Collection - 1939 1322 ROCHESTER HOUSE DIRECTORY Oxford St Con (Apartment continued) 514 Gillespie Frank J 53 Carey Alma B Mrs gro b 80 Dlttrich Erhart " J- 241 Apartments 3 Connor Jane M 515 Krolick Morris M 57 Kosel Edwd G 82 Stephany Austin " Harold C apt l Gridley R 4 Hallman M C 521 Slauson Earle C 63 Boucquaert Alphonse Z Peake " Leighton " 2 5 Murpby Josephine 525 Crippen E Clarence 2 69 Ernst Emil House Frank E " " 6 White Helen S 527 Frank L 1 75 PARK AVENUE fr 260 Alex 4 Carrigan H Doyle Padget Russell " Margt " north to 164 5 Manfer 7 Angell Budolph Wellesley st ends rear Vacant ander east and " Rene " 6 8 Schminke Christopher F 000 Church of the Blessed Sa 76 Sams Frank J East av wds 12, 21 Wagner Lena " 242 9 KeUey Ethel J crament 84 Bock Albert R Park bus McWUliams Francis H " 10 School 85 247 Hunt Natapow Ruben 000 Blessed Sacrament Keystone Builders Supply Left even. Right odd Kathleen Mrs " 248 Benson 11 Mardon Marion M 539 Fay Anna Co 17 John C " Apartments It Littlefield Maisle Mrs 543 Lazarus Isaac 255 Jones S Case phys b 90 Dieter Balph V apt 1 Faust Alice M 256 Phalen "IS Bearss Ethel L 545 PopeU Harris 2 Waggoner Helen Tyler Mr Alice J Mrs " 96 Gerscbefskl Aug T 16 Ladd Esther E 555 Neafie Chas F1 260 Keyes Sanford H1 97 Wilkinson Rollo H s Klndler Ruth H " 18 Kominz Ella Walzer Estelle A Schlegel Edwd D2 Sophie 103 Allen Geo E 19 Vacant " L Mrs 2 Vacant 3 19 Long Elisabeth E Johnson Mary 20 Scuse Alvin A " 104 WUcox Fredk E 266 The to Lipsky Sara Neafie C Bradford 22 Lees Wilfred J 2 Magnolia " 107 Berry Geo bsmt Chubb 11 WaUace Isabel K VenEck Clara Ambrose Bradford Harry W " 110 Wannenwetsch Harold A ' apt 1 O'Toole Theresa A Mrs 11 Keith LiUian A Mrs 115 Knowlton J Young OUve J Mrs nurse " " Henry 2 Waldorf 13 Ford Winifred A PACKARD STREET from 1734 3 Elsie M Mrs " 116 Ditner Aloysius I " E north to 45 wd 4 Mayfield H GUbert 24 Lewis Virginia Main Macbeth, 121 Mattie Herbert S " " 23 Griner Grace E 6 25 Evans Luther P 18 Hayes Ann 124 Breffle Ernest E " E Main car to Culver rd 25 Vacant 9 Miller Herman J 293 Apartments 127 Trout Steven C " 27 Padlcy Eleanor M 10 Schloss G apt t Keating Bernlce A Left odd, Right even PhUip " 130 Johnson Floyd P 28-30 Colonial "12 Knoll Chas F 3 Flack Elmer A 3 Vacant " 133 Bemming Herbert C 'apt 3 Hoffman Geo "14 Haines Isobel M 4 Radcliffe Madeline M 55 Fricker Edwd J " 136 Bishop Wm A 5 Bums Viola M 267 Roosevelt apts 5 Bogner Mary C Mrs " Maxson st begins 137 Maher Thos P 7 Gilmour Helena Mrs Eoosevelt Grille restr 6 Bock Amelia C " 141 Casey Michl 9 Fraser Carrie E Mrs apt 101 Cornish Maude Mrs 7 VanDusen Hazel R 70 DeFries Richd " Leo A Chas L 144 Corbett Fredk G J 11 Koch 102 Golden Jacob 298 Crowley Agnes 79 Hutter " " 145 King Harry G 15 Craig Wm A 103 Tipple Edna H 300 Berman Lazarus L 80 Margolis Albert D1 " G 30 105 301 Jos L Soles Frank W2 King Harry jr Apartments Kaplan Saml Agram 2 A Chas H1 149 Lahey Veronica M apt Thompson Oatley "106 flates A 304 Vacant 85 Ashton " " PhiUp Mrs Arthur 2 ISO Belcher Murney L coal dir 4 Carpenter Gertrude 107 Anos Fred 305 D'Amanda Christopher Madden " " 6 Anna J Mrs b McGarry 201 Weissman Alex 306 Church Mary F Mrs 88 Hall Raymond E " " 8 Murphy Georgine M 202 Chamberlain Eliz V D Mrs 810 BUss Chas H1 156 Hogan Edwd F " "10 Lewis Edwd 103 PAIGE STREET fr 126 Brooks Dinkelspeil Mabel Winifred Mrs 2 158 Frisch Alf F " " May It Chas B av north across 293 Barton, wd Frickey t04 Pike Wm J 315 Held Louise E Mrs 160 LaMont Louis E " " 14 Grove Grace 105 Goldwater Simon N 316 19 " Perkins Dexter "16 Geo W Genesee car to cross sts Holt 106 Steron John 325 MiUer Carrie E Mrs PALMER STREET from 1265 " 31 Apartments 107 Goldstein Leonard E 330 Louise W Mrs Left odd. Right even Main East, south to Mustard, wd " Dodge apt B Frazer PauUne W Mrs 301 Sackett Grace C Mrs 333 Howe K 16 Crosland S Morris 18 " Winthrop 34 Apartments 302 Cadle NeUie Mrs 334 Bloss Ella W Mrs 20 MacFadden John A E Main car " 1 Whitney Chas SOS apt Heller I E 340 Wareham P 23 Samson Eliz P Mrs 1 i " Harry Palmer Dry Cleaners 2 MarshaU Gertrude 304 Fybush Saml 343 Louise Mrs Samson Myron A 2 " Hagen Houck Neon Displays signs 37 Mcllroy Louise Mrs 305 Hawke Alf E 350 Driscoll Edith M Mrs 24 Carter Paul C Rev " Breck st begins 40 Meier Eric 1 S06 WUe Clara A Mrs 353 Barrows Donald S 29 E " Dewey Harry 00 Empire Last Works Donald F 2 307 Hynes Strouss Fredk E 356 Piatt Clarence M 33 Bume Cbas E "401 Turpin Lucy 34 Eshleman Herbert L 43 Friend Laura M Mrs drsmkr " 363 Haher Florence E Mrs PALMYRA STREET from 310 402 Stehler Anna M 39 Chas J truckmn h h " AUing McNaughton, east to NYCBB, wd st 403 Mayer Louis Brighton ends Brouwer Bernard H 1 " 24. 404 Levy David 366 Niver NeUie Mrs 40 Edwd S 44 Friedman taUor b " furnished Mahoney LyeU car Adolph 405 Bartholomew John rooms 41 Bume Forest A " 406 Moskowitz Morris J 373 McMath Eliza S B 46 Bosworth W " Mrs Baymond PANAMA PUCE rr 1260 Nor 47 Hall Wm E1 497 Nordhausen Clayton H 380 Beeves Bert E 50 Theo A " Mensing ton near Mitchell, north across Vacant2 501 Nelson Geo F 383 Sconfietti Anna Mrs 51 Kline Clarence H " city line, wd 22 48 Vacant 502 Baynarts Sidney 393 Geo T 55 A " King Lindsley Floyd Portland car to Norton 50 Vacant 503 Wright Louise J Mrs 399 61 Robertson J MacLeod " Werner LUlian B Mrs 20 Frank 53 AUen Truman A 504 Bitchie Bobt M 400 Haher Florence Mrs Barton st crosses Magllocca " 64 Jas V 505 Stehler Geo M 32 Wawrzyniak Jos Conway furnished rooms 77 Hicks F " Lyle Mra 1 606 42 Zamblto Dominick 59 Karge Louise Parlow Allan Lawrence 403 Thos J 83 Splttal Sarah Mrs " Holly 48 Mouldan Frank J Wolk Saml2 507 Wagenheim TUlie Mrs 405 87 Chas D " Morrison Lindsay M Terpstra 602 P 52 Camman Emest A Yawger Bessie Mrs 407 Watson Norman J 92 Leonard Henry M 60 Vacant " 60S Bight Carrie Mrs Goldstein I 95 Chappie Geo J 63 Clark Adam " Harry PAPPERT PLACE fr Hen 604 MUler Ardean Mn 410 98 Kuhn 85 66 Sutter Chas Clyde phys h " McLaughlin JuUa G Henry 605 Hollwedel Freda J Mrs 99 Michl rietta, south to 400 Benton, wd " Harvard st crosses Slattery J 606 Hershberg HaskeU I 103 Graves 14 Sutter J " 420 Fitch J Claude L 1 Wesley Sawyer S Clinton bus to 607 Benton Wilkinson Loretto deS 67 Leon C Co Inc for " 425 Nighan Jos B 1 Lewellyn Everett W 2 AUyn 701 Ward Chas L Mrs 104 John C P Left even. odd esters " Hathaway Norma Mrs 2 Beyer Bight 702 Morrison David H 109 Wentworth Walter H ca Caroline st ends Allyn Leon C " 430 Weis Clara B Mrs 70S MacAlpine Addie T Mrs 434 terer 1 Beikirch Fredk E " McCurdy Florence Mrs 71 Roberts Sarah B Mrs 704 Robinson Louise N 2 Knauf A 435 Nusblckel Anna H Wentworth Johanna Mrs Wm " Mrs 72 Goetzman Margt Mrs 1 705 August David J 444 Hofheinz Katherine 110 Oviatt Herbert A 3 Henderberg Otto G " B Mrs 706 Heyman Cecilia J Mrs 4 Doser Adam G " Mcintosh Eliz Mrs2 707 Green Harold C 5 PALISADE PARK from 70 Lu Dettman Wm C " 445 Eckler F 74 Clark Cora M Mrs 1 801 Millener John A Harry zerne wd 14 6 Lillie Theron F " northeast, 76 Shewman Earl R2 802 Robertson LUlian M Mm Harper st ends Monroe car to 7 Clarence V Laburnum cres Quinn " Hetzel Ann 3 80S Rosenberg Rebecca 450 Swan Geo L 8 Wacker Frank T " Left odd, Eight even 804 Ryder Charlotte M 456 Lee Wm B 9 Klelnfeldt Minnie E Mrs 77 Vacant " 12 Lavner Harry 805 KeUer Howard F 457 Higgins Clara Mrs 79 Jas V " 16 Crowley Carroll Sophia M Mrs 806 Harman W Revere 465 Vacant bsmt PARDEE STREET fr 298 Rem 84 Burdick Earl M " 19 Cominsky Louis B 807 Frederic Carver Chas C W Rev1 Lindsay 20 Warren ington, east to 893 Joseph av, 85-89 Park Manor Park av Button Florence E 2 Harry crosses 21 wd 17 bsmt Kay John J Cominsky Rebecca M Mrs 283 Mock Henry restr Vacant 3 bus apt 1 Stewart Rose Mary Mrs Joseph " 284 Foxluger Anne E Mrs beauty 466 Mooney Marie C Mrs 2 Kahn Nellie Mrs 22 Wollman Jos B Left even, Bight odd shop 472 Lewis Frank W 3 25 Mink 15 Adam h Carpenter 0 Clayton L chiro 475 Williams Alice C K Mrs 1 Meyer Knapp uphol Kwapich Joseph 26 Temkin Chas 16 Eose M Mrs 4 Murphy Catherine A h Sale Camilla B Cooksley practor 27 Lacey John P Carter 21 John Channlng E Meyer Foxluger Albert 1 Kane Harry 2 7 Galvin Grace E 28 Pilling Percy J 22 Wegner Fredk C Vacant2 Krueck Bertha "11 WUliams Florence B Mrs 31 Weinstein Julius 25 Hoffman Valentine " 285 Oxford Apartments Vacant 3 12 Chambers 32 Simon Arthur 0 26 Martens Henry R Geo W apt 2 Andrews Josephine Mrs 478 Stark Minnie E Mrs "15 Sallerson Bernard " 35 31 Flatten John 485 Baldwin Jacob " 3 Barton Helen Reinhardt Aug G 16 Rotkowitch Abe N " 36 Guest Thos H 32 Foery Frank E1 " SaArmstrong Jennie M Mrs 486 Kopelwich Rebecca Mrs 17 Alex N " 39 Schiff Lester E Foery Lorenz 2 Freiberg 4 McBride Frances Mrs 489 Stettheimer Frances E Mrs 19 Novick Michl " 40 Norman Hartley T 35 Schrank Norman 4aKeene Iva Mrs 20 Rardin Nelson " Fred G 490 41 Levin Annie D Mrs 36 Gackenheimer 5 Durney Ella L Vacant 11 E " Horn H Dugan Wm Mrs 492 39 Warren " Walther Wm J Vacant 22 Keating A Gordon " PALM STREET fr 185 40 Hehn Wm J " 7 Simmons Louis G 497 Morris Abr L1 Bidge 23 Gomon " rd west to 45 Jos D Harry L 499 1640 Dewey av, wd Gutberlet " 8 Brown Betty Marcus David N pntr h 84 Cohen Leonard " 46 Thomas Ernest L " 9 Sweeney John 500 Ryan Anna S Mrs 1 25 Miller G " car 49 Nathan Dewey Krieger " 9aDittmer Arthur F Brannagan Lyle D 2 H 20 Schutte Wm A Left 50 Kirchgessner Fred "11 Benedict Minnie H Mulvana Eliz M Mrs odd.

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