Document of The World Bank FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' FILECOWPY Public Disclosure Authorized Report No. 4901-BEN Public Disclosure Authorized STAFF APPRAISAL REPORT BENIN THIRD FEEDER ROADS PROJECT Public Disclosure Authorized April 27, 1984 Public Disclosure Authorized West Africa Projects Department Transportation II This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS Currency Unit = CFA Franc (CFAF) US$1.0 = CFAF 418 CFAF 1 million = US$2,592 SYSTEMS OF WEIGHTS AND MEASIJRES: METRIC Metric British/US Equivalents 1 meter (m) 35.28 feet (ft) 2 1 square meter (m ) = 10.76 square feet (sq. ft.,) 1 cubic meter (m3) 35.30 cubic feet (cu. ft.) 1 kilometer (km) = 0.62 mile (mi) 2 1 square kilometer (km ) = 0.39 square mile (sq. mi) 1 hectare (ha) = 2.47 acres 1 metric ton (m ton) = 2,205 pounds (lb) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS CARDER - Regional Development Agency (Centre d'Action Regionale pour le Developpement Economique Rural) CNAERDR - Rural Road Development and Maintenance Coordinating Committee (Comite National d'Amenagement et d'Entretien des Routes de Desserte Rurale) CNERTP - National Soils Laboratory (Centre National d'Essais et de Recherches des Travaux Publics) DEP - Directorate of Studies and Planning (Direction des Etudes et de la Programmation) DPTP - Provincial Directorate of Public Works (Direction Provinciale des Travaux Publics) DROA - Directorate of Roads and Bridges (Direction des Routes et Ouvrages d'Art) EDF - European Development Fund FRMS - Feeder Roads Maintenance Section MTC - Ministry of Transport and Communications (Ministere des Transports et des Communications) MTPCH - Ministry of Public Works, Construction and Housing (Ministere des Travaux Publics, de la Construction et de 1'Habitat) OCBN - Benin-Niger Railway (Organisation Commune Benin-Niger) PPF - Project Preparation Facility SEMTP - Equipment Maintenance Division (Service d'Entretien du Materiel des Travaux Publics) SER - Road Maintenance Division (Service d'Entretien des Routes) SERC - Division of Studies, Planning and Control (Service des Etudes, de la Reglementation et du Controle) SRDR - Feeder Roads Division (Service des Routes de Desserte Rurale) UNCDF - United Nations Capital Development Fund FISCAL YEAR January 1 - December 51 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY BENIN STAFF APPRAISAL REPORT THIRD FEEDER ROADS PROJECT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page DOCUMENTS IN PROJECT FILE .......................................... (i) CREDIT AND PROJECT SUIMARY ......................................... (iii) I. INTRODUCTION ................................................ 1 A. General ................................................. 1 B. Economic Setting ........................................ 2 C. Agriculture ............................................. 3 D. Past and Future IDA Assistance .......................... 4 II. THE TRANSPORT SECTOR ........................................ 6 A. The Transport System.................................... 6 B. The Road Transport Sub-Sector ........................... 7 III. THE PROJECT .............................. 16 A. Objectives....................... 16 B. Project Description ....................... 17 C. Cost Estimate....................... 21 D. Financing Plan ....................... 22 E. Implementation ....................... 23 F. Procurement ....................... 23 G. Disbursements ....................... 24 H. Reporting and Auditing ....................... 25 IV. ECONOMIC EVALUATION ......................................... 25 A. General ..................................... 25 B. Benefits and Beneficiaries .............................. 26 C. Economic Analysis . 27 V. AGREEMENTS REACHED ................................ 30 The project was prepared by the Feeder Roads Division (SRDR) with help from the technical assistance team provided by Scott, Wilson, Kirkpatrick and Partners (U.K.) under the Second Feeder Roads Project (Credit 1090-BEN). Mr. Paul Van Bronswyk (Agronomist) of the Netherlands Volunteers' Organization in Cotonou contributed significantly toward collecting and analyzing field data. The pro- posed project was appraised in May 1983 by an IDA team comprising Messrs. Kuldeep Ohbi (Economist), Louis Lekeux (Engineer) and Ms. Cynthia Cook (Sociologist). Mr. Henri Beenhakker was the mission's adviser. This re-ort was prepared by Messrs. Ohbi, Lekeux and Cisse (Engineer). Secretarial work was done by Ms. M. Griest and Mr. W. Kline. This documenthas a restricteddistribution and may be used by recipients only in the performanceof their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without WorldBank authorization. Table of Contents (Continued) ANNIEXES 2-1 Road Construction and Maintenance Expenditures and their Financing 2-2 SRDR Past Expenditures 2-3 Estimated Recovery of Recurrent Costs on Roads 2-4 Indicative List of the Equipment Composing the Different Types of Brigades 3-1 First, Second and Third-Year Programs 3-2 Socio-Economic Impact Study: Terms of Reference 3-3 Action Plan for Feeder Roads Maintenance and its Financing 3-4 Equipment to be Purchased 3-5 Technical Assistance: Terms of Reference 3-6 Training Program 3-7 Project Cost Summary 3-8 Implementation Schedule of the First Year 3-9 Implementation Schedule 3-10 Schedule of Disbursements 4-1 Key Assumptions in the Economic Analysis 4-2 Estimates of Marketable Agricultural Surpluses 4-3 Estimates of Area Cultivated (1980-81) 4-4 Summary of Costs and Benefits (First Year Program) 4-5 Sensitivity of the ERR to Changes in Underlying Assumptions MAPS 7BR'D 17313R (i) BENIN THIRD FEEDER ROADS PROJECT DOCUMENTS IN THE PROJECT FILE INFORi4ATIONCENTER CODE: DOC. #129 519 Ref. No. Document 1. SRDR, Deuxieme Rapport Economique Intermediaire (Methode d'Evaluation et Routes Evaluees), Rapport NO. 81042/34, March 1981. 2. SRDR, Troisieme Rapport Economique, December 1982. 3. SRDR, Proposition pour le Troisieme Projet de Routes de Desserte Rurales, undated. 4. SRDR/Centre d'Appui au Developpement, Etude de l'Impact Socio-Economique de l'Amelioration des Routes Rurales, May 1983. 5. SRDR, Propositions des Etudes de l'Impact Socio-Economique des Routes Rurales pour le Troisieme Projet, undated. 6. SRDR, Reseau Routier Rural de la Republique Populaire du Benin (Liste des 10.000 km de piste identifiees par les CARDERS), undated. 7. SRDR, Sommaire du Reseau Routier de la RPB, undated. 8. SRDR, Besoins en Infrastructure Routiere Rurale et Routes Selectionnees pour le Troisieme Projet Routes de Desserte Rurales, undated. 9. Presidence de la RPB, Decret No. 81-452 du 30 Decembre 1981 portant creation du CNAERDR, December 1981. 10. SRDR, Organisation du Service des Routes de Desserte Rurales December 1982. 11. Centre d'Appui, Etude Pilote de l'Impact Socio-Economique de l'Am!&liorationdes Routes Rurales: 2eme Rapport Trimestriel, December 1982. (ii) 12. Scott Wilson, Kirkpatrick and Partners, Project Preparation Documents, undated. 13. SRDR, Division Economique, Manuel Administratif, March 1983. 14. Finagnon IMIathias OKE, Universite Nationale du IB6nin, Dept. de Recherche en Sciences Humaines et Sociales, Etude du milieu: cas de projet de route rurale APLAHOUE-ATOME- ASONDOGQUIN, 1 983. 15. Ministry of Rural Development, "Evolution of Agricultural Production, 1969/70, 1981/82, May 1983. 16. Conversion factors for cereal equivalents, September 1983. 17. Various working papers on demography, coordination, training, socio-economic impact, local participation and benefits and beneficiairies, undated. 18. Philibert Alexis Quenum, Universite Nationale du B3n,n: Faculte des sciences juridiques, economiques et politiques, l'Efficacite des routes de desserte rurales dans l'economie Beninoise - memoire de maltrise es-sciences economiques, 1982. 19. Benin - Country Economic Memorandum (in four volumes), August 1983. 20. Benin - Transport Sector Strategy Paper, November 1983. 21. Details of Calculations of Economic Rates of Return, November 1983. 22. MTPCH, Direction des Routes et Ponts, Division des Routes de Desserte Rurales, Details types des ouvrages et des profils routiers, undated. 23. MTPCH, Direction des routes et ouvrages d'art, Service des routes de desserte rurales, Deuxieme projet de routes de desserte rurales, Etude de l'impact socio-economique de l'amelioration des routes rurales, volume de donnees complementaires et annexes, December 1983. WAPT2 Apr. 1984 (iii) PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF BENIN THIRD FEEDER ROADS PROJECT CREDIT AND PROJECT SUMMARY Borrower: The People's Republic of Benin. Beneficiary: Feeder Roads Division (SRDR) of the Ministry of Public Works, Constructior and Housing (MTPCH). IDA Credit Amount: SDR 5.7 million (US$6.0 million equivalent). Special Fund Credit: SDR 5.7 million (US$6.0 million equivalent). Terms: Standard IDA terms Project Description: The major objectives of the project are to: (a) support rural development through the construction/improvement and maintenance of feeder roads; (b) improve the local planning, coordination and work execution capacity; and (c) test the effectiveness of complementing feeder roads construction with upgrading some contiguous footpaths to trafficable low standard tracks. To achieve these ob- jectives, the project would consist of: (a) construc- tion/improvement of: (i) 840 km of feeder roads; and (ii) on a pilot basis, low standard tracks connecting some remote villages to these feeder roads; (b) main- tenance of about 2,000 km of
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