November "~9 The · \ J A. Yoj)EII!: 8£AV~.e fA1I5, PA . Jvl.Y 1,8'7 o;;/';IBv,C. 7'100.6 IC.-H:r IN THIS ISSUE: DiaLogs by Kirk Baxter .......•.•• page 2 Bust of Alpha 66 by Don Bishop ••• page 9 ': covert Corner by Harry HelllS • •. page · n Veried Response by John Arthur • page 14 Los HUieros update by Havana Roon page 19 DX Clipboard by Andrew Yoder ••••• page 23 Letters to tbe Editor .•.••....... page 24 Solution to puzzle by !ark Pierce page 27 DI.Log_ by Kirk er 7111 in addition ???" Abruptly off air @ 0003. PSE OSLo (ROSS,ONT) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••••• 7415, 10/2, 0412+. Good reception at beginning. Hrd one mention of • • lroMI t o t he Novellber DiaLogs column. I appr en l,. lie qreat "Cape Cod Radio"" at end hrd mention of test best ot "East Coast lOCJQllnQI I have been receiving over the last hw .un .... if you Raaio." Rpts to ACE. PSE OSLo (SPooNER,MA) 7474v, 10/ 8, ha ve n ' t. tt.. n l1untrlbutLng, start sending in your pirelte In" lntl. If 0314-0400., 510-444. Powerhouse until clobbered by AA stn at 0322. vou .r. un. or the (J ontributors to the DiaLogs colUmn k ••p Up the Rock classicsi some audio distortion. IS was beautiful chord on harp , I DOd Wlif " I A nnpv or the logging form was prlnta.. II the rpted many times. (PYM,DC) 7474, 10/8, 0316-0322+, SI0"'422. +20 sig eent.rro ld" CI ' th_ Ciu t oba r I • • ue. If you need copies ot the 10991"9 here, but boomy audio, muffled mike. Severe intermittent ute ORM . tori, pl ••••••nd I n . " 111 tn the address given below. Hendrix 'CCR. 2 clear IDs. Much dead air. AA stn on 0322 LoQ9 n9' l ui be • I lVl d at P. O. Box 11201, Shawnee H1 •• 10n, XS obliterated reception. (SMITH,NY) 7477, 10/8, 0319-0322, SIOa555. ' ta07-0J OI nn I herar. t he aft th o r the month in order to be oertain Best pirate sig hrd here! Clear 'strong. CCR "Fortunate Son"" that thl Y will H Inu lude" In the f Ollowing month's bulletin. In 10.. muzak version of "Yellow Submarine." Send info to ACE . 100 watts. 0 • ••• , IOYU 1ny ••, .1.., ... I.t.r •• V h. Inc luc1ec1 if space permits and if PSE OSLo (ALLINSON,NC) 7442.2, 10/8, 2006-2052*, SID-544. Rock incl .V anh. du • I I OWl , "Magic Bus", "Talk About Last Night," etc. QSLs via ACE BBS (ANARC w. wo uld 1 0 •• L.n a u. thin '" t u I.• r, V Mlll. r o f Monitoring Timos BBS), the ACE 'POpCOMm. Ended w/ "That's about all for this xmsn of t or hi. abeu t h e All I. w. h lY. h ltl ••v l ral inquiries and East Coast Pirate Radio." PSE OSLo (RICHOLSON,VA) 7445, 10/9, 2130- I r •• ut ul hi .rt l llll. II nw. vlr, v. now face a 2135*, SI0;;555. "Riders on the Storm" by Doors. Great sig. Logs to wi h ....uu 0Y'f"'thllUU".. I\. • • • ,.11 hat the ACE. (YOOER,WV) 7442.3, 10/15, 2114, 510=444. Classical 1IlX incl Ttl. "nil'. 1 , .... VI. \ hl t he ,*,.(1• • no Lon;.r William Tell Overture. Test xmsn. To be an 11m test on 26048 next will nl .In ti n I ny hine I hlm our 1ub. My weekend. No maildrop; will QSL logs on ACE BBS or ACE Bulletin if a n , • WI V, bu r 'd 11hl t n I.k I V. ryan. who addr given. PSE OSLo (ZELLER,OH) 7442.2, 10/21, 2231-2258*, SI0=433. lub.crlbe. a 2Q 0 hi. I • d r I. t .r •• vlng thl t rou WI I H h, Test xmsn w/ rock mx & freq IDs. OSLs offered via P. O. 8. 6527, would etvi ' 0.' . , nt lon at a ur lub wh. n ha d •• I. with p i I •• In bi. Baltimore, MO 21219 for 3 stamps. (R1CHOLSON,VA) 7442, 10/21, 2237- .Iv.. ln. My think. t o . v. ryon. In .,1v."1 I r llt hl l p ln" wi h thl •• l 2258*, 510=233. Hx from Jeff Airplane, Hendrix, etc. Test anncd w/ A• ••ntloned In l • • t lonth'. " I U. WI .r. t.h ln, ~~ ADI for it.as Baltimore addr. ECPR noted briefly earlier on 2138-2142. on same for • • 1. or wlntl d by o ur ....t .. rah I." Th ..... will be un o n I lpace freq . (SMITH,NY) 7445, 10/ 21, 2240-2258, 510=434. Mx by Airplane, IV11hbl. bl. l l , Ind I hould (Jnul. ln vmu n ••• , ... •••• pI'Ian. nu.ber Talking Heads, etc. Baltimore addr & 10 between every song • • 0 thlt you oan be can lot . d , Thl • • c • • wll n. ~ 1. a a ot as a (YODER,WV) .111drop for ad. S.nd your I dvi l ••••n I • h~ , Iuh "Q I ddr'I •• OUr thank. to Hark PI. r ol tor the fl r n, • ..,rd p,,",. wh la" r ln 1n the Free Radio one: 7415, 9/2, 2300-2312*. OM w/ political talk' OCtober i l sue (wLth th, anaw. r pr tnu I1 lhl l . lIIlth) . " •• , thanks to commentary. Spot for "The Justice Times." (ROSS,ONT) 7415, 10/1, the .any that • • nt 1n phptooopl •• u t 'ho l r UM I•• t ilt .....o ver of the *0115-0119*, 510;;423+. On & off; QRMing CHGO. OM says "Free R. One A·C·I. We continul to W. 1COIIII t • .tur • • • , .rll ', li l111 Irll'i' .veryone testing from St. Joe, Mich." No pgming. (ZELLER,OH) 7415, 10/9, 1638- to ••nd copi•• of the ir c arda t o r tutur. ..•• Ih . ItU 1.1 . n. 1650*, 510=252. Usual 2 OM interview abt the book "Tax Scamll which ••••••••••••• * •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ****.* can be ordered at 800-528-0559. OR addr. Anncd immediate test on NORTH AM ERI CA .. 1I0IllTWAY" 4005 kHz. (ZELLER,OH) 4005, 10/ 9, 1650-1653., 510=252-. Test w/ dead .* •••• * •••••• * •••••••• *.* •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• ****.*. air & YL w/ OR addr. Sig weaker, but audible w/ 10. LSB test not s::IKiQ: 7415, 10/1, 0029-0 ;Z OD . PlAyon 10 • (It u l . .. •••iv. rock & hrd. (ZELLER,OH) 7415 , 10/ 15, 0032-0039*, 510=322+. Anti- u s ~ gov 't & some jazz. Voice more mUffled tha n MN, r r ••••d l n n. I .rted on top IRS remarks. First time for mx, a folk ballad anti-IRS. (ZELLER,OE) of CHGO at 01:;;Oi f ortunate ly CItOO (luut l1 a t III ... h • ( I ACHS,IL) 7415, 10/20, 1912-1914+, SI0~ 152. Strange log for an early Fri 7414.9v, 10/1, 0029-01 24+, 910- 43 )-, "Utili, II v ••• 1••• to ne., Pink afternoon. Found it because I was testing new headphones. (YODER,WV) Floyd & Jeff Airplane. Me llow tal ka hy nM , r'lU I r •• ,.. In WHSB slop & RTTY ORM. Sig hits 5 9+5 000. H)( ~U lllt , 1111 IH I. ,up)' o n talk . No Hope Radjo 16 America: 7374.5, 10/7, 1914-1922., *1929+, 2004-2047*, addr . OJ wa a Lon; John 9 ilva , . ( Zr: I.I.IM, CIIIl 1111.7, 10/15 , 0236- 510=555. 1st hrd w/ Led Zep guitar riff for test' set-up. After 0255*. SI0- 423 . oe " t " " J a tr Alqll lu,. 111 M. m.d II " HaO, Ch1cago's 2000, Manner anned debut pgm. Logs from April 89 "Pirate's Den." Al t ernat ive R. Andi e ao VOOd, It' . ..vulllll nnlry ." gilT . l d-.onVI good. Read Kneitel's editorial abt RNI. Tech pgm abt dipoles. Hrd again on thinq a . Portuo ••• Na vy Hl' rN M'l'TV ell" •• 1111 1 1" a t. UU •• would have 7358 from 2208 to 0000 when lost to WANO. 7374, 10/7, *2001-2046*, o l o bberod It . QltM d. I.Op. M. l tl - l.n/1 te c' •• " ••1 1.d I nr • y . No addr. 510=454. Lots ot Led Zep mx. Pirate News from year-old "Pirates Den" (ZELLER,OII) 740Uv, 10/U , O /J O l- O ~II, Mu m". lnn l ....hi . IIIlbb1t" by column. Treatise on dipole antenna. Began & ended w/ "Black Mountain Ai r- pl.ne, Cl . ' ••d OTII o r out.kl" . II r c'hl ua",n. An vo" . h a y • • n addr? Side" by zep. (SMITH,NY) 7375, 10/ 7, 2008-2200+, SI0=444. Played ( I ACH8 ,IL) 7400, 10/ 15, O "OJ"O~ 4U f. • • • • Iy Ulu9 h thi. on. due to guitar I S for almost an hour before pgm began. Claimed rights being QAM / QRM . lI.aU •• , A 'H , ••• g i l. ( II'OO" •• ,MA) taken away by the corporate elite. pathetic OX pgm. (PYM,DC) 7374, 10/7, 2008-2046., 510=555. Incredible sig, no fading. MJ has good vx "It epe8t. ptrlt.. "dtg II. pee.,qu. " 74 lev, 10/1-.2 , 2303- 0003*, & seems to be trying hard, but needs more current "pirate news." PSE SI0- 4,4. , Tull . on9., 2 Alioe Cooper, 3 Stone. , 3 B• • tle., .tc. OSLo (YODER,WV) 7374.7, 10/7, 2021- 2046*, 510=333. "Debut best" de Dead air betw.en 80nge. OM talked twioe. At 2331, "Ea.t Coaat Radio, Hope Radio 16 America. "Dedicated to free speech", "this is freedom 7415." At ORT a nncd as test w/ apparent phony addr incl "Byers Hall, for the Constitution ..
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