Rowde - Burials 1774 - 1812

Rowde - Burials 1774 - 1812

Rowde - Burials 1774 - 1812 Age at Date of Place of Surname of Given Names of Officiating Year Date Surname Given Names Residence Status Notes Death Death Burial Next of Kin Next of Kin Minister 1774 02-Jun Grant Matilda Rowde 1774 04-Jul Webb Eliazer Rowde Infant 1774 23-Jul West Jane Rowde 1774 23-Jul Baily Sarah Devizes St John Rowde Baily Eliz. Base born 1774 01-Aug Dyke Elizabeth Rowde Infant 1774 04-Aug Springford Richard Rowde Springford Eliz. Base born 1774 20-Aug Singar Betty Rowde Infant 1774 13-Sep Shell Sarah Rowde 1774 08-Oct Smith Jane Rowde 1774 30-Oct Helps Absalom Rowde Helps David & Rebeckah son 1774 04-Nov Buckland Martha Rowde Buckland James wife 1774 12-Nov Dyke Robert Rowde Infant 1774 27-Nov Cutting Rebeckah Rowde Infant 1774 08-Dec Rawlings Eleanor Rowde Infant 1774 10-Dec Cove Ann Rowde 1775 12-Feb Howell Edward Rowde 1775 15-Feb Webb Thomas 12-Feb Rowde 1775 24-Feb Rudman Elizabeth Rowde Rudman William & Caroline daughter 1775 12-Mar Drake Jane Rowde Infant 1775 25-Apr Baily Mary Rowde Baily Richard daughter 1775 14-May Gee John Rowde 1775 13-Jun Hitchence Hannah Rowde 1775 08-Jul Ferris Thomas (Snr) Rowde 1775 17-Jul Ferris John Rowde Ferris Thomas & Elizabeth son 1775 31-Jul Newman Mary Rowde widow 1775 01-Sep Bolwell Jonathan Rowde 1775 13-Sep Potton Mary Rowde Potton William wife 1775 28-Sep Blanchard John Rowde Blanchard John & Ruth son 1775 03-Oct Somers John Rowde Infant 1775 05-Nov Norrington William Rowde 1775 12-Nov Greenaway Thomas Rowde Greenaway Ann son Base born 1775 16-Nov Burtchall William Rowde 1775 24-Dec Baily Dinah Rowde Baily George wife 1775 30-Dec Sowdernwood Elizabeth Rowde Sowdernwood Francis wife 1776 10-Jan Brewer Richard Rowde 1776 22-Jan Love Ann Rowde Love Job wife 1776 26-Jan Rudman Sarah Rowde Rudman Nicholas wife 1776 15-Feb Delme John (Mr, Esq) 08-Feb Rowdford Rowde 1776 18-Mar Love Job 15-Mar Rowde 1776 19-Mar Painter John 16-Mar Rowde 1776 22-Mar Toggwell Thomas 21-Mar Rowde "Warfernig Man" 1776 21-Apr Bushell Thomas 19-Apr Rowde Bushell Ephraim & Elizabeth son 1776 18-Jun Helps Jeremiah 15-Jun Rowde 1776 06-Aug Dally Ann Rowde Dally John wife "in the Small Pox" copyright © Wiltshire OPC Project / John Pope / 2014 Page 1 of 16 Rowde - Burials 1774 - 1812 Age at Date of Place of Surname of Given Names of Officiating Year Date Surname Given Names Residence Status Notes Death Death Burial Next of Kin Next of Kin Minister 1776 10-Aug Singar Ann Rowde Infant 1776 10-Aug Peade Ann Parish of Broomham Rowde 1776 29-Aug Dyke Rachal 27-Aug Rowde Dyke Thos. wife "in the Small Pox" 1776 10-Sep Springford Elizabeth 09-Sep Rowde Springford John wife "in the Small Pox" 1776 10-Sep Deveral Sarah 09-Sep Rowde Deveral John & Mary daughter "in the Small Pox" 1776 14-Sep Biggs Sarah Sophia 12-Sep Rowde Biggs John & Ann daughter "in the Small Pox" 1776 20-Sep Shell Richard Rowde Shell Richd & Jone daughter "in the Small Pox" 1776 21-Sep Gingell Sarah 20-Sep Rowde Gingell John & Ann daughter "in the Small Pox" 1776 23-Sep Drew Martha Rowde Drew John & Ann daughter "in the Small Pox" 1776 23-Sep Gingell Ann Rowde Gingell James & Mary daughter "in the Small Pox" 1776 25-Sep Slade Joseph (Snr) Rowde "in the Small Pox" 1776 26-Sep Hitchence Isaac 25-Sep Rowde Hitchence Georg & Mary daughter "in the Small Pox" 1776 07-Oct Webb Sarah 06-Oct Rowde Webb William & Elizabeth daughter "in the Small Pox" 1776 15-Oct Drake James 13-Oct Rowde Drake James & Rebeckah son "in the Small Pox" 1776 27-Oct Baily Thomas 25-Oct Rowde Infant, 1776 28-Oct Gidings Rebecca 27-Oct Rowde Gidings Robert & Rebecca daughter 1776 28-Oct Price John Rowde Price Ann son 1776 05-Nov Hambley Ann 02-Nov Rowde Hambley Auther & Sarah daughter 1776 19-Nov Eally Elizabeth Barwick Bassett Rowde Eally John & Sarah daughter 1776 29-Nov Paradice Mary Rowde Paradice Henery & Mary daughter 1776 05-Dec Drew Anthony 02-Dec Rowde "in the Small Pox" 1777 02-Jan Drew Martha 01-Jan Rowde "in the Small Pox" 1777 23-Jan Gidence Mary 22-Jan Rowde Maiden Woman 1777 08-Feb Dally Rebeckah 06-Feb Rowde Infant 1777 23-Feb Singar Mary 21-Feb Rowde Singar Stephen & Elizabeth daughter 1777 22-Apr Bailey George 21-Apr Rowde 1777 27-Apr Rudman Nicholas 25-Apr Rowde "Master Singer in Rowde" 1777 02-May Notten George Rowde Notten William & Margaret daughter 1777 08-May Bushell Margarert 06-May Rowde Infant 1777 20-Jun Sumers Kezia Rowde Infant 1777 21-Jun Norrington Thomas 19-Jun Rowde William & Grace son 1777 24-Jun Drake Martha 22-Jun Rowde Drake Daniel & Elizabeth daughter 1777 01-Aug Bright Thomas 29-Jul Rowde Rowde 1777 05-Aug Perrett John 02-Aug Rowde Perrett William & Jane son 1777 06-Aug Rawlings Eleanor 04-Aug Rowde Infant 1777 28-Aug Brewer William Rowde 1777 10-Oct Dally Stephen Rowde Dally Stephen & Elizabeth son 1777 12-Nov Churchill Margaret 09-Nov Rowde 1777 16-Nov Dally Martha 14-Nov Rowde Dally William & Martha daughter 1777 14-Dec Webb Susanna 11-Dec Rowde widow 1778 16-Apr Maslen Binjamin Rowde Maslen William & Eleanor son 1778 30-Apr Dyke William 28-Apr Rowde Dyke Thomas & Rachal daughter 1778 19-May Deveral Elizabeth 17-May Rowde Deveral John & Mary daughter 1778 20-May Ellison Ann 17-May Box Lunatic Ayslum Rowde copyright © Wiltshire OPC Project / John Pope / 2014 Page 2 of 16 Rowde - Burials 1774 - 1812 Age at Date of Place of Surname of Given Names of Officiating Year Date Surname Given Names Residence Status Notes Death Death Burial Next of Kin Next of Kin Minister 1778 15-Sep Baily Susanna Ivy 11-Sep Rowde Baily Mary daughter 1778 27-Sep Philks Thos. 24-Sep Rowde Infant 1778 25-Oct West Moses Rowde 1778 03-Nov Miles William Rowde Infant 1778 13-Nov Johnsons Elizabeth Rowde 1778 25-Dec Blanchard Margarett 21-Dec Rowde 1779 05-Jan Baily Ralph 03-Jan Rowde killed by a gun 1779 30-Jan Mathews Mary Rowde 1779 02-Feb Stretch Elizabeth 30-Jan Rowde 1779 23-Feb Hitchence Jane 21-Feb Rowde 1779 22-Mar Cromwell Phillip 19-Mar Rowde 1779 14-Apr Crouch Ann 11-Apr Rowde Crouch William & Mary daughter 1779 17-May Harrisson William Rowde 1779 18-May Moor Elizabeth Rowde Moor Sam wife 1779 20-Jun Drake Ann 18-Jun Rowde Drake James & Rebeckah daughter 1779 24-Jun Drake Lucy 22-Jun Rowde Drake James & Rebeckah daughter 1779 14-Jul Pritchard William Rowde 1779 15-Jul Baily Jemima Rowde Infant 1779 27-Jul Greenland Easther Rowde 1779 28-Aug Love John Rowde Infant Private Baptised 1779 01-Sep Dyke Elizabeth Rowde Dyke Robert wife 1779 04-Sep Read Richard 01-Sep Rowde 1779 14-Sep Dyk Charles 12-Sep Rowde Infant 1779 24-Sep Brown Thomas (Jnr) 20-Sep Rowde 1779 24-Oct Cove Ann 86 21-Oct Rowde 1779 13-Dec Young Thomas 11-Dec Rowde 1779 21-Dec Baster William 18-Dec Rowde 1780 02-Jan Dally Elizabeth Rowde Drake Jas. Senr daughter 1780 03-Jan Cove Sarah 01-Jan Rowde Cove William daughter 1780 17-Jan Johnsons William 15-Jan Rowde 1780 23-Jan Cutting Emanuel 21-Jan Rowde Infant 1780 27-Jan Bishop Sarah 24-Jan Rowde Bishop Nathaniel & Mary daughter 1780 03-Mar Offer Ann Rowde Offer Robert wife 1780 08-Mar Wootten Hannah 05-Mar Rowde 1780 02-Apr Walker Sarah 31-Mar Rowde Walker Allen & Ann daughter 1780 16-Apr Blanchard Sarah 12-Apr Rowde Blanchard John & Ruth daughter 1780 30-Apr Grant Elizabeth 27-Apr Rowde 1780 03-May Harper Elizabeth 01-May Rowde 1780 21-May Sumer Dinah Rowde Infant 1780 28-May Bonfield Jane 25-May Rowde 1780 03-Jul Spencer Sarah 30-Jun Rowde Farm Rowde "with a fall from her horse" 1780 18-Jul Webb Thomas 15-Jul Rowde 1780 30-Jul Drew Martha Rowde Infant 1780 04-Sep Hamblen Sarah Rowde Infant copyright © Wiltshire OPC Project / John Pope / 2014 Page 3 of 16 Rowde - Burials 1774 - 1812 Age at Date of Place of Surname of Given Names of Officiating Year Date Surname Given Names Residence Status Notes Death Death Burial Next of Kin Next of Kin Minister 1780 10-Sep Sowdernwood John Rowde Infant 1780 29-Nov Fishlock Robt. Rowde 1780 11-Dec Helps Rachall 07-Dec Rowde 1781 16-Jan Wilmott Ann 14-Jan Rowde Infant 1781 24-Jan Wilmott Mary 21-Jan Rowde Infant 1781 01-Apr Clark William 29-Mar Rowde 1781 06-May Cromwell Jemima 04-May Rowde 1781 08-Jul Ferris Thomas (Jnr) 05-Jul Rowde 1781 18-Jul Capon Henery 16-Jul Rowde Capon Henery & Ann son s/o Henery (Soldier) and Ann 1781 05-Aug Baily Esther Rowde 1781 08-Oct Hort Reuben Rowde Infant 1781 07-Oct Self Catherine 04-Oct Rowde 1781 18-Nov Adlam Daniel ? Nov Rowde 1781 02-Dec Drew Martha 30-Nov Rowde Infant 1782 02-Jan Jefferrye Benjamin Rowde Jefferrye Edward son 1782 16-Jan Bushell Silas 14-Jan Rowde 1782 -- Feb Monday Jane Rowde Infant 1782 23-Feb Baily James Rowde Baily Ann son Base born 1782 03-Mar Bushell Sarah 01-Mar Rowde Drake James daughter 1782 31-Mar Baily Ann 29-Mar Rowde 1782 16-Apr Sowdernwod Elizabeth 14-Apr Rowde 1782 22-Apr Ferris Thomas 19-Apr Rowde 1782 28-Apr Weston Jane 25-Apr Rowde 1782 06-May Knee Stephen 04-May Rowde 1782 23-Jun Moor Charity 21-Jun Rowde 1782 28-Jun Cove William Rowde 1782 30-Jun Hitchence John (Mr) Rowde Churchwarden 1782 30-Jun Helps Richard (Jnr) Rowde 1782 16-Jul Stump Mary 14-Jul Broomham Rowde Stump Richard wife 1782 05-Nov Greenland Ann 01-Nov Rowde 1782 17-Oct Dyke Sarah Rowde Infant 1782 22-Nov Webb Eliazer 19-Nov Rowde 1782 29-Dec Helps Jones Rowde 1783 06-Jan Pritchard Thomas Rowde 1783 22-Jan Blanchard James 19-Jan Rowde Blanchard John & Ruth grnson 1783 24-Jan Stevens Ann 20-Jan Rowde Stevens Robert wife 1783 10-Mar Moor Samuell 07-Mar Rowde 1783 30-Mar Dally Sophia Rowde Dally William & Martha daughter 1783 10-Apr Cove William Rowde Infant 1783 25-Apr Hamblen Edward Rowde 1783 03-May Butcher Philip Rowde 1783 21-May Newman Mary Rowde 1783 23-May

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