Glacier National SIDELIGHTSWASHINGTON Nntionnl park system, Parkthis Is what we find; The Yellowstone contains more and greater geysers than all the rest of the Porto Rico Wants to Elect a Governor world together. •ASHINGTON. Porto Rico house committee on Insular affairs. Mou n t Itainler’s will have almost complete “Personally I think that the lalnnd will slngle-penk system control over Itu affairs If a in time become a state In the Union. with 28 living glaciers W bill now before the house Is They are not asking for Independence. has no equal. enacted. The bill would permit the They wunt to continue as purt of our Crater Lake occu- lslund territory to elect Its governor territory; so their desire for extension pies the hole left after in 1928. of self-government is not for the pur- an a large volcano had Governor Towner nnd leading men pose of becoming independent re- That is in their slipped back Into of Porto Rico appeared In Washington public. not minds. earth’s interior recently to argue In Its favor. They But as our states elect their govern- ors, so through Its own rim; Impressed congressional committees they ask to elect theirs. To grant it is the deepest and with the belief that the granting of their prayer will bind Porto bluest accessible lake more autonomy was Justified by con- Rico closer to us as a friendly neigh- In the world. ditions, and that it would lead to u bor. The Sequoia con- better feeling among the people of the “Education In Porto Rico has been tains more than a mil- island, who in 1917 became citizens of a difficult task. But let it be remem- lion “Big Trees,” 12,- the United States and enrolled 400,000 bered that in the last twenty years 000 of which are more men for the World war. Illiteracy has been reduced from 90 to 50 cent; that than 10 feet In diam- In 1917 the people were Intrusted per cent per now there eter; some are more the power to make their own are about 2,000 buildings for school with 200,000 than 30 feet In diam- laws, and the only evidence of Ameri- purposes, with ahout pupils en- nnd 3.000 teachers employed, eter and are the larg- can rule In the Island toduy is that the rolled living that the government spends est and oldest governor and the members of the Su- and annu- things of eurth. preme court are appointed by the ally $4,000,000, or about 37 per cent budget, educational Hawaii National President of the United States. of Its for purposes. Park contains the larg- “In sanitary progress Porto Rico “In my Judgment the Porto Ricans est living volcano In has made great strides. The total are entitled the proposed extension the world, Mau n a to mortality rate in 1898 wns 41 per 1,000. said Governor Loa; and Kllauea, of self-government,” This has been reduced to 18.G. Better continuously active Towner. He has presided over the conditions and better methods will un- for a century, with Its affairs of the Island for a year, and doubtedly result in still greater re- Lake of Fire, which before that he was chairman of the duction.” draws visitors from all the world. Mount McKinley Is The Smithsonian Institution Field Work world’s scenlcally the securing for exhibition in the museum mountain, HE Smithsonian institution at loftiest Washington has Issued an illus- a mountable skeleton of one of the since It rises more trated booklet describing the lurge sauropodous dinosaurs. than 20,000 feet above T The often fragile bones of these explorations and field work con- 17,000 sea level and ducted by members of Its staff or in gigantic extinct reptiles are found im- feet above its sur- co-operation with other organizations bedded In a thick sandstone of vari- rounding valleys. during 1923. Besides many localities able hardness that is tilted up at an con- Mesa Verde in the United States, the regions vis- angle of 00 degrees, nnd the work of tains the most not- ited include the Canadian Rockies, the quarrying them out without doing ir- and best pre- uble Yangtze valley, China ; several islands reparable damage is a slow and tedi- served prehistoric cliff of the We*t Indies; Panama and Cen- ous operation involving the skill of dwellings in the Unit- tral America; Labrador, and various both the stonecutter and the miner. ed States, If not in countries In Europe. The branches of The boxing nnd transportation of the this fall (1928). Also a contract has b*»«n let for the world. science represented Include geology, immense blocks of rocks inclosing the the east the construction of eight or nine miles, on Grand Canyon, paleontology, astrophysics, zoology, bones, the largest of which weighed of a bridge across side. Including the construction earth’s largest and most the St. Mary River, extending from St. Mary Chalet botany, anthropology and ethnology. 0,000 pounds. Involved the ardu- along the north shore of St. Mary Lake toward Go- noblest example of Secretary Charles D. Walcott con- ous labor. Over twenty-five tons of ins-to-the-Sun Chalet. With construction under erosion, gorgeously tinued his geological research In the material were safely transported, Divide, the By JOHN DICKINSON SHERMAN way on both sides of the Continental carved and colored, Is one of the natural wonders Canadian Rocky mountains, working from a good Transmountain Road can be pushed with more which it is certain that LACIER NATIONALPARK, up next speed to completion. of the world. especially on the pre-Devonian strata skeletal mount of diplodocus will be to the Canadian line in Montuna und Curiously enough, Mrs. Rinehnrt omitted mention Clearwater obtained measuring over eighty feet in And here is n glimpse into the future that prom- from the river southeast a public playground of the first of the one feature that, In the opinion of many, to the Bow valley and along the east- length, with a height of fourteen feet ises all kinds of things for Glacier: It will be i class, hud its most successful sea- does entitle Glacier to a place among the unique ern side of the Columbia river valley. at the hips. a Babb-International -1 son in 19*23 and will doubtless set o-jly short time before the national parks—its “Lewis Overthrust” and the Much new information wns obtained Mr. Gilmore also obtained Interest- Boundary Road Improved. This road runs f a new record this year. Glacier will Is gorgeous coloration of Its mountains. Zion Na- regarding the formations themselves ing evidence of the presence of dino- through the Blnckfeet Indian reservation adjoin- come to Its own in the matter of at- tional Park In Utah, Bryce Canyon In Utah, likely nnd large collections of fossils were saurs in Virginia, in the form of a ing east will connect with the tendance with the completion of Its Glacier on the and to be made the Utah National Park, and Grand shipped back Washington for study slab of red Triassic shale bearing the Canadian National parks highway system. The to Transmountain Road across the Con- Canyon probubly surpass Glacier In coloration, but purposes. Imprints of a three-toed dinosaur, National Park-to-I'nrk Highway, which connects tinental Divide, over Logan Pass, their colors ure down in the depths, while Gla- C. G. Gilmore of the National mu- taken from a farm near Aldie In Lou- all western parks. Is In full operation now In the third year of construction by the na- the national cier’s are flung up Into the sky. seum, conducted a very different piece doun county. This slab, now on ex- G and getting better every season. The Banff-Wln- Now, don’t be by Lewis Overthrust. park Already plan- hibition, tlonul service. the service is Rockies, scared the of excavating In the Dinosaur national shows that the animal had a ning present dermere Highway across the Canadian Here’s briefly what the geologists mean by the for substantial extensions to accom- with monument, Utah, for the purpose of stride of 50 inches. modations for visitors, which will then be neces- opened last year, makes direct connection term: The rock the center of the earth at Spokane, nearest sary. Says Stephen T. Mather, director of the the Nntlonal Park-to-Park Highway is called Archean and the geologists know very lit- national park service, in ids 1023 annual report to Wash. tle about It. The next oldest strata are the Algon- Boundary Motorists Should Reform Road Habits the secretary of the interior: With the Babb-Intemntlonal Road and kian, which were laid as an ocean bottom sedi- will of- N APPEAL to tourists to if each motor party leaves behind it a the Transmounialn Road completed, Glacier ment something like 80,000,000 years ago. It is re- In common with the majority of the other na- fer to tourists. Any car owner in frain from carelessness in road trail of ruin it will not be long before tional parka. Glacier experienced her most success- much nutomobile this Algonkiun group that are exposed In'Glacier; easily habits has been Issued by old-timers will be talking of the coun- ful season, enjoying more patronage than In any the United States or Canada can reach Gla- they displayed such nowhere In the world are In A to 33,988 or go Scenic Thomas P. Henry, president of tryside that used be. previous yenr, visitors having registered In cier, either to stay on.
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