SAINT CATHERINE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY COMUNIDAD CATÓLICA DE SANTA CATALINA We, at St. Catherine Parish, are a grow- ing, diverse, and welcoming Catholic Community, called to live and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ through Worship, Discipleship and Service. La Parroquia de Santa Catalina de Alejan- dría, es una comunidad en crecimiento, acogedora y diversa, llamada a vivir y proclamar la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo por medio de la Oración, el Discipulado y el Servicio. TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME / VIGÉSIMO-SEGUNDO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO From the Desk of Fr. Russ Roide, SJ….. MASSES / MISAS Dear parishioners, Monday-Saturday: 8:15am Pope Francis brought a new devotion to the church following his election Saturday: 5:30pm as Pope. When he was a Jesuit priest, before becoming an auxiliary Bishop of Sábado: 7:00pm Buenos Aires and then the Cardinal Archbishop, he studied in Germany. Only in Sunday: 7:15, 8:45, 10:30am th 5:30pm the 20 century did the devotion become known in the rest of the world. He Domingo: 12:15pm brought the devotion of “Our Lady Untier of Knots” from Germany to Argentina, then to Rome and now to the world. CONFESSION / CONFESIÓN One of the images brought by Jorge Mario Bergoglio to Buenos Aires was Saturday / Sábado: 4:00 - placed in the rectory of the Colegio del Salvador, the Jesuit school founded in the 5:00pm (Or by appointment / Argentine capital in 1868. In 1996, with the permission of the Cardinal Archbishop, O hacer una cita.) Antonio Quarrancino, at that time, Fr. Rodolfo Arroyo, the parish priest of San Jo- ADORACIÓN /ADORATION se del Talar, decided to spread the devotion to Mary untier of knots in his parish Wednesday / Miércoles 6:30pm 1st Friday - 24 Hours which is located northwest of the Argentine …..(Continued on Page 3…) 17400 Peak Avenue Desde el escritorio del P. Russ…... Morgan Hill, CA 95037 Queridos feligreses, El Papa Francisco ha traído una nueva devoción a la iglesia desde su elección como (408) 779-3959 Papa. Cuando fue sacerdote jesuita antes de convertirse en obispo auxiliar de Bue- Fax: (408) 779-0289 nos Aires y luego en cardenal arzobispo, estudió en Alemania. Sólo en el siglo XX la devoción emergió para ser conocida en el resto del mundo. Él trajo la devoción de www.stca.org "Nuestra Señora Desatadora de nudos" de Alemania a Argentina, luego a Roma y Email: [email protected] ahora al mundo. Una de las imágenes traídas por Jorge Mario Bergoglio a Buenos Aires fue colocada Catechetical Ministry en la rectoría del Colegio del Salvador, la escuela jesuita fundada en la capital argen- (408) 779-9604 tina en 1868. En 1996, con la autorización del Cardenal Arzobispo Antonio Quarran- cino, en ese tiempo, Fr. Rodolfo Arroyo, párroco de San José del Talar, decidió difun- St. Catherine School dir la devoción a María desata nudos en su parroquia que se ubica al noroeste de la (408) 779-9950 capital argentina y se alza sobre las primeras casas jesuitas antes de que la Compa- ñía de Jesús fuera expulsada de América del Sur en l767. (Continuado en www.stcatherinemh.org Pagina 5…) IGLESIA DE SANTA CATALINA September 2/3, 2017 SAINT CATHERINE CHURCH Septiembre 2/3, 2017 Rectory Office Hours / Horarios de la Rectoría THE WEEK AHEAD/LA SEMANA PRÓXIMA Monday - Friday (Lunes - Viernes) Sunday/Domingo, September 3 8:00am - 12:00pm, 1:00 - 7:00pm 7:00-1:00pm CR1-4,Kit Hospitality Saturday (Sábado) 8:00-12:00pm NUR Bright Begginings Nursery Closed/Cerrado 3:30-5:30pm CH Worship Band & Singers Sunday (Domingo) 5:00-7:00pm Rm.8 Clase de Biblia Closed/Cerrado 7:00-9:00pm MC Life Teen Youth Group Monday/Lunes, September 4 Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral PARICH OFFICE CLOSED Fr. Jeronimo Gutierrez, Pastor - [email protected] 6:00-7:00pm CR3-4&Kit Community Supper Fr. Randy Valenton, Parochial Vicar– [email protected] Tuesday/Martes, September 5 5:00-9:30pm CH Liturgy Training / Enviroment Fr. Russell J. Roide, SJ, Assistant Priest - [email protected] 6:30-9:00pm Rm.11 Jovenes Para Cristo - Coro Deacon Rick Haeckel, Deacon - [email protected] 7:00-9:00PM CR3-4 Knights of Columbus - Board Deacon Phil Flowers, Deacon - [email protected] 7:00-8:00pm LR Sweepstakes Committee Deacon Juan Aquino, Deacon - [email protected] 7:00-8:30pm Rm.10 Cub Scouts Pack 766 Sr. Silvia Frías, MESST Asociada Pastoral - [email protected] 7:00-9:00pm MC Spanish RCIC Session Rose Pucan-Meagor, Director of Family Faith Formation & 7:00-9:45pm Rm.8 Stephen Ministry Evangelization- [email protected] Wednesday/Miércoles, September 6 8:45-11:00am CR1-2 Women’s Group - Study Deepu Kochuparambil, Youth & Young Adult Ministry - 12:00-8:00pm NUR Rose/Fil-Am Choir [email protected] 5:00-6:00pm CH Childrens Choir Anna Quiñones, Director of Stewardship & Development - 6:30-7:30pm CH Hora Santa [email protected] 6:30-7:45pm Rm.8 Jesus to Mankind Prayer Group Fabienne Esparza, Principal - [email protected] 7:00-8:30pm LR Formación Ministros Ext. Diana-Lynn Inderhees, Liturgy Coordinator, [email protected] 7:00-9:00pm MC Catechist Training John Rinaldo, Business Manager, [email protected] 7:00-9:30pm CR3-4,Kit Italian American Meeting 7:00-9:00pm Rm.11 Jovenes Para Cristo - Coro 7:30-9:30pm CH Grupo de Oracion READINGS FOR THE WEEK Thursday/Jueves, September 7 First Reading — Warn the wicked, trying to 6:00-9:00pm CH Spanish Choir turn them from their ways (Ezekiel 33:7-9). 7:00-8:30pm LR,CR1-2 Liturgy Committee Meeting 7:00-8:30pm Rm.11 Grupo Amigos - Teen Leader Mtg. Psalm — If today you hear his voice, harden Friday/Viernes, September 8 not your hearts (Psalm 95). 9:30-11:00am CR1-2 Bible Study Second Reading — Owe nothing to anyone, 2:00-11:00pm CR1-4,Kit,Nur Jovenes Para Cristo Aniversario 7:00-9:00pm MC Grupo Amigos except mutual love (Romans 13:8-10). 7:00-9:00pm Rm.10 Reunion Ministros de la Eurcaristia Gospel — If two agree about anything for which Saturday/Sabado, September 9 they pray, it shall be granted to them (Matthew 9:00-10:30am MC,Rm.8,10,11 Spanish Faith Formation - Classes 18:15-20). 10:00-5:00pm CR1-4 Retiro - Quinceañeras The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. MC = Milani Center CR1-4= Parish Center Conference Rooms CH = Church Sci = Science Room LR = Living Room READINGS FOR THE COMING WEEK DC = Daycare PR = Presentation Center Nur. = Nursery Monday: 1 Thes 4:13-18; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 11-13; 8:15am Mass Intentions Lk 4:16-30, or, for Labor Day, any readings from the Mass “For the Monday, September 4 † David Williamson Blessing of Human Labor,” nos. 907-911 Loran & Tram Allen Tuesday: 1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Tuesday, September 5 † Thomas Thompson Lk 4:31-37 † Ken Steen Wednesday: Col 1:1-8; Ps 52:10-11; Lk 4:38-44 Wednesday, September 6 † Catherine Mross Thursday: Col 1:9-14; Ps 98:2-6; Lk 5:1-11 † Rose Marchese Thursday, September 7 † Bill Young Friday: Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Ps 13:6 Elaine Flores Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23] Friday, September 8 † Ramon Muñoz Saturday: Col 1:21-23; Ps 54:3-4, 6, 8; Lk 6:1-5 † Ramona Muñoz Sunday: Ez 33:7-9; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Rom 13:8-10; Saturday, September 9 † Maria Bañuelos Mt 18:15-20 † Eve Ramirez TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME FROM THE DESK OF FR. RUSS…… STEWARDSHIP IN SCRIPTURE capital and stands on what were the first Jesuit houses before the BY DEACON RICK HAECKEL Society of Jesus was expelled from South American in l767. Fr. Ar- We find two unusually strong phrases in today’s royo dedicated an altar to the Virgin “untier of knots’ and her image readings: “you duped me, O Lord” and “get behind me, was placed in a chapel on the left-hand side of the church. The image Satan.” Jeremiah admits that he allowed the Lord to was enthroned on December 8, 1996 and then Cardinal Bergoglio, the dupe him. He bears the taunts and derision that comes now Archbishop of Buenos Aires, elevated the parish of San Jose to from speaking God’s truth to an audience that scoffs the dignity of a shrine. Increasing numbers of the faithful come every and ignores his words. But, even in anguish at the month to greet this beautiful image asking Mary to protect their fami- reception he receives and after trying to avoid his call, lies. On the eighth day of every month, hundreds of pilgrims gather to he finds he cannot “hold it in.” He is impelled to speak celebrate the feast of Mary untier of knots, and each year of Decem- of the peoples need to repent and turn back to God. ber 8, there is a huge Mass outside to permit the many faithful to par- Jeremiah becomes the model that we are to embrace. ticipate in the Mass. We won’t necessarily have a platform like Jeremiah On December 8, 2011, Cardinal Bergoglio, now Pope Fran- had but we do have daily opportunities to example cis, celebrated Mass on the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of God’s call to those whom we contact.
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