tir5i?@iM}?i $mi m. wmmi . v-5 •lv »iiVi.i!.(,i ¦'¦¥ " ; ^ifj S'i '?iiB-'--!'',i'* ' ¦'i:- :'^ i l l ^1 ¦ ¦ ¦ • ! i • - . •: ,:¦' .. ; : ,' - : II.:Ki -.•! L 4 A' l 1 i¦ i - I - I ii;:-; " " i I- • • t Vi; < ' I- f >• .: [^ ¦teitor "ij 1 WSi ! ] «#•• ( ••¦?• , iftartlogesi ! - *we ma V- i-..4_^ttYenis¦ rr^:; nC:w \"tSi!i ij ¦ ¦ \: —. 3)eaths,¦ ¦ =- U=^| ^. • ¦ ! •!¦ : i h - .L .; ' : ¦ ! i i * *¦ - mall Propald ' i ArtvertlaemoUto HOUSEHOLD REQU18ITeS, V ' MISCELLANEOUS. GUNARD HNE i uuiji-i ¦ ¦ • ¦ • ¦ ¦!. - -i ' ¦ ¦: Birtha Marriage*. ; and Dieath^diargea ; )-. I additional 1 &•! 6d! for five lines: Evpry p to 12 Worda L.. 6&. per insertion , FREE Sample oi Delicious MJalted .-ifrOOD RATS are the rats I at have REGDLAE MAIL. PASSENGER AND " ' „ j 24 9d. i LiVERP 30L-NEW YOEKJ ; f Un« 6d ' : V '• ¦¦ ¦ " • : - v ' ' - ¦ ¦ Word* ;... ,, A Milk, inanufacture^ by The.w£ ^jw' been rationed with Rodine It makes FREIGHT SERVICES. f I „ -. .; 36 Words ... ]1o. ] LJVEIPCK)L|-BOSTOil| | i j ¦ ¦ ft; Hooher and Gilbey, Buckiiighanl. Served the final , fat ration. Safe, sure, and . LlVJERPOOL-NCiy YORK. ¦ " - - ' ¦ " Each 112 ¦A :- f~~ ^! ; A /• -}, ::• ¦ : . -I }- , additional words 4d. pet hot daily at Bell'8, 62 Quay. Come and speedy . 6d., Is., '2s.,.3s., 5s Post 3d. LIVERPOOLERPOOt-^J APETpWN-AUSTKAiai . 1 maeruon. ; LONDON-CANADA—NEW ! YORK • • ¦ ' ; taste~it. , ::-^ J HaTley, Chemist, Perth. Agento :— LONDON-CAErDON-CAI teTOWNiNEW zkiLAip •; ¦ ; . ¦V. - i itfAKRUGEv ./ , r,- i.!; '- " ¦ ¦ : ' - - : - - - ' | Where payment ii8 n^ made, double H. Bell, Chemist, G2 Quay, W aterford , BRISTOL-CANADA-NEW YORK • . -;¦ i -i- v -'. ¦: ;-- . -F : -^ v\t v ; , ,r / the above Carriel;-on-Suir. ] JEWIEW : YORYOR]i—MEDITERRANEAN .(Recefiibe^ rates are charged. NOVELTY .—Perfumed} Xtnas- , Gw<l> J^Tyrie Timer , Chemist Connecting with Canadian Northern PARKER-i JliGG.INS.rl^t^ A . ' ( ?ia Az jrea). • 1 '!. | s Cnureh , ; ;Wat*r- in a large variety of! Chqi^/meih ! Railway : [ [ ! 1917, at St. Patrick' ¦——: —H fumes, i/ te/—WiliEKLY Earned -wiiii Automatic System. : i fdrd^ 'yJjRev..: GahotY \ Glrcertdtree^ |r at Bell's, 62 and ^^Quay^^^. BOSTON- -MEDIT^RANEAN ! ; ib W KniRersT " FoBte.r;" f garrison," ' ¦ ; ' ¦' ! Rev.; H.: W,;:Cooke/ jGeorRe OiGRtCULTURE, ' FOR RATES OF PASSAGE. FREIGHT - (^ia AzproB). j ' j ¦ a^6^d>by , and DAIRY, MARK£T Foot Ailmente speedily raJSsfed '('Gra8wp^d " Machines stdcKed ; Needles, DATES! OF 8AILING & PARTICULARS ¦ ; Henry; fifthVW oi. - the hlate > Mr... | GARDEN, &o. ALL Is;? 6d. dot. E. Scoty Cooi ei , Kiitting REGU LAR SAILINGS J ' ¦ ' , • Waterford, . to by Dr. Schpll's Foot ^aaer, maile)[ip AS TO (LOADING BERTHS. fH Mrs.- f Alfred- Parker . ' ¦ ¦ , . ' / « - : -I , H. Bfial MsicbinQ Depot, 5 South £iiu Street • ; ;. , daughter .of ;. the \ l*tje many dijEferent Ikindsi Agents ! Apply Cunard LlnQ. Queenstown : I j ! : f ;:Bbrericfe third ' . and Bell Bros.1 ; 62 arid 89 Quay. V mblin-. ' ' | F Mjsv and Mrs. John iHiggles, Water- , Belfast. Liverpool ; London, 61 BiBhops- -•- ' ;:: ''* ¦ ¦^ - - :¦ ¦ = ¦ • ¦'¦'-; -^ ¦ ¦ gate, E.Ci 2; 29-31, Cockspur Street, S,W WHITE 8TAR-DOMINION LIND: > m TSISTILLERY GRAIN .S; the clieapest, GOOD LIGHT ia a luxury. TherhM 1, 65 Baldwin Street Bristol. XJ 'healthiest,1 arid . best ! feedin ; stuff A Lainp Oila eoldi^at Bell's, in im&4 . I LrVEI POOLUeANA-DA , , ^ JSi AGENTS—Ward Brothers, and Harve; REGI LAR SAILINGS;| . ¦:¦ ¦ ^' ^r ' . all , ,^indi5i:of Iiy^j^>ck. Fresh ting and <&*&. : ' T^wn delivery :3, NOFORTC TUNING & REPAIRS j ' .. ¦ :, L 'j - . - -ittv ' ' and Son,! Waterford ; Mrs. M. Bolger W^ . ! . 6bn ^^^t$;:t ^ee. vthTtteB wetkly, M. and 6 p.m. daily. " '° BallyduffV, F 3r rates of I passage apdi freight datef ! 'chViQuayii- " ^ -V$ Michael Foley and p. Evana rt f elaniTifv otn onniir \i*\ AXTK I+ O IQ+ OT- T.1T1AJjntej ^ym^b'fai'^^t sWateTfo rd. / ' ' Dungaxvan; Jas. Ahearne or Jos Geary oi sailing, etp., apply fto Wnite r Star ?^; W^- > f c,^^^:¦ ' •¦ ¦ I-1; ' GQOB PRICE feiven i for ^ '• j&efl&i* Liverpool ; Soii bampton, 1 Cockspur Si.; _ ife ilpieialiBe in Pianofpf4< Tuning Lifimore ; 'James McGrath. Carrick-on-Suir A and Strained Honey. Apply;\B&Vt , S.W. 1, ar^d'M, Leadjenhall St.,| E.G. J»4 ' ¦ ; ' ' and. Repairing. Wrijte M Ioward'B ¦ ta. Quay. r .? .j;. ty aatsi Waterford. I ! London ; or to local agents : Harvey|& Sojn, ^ 12 Gladatone st Waterford-i-jafessTs ^ftjfa^iK¦ fQft ^ALI. , Ward /:. ;• ... ..- . •t' . - ' r. '\ I ' . ] yy. * f ¦ T AMPS- LAMPS ! LAMPS ! Large.§ei|o- Bros., 2 Barrori jtrand it., WaHeriord; MIM ¦ ' ?y Ltd;, Margaret Bolger, Poet Office, iI BallyduiB, :{ ',:\.. : C^ ' -:\ +xit \ ±J tioh at George White and SonsJ ™\LD ^aterfoird vut | Glass for Sale. the City Lamp House , O'Conriell Streeti AMERICAN LINE Co. Waterford; Mr. T. G^ary, Lisinpre;, Co. Repairs a Speciality. i 41 Waterford; \lt mes McGrath, ! Shipping s Hill, !ori Thursday ' : . • ' . ' [|' ar:• 'Some fine- epecimens ' now oi I view ff PHOTOGRAPHS LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK. \ John' At Ppole'e Stores, 1 134 Quay, Wi terford. Ag4nt, CarrickJ; to 8c<J>tt and Co. (Queens- I (DIKECT)-EVERY WEEK BY town), Limited, Queenstown; IE.| I Dalf,, Inspection-inyitedJ NEW miSH HONEY. NoW [muob * ¦ used instead of Sugar. Jars U<£ •f^ U.8. MAIL 8TEAMER8. Rocane, Keririare ; J. C Smithy iKilmBf ¦;.. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.¦ If ; ¦ ; " ¦ ¦ • - ¦ ¦: ; ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ • • ¦[ 'Mr , 1TF you want some really g6od copies, or deri ; Michael ii?. Waldh' Cappoquin. j T ; ¦:; :\- and Is. • 8d. at George White and |Sond Galllnfjr under tho Ambrlcan ' 's Road; honey Exporters, Waterford. j X a beautifully finished i enlargement MRS. MANAHAN 24' Morrisson h, y m cannot Flair. ; who; so kindly 1 jsejjit oone frotii an old photograp begs to, thank: those ARTICLES WANTED ad belter, than bring it to u|s. For year a of- sympathy on thV recent "DETROLEUM OIL, in sound caaka or ner messages 1 or Ijip have made a speciality !of his work of nor husband (killed in actioiji) JL tins, free on rail or steamer, IIIMU0M | | || | III dt ath part of the city oi and get really wonderful TQSI I S. A. EL Apply to American'Line, Liverpool, or to they will accebt' this acknow- delivered to any ' ¦ and-trust o Sontd Ltd., Pifple and Co., ArtisXa and Plhc t )graphers . Waterford—Harvey & Son, 12 Gladstone tt ; F R ¦ '! ledgment, as. it .would be impossible suburbs. George White and I 9 ^TA^TED.-Pony, Dray, and Tackljng Waterford. i i&j Mall . Waterford¦. Waterfoi-d—Ward Bros, £ Barronatrand fi. roply individually, , ' » also good atrong Dorikey. Apply ± ' I ' I Tipper&ry—John Carrigan, 61 Main stre«i eane, Coal Dealer, Jfbrrisson's Road. Anticipated .-60C( Carrick-on-Suir—James McGrath. Train Alterations : M rs. O'Byrne and; family. The. "Rectory, AINY WEATHER thank " ' ' the' jr Umbrellas Ndwly Covered ! arid Clon mel-j -P. Nugent, 76 O'Connell strat i the Lcteal Railway; Kilnincthonias, desire to ' ITITANTED AT ONCEj for caeh , pood : Dungarvan—James Daly, The Square. for the numerous letters Repaired ; time , 3 days. P. F. ^aldv I¦;¦' VACANT. ¦8tfem8, purchase I V many friends [VV Silver Spruce, Larch and Fir Trees, Waterford . SITUATION? Graiguft-i-Michael Murphy, Grooer. 'tolrcrams of sympath y "sent them in Draper , John Street, and and hope ilao Ash and native Fir Planks in New K OSB— Patrick Hunt, 15 Quay, and The ennj Guide for the\r Tecent sad bereavement, 11 x 3 and 9 x 3. i State lowcat price, suitably W. G. Williams. I ' will oc^ppt thi> noknowledj ;- "PICTURES promptly and Dece iber i ow on Sale that thov ly lelivered Dublin Box 27, O'Keeffe 's JL framed at reasonable prices at Geo. Tallow-^Timothy O'Leary, National Schooi as it would be impossible to rep '^OOK , GeiuM Jil Wanted ! for near At all lewsagi nts and at l ithe H" mrnt, Advertising Agency, EJ'Olier St., Dublin White and Sons, Ltd., O'Connell Street , Apply , giyi^ full par- Tbomastown—M. Westerman, Ohurch-Btj to fach' individuall y. :V Liverpool Wexford—W. Timpson, 19 South Main«tt lblisbi ig Office,! -2 Waterford. ^uiars, to 8,227 . tliis Office;. ; j|| Kilmscthomas—W . O'Donoghue. 50 O'Co nell S reet, Water lord. Tea, Kilmeaden—John C. 8mith. V^ QWEETENING TABLETS for j rTgtTANTiED for Doctor' hjous i a Girl , I I I I I I I I DU8INE98 CARD8J at Georgt [White ^ QueenBtown—8cott and Co. (Q'tpwn), LM 10 KJ Coffee , and Cocoa, ' JrV R;C , to look after twocni dre n , apes and Sons. Ltd., Family Chemists, O'Con- 7* and 8 year?. Cook kept.' j Sl ate waire« 3Yisutanee \ LL classes of Plumbing, Ga^-Fitting, nell Street. Large or small quantities eipected. Must be undet 25 years . A etc., done at Moderate Pncee by supplied. i Apply to Dr V . y. Delano^ Ljiupford. Murphy.Excbange St. All work! guaran- ^anks, Coan •noa. Personal supervision on all jobs INSOLES f«.r Boota and iShoeB. TTITANTED -Ludy Clerk ;; rtiUrft write a estimates WARM ana" free. Chest Protectors , Body Belt?, VV'jTood haml . <|iiick and, hicurat* at PATRIOTIC Foot Warmers Best Value at George essential THE , fi gures , pr. vioii-' expfrieiic diners. ; PIPE Stems and Cleaners. A Variety White and Sons, Ltd , Family Chemists with cop ies of cjlisfUa ^o? , Ratine Important to Far anad Others CO., Ltd. ' IK? Quay, and Q'Connell AJ&ply. ASSURANCE at Hunt s , O'Oonnell Street. - %vfien dlscncML""!. j ind' salnln (oiiti l-.orl CITY AND COUNTRY LOAN COMPANY, LIMITED ACCIDENT, WORKMEN'S Street . THE ' FIRE, I Apply, 8,-il , thi? Office ~ for ^^ STREET , WATERFORD! ||! COMPENSATION and BURGLARY . O'CONNELL j 1 INSURANCE. , Fanners Sho] >keeperj CAPITAL FULLY PAID, £100.000. upETHSEMANE . the womk rful Makf CASH ADVANCES daily to Ladiei, Gentlem m ,] Office 1 VTpjoturp with, Christmas ! Ciitliolic Governnient Officia s, and?all Tesponsibii Registered and Head mimmi m m^MMMa^^a,lm^ ¦¦L STREET, DUBLIN. Firosidc. Hitnt n , Quay, and (D'C^nnHI and Dis- —^ ^ i^ pursona, i in any part of llrelj and, ;bj I.
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